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Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 03-24-2007, 05:48 AM

I love this book, and everything about it! You can pretty much tell by my name if you know of it. Anyway, on pretty much every forum I've been on there has been either one person or none at all that knows about this novel by Baroness Orczy.

It's the one that launched many stories about a "masked avenger," with romance, intrigue, and adventure--even becoming a couple of movies and Broadway play even! So I hope I can find more fans besides myself and if there are any fans then I'll more than likely start an RP thread on this site about it.

I <3 Douglas Sills : ) Broadway Scarlet Pimpernel

Lachesia is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 03:59 AM

Well, I'm required to post, then, aren't I? XD Ah, the Scarlet Pimpernel. First character that I've ever read about to use the "Hi, I'm Clark Kent" routine to cover up his derring do, and the first to do it so well. Still a great read, even almost a century later. I do keep rereading it every few years or so. Such a great little book. Percy's my hero. ^_^

The old forties movie version is quite good, but they speak fast and it's sometimes difficult to understand them. The film quality isn't great, either, but hey, it's the 40's. At least they kept fairly close to the plot.

There was another version made in the 80's with Jane Seymour, which evidently incorporated another plot sequence from one Orczy's books. It's a book I couldn't manage to find at all, which is sad, as it deals with the young French king getting smuggled out of the country. In any event, the re-done version is almost as good, and has a bit more chase scenes and derring do, but does keep to the spirit of the original Pimpernel.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 03-25-2007, 04:11 AM

LOL Yes I definitely love the 1982 Jane Seymour/Anthony Andrews movie. You can't find the book "Eldorado" either? It's almost nonexistent and I'll have to try finding it at the library!

Definitely have to buy the other two movies though. How is that 1940s movie? I really wanna see it. Have you seen the Broadway showing of it? I haven't...too bad it's been over for years. Lots of people I know said that the novel was boring. When I first bought the book, I had to agree. However lately when I watched the movie more often and got into the play when I just did research about it, I found myself back at the book and reading it more and more. I just *loved* it!

Lachesia is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 04:14 AM

I haven't seen the Broadway version of it...I don't know that I knew there was one!

The 40's version is pretty close to the book, but it's definitely a 40's movie. They talk fast, hard to understand, and it's black and white with a grainy picture. It's worth renting, if you love the story,'s not the end all be all of films. XD

Eldorado, that's what it was! Yeah, my library doesn't have it, and it's been out of print for a very long time.

I think the novel might be...well, difficult to approach for some people. It's not really written with current language, it takes some getting used to. One of my very favorite books is "The Count of Monte Christo", unabridged, but as he wrote it in the 1800's it's very difficult to read. The writing style was so different then. I can see why people don't like it, but it's worth trying. Or, hell, at least renting the movie.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 03-25-2007, 04:18 AM

True, the language does take time to get used to and to understand. I didn't know Eldorado was out of print! Well guess what we just both learned about something today, lol :) There is a site about the Broadway SP though yeaaah I spent the last few months checking it out and it's really cool. The music is just divine and I don't go a day without listening to it. (three soundtracks are out that I know of...)

aoikirin is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by Lachesia
I haven't seen the Broadway version of it...I don't know that I knew there was one!
:) The musical is what actually got me looking for the novel. I have yet to read any of her sequels to The Scarlet Pimpernel, but I can't wait until I do!

Originally Posted by Lachesia
Well, I'm required to post, then, aren't I? XD Ah, the Scarlet Pimpernel. First character that I've ever read about to use the "Hi, I'm Clark Kent" routine to cover up his derring do, and the first to do it so well.
There was another version made in the 80's with Jane Seymour, which evidently incorporated another plot sequence from one Orczy's books.
*grins* I love that analogy! *laughs* Although now, I may start picturing Christopher Reeve as Percy.

Ah, I really wanted to find that 80s version with Seymour, I've seen so many pictures of the movie that I just *need* to see it.

