Thread: Connection
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Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:43 PM

Willow picked up the phone again, then put it back down.

"You know, it can't call her on its own," pointed out Xander.

"I'm just nervous! We left her alone, Xander. All of us did. And, yeah, there were reasons--but still! She could be dead, and it could be our fault."

"Or, she could be alive," Oz reminded her.

"Oh, who cares? Either way, Willow's obviously not going to call her." Cordelia stalked past them, picking up the phone. "Um, what's Buffy's number?"

"Here." Willow slid the paper across to Cordelia.

"Thank you." She started punching in numbers, then picked it up. Xander got off of the bed and went to stand by Willow and Oz. They all stared at Cordelia anxiously.

"It's ringing," she told them.

They waited for a few more moments. Then Cordelia started talking again. "Hi, Buffy! You're not dead?" Xander clapped a hand to his forehead and stared at the ceiling while Willow rolled her eyes. "Okay, good."

She listened to the phone again. "Really? I'm sorry. Wait--they do?" She started to frown. "Okay.... Okay, I'll tell them. Buffy--we were calling to see--do you want us to come home?"

She listened, then winced. They could all hear Buffy yelling at her. "Yes! I want you here, I need you here! But you can't! Angelus is back, and all the vamps are still around. I'm the only one left. Do not come back! It isn't safe! Stay there!"

Willow looked around at the vicious-looking humans outside the room, catching sight of a lawfirm name on a suitcase.

"It isn't safe here, either," she whispered.

Xander grabbed the phone from Cordy. "Rude much?" hissed the girl.

"Buffy, listen. There's some kind of evil lawyers here... They're trying to kill Willow for her powers or something. Some kind of ritual. Buffy, we can't stay here. We can go straight to your house during the day or something, but Buffy, we've got to go somewhere."

Buffy stared at the phone. How could they do this to her? Call her two months later.... And just want her to help them again? What made them think that she would? They were her friends, of course. So she would. She'd help Willow, and the rest of them. She couldn't..... She wouldn't lose anyone else.

"See you tomorrow," she said dully.

"Thank you. And, Buff?"

"What, Xander?"

"We missed you."

Buffy looked out the window again. This time she saw it. She'd looked out at least a dozen times since coming home from school, hoping to see the van in her driveway before nightfall.

It was almost sunset, she knew, so they'd cut it pretty close. Still, it was definitely Oz's van, and everyone else.

What was she supposed to say to them? Let's have a welcome back party for you, just like you had for me? Let me show you all the rooms we aren't using because vampires kidnapped the former residents?

She opened the door, watching Cordelia come out of the van. Xander was behind her. Willow got out of the front seat--the front passenger seat--and Oz was climbing down from the driver's seat. Oz went around to the back, passing out suitcases. They all picked up their own, walking down the driveway.

Willow stopped, in the lead, right outside of the open door. "Hi, Buffy," she said hesitantly. Buffy looked at them, not saying anything. Willow's reluctant smile faded, but then she dropped her luggage as Buffy gave her an impulsive hug. Xander joined in, hugging them both. Oz and Cordy stood back a little, not sure of their reception.

"I missed you guys, too."