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Inverse Sonata
Inverse Sonata is offline
Old 12-13-2008, 10:46 PM

Here, I will post my take on events or thoughts from my day.
Some may be humorous, other serious. Feel free to comment.

The Lie Behind the Queen

Once upon a time ago, there lived a young queen.
She wasn't the prettiest queen ever, but she was fair and just, and would defend the kingdom if necessary.
Her evil distant cousin, however, wanted the throne for herself, and slowly polluted several key nobles to her side.
The Wicked Wench marched up to the Queen's throne, and gave her a proposition.
The girl would stay as queen, but the kingdom would be under her evil rule.
Meekly, the young queen agrees, valuing her life.
The Puppet Queen now sits on her Puppet Throne, looking as sad as sad can be.
She has all the riches of her title, but no more the power, the ability to help.
No longer a Queen to rule.

~A/N~ My take on a friend's chair-placement (band) plight. She's the puppet queen in my short.

Inverse Sonata
Inverse Sonata is offline
Old 12-17-2008, 01:48 AM

~Twilight Terror~

"Ohmistars, ohmistars, no no no!" A girl shreaks, turning away from the television.
"Oh, my God, her head got cut off!" The girl's friend squeals, as they watch in horror.
The four friends were watching Final Destination II, waiting for supper to come.
The horrific scenes fade, the drama back.
Six o'clock rolls around, the call time for the Jaguar Pride marching band to assemble in the hotel lobby for supper.
Two of the girls, Shelby and Vicky, take the stairs, whilst the other two, Jenny and Nancy, take the elevator.
The latter group talked nervously about the movie they just saw.
Nancy had never seen it before, and was spooked, as was Jennifer, who got scared easily.
They enter the empty elevator, talking nervously about the decapitation scene from the movie.
The elevator's voice states the arrival floor, the Lobby.
The terrified girls, however, hear differently.
"Did it just say 'going to die'? Because, that's what I heard." Jenny squeals.
"I-I think so, maybe..." Nancy replies.
"Oh Goddess, we're going to die!" The blonde continues.
Just then, the elevator doors open, and both girls bolt out, turning down the short elevators hall.
Their roommates catch up to them, laughing at their terror.
"What was that all about?" Shelby asks, laughing.
"The elevator said we were going to die." Nancy says, earnestly.
They all laugh, two nervously from their brush with death, their friends from their terrified reaction over nothing.

~A/N~ True story, different names, of course.
My friends and I were waiting for supper at a overnight band competition trip, and we were watching Final Destination II on the t.v.
Just because I've always been afraid of elevators, doesn't mean it didn't say that!

Inverse Sonata
Inverse Sonata is offline
Old 12-27-2008, 06:26 PM

~Just A Nightmare Before Christmas~

'tis Christmas eve, and all throught the house,
Not a soul is stirring, save for a mouse.
Oh, what's this, a young voice murmering,
Hm, what about?

A nightmare, it is, and on Christmas Eve!
All visions of sugar plums, teddy bears, toys,
run from the demons, rushing to leave.
The dark-clad figures, their leader, a boy,
grabs the dreaming girl, making her cry.

A princess for the prince, says he to she,
That is, if you shall marry me.
My mum, my da, what about them?
What about Christmas?
If I said yes, what then?

The demon-boy sighs, a sad little sound.
His love didn't love him, not even with everyone around!
I'm sorry, Prince of the Night, the girl pipes up.
But, this Lady of Light, doesn't want to grow-up.

The girl bolts awake, breathing hard.
What a dream, a fright!
Sighing, she lays back down.
And from the shadows, a smile turns from frown.
He'd wait for her, he decides.
She loved him, besides.

A/N: Don't ask, I'm not really sure.
I think it was because of the Manheim Steamroller special on t.v.

Inverse Sonata
Inverse Sonata is offline
Old 12-29-2008, 02:06 AM

~Don't Wake Me Now~

Dear Diary,

Last night I saw him again.
The guy from my dreams, the one whose face I never remember.
He spoke to me, asked me to dance with him.
He called me by a special name, 'Song-Weaver'.
There was always a song, floating around us as we talked, as we danced.
I can never remember how it goes, though.
I want to see him again, soon.

~ Sara

(Half a year later)

Dear Diary,

I know I haven't been writing in awhile.
I'm terribly sorry about that, I've been in the hospital.
My mom couldn't get me to wake up, I was in a coma.
I'm back now, though, safe and sound.
I know the guy's name now.
His name is Moon-Dreamer, and he's some supernatural spirit-being.
He took me on an adventure, to help him save his kingdom.
That's why I was in a coma.
Reality corrects for things.

~ Sara

(Half a Year Later)

Dear Diary,

Moon-Dreamer's world is dying.
He says that I could save it, but there's a catch.
I can't exist in this world if I go back to his.
I'll slip into a coma again, this time to never wake up.
I want to help him, but my parents....
I'd have to say good-bye to them...
What to do?
I can't break their hearts, but Moon-Dreamer needs me.
I'll figure something out.

~Sara Song-Weaver

Dear Sara,

I still can't believe you're gone.
I wanted you to be happy, but I never thought...
Your stories, were they real?
About Moon-Dreamer, and magic and everything?
You had me really worried when you slipped under the first time.
I knew you were alive, though, you just felt that way.
Like your mind and heart where somewhere else, but your soul and body were with us.
But, now you're just a body, an empty, dead body.
You always said that you'd give me inspiration if you could.
You always did keep your promises.
Your parents miss you terribly, you were their only daughter.
They've moved, you know.
They're missionaries, now, in Africa.
Maybe they left the worst of the pain here, maybe not.
Moon-Dreamer had better keep you safe, or I'll kill him.

~Your Best Friend,

~A/N~ 'Sara's entries were versions of a story she'd tell me of her dreams.
I think she really believed them. I want to so much.
She died a few months ago, if you want to know.
I knew her all my life.
I keep expecting her to turn the corner, laughing at some joke of mine.
She always was a dreamer, and an amazing musician.
May the Stars watch over you, wherever you are.

Last edited by Inverse Sonata; 12-29-2008 at 02:09 AM..

Inverse Sonata
Inverse Sonata is offline
Old 12-30-2008, 11:13 PM

~A Lover's Death~

You say that you love me,
I wished it was true,
For love in doesn't be,
in a heart of blue.

I wish I was sorry,
you deserve that much,
But the blade you did not parry,
And it sticks inside you such.

Those who fall in love,
they fall so very hard,
For when push comes to shove,
Heartbreak's kiss from a shard.

Inverse Sonata
Inverse Sonata is offline
Old 12-31-2008, 11:21 PM

~A Whole New Year~

Yesterday has come and gone,
Tomorrow's day has yet to come.
By firelight and candle's song,
Echoing the silent hum.

A lonely night awaits,
for those of us alone.
Those of us who have debates,
Solo or Choir, in person or phone.

Might as well be alone, to start the new year in peace.


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