Lachesia is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 03:29 PM

Netflix has it, if your local movie store doesn't! I don't mean to push Netflix, but it's truly the best thing I've found for random movies. They've got a great selection of stuff.

Oh, it's totally true! "I'm just a silly, foolish, foppish man, pay no attention to the wizard behind the curtain!" XD The fact he can fool his own wife so completely as well makes him such a great subversive character.

I never did buy the fact that putting on glasses made everyone completely ignore the fact that Clark Kent was Superman. I mean, really. At least no one really knew what the Pimpernel looked like. Percy was smart enough to be the master of disguises, not run around in his tight bright colored suit and expect that people would just buy the eyeglasses routine. XD

I will have to stalk my local theaters, then, and hope that a traveling Pimpernel show comes here. Or have they televised the musical yet? That would be great! *runs to Netflix to see*

Edit: *foams* They don't have a televised musical available, sadly, but they DO have an A&E three disc miniseries. MUST RENT NOWWW. *puts on queue* Or, you know, as soon as I'm done with the other series I'm currently watching.

Oh, and the first movie was evidently made in 1934, not 1940's. That explains the amateur quality of it. It was made in the days when movies were still babies! ^_^

Sammi is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 05:11 PM

I loved the book and loved the movie even more. :D I saw the one that was made in the 80s for TV (with Jane Seymour in it) in World History the other week. Completely different ending but still good!

"They seek him here, they seek him there. Those Frenchies seek him everywhere! Is he in heaven, or is he in hell? That dimmed, elusive Pimpernel."

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 03-25-2007, 06:24 PM

I wish they had a televised musical, but yeah also at they have a listing of who's playing Pimpernel at your local theater! Unfortunately the one nearest to me is three hours away.

However, if you have BitLord or a torrent downloader, you can go to and search for a recording of the musical (however it's in bad quality but I still have it!) if you want to see it.

I still have yet to buy the other movies, and may do it today. But yaaaay more people who know about SP!! I'm sooo happy. I'm not signed up for Netflix yet, I just ordered my 1982 DVD at Barnes & Noble (the one in my hometown has a media section so I went there). Yes, I'm amazed Percy fooled his wife. I love that about him, especially in the movie where Jane Seymour is touching Anthony Andrews' hand and he's just smiling at her while her face is in awe. The scene, of course, is written many ways from the movies, to the play, and the book itself but I don't know. Silly as I am, I just found it heartfelt.

Haha, Clark Kent with just glasses on. I don't know how that seems to change people's perceptions of each other but it works! But Clark Kent as Percy, I can't remember what he looks like but it'd be fun to visualize! Anyone wanna run a Photoshop on that or something?

Three-disc miniseries!? WHERE?? I must find this!

@aoikirin - Which version of the musical did you see (if you saw it?) and who's your favorite actor/actress from it?

aoikirin is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by Marguerite Blakeney
However, if you have BitLord or a torrent downloader, you can go to and search for a recording of the musical (however it's in bad quality but I still have it!) if you want to see it.


@aoikirin - Which version of the musical did you see (if you saw it?) and who's your favorite actor/actress from it?
^_^ It's that bad quality torrent that's floating around. *giggles*
Although, long before I got to watch it, my online friends have been feeding me SP musical songs.

Lachesia is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by Marguerite Blakeney
Three-disc miniseries!? WHERE?? I must find this!
Oh, god, no, not Clark Kent as Percy Blakeney! How frightening! XD Just the whole thing where Percy's better at faking being a different person than Clark is.

As for the A&E Miniseries, it's here.
I presume it's at the Barnes and Noble as well, if you really feel like shelling out moneh for it. It might also be available through the library, I've found quite a few DVD's at my library. The reviews were lukewarm, but I don't care, I'm watching it anyway.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 03-26-2007, 03:11 AM

@aoikirin: Yes I know it's a bad quality but I love it anyway!!
@lachesia: Just you watch, one day I'm going to buy those DVDs and the final CD that I want all at once and I'm going to walk out and people are going to be staring XD The only video of SP I found in the library was the Jane Seymour/Anthony Andrews one.

