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Old 11-11-2007, 10:29 PM

Yay, more! 8DD
Is there a reason for Jasper's forward-ness? ;o

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Old 11-11-2007, 11:24 PM


It's Jasper. There doesn't have to be a reason.

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Old 11-12-2007, 12:14 AM

Bah. xDD
I guess I'm just not used to reading stuff like this! :O
*goes back to colouring*

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Old 11-12-2007, 01:11 AM

What are you used to reading?

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Old 11-12-2007, 01:45 AM

Like, regular old books? Manga? 8D
I simply mean I haven't really read 'slash' stories before. owo Not that it's a bad thing, things just seem to move quickly! xD

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Old 11-17-2007, 02:47 AM

Haha, yeah.

not all of my stories are like that.

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Old 01-01-2009, 06:13 PM

Finally! A new chapter. I kind of forgot this site existed. Sorry guys. Please enjoy!

Chapter Five:

Ringing, ringing everywhere. It filled the entire room. What was happening, where was it coming from? So much ringing.

Dice snapped awake, his head throbbing. He looked to the kitchen and noticed that it was the phone mounted on the wall that wouldn’t shut up. The dark haired boy groaned and crawled to the phone, pulling at the cord to get it down to him.

“Hello?” he choked out. The phlegm in his throat was catching against his tonsils making it difficult to speak.

There was no sound on the other end. A crank call already? No way, not now.

“Got anything to say at all, dickwad?” Heat surged through Dice’s already damp body. He was already tired of all the problems that had come up since moving to this strange city. He wanted out, he wanted out right then.

A soft sigh was heard through the receiver. “I’m sorry Dice, I’m so sorry.” The owner of the voice was none other than the flamboyant, red-headed landlord.

“Ugh, it’s you? God, a crank call would have been so much better than this.” The tall boy hit his head on the wall, a punishment perhaps. He wasn’t quite sure.

“What?” Jasper’s voice reeked with pain and sorrow. Dice wasn’t sure why.

He sighed, “Don’t you get it? I can’t stand you.” He ran his fingers through his dark hair, knowing that he shouldn’t have said that, but it was too late now.

A grunt was heard in the background then Jasper hissing a ‘shut up’.

“Oh. My. God.” Dice could feel his stomach tying in knots. “You have someone there and now you’re calling me. I can’t believe you! Maybe you should make up your mind about what you want, not that you ever had a chance with me to begin with. You’re just a slut.” He slammed the phone back to the cradle, hanging up on his landlord. He didn’t even know why he was so mad.

Tears swelled in the corners of the boy’s green eyes. He couldn’t take all of the stress mounting inside of his already torn apart soul. He could only think about one thing: leaving.

Haphazardly he rolled up his sleeping bag up and shoved it in his bag along with his pillow before zipping it up and throwing it over his shoulder. He had to get out.

Light footsteps were heard on the stairs and Dice stepped out of his apartment, locking the door behind him. Someone came shooting down the stairs and stood firmly in front of him. The red hair was a dead give away as to who this person was. The dark-haired boy let out a deep sigh, digging his nails into his scalp as the cerulean eyes met his.

“What now, Jasper?” He could sense the anger in his voice, but at this point he didn’t really care whether or not he hurt the feelings of his soon to be ex-landlord.

“I just wanted to apolo-” His eyes moved to the large camo bag that Dice had draped over his shoulder. “Where are you going?”

“I can’t stay here anymore. I’m going home, back to Seattle, back to my family. This place is messing me up, you’re messing me up. You’re clouding my brain. You’re pushing hi-” Dice stopped himself. He couldn’t tell the dainty boy in front of him about his past. He didn’t deserve to hear about the love he had lost in his youth. The red-head wouldn’t understand, not as far as Dice was concerned. He figured that the mass before him had never felt the same love or sorrow that he had spent his life with. He figured he had never felt pain.

Jasper’s head dropped. “I thought you said you weren’t with someone, were you lying?” Sadness dripped from his words.

“I’m not, but even if I was I don’t know why it would have anything to do with you. I don’t see why you would care. You’re my landlord. We don’t have a history of any kind.” Heat rushed to Dice’s face. He felt intruded upon. He felt weak.

The redhead rubbed his temples. “If you’re not with anyone then who can I be pushing out? I’m very confused Dice.”

The green-eyed boy groaned. “You’re nosy. Stop it. I’m leaving.”

“You can’t leave. You already paid your first months rent. I thought you were here for school.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t care. If I tell my parents what happened they’ll understand. I’m just going to stay at a hotel for a few days before I make my decision. And even if I do stay in New York, I will NOT be living under this roof.”

It was almost as if the porcelain face of the redhead broke in half as the words settled in his head. Dice found this all rather interesting, to say the least. He wasn’t sure why his leaving would upset the landlord so much. They had never met, they had barely spoken. This wasn’t normal.

“Why does it matter you if I leave or not?” Anger rose even higher in his voice, though he wasn’t sure why. He was just so frustrated.

“It’s just—” The small boy’s voice cut out. His teeth were immediately gnawing on his bottom lip. The cerulean eyes would not meet the face of the dark-haired boy, not even a little.

“What? It’s just what? You know I’m right. Now get out of my way.” Dice didn’t even wait for the other boy to move before pushing past the frail figure and bounding down the stairs. He wasn’t in the mood for any other petty excuse that the redhead could give him for staying. He wanted out, he wanted to leave, so that’s what he would do.

If I’m not here I can’t get attached to him, I can’t fall for him. I’m doing this for you, all for you. Never forget that I’ll do anything for you.


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