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silverkittyempress is offline
Old 03-01-2009, 09:24 PM

Warriors is a best selling series, so I'm sure you've at least seen it on the shelves, but anyway it is about for clans of cats: Riverclan, Shadowclan, Windclan and Thunderclan. All of these cats live together in the same forest.

For all sakes and purpouses we are going to say it takes place after The New Prophecy. I'm sorry if you haven't gotten that far, but it's to confusing for me otherwise.

No Godmodding
no making yourself a leader by chance, like saying, "Suddenly I became leader."
Romance is fine with me.

Here is my profile:

Name: Leopardpaw
Clan: River
Mentor: Windtail
Kittypet or Clan-born: Clan-born
only with spots

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 03-03-2009, 01:20 PM

cool. I haven't read them for 3 years so if I forget things, that's why.

Name: Lightningtail
Clan: Thunder
Mentor: Silentpaw
Kittypet or Clan-born: Clan-born
Appearance: His tail is crooked, like lightning. He's not very fast, so the name is also ironic. He is orange with dark orange stripes and green eyes.

GrandaGotchi is offline
Old 03-03-2009, 02:55 PM

Name: Kaira((Ka-eye-ra))
Clan: None yet:3
Mentor: :O None
Kittypet or Clan-born: Kittypet :3
Can I be a Two-Leg too?

eruvyreth is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 02:57 AM

((So, when you say after TNP, you mean in the lake territories, yes?))

Name: Swindle
Clan: Nope
Mentor: Nocat
Kittypet or Clan-born: Kittypet
Appearance: She is a slightly muddled Balinese cat, not up to showing standards. Her face is slightly shorter and wider than that in the picture, and very faint tabby stripes can be seen in the sunlight.

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 04:23 AM

Lightningtail's tail twitched. He was after a rabbit, almost as large as himself. He smelled no one else near, so when he killed it the glory would be all his. He could bring it home and share gloriously. First though, he had to catch it.

eruvyreth is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 04:54 AM

Swindle stood proudly atop a fencepost, a breeze making her long fur flatten and flow out behind her. She looked from her perch out onto the lake, and thought she could just see the shapes of cats on the shore. Ah yes, those groups that live out there... They must be fishing. she pondered as she reveled in the pleasant wind.

Last edited by eruvyreth; 03-09-2009 at 09:25 PM..

silverkittyempress is offline
Old 03-09-2009, 09:08 PM

((yeah, that's what I mean: lake territories. Fairywaith, you got it switched. If your an apprentice, you would be Lightningpaw. Not your mentor.))

Leopardpaw stood on the edge of the lake, waiting for a fish. There weren't many, but she just wanted to see if river fish tasted the same as Lake fish. she saw a spotted one, and she swiped her paw and caught it. Her mentor wasn't with her, she wish she was: It was a large fish and she would need some help carrying it back. She smelled Thunderclan, she his in some reeds and waited.

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 03-09-2009, 11:54 PM

((That's what I put, right? Silentpaw is my mentor...))

Lightningtail went closer. He had to be quiet, the least blade rustling would set the rabbit off. And he would not be able to chase it all if it got much of a head start. Closer, closer...

eruvyreth is offline
Old 03-10-2009, 06:50 AM

The skinny she-cat blinked once as she looked around, scenting the air. She felt like could smell a slight difference between the wild cat scents, after she'd been watching them for moons now. Swindle assumed she must be on some kind of border between two of the groups. She leaped down from her fence, and turned to her right, first, committing the rangy, dusty scent to memory before turning to her left and taking in the much more moist and fishy scent. Windclan and Riverclan, though she didn't know them by name. She decided the wet side was more pleasant, and began to follow the edge of the lake, stepping carefully through the marshlands.

silverkittyempress is offline
Old 03-10-2009, 11:32 AM

Leopardpaw saw a rabbit. a Thunderclan cat must be chasing it. she thought. She pulled her fish deeper into the mud and hoped that no one would find it. She padded a little bit closer, just in case someone decided to come into Riverclan. Just as it would seem, she smelled another cat. It wasn't a Clan cat either. "A Kittypet!"

