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Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 12-18-2008, 07:24 PM

I'm thinking this one will be about a girl who discovers her cat can talk. If someone comes up with a better idea, we can start on that and scrap this one...
It can be as serious or as funny as you want. You can put anywhere from one to ten sentences. Please be at least semi-literate. If you feel you need more PM me, please. I'll start.

Honey stretched on Catelynn's stomach and kneaded her chest.
"Honey, get off." Catelynn pushed the insistant cat to the floor, then rose to get dressed.
She picked out a blue tee with a red flower on it. Honey curled around her feet, mewing for attention.
"All right, you silly cat." She petted her, Honey's purrs reverberating through her chest.