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Cami is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 05:56 PM

Yes. o.o Symbolically, I want to be Harry Potter.

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Chi is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 05:58 PM

I'd love that. >.> I really would.

Hehe. Did I ever tell you that last year Cole got me a Time Turner and Snape's Wand for my birthday? >>;

Cami is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 06:03 PM

I didn't know they sold Snape's wands. I've seen Harry's and Hermione's.

And no, you didn't tell me. XD

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Chi is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 06:09 PM

I have yet to Avada Kedavra anyone, but then again... I'd just be misunderstood. >.>;

Cami is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 06:11 PM

I want a Voldemort's wand. Then I could be She who Must not be Named.

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Chi is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 06:18 PM

I was going to go on and on with something funny, but it would be nothing other than a pile of spoilers, so I won't. xD;

Mah... I don't want to do homework. T_T I have so much of it though, so I'd better go. I'll be back later. <3

Cami is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 06:31 PM

Have fun with that homework.

I'm still printing out the stuff I have to read today. XD

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Chi is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 08:08 PM

And here I sit, doing homework and somewhat procrastinating as always. Yey. >>;

Sakura Chan
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Old 10-21-2007, 08:17 PM

I wish I had the money for it, I want to make a white Victorian gown to wear during christmas.

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Chi is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 09:20 PM

That sounds very pretty. I'm not a dress person myself, but that doesn't mean I don't like looking at them! ^_^

Anthony Darkyn
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Anthony Darkyn is offline
Old 10-21-2007, 10:52 PM

I love to look at the designs of dresses. I love to see how the cuts of the neck vary, and the different colors and styles, the different fabrics. It's fun to see how the same dress looks on different people.

Sagando Mirasta
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Old 10-21-2007, 11:14 PM

I love dresses. xD I look pretty in them. :3~

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Chi is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 12:54 AM

I'm sleepy. ;_;

woopdidoodoo is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 11:20 AM

I am so tired, I didn't get to sleep until four this morning and then I had to get up at 6am to get ready for class. I nearly fell asleep in class and my French teacher laughed at me. He isn't teaching us French funnily enough he is teaching us computers which can be sooooooooo boring. Though when I have my back turned to him I can fantasise coz his accent is so sexy, too bad he is a ugly little short guy in reality with a bad temper to boot. *Yawn* how are we all anyways? I will backread and see whats been going on as I always miss out on the fun stuff.

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Chi is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 02:37 PM

I've given up on trying to fix my sleeping schedule.

I was in bed and mostly asleep by 10pm. So what did I do? Slept 'till 10am.


I think it's gotta be anxiety over the wedding. I had another long and complicated dream where everything went wrong. I NEED to calm down.

It's not even marrying that I'm so wound up about! It's the wedding ceremony itself.

woopdidoodoo is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 02:43 PM

Poor chi, why are you worried about the wedding? I mean really, what can go wrong? think of it like a huge party with a few speeches involved. I can't wait until I get married to my fiance. *Swoons* I have been planning my wedding since I was like sixteen and saw the most prettyiest dress evuh. I just want the excuse to wear the dress, (don't let my fiance know that though) tee hee, on a serious note though Chi take some deep breaths, relax and just make sure everything is planned ahead so you're not stressing too much okies? and take time out for yourself when needed as well.

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Chi is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 02:54 PM

I can tell you exactly why I'm falling to shambles. I hate crowds of people, but I can't stand being the center of attention. I have a bit of social anxiety, truth be told. I don't like shopping in large crowds, even though I do it often. I figure there's no sense in letting something bother you to the point you don't do it.

I'll get over it. I just need to take the time to mentally prepare myself. I just remember tripping and falling at my Maid of Honor's wedding. (I was her Maid of Honor.)

You know, if my shoes aren't comfortable, I'm not gonna wear them, simple as that. >.> I'm not going to fall on my face. *is a big bumbling klutz*

Sakura Chan
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Old 10-22-2007, 03:50 PM

How do we know how many posts we have?

And I never go to bed till 3 or 4 am now... I use to work a 3rd shift job as a waitress and that just messed my schedule up. I can't go to bed before midnight... believe me, Ive tried, but I never fall asleep till late. Ive even tried short changing myself with sleep just so I can go to sleep earlier but it still never works. At this point I guess Im never gonna have a regular sleep schedule.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 04:03 PM

Click on your own profile which is a button link under your post. You have 35 posts now. ^_^

Our bedroom doesn't get any lighting, so I think that may be part of the problem. I'm just annoyed that I slept twelve hours despite going to bed early. I didn't bother setting an alarm because I told myself, "I'll be asleep by ten. There's no way I wouldn't wake up by myself by eight."


Cami is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 04:26 PM

God... I have so much to do today, and I can't help feeling that, as not a single person came into the thread, that yesterday was a bit of a waste. x.x

There are lots of people buying the welcome shirts now. I'm wary of upping my bid (You know, doing something like changing the subject to, "Buying welcome shirts: 2K each), because that might just start a bidding war.

In other news, I'm sure the wedding will go fabulously. Even if a couple of things go wrong, that will certainly not ruin the day, and you guys will love each other just as much. <3

Edit: I have 1333 posts.

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Chi is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 05:10 PM

I was told I don't have to work tomorrow, but if I can get a back appointment with the chiropractor, we still have to leave early to get Cole's parents at the airport tomorrow.

All this means is that I have today to get this week's homework done, as I won't have time again 'till Monday. I may have an hour every night this week, but I don't know. Tomorrow is the bridal shower, so I doubt I'd be home earlier than 9, because after the shower is socializing with the parents. Cole won't get to see them long.

Of course as I'm typing this I'm just sitting here in a towel NOT doing homework. I'll try and multi-task that and Kellen from now 'till dinner. I'm cooking tonight, but I should have time this evening to get junk done.

I'm just so mad I slept so late.

Cami is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 05:16 PM

I'm mad at myself for sleeping late too. You're not going to believe this. I went to bed at 12, figuring I'd wake up at about nine (and planning my day from there. I would be showed by 10, go out to the lake until 2 to read, and come back to rewrite my paper that's due today). I woke up at 9:30, sort of groaned to myself about how now everything was going to be half an hour late, closed my eyes (for I swear a few minutes) and when I looked at the clock again it was 11:30. How the heck did that happen?

Anyway, I still want to go out to the lake, but I decided that I should get my paper rewritten first so that I don't end up not getting it done. I'm about halfway through.

Edit: Jesus Christ...

V-day pin/King's crown:

Should you be desperate to buy either of these, I will sell the V-day pin for 30k in items/gold, or the crown for 12k in items/gold. Also, I'm offering a good price in pure gold if you want to sell... PM me.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 05:20 PM

I feel sick.

I swear to God that one class said this huge-ass assignment was due on the 29th. It's due tomorrow.

>>; I'm gonna VERY sporadically be here. This is horrible.

Cami is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 05:26 PM

Go ahead and take off completely if you need to. x.x I've got plenty I'm working on too.

Dancing to her own beat..
Chi is offline
Old 10-22-2007, 05:33 PM

I just caught your edit.

Did someone PM you that or post that? WTF?


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