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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-16-2011, 04:13 AM

Name: Tauna Taylor
Age: She never reveals it to many except to say mid-teens.
Grade: Sophomore
Bio: Tauna was born into a small family of three. Her mother passed away when she was only 6 years old and beginning school. Her older brother was going to an all boys school out of town so she didn't see him much at all. Her father took a lot of business trips all over the place. So it was easier to say she hadn't seen either of them in a long time. And with her in a boarding school, they could say the same thing. She still had a home to go to during the holidays, but in her condition she didn't like to move too much. Some time ago she was diagnosed with an almost incurable illness and knew she wouldn't make it. Not with her frail body. So there she stayed, doomed.

It was a very rainy afternoon by the time Tauna woke up and attempted to get herself out of bed. She loved the rain, just not at this time. She had another one of her headaches that just wouldn't go away no matter how many times she rubbed her temples. She'd been getting them quite recently and she had no idea why. The nurse never told her she was ill with something after she was diagnosed. Probably out of worry.

Last edited by Sakiko123; 04-16-2011 at 04:17 AM..

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 02:10 AM

Name: Cane
Age: ...Old.
Grade: Was a junior.
Bio: Cane remembered little of life before, well... death. He had wandered the halls of buildings in this city for ages now. The only thing he really remembered about himself was that he was called Cane. He couldn't remember if it was his name or a nickname. He just knew somehow that it was what he was called. That seemed very important to him.

Appearence: Cane was a tall boy with short dark hair. He had had striking blue eyes, and pale skin, with a few freckles sprinkled across his face. He wore the uniform of the school he had gone to, though he couldn't remember what it was called now. As a Ghost, to most people he would only appear as a shadowy figure, though some people could still see his eyes shining through his misty form. And those near death... they could see him quite clearly.

Cane stood looking straight up through the rain. He focused and could almost feel the drops on his skin. He could still smell the ozone in the air, and the moisture. He opened his eyes, and felt everything around him. The world was echoing with the rain. Everything had a sound in the natural symphony of it all. He breathed in an unnecessary breath, and floated up, higher and higher, until he came to a window. He looked inside. A girl on a bed. She seemed tired, as if something was draining her. He cocked his head, and floated right up to the window. He sighed. He wondered if she was sick. He didn't get sick anymore. He thought that was one of the few interesting and good things about being what he was. He hung there for a while in mid air.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 02:46 AM

By that time Tauna was feeling more pain as she lay on her stomach now, head buried in her pillow hoping that would help soothe the pain. No go... She lay on her side then in a ball on her bed as by this time her stomach felt nauseous or something. She was probably just hungry having not eaten much the last few days. Could explain the headache, too. Once she did eat something, however, it would come right back up again. Sometimes from the other end... It was horrible and annoying. She was told she might only have a week or so to live and had been confined to her room. And yet she still got dressed in her uniform each morning hoping she'd be well enough for school... She noticed nothing nearby either...

Last edited by Sakiko123; 04-20-2011 at 02:50 AM..

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 02:56 AM

Cane floated by the window for a time. He stopped here every day now. The girl never seemed to leave, and it puzzled him. He was not sure why she would stay in this room all the time. There was nothing interesting or special about the room. He floated through the window, and looked around. Nothing different. He was growing more confused with each visit. He thought of asking the girl, but that would be difficult. She was alive. They usually didn't notice him. He noticed her on her bed. She was in pain. He wished that he could help, but for lack of anything better to do for her, he sort of hovered next to the bed. He thought in some small way it might comfort her.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-20-2011, 03:14 AM

Tauna just lay there and soon slowly released the grip of her right arm on her right knee after laying in the similar position as an unborn baby for a while. Somehow she felt better, not knowing why. Had the week gone by quickly and she hadn't noticed it? Or was something nearby... "You... Are you the reaper? Have you come to take me away?" Tauna saw nothing as she lay there, unable to open her eyes and keep them open now, being so weak by that time. She'd probably have a hard time seeing anything anyway. Blurry vision she thought... Maybe... The thought scared her anyway.

