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Shadow Panda
PWEEP is offline
Old 03-17-2023, 12:07 AM

I'm not exactly happy about how it happened, and it does seem more on me suddenly but I went through this before. The old lead operator - I'll call him D - like I said we've known each other awhile, D worked there first and helped me get a part time job there. Then, the old assistant operator quit, so D said I know her, I'll train her to be my assistant. Within three months of being a part time worker I was suddenly a full time assistant operator - which I've done for three years now.

So, I'm more competent at this job given the years of experience, but adjusting to the dynamic of being the actual lead instead of the second that I've been will take some getting used to. I know what to do, what needs to be done, but I'm not very good at delegating positions because that wasn't my job before this.

Thanks for letting me rant about it, nonetheless