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Trinitydoll is offline
Old 05-29-2007, 02:48 AM

Only God could make an organ of taste. By the tongue, you can tell whether the substance you place in the mouth is strawberry or pumpkin pie -- whether it is potatoes or plums. The taste remains the same all through life, and in every part of the world. Strawberries and watermelons never taste like apples. What a mess we would be in if vegetables, fruits, grains and meats should change their taste every year, or should taste differently in different parts of the world. Only God can preserve this condition, and only a living, personal God who loves us could or would have given us an organ of taste which could differentiate the different kinds of food.

The farmer should bow his head in thanksgiving because he does not need to plant all of his seeds right side up. What a job he would have placing each grain in the ground in the proper position. He never would get the job done, nor could he hire enough people to do it in a satisfactory manner. The living Lord has placed in each seed that peculiar thing which we call "Nature," so that the seed never gets confused about directions, but always "comes up." Who ever heard of a seed growing in the wrong direction? All seeds of every kind may be placed in the ground in any position and they will certainly find their way up to the light. If God should fail to do this, just once, in any one season, what a catastrophe it would be for the world.