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 02:06 AM

"I don't know that there is a reaper, child." Cane was very sad at what he was seeing, but he didn't know why. Most humans just passed when death came. No pretty lights, no man in a cloak. Cane sat there, and waited, just waited.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 03:30 AM

"No reaper, huh? Maybe that's a good sign... I may not recover, but I also won't be forced to leave by his side if there was one... Though, there's also a longtime rumour that's been passed down... The dead get forced into darkness with no hope of returning as earth-bounds. No light to guide them..." That's all she knew of. Tauna was going to say something else when a school nurse knocked on her door and came in wearing a "space suit". It seemed as though the room had been quarantined for some reason. Unless it was poisoned... But that couldn't be right. She was diagnosed with something... Something serious it seemed. Probationary maybe... She didn't know.

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 07:30 PM

Cane was surprised. Did she? But they can't. She can't. "Can... Can you hear me?" Cane was shocked out of his ghostly mind at the moment. No one had ever so much as sneezed at his presence before. How could this girl...? Maybe it had something to do with her condition. Cane didn't know. No one had really been there to explain the rules to him or anything. He had had to figure everything out for himself. Becoming corporeal to move objects. Moving by sheer will. No reacting when people walked right through him. All of this had to be learned. What would come of it? He thought. He might never have a chance to tell anyone, and eventually he'd fade or something right? He didn't know.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-22-2011, 04:01 AM

All Tauna could do was nod as she heard another person in the room with her besides him. She'd been able to hear spirits when they spoke since she could remember, but this was the first time she was able to really talk to one. All the others she'd heard were either muffled or there were too many voices to tell apart from one another. Now that she had the chance to really talk to one without strain, she was kind of happy. Even though she'd be gone soon... The fact that she could no longer open her eyes at that moment was probably proof enough. Unless it was just a phase...

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-22-2011, 04:10 AM

Cane was helpless to do anything for the poor girl. At least it would be over for her soon. Bright light, angels, whatever. None of that had shown up for him, but he thought he must be the odd man out. Good people must get a good end, he thought.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-22-2011, 04:24 AM

It wasn't long after the one in the suit had left the room when the machine attached to Tauna started making noise. Slow, steady beeping noises at first followed by the whine of the alarm with a straight line. Nurses rushed in and used the nearby defibrillator paddles trying to revive the girl from what happened, but to no avail... They knew it would happen sooner or later. Had to be sooner...
Tauna, in the meantime with no one able to see her, was standing in the darkest corner of her dorm room, not wanting to look at her lifeless body as tears flowed down her face. She hoped it wouldn't happen that soon, but the doctors had said a week or so if she was lucky... It was probably just her time. She was so upset she didn't look around for anything. A reaper, the guiding light, any suspicious shadow... Not that there was either of them anyway.

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-23-2011, 02:38 AM

"You really shouldn't watch. Nothing interesting anyway." Cane was standing next to the girl. He turned and looked at her with his ever blank countenance. He didn't show emotion. He hadn't needed to in recent history. "Why o we always appear in a corner? I've never understood it."

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-23-2011, 03:07 AM

"Maybe to get away from what we don't want to see, like you said... The corner is probably the best place to be in this situation, being so far away from the scene. It's really horrible how lives are lived so short when one is ill with an incurable disease or two..." Tauna figured she might have had more than one. Even just a small part of it. Despite never been told what she had, Tauna had looked up her symptoms on the internet during the days she was well enough to move and may have figured out what she had, but never told anyone. "Happens at least once in this school where someone dies, but you probably knew that... I'm guessing it happened to you as well long ago..." She looked at the ghost next to her and figured that out from the clothes he was wearing. One of the old uniforms from all the local area schools only seen in old yearbooks and photos.

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-23-2011, 04:15 AM

"I heard that rumor from people while I was... well eavesdropping isn't really the right word." Cane paused and thought for a moment. "Regardless it's actually blown a bit out of proportion. I died. Someone died the next year, and the rumor started. After that anyone who transferred, moved, or dropped out had "died." It's kinda funny actually." He seemed to crack a small smile although he was most likely unaware of it.

Suddenly it appeared as though something had dawned on him, and he looked up. "Wait... you can see and hear me right?" He turned and faced her. "I... well that's never happened before." He leaned in as though he were examining the girl next to him. "What's your name?"

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-23-2011, 04:49 PM

"That probably explains something then. I was one of those who transferred here. Must have gotten ill right after that but it wasn't noticed till recently. I only heard of the rumour from eavesdropping myself from other students. I wasn't here when the last one went so I didn't hear the rumour right away."

