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kimichan84 is offline
Old 03-17-2010, 04:25 PM

Okay so this is my thread for my work. I have some stories I wrote as fanfics, but which with a little tweaking IE changing character names I turned into original stories.

Themes so far:

1. Books
2. Smile
3. Pet
4. a plain envelope
5. Chicken soup
6. Snow

I want many more so I'm hoping to make at least 20 of these for now. Will you challenge me? Send the following form in a PM to me.

Challenge form

Your name: (what it says)
Name of the main characters: (whom am I writing about)
Info about the characters: (a little info on their person and their lives? It helps.)
The theme: (speaks for itself)
Challenge words: (to make me work for my money so to say. LOL) (Add words you want to find back in the story.)
Challenge event: (A happening you want to see in the story. IE Christmas, a party, work, an outing, a date? Also ad whom is doing the even with whom if the main characters aren't the ones doing the events)[COLOR="Silver"]


Okay here's the first one. I will need to post my stories in separate threads since this stupid site won't let me make 2 posts in the same thread unless someone else posts between them...


Theme 1: Books.

Title: The whereabouts of happiness.
Type: Fan-fiction
Genre: General/fluff
Series if applicable: Gundam Wing
Characters: Wufei Chang and Meiran Chang-Long
Summary: Wufei reflects on his past when he finds a book which has special meaning to him, but which he never finished reading. Better yet he never got past the first three lines.
Time line: Part post Endless Waltz and part pre-series (Episode ZERO manga)
Word count: 5036
Disclaimer: <insert obligatory 'I don't own...' here>

The Whereabouts of happiness

I gently run my fingers along the cover of the old book and smile a rare smile. I remember this book. I never got to read more than the first three lines and I know those first three lines by heart.

The whereabouts of happiness.

True happiness is nothing. One spends one's entire life searching for it, only to find that it was right in front of them all that time. People do not know the happiness they possess; until it is lost.

I take the book and return to the warmth of the living room. My bedroom is cold as the central heating there is broken. I sit on the couch tucking my legs beneath me to keep my feet warm and I open the book. I stare at the first page never reading past those three lines. Three lines that hold a lifetime of memories and a moment's happiness.


"Why are you reading?" the question came out of the blue. I hadn't expected it. Hadn't thought anyone would find me here.

"Because I like reading. " I answer trying to ignore her and turning the page of the book on building houses. She huffs.

"You should be fighting, like the other boys." she says angrily.

"And you should be at home learning how to cook and clean." I answer her. She growls and kicks the pile of books beside me causing them to scatter.

"You're stupid! Stupid, Stupid weakling!" she yells before running off. I stare at her retreating form, then turn and begin to gather the books that now lay scattered around me from her kicking the pile. I sigh and shake my head as I finish collecting them and head home.

"I saw that girl again. She kicked my pile of books. She says I'm a stupid weakling. I don't understand; what's her problem anyway?" I say to father as mother fills our plates with food.

"Perhaps she's jealous." mother says putting a plate down before father.

"Jealous, of me? Why?" I ask confusedly.

"Well you're a boy. Boys get to do whatever they want whereas girls must do as they're told. Boys get to learn to fight and girls don't. They only get to learn to cook and clean and take care of their own children." Father explains as mother goes to collect her and my plate. I think about what father just said. Mother chuckles lightly.

"Maybe, or maybe she just likes you." she says.

"No way! That's stupid. She doesn't act like she likes me. She doesn't giggle and stuff like the other girls do." I say quietly.


"Are you here again?!" she asks in a huff. I look up from my book and nod.

"I am. It's my field. I can be here whenever I want." I say smugly. This time she kicks against my arm.

"Ow that hurt! Stupid girl! Why do you have to be like this?!" I yell angrily as I get up.

"You're weak! You should be fighting like the other boys do, but instead you just sit here and read these stupid books!" she hisses angrily before punching me. It doesn't take long before we have an all out fight and father and a stranger drag us apart.

"Go home." father hisses to me. I'm confused. Why is father angry with me? It's not my fault; she started it.

I do as father told me though and go home. Once home I tell mother what happened. She doesn't say anything; she just looks at me sadly and then tells me to go to my room until father comes home. I do as she says and return to my reading after putting ointment on my bruises. I look at my arm. Where the girl kicked me my skin has turned an angry purplish black across the whole upper part of my arm. When father returned he said little. He scolded me on touching a girl like that and tells me not to hurt a girl ever again. To my defense that she kicked me first father simply states that even if she did I'm a man and it's forbidden for a man to touch a woman in any way that is hurtful or disgraceful. He even went as far as to take me to her house and make me apologize.


"Well?" Father hisses when we stand before Meiran's door. I glare at Meiran and then at father.

"I don't understand why I should apologize! She kicked me first and she tried to rip up my books! She should apologize to me instead!" I say angrily. Father gives me one of his famous looks. One that makes me do what he says for fear of what might happen if I don't.

"Sorry…but I still think she should've and not me." I mumble before storming off. When I got home Father was already there. I received a spanking and father said I had a lot to learn yet.

Later I lay on my bed. I'm trying hard not to cry. Mother comes into the room with ointment. She sighs sadly before rubbing the soothing ointment on my sore backside.

"You shouldn't be so stubborn Wufei…yes Meiran was wrong to kick you, but you were wrong to fight her. It's not how good boys behave. If you had just apologized properly back then, well then you wouldn't be having a sore butt right now." she said shaking her head as she finished and I gingerly sat on her lap.

"But I didn't pick a fight mother…she just kicked me and when I asked her why she did it she yelled and punched me. I just tried not to get beaten up by her…I don't understand…why does she hurt me all the time?" I say sadly. I'm only five. I'm smart, but there's only so much I understand and girls are not part of the things I understand.

"Maybe you should ask her why she did it when she next comes to see you. I know it's very hard not to, but you really have to try not to fight back when she fights you for no reason. She is a girl and you know all the rules, right?" Mother says. I pout. It's not fair. Mother always knows just the right thing to say. I do know the rules. I spend the last three years memorizing them as father read them to me and later had me read them myself.


As the years passed and I grew older my relationship with Meiran changed too. She would still come and scold me, but now it was because I refused to train at the gym with everyone else.

