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Angelo is offline
Old 09-01-2011, 10:09 PM

"Yeah, but it's not just if he hurts her," she managed to gasp from under the bear hug. "If she, say, stubs her toe, he'll feel it until it's gone. If she gets a burn, he'll feel that too. Heck, if she's having her period, he'll feel any pain then too." Staring up at her friend a little wearily, Tali took the time to catch her breath. Sauna certainly could change like quicksilver. The pint-sized comment also didn't offend her; she was used to it after all.

"I agree," Tali announced, walking forwards a bit. "I keep feeling him, so I know he's there, but his slipperiness is... awkward. I can't get a hold on him."

Loveless Angels
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Old 09-05-2011, 05:11 PM

Sauna laughed"Aw man, thats awesome! Tali you are amazing. I love you so much" she said giving her a tight hug. She felt so much better about leaving home now that Tali made it so that if something happened her father would have the pain as well. She looked to the woods and let out a sigh "I really dont like when people are acting like stalkers"

She moved away from her friends. "I wonder...." she said walking in the direction that she felt the persons presence "Come out come out come out wherever you are~" she said giggling.

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 09-05-2011, 05:24 PM

Lilith looked in the dirction her towards friends were looking. She smiled, "you guys really cant feel them precence cant you?" she toook a step towards them... Well she wasnt quite sure what it was. Her wings came out of her back, it use to hurt her, but after years of feeling them pain she became void to it. Her wings wraped themselves arond her so that only her eyes showed, she then streched them out and a gust of wind flew from them. "who are you?" She asked, only able to see a glimpse of an out line.

Angelo is offline
Old 09-05-2011, 05:38 PM

"I think he knows we know he's there," Tali mentioned, stepping up behind Sauna before she called out. The other kids looked at her kind of strangely from up the pass, but shrugged and went about their mission. As his consciousness brushed up against her again, she sent him a message. "Show yourself before I make you," it said. Though Tali sort of ruined the image by wincing. Sauna's hugs hurt! She was glad she had made her friend happy though, so it was worth it.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 09-06-2011, 01:02 AM

Eramthgin had made sure his camouflage was at its highest possible level (of which he was capable of) when the three girls had advanced towards him. And judging from what that last girl did, she was one of those psychic-mutants. He really disliked those powers because they're so adept at finding and sensing others. Her words also made it all the more tempting to remain out of sight, as he disliked the feeling of being threatened. But, just to see how capable they were, he shifted, keeping his camouflage on, and stepped out from behind the tree. He wanted to see just how much of him they could see, or if they would only see some clothes 'hovering' in the air like so many of those non-mutants did. (who then usually proceeded to shriek and run off, which was quite amusing, he supposed)

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 09-07-2011, 04:45 PM

Cexa recide to return to the home town after 3years of being away on his own, he want to come and see if anything has changed, now he has more of control to his gift nor curse as he still strugging to find the different with his powers. He know he can't be seen by people he might of known from childhood, he tranformed into a common bird which he still remember from back when he was in the town. As he flied cross the town he noticed few girls standing near a forest area speaking to someone who wasn't even there or least not visible to his eyes. He landed on a tree near the forest and listened to them as they talked, he sensed as he landed they were similar to him and he realised there is somethere near the tree who is using his powers to hide. He smiled as he watch the conversation fold getting curious to see the person who have gifted with chameleon power as its one of his favouite.

((what are we doing with the human characters??))

Loveless Angels
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Old 09-08-2011, 11:23 PM

Sauna really wasnt in the mood for a stupid gave of hide and seek "look just give it a rest.." she sighed " i dont know about my friends but i really have no intent of hurting you uif you dont have the intent to hurt me.." She wasnt sure why but as each day each hour even every minute passed she felt more tired, weaker even. maybe it was becauseit hadent rained in so long...

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 09-08-2011, 11:34 PM

((Will Ace's profile be up? :O))

Amused, Eramthgin felt a small smile creeping upon his face, even though most probably wouldn't be able to see it. "What? I'm not doing anything. I'm just standing here." He said, finally speaking, "and I could say the same to you...I bear no ill intention against you unless you do."

