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Roachi is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 03:01 AM

Yeah i can imagine the army taking the fun outta everything. Especially when the only thing you think about is your partner waiting for you back home! Your def right to enjoy it you have to be single and have no problems and be carefree. I mean cadets was awesome because all our friends were there enjoying it with us. It's not as if you can have that in the army aye dude? Yeh def PM me what happened!!
I'm glad that your sorting out where your heart and that lies. I was thinking about you today, saying to myself that you are really talented and really special, and one day your gonna be this great artist and those pieces you drew for me are gonna be worth heaps xD Lol. =] Hey i can be optimistic for you =].

Yeh totally bummer on the laptop! I wanted to keep it but because Zane bought it, it was his decision. Basically, it cost $250.00 for the laptop & $70.00 for the hard drive. And we sold it for $400.00 so we got our money back and a little on top. But that wasn't the point, you expect honesty from people that you care about and are close to your family. I just couldn't believe it aye?! Then again, Zane did his whole sound system for him and he was meant to do some shit for Zane but never ended up doing it. So i kinda can see how this could happen.

Oh yeh i get it dude lol, sounds good! You know i just love art aye, theres this shop in Botany Town centre here in Auckland, and there was this beautiful piece. I mean millions of people have drawn the same kinda piece, but this captured me with it's colours, it was like a moon in the sky glistening over water but it was like this weird kinda blue and purple. I was like whoa! I so wanted that, but it was like $500.00! It reminded me of the way Dylan draws. He's so talented dude, i don't know why he's wasting his talents on being a cop! Hey dude did you get those pics i sent you of Dylans art that time?

Eh i start course tomorrow!