I had always closely watched father train and observed his sparring matches with my uncle or one of his friends. Through watching I learned myself. Learning was my greatest joy because every time I learned something new and showed father he would give me that pride filled look. It was that look that pushed me to learn more and learn faster. To make father proud of me and to have mother wrap her arms around me and tell me that I would grow to be a wonderful son.

It was for that reason that I refused to train at the dojo when father took me there when I turned seven. I went the first day and found there was nothing to learn. I left and spend my training time in my field reading more books. Of course Meiran insisted I come to the dojo and more often, than not under the threat of killing my books, she would drag me to the gym with her. What can I say? The books I read belonged to grandfather who'd passed away when I turned four. They were precious to me and considering Meiran always carries out her threats I had little choice and so I went under protest.

Finally on my tenth birthday the teacher insisted on a match to see if I was really as good as I claimed. The match was long as the teacher seemed intent on proving me that I still had much to learn. I realized right away that this was not an actual fight, but a show fight. The teacher wanted to teach everyone and so he performed each technique perfectly then waited for me to show him. I smirked at the challenge and mimicked his every technique proving that I hadn't just said what I said to stroke my ego, but that I really already knew all he could teach me. When the match ended the teacher conceded that I had a unique talent and he would put in a good word with the elders to let me do the necessary tests to gain the title of Dragon. This was the highest title any martial artist could gain and the greatest honor for a man.

Meiran was suitably angered by this as it meant she no longer had reason to drag me to the gym. She still came to the field though, only now though we only had verbal fights for fear of angering our parents by getting into another physical fight. I began to actually enjoy her presence there. I actually started to look forward to the moment where her snide voice would cut through my concentration and drag me out of the world of my current book and back into the real world. I found it strange as well, but told myself that it was because our verbal fights were challenging. It was because she was the only person who argued back.

As I sat in my field of flowers the day of my thirteenth birthday I reminisced on an old memory. I'd been six and father had begun to prepare me for manhood by explaining to me what would be expected of me once I turned fourteen. I remember even now; I had asked father what kind of woman he would have married if he could have any woman he wanted. He hadn't thought twice about it and answered 'your mother, son.'

I had later asked mom as well and she said that she secretly wanted to marry a man who'd go out to fight for her and instead she got my father who was clumsy and goofy, but would fight without fear if it meant protecting her. He'd been in every way not the kind of person she thought she'd love, but over time she fell for him after all. It was mother who asked me what kind of woman I would like to marry. Until then I hadn't thought about it though, so I spend days in my field contemplating the question and then I finally told mom I had an answer. I wanted a strong willed woman for my wife. She shouldn't be afraid to speak her mind, but she had to be caring too. Like mother was.

I look up when a voice cuts through my thoughts. Instead of Meiran it is father's friend. He looked hurt and quickly tells me. He leaves and I remain where I am. I stare at the flowers. I feel numb inside. It couldn't be…


"Are you here again?!" Meiran's voice this time breaks the spell of this field, but I don't care. I don't feel up to arguing with her today. It's only been two days and twelve hours since he told me and I've yet to get up. My body feels numb and I think she noticed.

"What's wrong?" she asks quietly. I look up and see her flinch.

"There was an accident at father's work…mom went to see if he was okay…there was an explosion…" I say quietly. Meiran doesn't speak. I looked at the flowers again.

"They're gone…they're gone and no one will tell me why…why them…why now…what did they ever do to deserve death?" I murmur. I've asked myself this over and over and I've yet to find an answer. Meiran doesn't answer either. She just stands there. Time passes slowly and I stare at the book that hangs limply in my hand.

"You're just…you just lost your parents and you don't even cry! You're so stupid!" Meiran shouts suddenly. I look up only to receive a punch to the side of my head. I remain lying down and watch as she storms off again. It starts raining and with the rain finally my tears fall too.

"I'm a man…men aren't supposed cry…stupid woman…" I murmur hoarsely.

After three more hours I finally get up and walk home. Grandmother is waiting for me. She says nothing and simply wraps a warm towel around my soaked body and leads me to the kitchen.

"Meiran came again today…she hit me…but I didn't hit back father…I was a good boy right?" I say quietly. Or at least that's what grandmother told me later when I woke up. I had a bad fever from having been in my field for so long and getting rained upon. My face was black and purple for days after that, but it mattered little. Something changed then. Justice…the thing my father held so dear, to me justice was dead. There was no justice for my parents when the explosion took place. It just took their lives from them like that.


Then came three months before my fourteenth birthday. I hadn't seen Meiran all year. I figured she'd grown tired of fighting with me and let it be. I spend my time until then by preparing for my inevitable wedding. Come my birthday I would be wedded off to some woman or another. I had already decided I no longer cared. Father had chosen a wife for me just before he died and I would marry that woman out of duty. It was to be that way. I wondered who would be wedded to Meiran as it was her fourteenth birthday soon too and shuddered. I felt sad for whoever would marry a woman like her. She was always far too stubborn for my liking.

I prepared myself for the formal ceremony as well as for the start of my personal project. I hadn't spent my youth in those books without reason. I was going to build my own house. It would be a strong house and it would be nice. It would be a house that would please my wife to be.

The elders came very early that day and dragged me off to be cleansed and dressed in the ceremonial garments for my wedding. I was then led to the temple where the wedding ceremony would take place in some eight hours and was introduced to my new wife.

"You?" I said staring up in surprise. Before me standing on a stool so as not to have her wedding gown hit the dirty temple floor was Meiran. She was the last person I would've thought my father would choose for me. Deep inside I felt proud. I would have the strongest woman of our clan as my wife. I snapped out of my shock when she spoke though.

"You're that scholar." she said. The way she said that; it hurt. The way she said it made it sound like she found it a very nasty idea to be married to me. It sparked something inside me as it cut through my chest and I threw off my robes.

"You're discontent?!" I asked annoyed. She was behaving like that again. It bugged me.

"Someone like you has no right to carry on the line of our proud clan!" she said in that same cutting tone of voice.

"Well it certainly wasn't my idea! Do as you please!" I growled angrily trying my hardest to keep my temper in check. I stormed off angrily and did the only thing I could think of to calm down. I went to the bookstore and grabbed as many books as I could carry. I didn't care for titles as long as they were thick enough to keep me from thinking about the strange hurt in my chest that Meiran's nasty tone had put there. It was around then that I first found it.