A bird fluttered into a tree nearby and he glanced at it through the corner of an eye. It was a commonly-seen bird, though if he was to be honest he thought the bird was eying them.

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 09-10-2011, 05:49 PM

Lilith's wing went back into her back and a smile softly formed on her lips, "yeah were not here to hurt you we just are on an adventure." she said noticing the little bird that was sitting in the tree. "Is that bird watching up?" she asked noticing that it was looking at them. She looked to her two friends, "come on guys let leave the group, please." she said with her big eyes and softly smile.

Loveless Angels
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Old 09-10-2011, 05:54 PM

sauna looked up to the bird now that the man was no longer just 'hiding' and stated he had no intent to hurt them, his words rang true through her ears, she was a pretty good spot of character, and could for the most part tell when someone was telling the truth. She moved to the bird extending her hand slowly hoping for it to come to her as most wild life did.

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 09-10-2011, 06:00 PM

Cexa slightly look at the area the sound voice was coming from tilting his bird head wondering if you could feel his presence as he made common bird sound trying to fit into his transformation.

He watched side to side as all of them have they chat still pretending to be a real bird minding his own business. He hated this place when he was little, knowing he would be sent here once he was 19 but he escaped on the way here. He didn't want to be controlled. He was lost in his thought not realising a hand was coming near him as he stared at the girl.

Angelo is offline
Old 09-10-2011, 08:43 PM

Noticing the strange little bird, Tali tilted her head, frowning as a sudden thought occurred to her. Could she read an animal's mind? Stretching out her mind to the bird, she was a bit surprised to feel a... wall or something. It blocked her completely. Stretching a little bit more, she pushed against the barrier, vaguely aware of the pounding headache that was beginning to form. It bent, and bent, and bent before it just snapped, shattering like a glass sheet.

Her victory was extremely short-lived, however, as a flood of thoughts barraged her. There had to be thousands, no, millions, of brains around her. And every single one of them was pounding into her mind. Crying out, she fell forward, completely lost in the flood. Absently, she noted that the bird wasn't actually a bird, and how she could suddenly feel the man's thoughts as if he were normal.

She had to force the gate closed. If not, she could literally become comatose. That had happened when her powers first bloomed, and it hopefully wouldn't happen again.

Lost in the flood of mental images as she was, Tali failed to feel all of the animals come closer to her. Butterflies, worms, bees, and other bugs began covering her body, while birds landed nearby in flocks. Heck, deer and other mammals were edging nearer as well.

Then her eyes closed, and her tense muscles went slack.

((Ooh. A twist! P: ))

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 09-11-2011, 01:42 AM

((Yay, twists! :XD))

Eramthgin's eyes widened slightly when the girl just keeled over without warning and wildlife promptly engulfed her. "Did she lose control of her powers?" He inquired, edging nearer, but then backed away again when various animals started bumping into him to get closer to her, not really 'seeing' the person standing there. He disliked close contact, so he shied away back to the tree he'd originally stood behind from. The girl didn't appear to be in immediate danger, anyway.

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 09-11-2011, 04:39 AM

Lilith looked to her friend and gently touched her friend, "Tali." she said softly. She then looked to the man. "If she did, this would be the first time." she said softly. "Tali... Please open your eyes." Lilith said as she cressed the small girls forehead. She looked to Sauna "Hey Sau can you heal her?" Lilith asked. Though Lilith really didn't know if it was anything that could be heald.

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 09-11-2011, 07:39 PM

Cexa suddenly felt someone trying to get into his mind, he didn't have time to see which one of those using the power only thing he was concerned at that time was blocking it but it was little to late even after he blocked his mind out the person was breaking into his wall and he had only one choice. He hated doing this power and refused to do this unless he had no other options, as in the case he couldn't let the person find out about him so he filled the mind of the person who try to read his mind with illusions. And took a flight into the air but too much power has been used already with his tranformation and mind control he barely had any energy to fly any higher so he just flew around to different branch and watched the girl who just fell into her knee, now knowing she was the one who try to read his mind he felt bad not knowing what to do next he pulled away his illusion from her mind.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 09-12-2011, 02:06 AM

Eramthgin noted the oddness of the bird that had previously been sitting in the tree eying them. Unlike the other animals, who were still crowding towards the fallen girl, the bird had fluttered, almost drunkenly, away instead. It hadn't flew far, just to another branch on a tree nearby, but it was still...suspicious. His previously slightly relaxed posture immediately tensed once more, and his body blurred out of sight completely, including his clothes, leaving only two specks of green hovering in the air. Try as he might, he could not ever completely chameleon his eyes, and contacts were the closest thing he could get to make the color less...out-standing. He crept towards the bird, now feeling wary. He hoped it wasn't a spy sent by the village, that would be...very troublesome.