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 03-11-2009, 12:22 AM

Lightningtail sniffed the air again. Two cats, including a kittypet. This was definitely going to make catching that rabbit more difficult... He slowed down even more, being extra careful.

eruvyreth is offline
Old 03-11-2009, 12:50 AM

Uh-oh. Swindle froze, her paws now covered in mud, and one in the air. That sounded like somecat was hissing, and it sounded close. Looks like she's been spotted. She put her paw down, relaxing and trying to appear un-threatening as she looked for whoever had seen her. First, she saw a ginger tabby a ways off, stalking something. He looked too focused to be her new 'friend.' She looked the other way, and saw the Riverclan cat. Blinking once, she began to slowly head towards the young looking wild cat, wondering why the feral groups let cats who seemed barely out of kittenhood out on their own... Swindle mewed calmly to the apprentice when she was closer, "Hello there."

silverkittyempress is offline
Old 03-11-2009, 11:48 AM

Leopardpaw was a little bit confused. this cat seemed to not fear her, and she didn't seem to want to attack her. "Um, greetings?" she asked, uncerataine.

eruvyreth is offline
Old 03-12-2009, 06:54 PM

Swindle's whiskers flicked forward in a smile when the clanner didn't attack her right then and there. She still turned to see if the other cat would make any sort of move. The two didn't seem to be in league with each other, but she couldn't tell for sure.

The kittypet trilled to Leopardpaw after a moment, passing over her confusion as if it hadn't happened, "Name's Swindle. What's yours? You're one of those wild cats, aren't you? Do you really live out in this muddy, wet place? Why are you out here alone like this? Are you alone?" Swindle just prattled on, excited to meet another cat. She'd heard so much about the wild cats, but she wanted to know for sure what were rumors and what was truth.

silverkittyempress is offline
Old 03-12-2009, 07:42 PM

Leopardpaw realized that this was just a kittypet, she didn't know anything. But she wasn't sure she should tell her about the clans, but hey, she had already found her. "Um, I'm Leopardpaw, um, Swindle, I'm a clan cat, not a wild cat, Wild cats are rogues. It's not muddy and wet all the time, just in this area. Of course I'm alone, I'm not a kit." She paused, she wondered if she should answer the last question. "I'm not alone. I live with my clan, Riverclan. Pver there is Thunderclan." she said, pointing her tail toward the cat hunting a rabbit. "But let's talk over here, by the water." she padded to the lake side.

eruvyreth is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 10:23 PM

Swindle nods as the she-cat answered her questions. She followed her to the edge of the lake, gladly leaping into the very shallow edge of the water to wash her paws. "So it's Clans... I knew there were groups out here. Ooh, just wait until the others hear this, they'll be all over me with curiosity..." She mrrows, knowing she must look kind of crazy jumping around in the water and rambling on about silly things. She looked back at Leopardpaw. "It's nice to meet you, Leopardpaw."

The kittypet blinks, then stands still in the shallows and lets the cool water swirl around her legs. "Aren't there more than two, though? You only said... um, Riverclan and... Thunderclan. One of my friends back home said they ran into a cat out here who was... Airclan or something? I don't remember the name well..." She looks towards the hilly territory, flicking her tail slightly.

silverkittyempress is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 10:49 PM

Leopardpaw was slowly realizing that she couldn't tell this cat everything. "Well, there are four Clans, Riverclan, thats us, Thunderclan, that's over there, and then there is Windclan and Shadowclan. the live on the other side of the lake." Leopardpaw desperately wished a patrol would come along. She should have attacked this kittypet long ago.

eruvyreth is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 11:00 PM

Swindle's expression remained unchanged. She was starting to get bored, she wanted to be moving. "Windclan must be the one my friend talked about." was all she said before spotting a fish darting in the shallows. "Oh, look..." she purred. She stood still, knowing if she moved her paws to get out of the water that the fish would get away. "Shame I can't get it... I'm dreadful at fishing."

But that didn't mean she wasn't going to try. "Well. It's worth a shot, that house food gets so plain after so long..." She shifted very slightly, tensing her muscles to lunge at the small fish when it came close enough.

silverkittyempress is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 11:14 PM

"You're doing it the wrong way." Leopardpaw corrected her. "You he to make sure the fish can't see your shadow-" Leopardpaw?"called a voice. "Featherwing!" she exclaimed. "Stay here." she said, going out to meet her mentor.


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