It was a plain looking thick book with a dull grey exterior. Printed on it neatly was the title 'Whereabouts of happiness'. I opened it and found that there was no author information in it. Somehow despite its plain looks I was attracted to it. I wanted to unravel its mystery and so I bought it as well. I stumbled to my field with the books and set down to read them. When it became too dark to read I went home and the next week I spend my days building the home I'd sworn I would build. It was shaping up nicely and I was working on the roof supports when Meiran interrupted me. I noticed her presence right away, but ignored her. I couldn't hear what she was yelling at me anyways.

It went like this for about two weeks. I slowly worked on the roof of our house as Meiran watched from the ground. I remember little of the day of the accident. I remember having finally gotten to the point where I could put the roof panels on my house and was making good time. I was putting on the panels, one at the time working my way up making the structure sound and water tight, when it happened. As I said, I don't remember much of it. I remember there was a strong trembling happening and losing my balance from leaning down to grab another plate at the wrong time. Strangely enough I also remember Meiran crying out my name in terror. After that it's all black to me. I woke up in the hospital only to be wacked over the head by Meiran who gently wacked me on the head and scolded me. I remember her trembling and the gentleness with which she wacked me. I remember apologizing for scaring her and getting wacked a second time for assuming she was scared.

Of course when I was released a week later I went back to work again; miraculously I'd not broken a thing when I fell and would only have some rather nasty bruises. Meiran came every day and watched me closely. I noticed how she subtly tensed whenever it looked like I would lose my balance again and she was insistent that I was foolish to build a house for us to live in.

"You spend all your time in that stupid field…and besides you own your parents' house now! What do you even need to build this thing for?" she asked glaring at the now almost finished house.

"I wanted to build my own house. Besides it's not like you'd understand anyway." I told her. I glared at her almost willing her to go away and leave me be. She didn't of course. She just stood there and glared back.

"How am I supposed to understand? It's not like you tell me anything. We'll be wedded soon and this time before the wedding is supposed to be for us to get to know each other, but you're always here working on this thing or out there in that stupid field of flowers. You…You don't even go home!" she yelled taking up her usual stance legs at a spread position, hands by her side; the tell tale trembling telling me she was close to physically attacking me.

That was all I could take at that moment. I had enough to deal with as is. I didn't need her stupid inexplicable anger on top of it all.

"Go home now!" I hiss pushing her toward the road. She stares at me with a hurt expression and leaves.

'No I don't go home and you will never understand my reasoning! You don't know what it's like! I can't go there Meiran! I can't! I constantly see them everywhere I look! You don't know what it's like to be reminded by every stupid little thing! To have the fact that they're dead thrown in your face at every turn! I'm building my own home because I promised! I promised I'd build it! So he could be proud! I go to that field because it's the only place where I don't see my parents!' I think as I watch her start to run toward her home.

I know now that she was trying; that in her own way she was reaching out and trying to get me to open up to her. I knew it then too, but it hurt too much still. It'd not yet been a year; I just couldn't face the overwhelming emptiness of that house or the constant memories that haunted me. I'd tried, but I ended up running to my field. The following day I'd set up a tent next to the at that time beginnings of my house and spend the nights in that tent and my days working on the house or reading so I wouldn't have to think of the pain that filled me.


Our wedding was kept small and formal. Meiran's grandfather and my Grandmother decided this. They thought that a large festive wedding would be a bad idea. Given both our tempers and the fact that we barely got through the practice ceremony without being at each other's throats it was likely that we wouldn't get through the festive wedding without a fight. Both Meiran and I had lamented that since we fought so much even on our wedding, then maybe they should find us different partners. Sadly though both grandparents were firm in their belief that we'd make it work somehow.

After the wedding I began to read that book. 'The whereabouts of happiness', I wanted to read it. I really did, but Meiran was incorrigible. Every day at the exact moment I read the last word of the third line she would interrupt me and insistently fight with me verbally. She still insisted I should practice martial arts and I she did. She'd at some point claimed to fight for justice and to my plainly telling her that justice doesn't exist she insisted I fight her. Of course she lost the fight, but she didn't give up on her believes.

It was at around that time that I started seeking refuge with master O to get away from my wife and have some form of privacy and peace. He was an intelligent man and very interesting. He didn't praise my intelligence like most people I know did. He simply told me outright that there was no use being smart if you just sat back and did nothing with it. I didn't really care much; I suppose I was more interested in these mobile suits he made. While I claimed them to be pieces of junk I found them highly interesting. I'll admit, though only to myself, that I feigned disinterest because I didn't want to admit that I was curious about these tools of war. The scholar in me wanted to take them apart and see what made them tick. I only got to see them when they were nearing the final stages of the build and pretty much everything safe some plating and the interior of the cockpit and the weapons was finished.

Shortly after that fight in the rain the colony was attacked. I watched as my wife went off to battle and gave chase because I feared that if I didn't I'd lose her like I lost my parents. In the end though my efforts were in vain, she was beyond saving even for the best surgeons in the world. I didn't know it at the time, but see seemed to know it. She demanded I take her to the field of flowers that I would always read in and she died there. She died in my arms after I told her I was proud to have her as my wife. I truly was despite our conflicting character and despite that I would never admit it to anyone, but myself she was the person I would have wanted for a wife. A strong woman who wasn't afraid to say what she thought and in her own way she even cared about me.

I never got past the third line of that book…and to this day…I still can't read past that line. That last very painfully true line…


"You there Wufei?" Duo's voice sounded through the memories, pulling me back to reality.

"Sorry, got lost in thought." I mumbled looking away.

"Next time bring a map?" Duo said wryly as he sat down beside me on the couch. I smiled back; if it can be called a smile…I tried okay?!

"So…what brings you here at this time of night? Other then torturing me." I asked calmly.

"Well, I couldn't sleep and I noticed you sitting here when I came down. I asked what you were reading, but you didn't answer.

"It's something I bought back before I became a pilot…it's called 'Whereabouts of happiness'. It's philosophical. I never got past the third line on the first page myself." I said running my finger over the title.

"How come? Didn't have the time to?" Duo asked genuinely curious. I shook my head.

"Nah, it's just…someone very distracting kept me from reading more. Then things happened and…ever since that day…I can't read past the third line…the letters blur and…forget it, you wouldn't understand." I murmured.

