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Queen Haythia Mlerkrad
Queen Haythia Mlerkrad is offline
Old 11-02-2008, 05:42 PM

The bell rang and the teacher dismissed the class. Andre held The boy who had sat next to her for a moment.
"What color do you want? The one you have now or a different one. The spells differ from color to color." She asked him. She had learned that one the hard way.

Nicoleus got up and closed his books. During class his excitement had died down slightly. The principle had said that there were some complications in transportation, maybe she just couldn't get here on time. But then why would she only be taking the morning classes? Nicoleus shook his head. He and Coen could talk over lunch.

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 05:53 PM

Coen was surprised when the girl spoke to him again, "Um, that way I have it now. I just don't like having to re-dye it all the time," He stood there quietly for a second before finally getting up the nerve to ask, "Uh, they said you'd only be taking the morning classes with us, do you have lunch with us? Because if you do you could eat with us, my friend and me. If you want to," He wasn't sure what Nicoleus would think about it, but it seemed like the best way to get any information about her. He wondered if she did eat with the rest of the students, she hadn't been there for breakfast.

Queen Haythia Mlerkrad
Queen Haythia Mlerkrad is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 09:55 PM

"Alright." Andre said to the boy's choice in hair color. When he asked her about lunch, Andre looked down, thinking.
"Hmm... I think I'd be able to sneak in a lunch or two. My...." Andre paused. She was about to say parents but knew she had none.
"My aunt and uncle are strict about my education." She said with a nervous laugh.

Nicoleus had headed down stairs and set his books down at the table him and Coen had sat at earlier this morning and yesterday. He went over to wait in line. The smell of hamburgers came into his nose.

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:08 PM

"Education over eating?" Coen asked with a lift of one eyebrow. That's what it sounded like to him, "Your aunt and uncle sound pretty strict. Well, it's none of my business," Coen added quickly. He was still a little afraid of making her upset. Everything they had found out about the girl made her sound like a time bomb ready to go off, "If you want to come eat with us today, I was headed that way,"

Queen Haythia Mlerkrad
Queen Haythia Mlerkrad is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:43 PM

Andre smiled at the boy.
"It's no problem." She said at his saying that her life wasn't his business. She was glad that she had gotten to talk to some body. Last year had been a real drag.

"I wonder if they'll put in the library room again..." Andre said, almost not audible, as she and the boy went down the stairs to the dining hall.

Nicoleus had gotten himself a cheese burger and sat waiting at the table. He was anxious, did Coen meet the girl? If he did what was she like? Nicoleus was so wound up. Maybe it was just that he had somebody else to share it with? Nicoleus shook his head, trying to calm himself down. He'd find out soon enough.

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 11-04-2008, 12:09 AM

When Coen heard Andre whisper something about the library he pretended not to notice. He only wondered if this really was her, was she talking about her room hidden in the library. As they entered the cafeteria, Coen pointed towards their table where Nicoleus was already seated, "We'll put our stuff down over there and then get something to eat." He walked over to the table and placed his things down in his seat, "Andre, this is my friend Nicoleus, Nicoleus, this is Andre" He felt silly introducing Nicoleus to her, when he was sure that it was her they had been looking up information about in the library. "She's in my class before this, so I thought I'd invite her to eat with us."

Queen Haythia Mlerkrad
Queen Haythia Mlerkrad is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 02:59 AM

Andre set her books on the table as the boy introduced her to his friend.
"Nice to meet you Nicoleus." she said smiling. Andre then turned and looked towards the counter. She could smell the food from here.
"I'm going to go grab something before the teachers get here." She said running off to get herself a plate.

Nicoleus stood and nodded as Coen introduced him and Andre.
"It'll be nice to have you." He said.

When she left He went over to Coen.
"She was in your class? That was a stroke of luck!" Nicoleus said with a smile. Even id she wasn't the mystery girl, she seemed like a nice person.

((I'm going to be gone for a few days. Just FYI))

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 11-07-2008, 07:00 PM

"Ok," Coen said as Andre ran off to go get some food. He then turned to Nicoleus who was really excited that Coen had gotten her there. "Yea, she sits just a few seats next to me in my class." He said, "I'm starting to think that she really could be that girl. She said her aunt and uncle are real strict on her education. Did the reports say anything about her family. Oh!" Coen said as he just remembered, "When were coming down the stairs I think I heard her say something about the library." He looked off in the direction of Andre.


Queen Haythia Mlerkrad
Queen Haythia Mlerkrad is offline
Old 11-11-2008, 03:01 PM

"Just a few seats away?" Nicoleus asked amazed. He thought that the teachers would have seated Andre as far away from the other students as they could.
"There wasn't much about her family, but they records did say that her parents had died and she was entrusted to other, still living, family members. It could be her." Nicoleus said, sitting back down. When Coen said that Andre had mentioned the library, Nicoleus just smiled more.
"It has to be her."

Andre got herself two hamburgers and almost ran back to the the table. She felt so much more alive that she was talking to other people and the excitement of avoiding the teachers was great!

((I'm back!))

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 11-11-2008, 03:06 PM

"Yea, I think it really might be her." Coen said, smiling as well, caught up in Nicoleus' excitement. "Well I'm gonna go grab some lunch," he said as he turned around and saw Andre coming back their way, "This should be fun right?"

(Welcome back.)

Queen Haythia Mlerkrad
Queen Haythia Mlerkrad is offline
Old 11-23-2008, 11:41 PM

((Soooo sorry for leaving you hanging :gonk:. Homework and real-life restricted my computer access T_T.))

Nicoleus looked at Coen, confused "What do you mean?" He asked, but Andre came and sat down at the table before Coen could answer. Nicoleus just smiled at Coen and Andre and finished his hamburger.

Last edited by Queen Haythia Mlerkrad; 11-23-2008 at 11:56 PM..

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 11-25-2008, 03:30 PM

(That's ok, welcome back again.)

Coen just smiled to himself. When Andre came back he told her, "I'll be right back, gotta grab my lunch," then he sort of trotted over to the line to grab himself a couple hamburgers. It probably would be fun, even in Andre wasn't the girl they had been researching in the library, she was interesting and there was a bit of mystery about her. It would be fun getting to know her and maybe even becoming good friends like he had with Nicoleus.


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