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Meh Ish Dum
Devout follower of Jesus Christ
Meh Ish Dum is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 06:32 PM

*peeks inside*
Why hullo there! o 3o
I like the idea of your thread! Please, may I have a pepsi? =D

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 08-26-2010, 01:55 AM

I was just kidding around. Don't take it personally unless... O_O You're hiding something! Just kidding. But I'm from Maine, so I know all about cold weather, and I don't like it. I definitely prefer warm weather but I might have been spoiled. I've lived from Maine to Georgia... Italy for 2 years... Korea for 2 years... now I'm stationed in Afghanistan for a year. I've actually spent more time outside of the United States in the past 6 years than I have spent in it. I miss the USA...

Writer and Fan of Yaoi
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Old 08-26-2010, 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by Meh Ish Dum View Post
*peeks inside*
Why hullo there! o 3o
I like the idea of your thread! Please, may I have a pepsi? =D
Of course you may. From the fountain or a can?

Originally Posted by Zephi View Post
I was just kidding around. Don't take it personally unless... O_O You're hiding something! Just kidding. But I'm from Maine, so I know all about cold weather, and I don't like it. I definitely prefer warm weather but I might have been spoiled. I've lived from Maine to Georgia... Italy for 2 years... Korea for 2 years... now I'm stationed in Afghanistan for a year. I've actually spent more time outside of the United States in the past 6 years than I have spent in it. I miss the USA...
I don't think I'm hiding anything of that nature. Although his oldest daughter is... but perhaps I shouldn't say it, but I don't care for her. I don't care for either of his daughters, one is a bit of a snob... but the older one is just ><. I don't think I've ever met his first born... he's been married three times... the third time he had another son. So three of his kids are in their thirties, but his youngest is a young teen.
Ah, that's a bit of traveling hmmn?

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 08-27-2010, 09:10 AM

Yep. A little bit of traveling. After I had left Italy I was planning on going to Australia next, but I had ended up joining the Army instead. Haha... funny how things work out but one day, I will go there ^^

whiteDevilz is offline
Old 08-27-2010, 09:11 AM

hello :XD

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 08-27-2010, 11:27 AM

The WhiteDevilz is everywhere O_O

whiteDevilz is offline
Old 08-27-2010, 01:04 PM

^_^ what can I do about that :boogie:

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Old 08-28-2010, 08:50 AM

Ah, I see. At one time I wanted to join the air force, but my therapist told me it wasn't a good idea... meh... I never liked that one and then she left! Ah well, my health had somewhat deteriorated since high school and I'm not just talking depression and social anxiety wise... who wouldn't be depressed after losing 6 family members in one year, especially with a family background of various problems.

(I have five relatives... only four living since one committed... but they all have/had some form of schizophrenia. I and my brother so far have not developed that... but I read there was a chance of still developing it by the age of 30, but it shouldn't be as bad as if one contracted it during their teenage years... seems our mothers genes are stronger in us than our fathers... except for artistic talents... my brother for drawing and me for writing...)

Hello whiteDevilz!

whiteDevilz is offline
Old 08-28-2010, 02:57 PM

wow! artistic :rofl:

Writer and Fan of Yaoi
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Old 08-28-2010, 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by whiteDevilz View Post
wow! artistic :rofl:
My aunt D can paint realistic scenes on saws... and they're displayed on the walls of her parents home. I don't know why they were painted on saws though, I've never asked. My father writes poetry and used to (not sure if he does anymore) draw pretty well... some might say its the Irish blood, but I don't know about that.

Would you like a drink from the soda bar?

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 08-29-2010, 04:55 AM

Could I get a "Code red Mountain Dew" while we are on the topic of drinks?

That's pretty interesting. painting on saws and such. Well... you might have things to look forward to. I mean... when I was younger my doctors told me that I shouldn't do ANYTHING strenuous. Nothing that would increase my heart rate cause I have mitral valve prolapse and a ballooned aorta. But I don't let people tell me what I can and can't do. So I joined the Army an never told THEM that I MIGHT have a heart condition, and Ive been fine. I think that doctors like to dramatize lots of things so that they can keep getting paid. I don't like doctors much... and I'm a combat medic! Ha! The irony.

Writer and Fan of Yaoi
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Old 09-02-2010, 12:26 AM

Originally Posted by Zephi View Post
Could I get a "Code red Mountain Dew" while we are on the topic of drinks?

That's pretty interesting. painting on saws and such. Well... you might have things to look forward to. I mean... when I was younger my doctors told me that I shouldn't do ANYTHING strenuous. Nothing that would increase my heart rate cause I have mitral valve prolapse and a ballooned aorta. But I don't let people tell me what I can and can't do. So I joined the Army an never told THEM that I MIGHT have a heart condition, and Ive been fine. I think that doctors like to dramatize lots of things so that they can keep getting paid. I don't like doctors much... and I'm a combat medic! Ha! The irony.
Of course you can get a code red mountain dew *pulls one out of the cold fridge* Here ya go.

That is very ironic.... but as long as you're fine then nothing to worry about.

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 09-02-2010, 01:55 AM

Exactly. I don't think that doctors should put ideas into peoples heads when they haven't had any problems their whole life. Like if they HAVE a problem but don't know about it and never had any symptoms, then they should live on in blissful ignorance. I never had any problems with allergies until they told me that I had "mild" seasonal allergies. Ever since then, it's like a subliminal thing, and I get seasonal allergies every year. *sigh*

*Opens the code red and sips it* It's been a while since I've had one of these.


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