"You'd be surprised…but hey it's your past n your choice. Just being curious here." Duo said.

That's what I liked about Duo, while he was loud and very much present he also respected your privacy in terms of questions asked. He'd back off if he saw you didn't want to talk about it. Normally I would leave it at this and walk away now, but this time is different. I'm not sure if it's the reminiscing or maybe just the scholar in me, but I want to talk. If it were any one of the other three pilots then I'm sure I wouldn't have this feeling, but somehow Duo is Different. It's something in those eyes. That something tells me he might be the one who would truly understand. I was curious as to how much he trusts me perhaps and perhaps I just didn't want to be the only one bringing up the past.

"I'll tell mine if you tell me yours." I said watching him from the corner of my eyes.

"Hm, only if you read me that book later." he said smirking.

"Deal." I said switching positions because the leg currently propped up under my backside was beginning to go numb.


"They'll kill you for this Quat." Heero murmured. I mentally smirked, but outwardly feigned sleep; quite convincingly even if I say so myself. I noted that Quatre had a small camera in his hand and was snapping a picture, two, three, four and then Duo stirred. I opened my eyes and quickly grabbed hold of Duo's wrist as his hand already shot out to snap the neck of whoever invaded his peace. I raised an eyebrow at Quatre's shocked face and watched bemusedly as he tried to come up with a good excuse for this and stumbled over his own words.

"Ah…Wufei? Ya gonna let go any time soon? I really need to go." Duo mumbled.

"Oh sorry, forgot I was saving him from you ripping out his throat while not fully awake." I mumbled letting go of him. Heero chuckled amusedly. I shook my head and got up.

"I had better not find any blackmailing in my mailbox later Quatre or I might let Duo follow through next time." I said stretching and loosening a few joints with an audible plop. I smirked as the blonde paled.

"Hey Wufei! Don't forget you n me got a date with that book tonight!" Duo called from halfway up the stairs.

"I won't, but you're making snacks and drinks." I called back receiving a mock salute from him. I chuckled as I followed him up the stairs to head to my room for fresh clothes and a shower. I had seen the shocked looks on the faces of the three others who stood in the living room and it amused me to no end.

I had come to a decision this night. I wasn't going to waste the happiness I had right in front of me. Not a second time. I would grasp it while I had it and I wouldn't let it go to waste. For the first time since Meiran's death I felt that maybe I would finally get to read the rest of that book.

Authoress' notes: I tried to give the readers a glimpse into Wufei's pre-series life. The episode ZERO manga for Wufei's past starts on his wedding day. At the start of said manga Wufei is only fourteen and the arranged marriage lasted no more then a year; at which time Meiran died saving Wufei's life. I wanted to give people a view of why I think Wufei didn't believe in justice in the episode ZERO manga. I think I did a decent job of portraying the complicated relationship between these two. I didn't want to make it a very gloomy story so I decided to end it the way I did to make the story end on a happier note and show that Wufei is slowly moving on.
"When life gives you lemons, gleefully accept the misguided charity and incorporate it into your scheme for world domination"-Unknown

Last edited by kimichan84; 03-18-2010 at 08:17 PM.. Reason: you people won't let me post 2 posts after one another even with a day between them...

kimichan84 is offline
Old 03-18-2010, 08:57 PM

Theme 2: Smile.

Title: Trowa's angel
Type: Fan-fiction
Genre: General/fluff
Series if applicable: Gundam Wing
Characters: Trowa Barton/Noname and Original Character
Summary: It's been years but I still remember you ,my angel. Trowa meets a girl from long ago and remembers his time with her his angel.
Time line: Part post Endless Waltz and part pre-series (Episode ZERO manga)
Word count: 1199
Disclaimer: <insert obligatory 'I do not own...' here>



It was a hot night for the time of the year. Trowa lay in the bushes near the base. He watched the people at the base; soldiers going through their daily routine oblivious to the destruction that awaited them.
'Now.' Trowa got up and silently went to the base. One second he hesitated, he saw a black shadow pass him, but it was too fast to see. He shrugged it off and continued his path. He got in and walked through the base undetected. Reaching a junction he stared down the right hall. There it was; the main control-room. Trowa got what he needed from the computer, then reached down and placed the last bomb. He walked down the halls again as the oblivious soldiers greeted the man that would cause their death. Once outside he left the base. Back in the bushes he pulled out the detonating device. Suddenly a click and the feeling of a gun against his back; he turned around pulling out his own gun and saw a young woman with copper-red hair and sky-blue eyes. He remembered her face.
'Have I ever met you before? You seem so familiar. Yes I remember.' he thought

Trowa POV

Trowa was 7 years old; he had been with the rebels for one year now. They had been fighting OZ and he had gotten wounded, when he was forced to abandon the LEO he fought in. He wandered through a thick forest. Then he fell in a ditch. He had lost a lot of blood. There she was; she had fallen in shortly after him and hurt her ankle. She looked up when he moved and the two stared at each other. She saw his wound and ripped her shirt to shreds to wrap the arm. He winced as she touched the wound. She stopped and softly blew against the wound. Her cold breath brought some relief. Then she wrapped it. In the distance he heard the captain call him. He got up and helped the girl to stand.

"There you are, Noname. We were gettin' worried about you." The captain said.
"Who's your friend?" the captain asked. He looked at her and shrugged.
"Don't know eh?" he said, crouching down.
"Do you have a home?" the captain asked. She nodded.
"Well go home then this is no place for little girls" the captain said gruffly. She looked to her feet and she started to cry softly.
"You lost eh? Well don't cry you can stay with us till we find your home." the captain said. She cheered up and hugged the captain.
"There, that’s better. You gonna be okay with us." the captain said hugging her back clumsily.

Back at camp one of the men looked at her ankle and wrapped it up. Later when he was working on the LEOS that needed repairing, he noticed her looking over his shoulder. He turned around, but found no one there. He shrugged and continued his work. Again he saw her, he turned and she was gone. He turned back to the LEO he was working on. Suddenly he turned fast and there she was, she smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. He stared at her in surprise. She simply smiled and ran off.
"Hey, come back!" He yelled. He forgot his work and chased her. From a distance the captain and one of the rebels looked at the two children that were running around and listened to their laughter.

"He forgot his work." one of the men said.
"Let him play he can do the rest later he's only a child. He deserves to have a little fun. Maybe he'll talk a little more." the captain said smiling.

