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Cinderella is offline
Old 04-26-2019, 12:32 PM

My mom's actually gone with me to a few movies when my one friend has already seen them before me, lol. She didn't really understand them in the context of the universe but I think she enjoyed them by themselves. I did kind of try to explain the universe to her but it was a lot to try and explain. 😛

Yay for avoiding spoilers! 😁
I really enjoyed Captain Marvel. I didn't know too much about the character going in but I definitely learned a lot about her through the film. She's so cool.

Yeah, I wanna know more about what happened pre-Thanos as well.
Is Venom part of the MCU? I looked it up and didn't really understand if that's the case or not, since I guess it was released by Sony but technically part of a MARVEL universe? I haven't seen that one but I remember hearing a lot of negative things about it.