Loveless Angels
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Old 09-18-2011, 01:43 PM

Sauna turned to look at her friend the second she had fallen, she would have been there to catch her but with the swarming bee's she hesitated. She was good with all nature she knew they wouldn't hurt her, but being highly allergic to them even a bee landing on her caused her to break out in hives.

She was about to speak when she saw the man disappear again. Had he lied to them? Was he the one to hurt her friend? or was this some horrible act from the goddess herself?

"Lilith... I want to move in and get to her but... the bees.." Being in tune with animals would help her but with so many she didnt know if they would all listen to her wishes. She asked for them to clear a path to her friend and to return to their daily lives. She could basically talk to them but she had never had a creature respond with words, only actions. She made her wish especially clear to the bees.

(Sorry guys... you weren't all waiting on me were you? just ping me when i need to reply again okay?)

Angelo is offline
Old 09-18-2011, 06:42 PM

Opening her eyes, Tali was welcomed by a field of black, specked with bright lights everywhere. It was a familiar sight. She had been here once before, and it still terrified her. Her body was comatose, lungs barely filling with air and heart barely beating. The last time, she had been out for ten weeks. Hopefully it wouldn't last that long this time.

She still didn't understand why she was forced to come here when her power was expanded. Maybe it made her mind stronger or something. Shaking her 'head' to clear the thoughts, she reached out to one of the lights, letting her mental presence fill it completely. Suddenly, she could see from two views: one from the creature she had possessed, and one from her mind.

What was it? It felt so strange. Almost like a quadrupedal animal. But where would they have come from? How long had she been out? A quick look at the sun assured her that it hadn't been long, but it had apparently been long enough for her body to become covered in animals. Had they been attracted by her sudden appearance in their minds?

Shaking her head to clear the thoughts again, Tali moved the buck closer to her body, watching as the animals cleared away. Lilith was stroking her body's head for some reason. That was probably because she didn't know about her previous encounter with a coma. Regardless, the body would need to be moved somewhere safe.

Stretching out with her power, Tali managed to lift her body up off the ground about a foot; enough so that the buck could get his antlers under her body. That was her limit though. All she could do afterwards was give the white-tailed deer a firm instruction to follow Sauna and Lilith. Then she sank back into complete unconsciousness, with her tiny body sprawled in the antlers of a deer.

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Old 09-21-2011, 12:49 PM

He looked at the direction of the girl who has fallen to the ground who seemed to get her self up just to fall back again. Was it too much what he has done to protect himself, has he hurt her that badly he thought to himself not sure if he should fly away from the area but there was something wither its a concern to what happened to that little girl or was it guilt, he wasn't sure but he just couldn't just fly away to mind his business. He made more bird noises to fit in with his tranformation he tilted his head shifting his eyes from one side to other noticing the movements around him. Strangly the person who was using camflaug has disappeared once again.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 03:14 PM

With the cover of all the chaos with the animals flooding towards the fallen girl, who had woke up briefly before collapsing again, Eramthgin reached the bottom of the tree where the bird was innocently chirping. Silently, he crouched, ready to leap up and grab the bird with his gloved claw-hand. If the bird was a pretend-bird, it may be possible that he or she had something to do with the girl's collapse.

Loveless Angels
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Old 10-08-2011, 01:19 PM

Sauna looked to the deer who was now carrying her friend she assumed that tali had to have gave some form of message to it for it to have actually picked her up like that. during the brief moments she was awake. "Lilith..I wwant to help her but.. I dont think doing it here is such a great idea, i think we should get going on out trip find somewhere safe to stay so i can try to treat her.. and at the same time if i use to much energy we will have somewhere safe to rest.. What do you think?"


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