Exhausted the two of them fell down and lay on their back, looking up to the stars. He looked over at her and she looked at him. For no reason at all they started to laugh again.
'Could she be an angel?' he thought
He had heard the soldier talk about angels. They were beautiful women dressed in white. She was wearing a white shirt and skirt, maybe she was an angel. She looked at him and smiled again. She did that a lot. He liked it when she smiled. She looked even more like angel when she smiled.

Then one day a boy came by, he ran up to her and grabbed her. Crying as he hugged her. The captain asked him if he knew her. He told him that she was his little sister who had gone missing for 6 months. She nodded at what he said. That day she left with him. He ran after them, he had to know. "Wait! Don't go yet!" She stopped and turned around. He stopped to catch his breath.
"You never told me your name." She smiled again.
"Angel." she said.
She kissed him lightly on the cheek and gave him something. He stood there watching her until he could no longer see her. He opened his hand. A necklace with a small angel made of crystal. He recognized it as the one she had worn.

-End flashback from Trowa POV -

Trowa looked at her.
"Angel." He said with a hushed voice. He didn't need to speak to her, he never did. The captain had once said that sometimes he believed they read each other's minds. The one always knew what the other was thinking and vice versa. She stared in his eyes.
"Yes of course I remember! How could I forget? You were my first, best and only friend. You knew what I wanted to tell you before I told you and vice versa. I didn't need any words to speak with you. Your eyes told me what you were thinking and mine in their turn told you the same about me. Only once I spoke when I told you my name. But your eyes told me you already knew. Have you found a name for yourself?" she asked. She smiled as she let the gun slide out of her hands.
"Trowa." he said quietly. Trowa let his gun and the detonator fall as well.

The detonator was activated and the base exploded when the detonator hit the ground. Neither of the two teens seemed to notice or care. They just stood there. No words needed be said here, no words were needed.

Gunfire was heard. The two teens looked up. On their left stood the soldiers from the base, on their right the other four pilots and the Maguanac soldiers. More gunfire occurred between the two sides and followed by yelling from both sides for the two teens to get back. A gun was aimed at him. Unexpected she threw herself into his arms, a soft cry. Both sides of the battle ceased fire.

She looked at him and he looked at her. Blood flowed from her chest as tears flowed from her eyes. For the first time he cried as he held her close. He always wanted to find her and now he had, she was dying. A mixture of anger and pain flared through his eyes as he cried.
"Trowa don't cry." she whispered. She smiled at him. He lowered his face. She placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him, he returned the kiss. Her hand slipped away. He looked at her.
"Angel?" he whispered back. Her eyes were closed and her face was pale, but she smiled.


Authoress' notes: This is one I wrote when I first began writing fan-fiction. I altered the names in this story once and submitted it in the Dutch national young writers contest. I made fourth place with it that year. What you see here though is the slightly more grammatically correct version of the story since I've learned proper grammar in these six years since the story was posted. ^^
"When life gives you lemons, gleefully accept the misguided charity and incorporate it into your scheme for world domination"-Unknown

kimichan84 is offline
Old 03-19-2010, 04:07 PM


Title: A fight worth losing
Type: Fan-fiction
Genre: General/fluff
Series if applicable: Gundam Wing
Characters: Wufei Chang and Original Character
Summary:Wufei learns that sometimes losing has its perks.
Time line: Post Endless Waltz
[U]Word count: [/U 1666
Disclaimer: <insert obligatory 'I do not own...' here>


A fight worth losing

She looked at him quietly. His face set in a disappointed scowl.
'Okay think…he's many years my senior experience wise…so trying to overpower him is impossible...don't even think about getting past him...I'll need a distraction of sorts...dang where's Duo when I need him...' She thought, eyes darting around trying to find a way out. Anything would do. Anything was better than admitting defeat to him. As long as she didn't give up there would be the hope of a way. Even if that hope was pointless, if she just believed hard enough then she'd find a way out. She knew there had to be a way. Somehow somewhere there had to be a loophole in this situation that she could use for her escape.

'Why does she have to make this so impossibly hard on herself?' He thought sighing mentally. He scowled, watching her as she tried so hard to find a way out of this situation and the sad thing to him was...she'd probably find one too. Sally had been right to call her a regular Houdini. Something would happen or someone would pass or call and distract him and then she'd make her escape. Why did she have to be such a persistent woman? Didn't she see that if she'd only asked…okay scratch that thought. He knew she had good reason not to, but that wasn't the point here.
A phone rang. She grinned. He sighed. She'd won again. He smirked though. He'd get back on this later though. She didn't know yet, but this was only round one. He would have his way. He just had to figure out how.
"Hey, yes I'll be there in a few." he said before ending the call he got.
"That was Quatre. I have a mission now. We'll get back on...that when I get home." He said before leaving. She sighed. She'd won, for now. Now came the hardest part of her mission. Preparations for stage two. He'd keep his word and get back on the matter and she had to prepare her plea very carefully to convince him of her point. She would though. He'd see her way before the day was over…or at least the day he returned from his mission was over.

The mission was long, longer than any of them had expected. It'd been hard to convince those people that the war was over and there was no need for violence and fighting anymore. Quatre had done most of the negotiations and he'd translated for the blond. Somehow trusting the boy whom they deemed one of them more then Quatre, the rebels were only willing to cooperate if the Chinese man were present to translate. A good idea it turned out as the dialect barrier made that the blond couldn't understand a word the rebel leader said whereas Wufei who had a better grasp on his native language and the many dialects that despite the union of China and the decree of 2289, stating that all of China would from then on in only speak Mandarin Chinese and get taught only that in school, there were still many desolated places that only spoke their own dialect. For once he'd been thankful that his teacher insisted on his learning all dialects of the Chinese language. Negotiations went well thankfully and after assuring them they would not lose their independence under ESUN and arranging a black on white agreement for that he could finally go home.