Noir Kalenthiel
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Old 03-28-2007, 12:54 AM

I have never read the book, which is surprising... I will have to go and find it, but I did see the movie. It is among one of my mother's and my own favorites. Percy is a very... well I don't want to say unique, but in a way he is. Most cover ups don't involve the cover up being an utter fop. *laughs* But it has an excellent story to it. And even the romance part is excellent, especially considering I usually dislike romance. It tends to get dull and over done.

Atkascha is offline
Old 03-31-2007, 02:06 AM

I saw the Broadway show a while back when it was traveling through town and really enjoyed it a lot. I read the book afterwards and didn't enjoy it as much, probably because the show was more humorous than the book was. Though that's not to say that I didn't like the book; I just preferred the show. The story being told is a very enjoyable one and quite entertaining. :)

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:38 AM

Atkascha - Which version of SP were you watching 1, 2, 3, or 4? Oh wait, traveling..that's either 3 or 4. So who was the main cast?? Oh man you're so lucky you got to see the play...that was AGES ago! The show does seem much more better because you get to see things visually, however it is also different from the original book (without straying from the original storyline of course). It was a bit difficult to get through the book but hey I got through it and I really want to read it again!

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Old 08-22-2007, 08:24 PM

I had to read that in 6th grade.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 09-10-2007, 05:44 AM

Really? I didn't read it till Junior Year of high school...Did you like it?

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 09-14-2007, 02:53 PM

I loved it.... I found it in 10th grade and finally got a copy a few weeks ago. Do you know of anywhere that carries her other books, though?

I've never seen the movies--or the Broadway production. I assumed that there were some, but I've never found them. (To be fair, I hadn't looked.... I didn't want to be disappointed, as most book-to-movie films usually make me.)

indigoat is offline
Old 09-15-2007, 03:09 AM

  • I love The Scarlet Pimpernel, I just wish I knew where my copy of it was... It's one of my favourites and has been since elementary school.

    I have a book The Pink Carnation that I haven't read yet which looks to be a cute story about a woman researching a female resistance fighter. Very interesting. x3

Masquerade is offline
Old 09-15-2007, 08:32 AM

I have got to reread this book. I read it in high school and I can distinctly remember thinking it was boring and badly written. I can especially remember HATING the character of Marguerite.

The BBC movies came out when I was in high school and I refused to watch them until I was halfway done with college. I love the movies - love the wit and hilarity of Percy - so at some point I need to go back and reread the book to see if all those negative opinions were justified or not.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 09-27-2007, 06:17 AM

  • I was the same, haha! It started out slow and I hated Marguerite as well! But after watching the 1982 movie version I was like "heeeeey this is cool" so then I started rereading it again, and when I was still disinterested, I got into the Broadway musical soundtracks...THEN I finally read it and fell in love with the novel!

    As for whoever has the rest of Baroness Orczy's books...well...they might be out of print and/or just really rare to find. Go to or Ebay...there are always listings!

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Old 09-27-2007, 03:20 PM

Ehh, you've reawakened the Broadway nerd in me x'3 *shakes finger*

I fell for the musical (especially the smexy Terrence Mann's Chauvelin!) a few years ago. Then i read the book and was pleasantly surprised. And then, that ancient movie. I need to watch that again, because i can't remember a darn thing about it x'3 And read the book...

Aaahhh, i'm supposed to be focusing on my studies!

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Old 10-11-2007, 10:39 AM

I love the Scarlet Pimpernel. I've yet to see the mini-series but I can't wait to get my paws on it.
I've got the movie with Jane Seymour and Ian McKellen.
I love Ian as Chauvelin. I've also got the older B&W version with Leslie Howard. I had problems at first picturing the actor who played Ashley in Gone with the Wind as Percy but he's very good actually.
I wish they'd had us read the Scarlet Pimpernel in HS instead of the Scarlet Letter and Death of a Salesman. I'd much rather read a good swashbuckler.


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