She paused for a second as she faced the guy. Somehow her short noticed wish or dream came true even if it had to happen the way it did. At least she wasn't suffering anymore. "I thought all spirits could see one another no matter what. Even for just a split second before going who knew where..." Another pause with a slight urge. "Unless you mean from before..." Before she ended up as an earthbound. "Anyway, my name's Tauna Taylor."

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-24-2011, 01:24 AM

"Some of us, can see some of us." Cane said with a hint of oddity to his tone. "I've never seen another, and I've been mostly alone for a long time." He sighed, and stood straight again "Right well... what do you want to do now?" He asked as if they had just finished watching a boring movie.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-24-2011, 02:53 AM

"I could hear earthbound spirits since I could remember, but couldn't see them very well. Just that hazy appearance that most everyone say they could see." Tauna paused for a second wondering about why that was... Why no other spirits stayed. "I wonder if it's one of those selective spirits times... Where someone keeps a spirit on the earth on purpose while the others who aren't worthy are sent below or something..." It was just a theory. When she was alive and more active a month ago including farther back, she'd say those weird logical, sometimes not true, theories all the time. "What do you do most of the time?"

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 01:14 AM

"...I...Well this will sound weird, but I watch people." Cane looked as if he hadn't realized this himself. "There's not a lot to do when you can't touch things, which at first... you can't. After a bit you'll get the hang of it, but for now you're non-corporal." Cane looked as if something had just occurred to him. "Uh, non-corporeal means you can't touch... things." He then cocked his head as if he was wondering something. "Hm..." He held out his hand to the girl."

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 03:40 AM

"Watch people? Is it fun? Usually they're really boring, just sitting in class as if they're zombies... School rules must be obeyed or bad things happen here..." She never had anything bad happen to her, being the good girl she was. She'd prefer to avoid that and always reviewed the rules just in case. "I've heard of that non-corporal thing. Well read about it. Thought I saw something in my bedroom move once, though... Could have been delusional by that time though..." As if being moved automatically by something, Tauna held out her own hand and took his, not knowing what he was thinking about despite being curious. "What's on your mind?"

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 06:17 PM

"Interesting." Said Cane. "Aparently we can touch." He was looking down at their hands like a technician stares at a circuit board, or a chemist stares at his beakers. He looked up, and then suddenly a smile broke across his face. He quickly wrapped his arms around the girl, laughing all the while. Suddenly he stopped, and pulled away. "Um... er... sorry about that." He looked down, a bit ashamed.

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 06:35 PM

Tauna despite being a ghost now still had the ability to blush and thus it happened. The slight blush remained after being released from the somewhat awkward greeting hug she figured, being naive. Though in the back of her mind she somehow knew what he was thinking just prior to that.
"I was wondering that myself... Spirits may not be able to touch or move solid objects right away, but it seems as long as they're with others of their kind, they can still do the same things they could while they were still living... Though... We seem to the be the only spirits here..." She looked around to see if she could see any others despite lacking that ability. "Think there could be others?"

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 06:40 PM

"I'm pretty sure I'm the only other ghost on campus, but... I've never left. Not sure I can actually. Never tried, and some people say ghosts can't leave the place they died. Others say you'll disappear if you try. Either way no point right?"

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 06:52 PM

"I suppose not..." She paused and wondered about that. There could be a way... "I also heard people continue wear what they passed away in, unable to change out of whatever it is. Guess I'm all ready for school." She looked down at her uniform and had to giggle a bit even though she knew she'd never attend school again. At least not where anyone could see her. As long as she had to stay there she might as well stay in uniform. "I'm assuming the same thing happened to you, too. Though... I don't recognize that uniform..." She looked up and down slowly with her left hand folded at the fingers under her left cheek. Her thinking face.

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 06:55 PM

"Well... we can remove them, but the dissipate... I'm not entirely sure how to make them come back, or if it's possible. Someone in the library said that you can be wearing anything you want, and appear any way you want. I've never tried though, so I'm not sure that's entirely accurate.'

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Sakiko123 is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 07:08 PM

"I'd rather leave mine on... For now anyway..." The thought of them dissolving embarrassed her. "Could be interesting to try that theory, though... Someday. Saw something like that happen in an old movie one time. The ghosts could change clothes whenever they wanted just by thinking about what they wanted to wear... Though reading, hearing or watching about something that simple might not be possible after all..."


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