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Raging Asexual
TaiyoTsuki is offline
Old 04-13-2019, 06:36 AM

Yeah...I probably would've been able to tolerate McDouchebag's more if it weren't for the horrible managers, dumb-ass coworkers, and general terrible work environment. Seriously, the amount of shoving-being-happy-with-the-job-down-the-throat and then promptly calling everyone stupid, treating them like they really don't have he brains of an earthworm, and being more concerned for the well-being of the equipment than the coworkers they're treating like garbage.

A couple customers even complained about that, becaue holy shit. When your workers are so miserable it's obvious to customers, it's bad. But damn, ya assholes if ya don't do something about it when it's pointed out to you. By the people you are obsessed with pleasing.

It had gotten so bad that I literally did not have the energy to do anything that I actually wanted to do after work and on my off days, all my brainpower was taken up by not breaking down, being in some kind of weird stress-survival mode, which just...shut down everything other than "don't have a psychotic break from work, badbabdbdbdbbbdjhjkhgfkjh".

And this was a part-time job that was doing this. Part. Time. I don't know how bad it would've been if I was cursed with full-time hours.