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Inzanebraned is offline
Old 08-01-2019, 12:15 AM

Dazzlingdreamberry: Hi, Dazzy! It's so nice to see you!
I read about that tragic event that happened at the garlic festival. So sad!
There has been too many things like that happening lately!
There was a sighting of a bobcat in a residential neighborhood, here, captured by a porch camera. Very odd considering it was far from any creeks or direct pathways from the foothills!
Maybe you should invest in a walking stick, if you don't already have one, to take outside with you in case you encounter a coyote.
Where I live, there are numerous rabbits around the apartment complex...and there is a family of raccoons that visit by coming up the storm sewer...and I have seen a few coyotes in the parking lot, but they run scared when they see me.
I hope things are good with you, Dazzy!