His day was far from over though, because at home awaited him another problem. She'd be there and so would IT. She'd be ready to defend IT with everything she's got. He knew she'd probably win too, he'd been working hard for weeks without sleep and she had all that time to think of an argument to keep IT
He sighed softly as he opened the door. He prepared himself mentally to be jumped by IT again. He frowned though when nothing happened. Slowly he inched toward the living room fully prepared for an assault by 30 pounds of drooling fur. Yes IT was well fed when she found him. He sighed when he found her without IT asleep on the couch. On the table he saw a thank you card. IT apparently had the name Houdini and Houdini belonged to someone who'd picked him up while he was away. He should be glad. He'd won after all, but why didn't it feel like he had? He sighed and put the blanket over her quietly.
"How do you keep doing this to me? Even when I win I lose somehow..." He mumbled turning around and leaving the living room quietly. He went upstairs and showered. After his shower he sat down towel drying his hair. He eyed the card he'd somehow taken upstairs with him.

'Thank you ever so much for finding and caring for my dog Houdini. I do hope he's not been too much of a burden to you and your husband.
Kind regards,
Ms. P. Lewis'

He chuckled and shook his head. Somehow everyone in their neighborhood had assumed they were married when they moved into the small apartment with the large garden. Old lady Lewis lived three blocks down he knew. He'd often stopped to help her with the groceries or gardening if needed. He hadn't known she owned the very fat grey furred dog though. He sighed again that the thought of the dog who'd spend several weeks in their care while he argued with her over it.
"She's just so stubborn at times...if she'd only just give in and accept her defeat every so often..." He mumbled to himself. With another glance at the note he got up and left the house. She'd won...again and he knew it. He always acted like it was a big deal and he hated it, but when no one was around to hear he'd silently admit to himself that he didn't mind all too much that she won. The mere overjoyed look on her face when he gave in would more than make up for the defeat he suffered and if he were to be very honest with himself he would even have to admit that most of the time he let her win just to see that look of delight on her face at getting her way again. He'd die before ever saying any of that out loud though.

The pet shop owner smiled when she caught him looking around.
"Looking te buy yer spouse a pretty pet?" She asked walking over to him.
"No it's for my friend, we have no romantic relationship." He said smiling kindly.
"Still a nice gesture mista. So y' lookin' fer anythin' special?" She asked smiling back.
"Uhm yeah, I was hoping to find a puppy. See we had a stray dog stay with us for a few weeks, but it's owner came. My friend is very upset that it had to leave though. I'm hoping this will make her feel better." He mumbled willing away the faint blush skillfully.
"Ah drew te short straw huh?" The girl said knowingly as she led him to the back.
"Huh?" He said confusedly.
"Y' didn't want te keep the stray n in te end y' caved in, ain't that how it went? Well this is our only nest right now. They're ready to go." the girl said before leaving him with the pups to help another costumer.

He wondered how she knew, but pushed the thought aside looking at the retriever puppies that lay snuggled up together. Most were the usual golden color, but one of the pups stood out though. Like some of its siblings it had a darker coat color. It was much smaller than its siblings too and was looking at him with warm green eyes. He smiled and picked the pup up.
"Perfect." He said quietly as he took it to the front to pay for it.
"I see y' chose te runt of the litter. She's a cutie huh? Will y' be takin' her home right now?" The girl asked. Wufei nodded and let the girl help him pick out all the necessities for the little pup. He paid for it and went home quickly. It was getting late when he returned. He smiled when he found her still asleep on the couch.
"Kimi-kim, wake up." He said quietly. He knew how she hated the nickname Catherine had given her when they visited Trowa at the circus. Kimi stirred and slowly sat up.
"Wha?" She mumbled sleepily.
"Haven't you slept long enough yet? It's almost evening Lazybones." Wufei chuckled.
"M not lazy...did the garden...mission...lots of work...Houdini went home so you can be happy won." she mumbled rubbing her eyes and sitting up. Wufei snorted and carefully dropped the pup on her lap.
"How did I win? I'd say I caved in when I saw that post card from old lady Lewis." he grumbled. He quickly smiled though when she looked at the pup in shock then picked it up with a delighted squeal.
'Yes, definitely a fight worth losing.' he thought quietly as she kissed him happily.


Plain Envelope

Title: A plain envelope.
Type: Fan-fiction
Genre: General/fluff
Series if applicable: Gundam Wing
Characters: Wufei Chang, Duo Maxwell and Original Character
Summary:Amidst the pink envelopes of doom a single plain envelope stood out.
Time line: Post Endless Waltz
Word count: 3395
Disclaimer: <insert obligatory 'I do not own...' here>


A plain Envelope.

Wufei sighed pushing the heap of hot pink off his desk and into a trash bag. It was the same for the past 3 years now. The five of them would each get more valentines cards then there would fit in the huge garbage bins outside the Preventor building. He sighed as he watched Heero do the same. The brunette would likely burn them all again without reading any. Trowa would do the same, after all the ones that mattered were days earlier given by his sister and lover. Duo and Quatre faithfully read them all each year. Duo enjoyed getting these cards. He gave cards back just as easily. He didn’t seem to care though that he was getting the hopes of the women up by doing that.

With another sigh he picked up his dumpster and all the pink envelopes under his desk. Soon Johnny would come and bring him the ones the women had thrown out in their stupid jealousy. He’d never understand why they would do such a thing though. He blamed this stupid commercial holiday full of awful pink things and bonbons. He groaned. He knew the envelopes where only the start of his problems. During lunch he’d be hunted down by those deranged women with their god awful sweets.
‘How can such a thing as a festive day turn even the most dignified lady into a monster like this and not be forbidden and who’s bright idea was this valentine’s day anyway?’ he thought angrily as he set to work on his mission reports and instructors paperwork. The sooner he finished his morning load the sooner he’d be able to escape from here. The sooner he could get away from his office the better. Mountains of pink cards and awful sweets and the fact that this day reminded him quite painfully of her didn’t help.

This year lady Une decided to hold a preventors valentines dance and of course all the women; apparently wanted to go with one of the preventor 5. Today would be their big chance to get a date with one of the guys. The ball would be at the end of the week and Wufei fully intended not to go. He’d be busy looking through the cards in his 7 trash bags to find the ones that mattered.

Lunch time came without warning and Wufei like the other 4 boys found himself trying desperately not to be seen. He sighed in relief as he made it to the fire escape unseen and escaped the last 15 steps up to the roof.
“I can’t believe that in all these 5 years this is the one place they never look.” he sighed chuckling as he saw Duo drive off with Trowa and Quatre for lunch across town. Heero was long gone too. He left half way through the morning. He was going for it this year. He’d been rather nervous and worried Relena might turn him down after all this time, but Wufei assured him she would not turn him down.
“I guess they think you wouldn’t go somewhere where you’ll end up trapped if they find you.” a voice said behind him. Wufei winced. That voice sounded female. He turned around and blinked. Out of all the people to hunt him down on this dreadful day she was the one to find him?

