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The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 04-29-2019, 01:20 PM

Yeah they had a lot of Easter eggs where they referred to something that happened in a previous film. The version I watched was from online and it was all blurry but I got the gist of things. I plan on rewatching it later, I just wanted to get it over with so I can stop avoiding spoilers everywhere.

I mostly meant the end part with Steve and Bucky, though after I wrote that part I remembered the part with Clint and Natasha which was another oof. I will forever laugh at the part where Steve said "Hail Hydra"

I need to watch Captain Marvel, there were a few parts where I didn't get with her in it so I want to catch up on what I'd missed...I'd completely forgotten to watch Captain Marvel before I watched Endgame.