Thread: My short storys
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.Pixie Dust.
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Old 02-11-2008, 01:55 AM

Lucy fell asleep within minutes, head on my knee, jacket draped over her shoulders. I must have drifted off too because when I woke, the sun was filtering through the rain clouds, birds were singing and the earth smelt wet and clean. But there was something else....Voices? PEOPLE! I pushed myself off the cool cave wall, gently moving Lucy's head to the side so I could stretch my aching legs. I flexed and used the cave wall to stand. Swiftly I walked to the mouth of the cave. "Here!" I croaked. "Over here!"

Within minutes, the cave in which Lucy and I had found shelter, was packed full with people. They were fussing over Lucy and giving me friendly claps on the back. All of which was warmed by the now steady fire and hot coffee in our hands. We were given dry blankets and dry clothes to change into. Just what we needed.

These people had been up for hours looking for us. Our own personal search party! They helped us back down the track we traveled yesterday with so much ambition and strength. Now we walked slowly with much assistance. At the end of the trail, an ambulance stood waiting for us. Ready to deal with any injuries we may have or, in the worst case, carry us to the morgue.

Lucy and I were diagnosed with acute hypothermia and had our few scrapes bandaged. I happened to overhear a member of our search party talking to one of the nurses who treated us.
"Lucky we saw the tent, aye? Blew right into old Brucy's farm, it did. That's ten kilometres from where we found 'em. Lucky that boy found that ol' cave, aye? Him and his sister would'a been blown for miles with the tent if they didn't move like jack rabbits."

I smiled. "We made it Luc," I said, giving her arm a friendly squeeze. "We really truely made it."