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Nivvy is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 04:00 AM

Ohhh you start a course!!! Is it the early childhood course? I am so stoked you got on to that! I was so meant to ask you how it went xD;; Ohhh, i can't wait to hear how the course goes for you. So this is a new semester intake for you? Ohh i am glad that at least the money was made up, and then some. But yeah. What a stink guy. So was he considered family to you, or Zane??

So for your course, are you going to be on the student allowance, with Studylink? And is it full time? And how long does it go for? LOL talk about 21 questions..

and to answer your question about the wireless net. Nah, dad has his laptop inside - he uses the wireless modem, and we have a network cable plugged in, that runs from the house, to another modem out here that we run the main PC from. We use a cable for the laptop. Although the laptop picks up the wireless modem from inside, i don't know why Joe insists on using the cable. It's not much of a hassle really. It's the internet i guess, and that's all we really need. Netbrowsing in bed. Lmao.

Thanks for the optimism dude! I will so need it xD I just don't see how i am going to fit in with these artists here, they're all older than me, they all talk down to me. I hate it. I was talking to a friend at tech about it, she's really good artist - but she is very mainstream. I was saying how i hate this attitude that people who teach art, are better than artists. Because at the art thing, i had one teacher ask me what i specialize in... Which is okay, but i told her - i don't know yet, because i love everything i get my hands on... She gave me this funny look...

Like something was wrong with me, she just would not accept that i am happy doing everything. So after i told her i didn't have one yet, she asked again, as if to say... well you should have something. Answer me properly... I was like... Wtf?? I explained all that to my classmate, and she had the same outlook on it. She was like... Well people just want to label you as an artist. So again, i said i don't want to stunt my own career, by sticking to one medium, and that it's boxing yourself in - basically once somebody has seen one piece of yours, they expect the rest to be of the same vein. She stopped listening.

I was glad when our tutor said - Many artists do not specialize, and it is perfectly normal. They simply say they're visual artists. So that's what i am going to answer people with in the future. Sooo peeved that my fellow classmate would say that... I am sure she didn't mean it to offend me. But it just cut really deep in to a nerve. Lols. Stupid crap >.<

Hmm, no i don't think we got around to Dylan's art. I remember talking about it on MSN that one time, but it would be nice to see them for sure! So he is actually a copper now? that kinda sucks, but i guess he will have more stability. Even though on a level of fulfillment, he'd probably be more successful doing what his passion is. I have a cop friend up in Auckland, she sounds like she isn't enjoying it, because of some of the gruesome things she sees. She was telling me about this suicide she went to recently, where a chick covered herself in petrol, and burnt herself up in her garage.

She reckons it'll scar her for life. In fact most of it will. Lols... You gotta be one tough cookie to deal with those sorts of scenes day in and day out.