Kimi Lowe. She was one of the newer agents. Just 3 years ago she’d been one of the first agents he instructed. She had long brown hair that she tied back in a different fashion each week and deep brown eyes. She wasn’t one of their best agents but she tried her hardest and always finished her work on time. On the few field missions they went on together she’d been a great partner to have. She listened well and even had some insightful comments and unlike the other women she was genuinely interested in learning martial arts whereas the other women only took the course back then to be able to see him work out.

“Did you come to give me those awful chocolates too?” Wufei asked snorting. Kimi said nothing and looked down at the street.
“I don’t believe in valentine…Lady Une wants you in her office now. I’m here to help you punch your way to It.” she finally said laughingly adding the last part.
“I can punch perfectly fine on my own.” Wufei grumbled.
“Okay then good luck with the massive V-day force coming up the stairs now.” Kimi said walking off. Wufei frowned looking at the door as the sound of approaching people drew closer. He gulped slightly.
“Okay fine.” he relented. She smiled and opened the door motioning for him to come. He followed her down surprised at how easily the mass of women let them through. He noticed though that they were all glaring at Kimi and groaned in realization.

His mission details had been few and simple. Just the way he liked it. He sighed when he left the office and went to his own to prepare the rest of the day. He’d leave around 2 and be back by midnight. When he got ready to leave there was an envelope on his desk. He blinked and pocketed the plain grey envelope that had his name on it. He locked the office and got ready to leave for his mission.


Wufei sighed and let himself fall down onto the bed in the small house that had been provided for this mission as his base of operations. The mission had been very tedious as he had to move very carefully. The base he’d been asked to look into had given him the model citizen tour and shown him enough to believe them to not be producing weapons, but what he needed to see had been underground and he knew they would not show him of their own accord. Their alarm system had been great and didn’t make his investigation any easier, but he got by it and got what he needed. He left the place and detonated the mobile suit factory under the building then called in his findings to Une who told him to go to the house and let her handle it further. He might get another mission in the morning.

Tired he rolled over and winced. He felt around in his pocket and found the offending object. The plain grey envelope he’d found on his desk the other day. He shrugged and tossed it onto the table. He’d look at it if he felt like it. He was tired now. Wufei muttered under his breath as he wiggled out of his preventor issued uniform and crawled under the blankets in just his boxers and the white T-shirt that went with his uniform. He felt too tired to change to his night shirt.


Wufei shot up gasping. He stared blindly at the wall for a long time before slowly searching out the clock. Much to his dislike the glaring red digits told him it was now two minutes past one. He got up and searched his bags for the bottle Sally prescribed him so long ago. The bottle contained several small white pills. Herbal pills they were. A natural medicine that had the affects of normal anti-depressives, but lacked the risk of addiction and hadn’t any of the dangers that came with taking medications multiple times within short succession of each other. He hadn’t wanted to take them, but found that Sally had been right and that at times like these they really helped him. He’d only accepted the prescription when she swore they were all herbal and hadn’t a single chemical component in them.

He lay back on the bed and stared at the small dining table near the bed. This so called Safe house was rather small. For one person it was fine though. A bed one table with a chair and a kitchen were found in one room and a bathroom in the only other room. From the bed you had a full view of the entire house from front to back door and through the windows, a perfect arrangement in his eyes.

From the table the grey envelope seemed to mock him. Wufei glared at it as if it were the source of all his trouble. He lay down and attempted to sleep once more. Sleep though wouldn’t come and after an hour of restless turning he sat up and glared at the envelope again. He leaned over and picked it up. Lying back down he examined it. The envelope was grey and plain and the only thing on it was his name in neat, calligraphic, black, ink Chinese letters. This narrowed down the possible people to have left it to seven people. Four of which he knew couldn’t have left it for they knew nothing of calligraphy.
“Sally, Duo or Kimi…” he murmured holding the envelope up as if hoping to see through it the name of the person who left this for him. With a calm soft sigh he turned it over examining every inch of the neat grey envelope.

It felt heavier than most of the card’s he got. Perhaps it was one of those annoying electronic cards that let out that horrid valentines tune over and over. After his third thorough inspection of the card Wufei decided that the envelope would have to be opened if he wished to find out and so one hour later he found himself deftly opening the envelope without ripping it and sliding out an equally grey card.

He calmly examined the back and front of the card. Embroided he noted calmly. Whoever left this had taken the time to make this by hand for him. Somehow he found himself smiling at this. Embroiding had to be the most awful of women’s chores and not a single woman had ever done it willingly. He traced the embroidery of a Chinese couple by a lake. After doing so he pondered again.

‘Do any of them know embroidery? Sally said she was born in China…it’s possible she learned…’ he thought. To know for sure though who send it now depended on the presence of a name inside the card. Wufei looked at the embroidery one more time before opening the card. No name he noted with some sadness. There was however more calligraphic text in it.

Delving in the Book of Change, I rose through hardship great,
And desperately fought the foe for four long years;
Like willow catkin, the war-torn land looks desolate,
I sink or swim as duckweed in the rain appears.
For perils on Perilous Beach, I heaved and sighed,
On Lonely Sea now, I feel dreary and lonely;
Since olden days, which man has lived and not died?
I'll leave a loyalist name in history!

A poem by Wen Tian-Xiang Wufei knew a pre-colonial poet of Chinese origins and his favorite poem at that. This scratched Sally off his list. She didn’t know this. Duo had seen him read it once he recalled and he knew of Kimi that they shared the same taste in poetry.

Beneath the poem was a small little text asking him to be the sender’s valentine and go to the dance with them.

“I’ll have to attempt to discretely find out whom of them wishes to dance with me.” Wufei sighed. He woke early the next morning and realized that he’d fallen asleep soon after that thought. He packed up and made sure to safely put the card somewhere where it would not be damaged then set out for home.


