Thread: My short storys
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.Pixie Dust.
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.Pixie Dust. is offline
Old 02-11-2008, 01:29 AM

Minutes passed, being ticked away with each drip patter patter on the tent roof. Dog like howling ripped around our tent with such furosity, it shook us like rag dolls. Lucy moved closer to me.
"We'll be alright," I said, thought not quite believing my own words.

Suddenly, there was a mighty [b]RIIIIP![/b] The wind pulled at our hair and torrents of rain saturated our once warm and dry clothes. The cursed wind had stolen our tent!

Quickly gathering what we could (and what wasn't stolen by the wind already), Lucy and I ran. Ran for cover. But where was there to go? We were up in the hills and it wouldn't take long for us to get completely lost in this dark, wet storm.

With a lightning flash, a cave was reveiled before us. Safety! If we could just get inside that cave, we would be safe and could happily (and dryly) wait out the storm.