Wufei eyed his two suspects which were standing at the bar talking bemusedly together.
“If I didn’t know you so well I’d think you’re jealous.” Sally said teasingly as she sat down across from him.
“You know me better by now Sally.” Wufei said smirking. He wondered idly if he should try cashing in a favor with the woman to get the answer to his valentine mystery.
“Is something on your mind Chang?” Sally asked conspiratorially smirking at him.
“I have a first name and an idle question. Perhaps you could enlighten me. You work closely with Kimi after all.” Wufei said deciding he might be able to figure out which it was through Sally.
“And what would you like to know about her?” Sally asked leaning in closer.
“I’ve seen some cards this valentine that were embroided. I know of only 3 people who can do such a tedious thing.” Wufei said calmly. He looked genuinely interested but calm enough not to hint that he’d been on the receiving end of said embroidery covered card.
“I know myself to be able to. I take it you suspect Kimi of being another?” Sally asked.

“Another what?” Kimi asked joining them with Duo.
“Wufei is having a moment of curiosity and ponders on how many people here know embroidery.” Sally said grinning. Wufei watched as Kimi simply smiled and sat down. Duo’s reaction had been to brief to tell what it was and he just grinned.
“Do you often have moments of sudden random curiosity?” he asked jokingly.
“Surprisingly yes, usually when I am bored.” Wufei shot back smirking. He was used to the boy’s teasing nature by now and even enjoyed it a bit.
“Well with Sally you now know of two people.” Kimi said. Wufei didn’t react. Mentally though he frowned. She openly admitted to being able to do the tedious embroidery work. He needed to find out if Duo knew next this was easier than he expected.
“So Maxwell any latent talents for the finer arts?” he asked smirking. Duo smirked right back.
“I learned a little when I lived in the orphanage back on L2.” he said grinning.

Wufei frowned as his lunch partners had left the lunchroom earlier. He’d become none-the-wiser as to whom gave him the card. A more direct approach would be needed. Which to start with though? He found that this question was answered for him when he made his way back to his office and found Kimi waiting with another mission notice. He had mission with Duo as his partner, how very convenient.

“Can we talk?” he asked calmly as Kimi got up to leave.
“Sure, what do you want to talk about?” Kimi said sitting back down.
“This.” Wufei said pushing the card to her.
“Ah so you got It.” she said smiling.
“Does that mean you made it?” Wufei asked. She’d confirmed knowing of it, but did it come from her.
“I made it yes, but not to give myself. It was a favor for a friend.” she said her smile faltering a second. He took note and decided to wonder on this more later.
“Thank you. I’d best hurry. I have a mission soon.” he said instead getting up himself now. Kimi followed and the two walked in comfortable silence to the elevator.

“Take care.” Kimi said when she got off the elevator on her floor. Wufei nodded and watched as she smiled and left. This valentine’s mystery brought another with it. It was clear Duo had gone through the trouble of asking Kimi to make the embroidery on his card, but with what reason? Was the braided haired boy infatuated with him or possibly more? And why did Kimi’s smile falter when she mentioned making it as a favor? The most plain to see answer was that yes Duo seemed to have feelings for him of a romantic nature and Wufei had to admit he didn’t dislike the braided boy in that nature, but it seemed that there was a third factor in this equation. One that possibly Duo missed or that neither the braided haired boy nor the brunette woman had taken into consideration when the card was made and that was that Kimi also had certain feelings for him, but chose to help Duo instead. This left him though with the troubled choice of what to do?


The mission with Duo went well. No setbacks or trouble at all. This surprised Wufei greatly. They had more than enough time to spare before they had to meet with their ride back to Europe at the rendezvous point. They settled into a comfortable safe hour or rather an apartment in town that was registered to preventor personnel to use after missions.

The third Evening though as they packed to leave the card that he had kept close these past few days slipped from his bag. Duo gasped as it landed by his feet.
“Is something the matter? Oh…I’ve…been meaning to thank you for it, but couldn’t find the words to.” Wufei said looking up and noticing the card in Duo’s hands.
“You…like it then?” Duo asked shyly. Wufei raised an eyebrow Duo looked almost innocent when he had that shy slightly scared look on his face.
“Yes very much, but next year write your name on it too.” Wufei said smiling.
“I eh…you’re not suppose to…I think.” Duo said with a goofy grin.
“I think we need to talk about that though.” Wufei said now serious as he sat down next to his packed bag.
“Talk? Well if…if you don’t feel that way about me I’ll understand…I just wanted you to know.” Duo said almost tripping over his words.
“No that’s not it, I’m honored…flattered even that you would feel that strongly about me…I…am just…I’m sorry Duo, but I can’t yet answer your feelings. There is still something I must deal with on my own before I can and there is the matter I actually wanted to talk about.” Wufei said uncertain of how to tell the boy, without actually saying straight out that he’d been married at one time, that he hadn’t yet been able to move on after the death of his wife.
“I understand…I guess there’s still hope for me since you didn’t reject me flat out huh?” Duo said smiling sadly.
“There were things in my past…that still impact my life today greatly…they aren’t things I can easily set aside…things that I must overcome first…but right now the more important matter at hand is that there is someone else who also harbors romantic feelings for me…I believe we can’t just ignore that fact.” Wufei said quietly. He didn’t much like seeing Duo smile that sad smile especially not when he was the one that caused his dear friend such pain.
“I…know…I didn’t know when I asked the favor though…I found out when I left the card she’d seen and tried to hide it I guess…when I found her to ask her she was acting like nothing happened and…I didn’t dare bring it up. I thought if…if you never found out who sent it she wouldn’t hurt either. You’ve never before tried so hard to find out who’s a valentine’s card was.” Duo said quietly.
“Well it stood out and annoyed me…like you do at times.” Wufei said smirking.
“I guess. I didn’t want it to be a big flashy thing really.” Duo said smiling genuinely.
“It wasn’t but the fact remains that she feels for me in a romantic way.” Wufei said getting back to the matter of their discussion.
“I suppose we’ll have to tell her you haven’t accepted yet.” Duo said seriously.
“I do not wish to get her hopes up any higher though.” Wufei said looking out the window to see if their chopper was coming yet. Their apartment was near the airport so it was easy to spot from the house.
“We have to go now. I guess we’ll figure something out when we get home.” Duo said picking up his bag as Wufei grabbed his and got up too.
“I suppose we will.” Wufei agreed as they walked to the chopper.
"When life gives you lemons, gleefully accept the misguided charity and incorporate it into your scheme for world domination"-Unknown


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