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shinjuuchan is offline
Old 10-28-2009, 01:43 AM

My pet rat, Blizzard (Blizzy for short), is a noodle fiend. I swear, every time I make Ramen, she clings to the bars of her cage begging for some. Then, when I give her a noodle, she holds it in her little paws and nibbles away! It's so cute! XD
She also has a rather disgusting habit of wanting to clean my teeth... She'll be sitting there on my chest, and all of a sudden does a sneak attack on my lips! She pulls them down with her little fingers (which have sharp claws... ow) and starts licking away! It's so gross.
Also, she likes to type, as shown here:
[ffffff <----- Blizzy says hi. -_-* (she was waiting to do that the whole time I was typing that.)
She'll try to text and play my DS as well. It's so cute!

BinkaKitty is offline
Old 10-28-2009, 01:50 AM

Originally Posted by backporch_p0et View Post
My turkey George used to follow me around like I was her mother.
Soo cute, especially if it's the first time owning turkeys!!!
that makes me think of when i was a kid. we used to have some chickens, and there was this one that my dad really like and named Spot. anyway, that evil rooster chased me all the time. i don't know why, but he just liked to chase me. >_< even when he only had one eye, that dumb chicken still chased me everywhere!

Belle Lune
Belle Lune is offline
Old 10-28-2009, 02:11 AM

The most craziest thing i can think of about Himeya is that she likes to to eat my sister's thongs. LOL! Everytime I see one out in the open i just yell at my sister to say that the dog is eating her thong. She only goes after my sister's underwear.

My cat 'tite baby likes to attack me while i sleep.

Cacophonous Cadence
Cacophonous Cadence is offline
Old 10-28-2009, 09:39 AM

My dog (a cocker spaniel) is a complete spaz and there's hardly a day that goes by where she hasn't done something odd. She likes body slamming me and once ran across the room just to head but me violently before prancing off. Then whenever there is a horse, squirrel, or anything that catches her attention on the tv she stands up on her hind legs and just stays there glued to the tv until the object of her fascination exits off the screen. After whatever she was watching leaves, she starts running around trying to figure out where they went. Also once we were watching Psych (she absolutely loves that show and will plant herself right in front of the tv and start wagging her tail whenever Shawn or Lassiter come on tv) and I placed my hand over her eyes and she ducked my hand to avoid missing anything that was happening on the tv. I did this several times and finally she swatted at my hand and gave me this annoyed/offended look before returning her gaze back to the tv. My dog seriously watches more tv than I do.

Serita is offline
Old 11-02-2009, 11:31 PM

My dog takes his new raw hyde chewies. Runs into the living room and throws it up as high as he can just to hear it crash on the hard wood floor. He'll do it over and over ad over again till mom or I get mad at him and take it away. And On sunday mornings he likes to wake up dad. Dakota will be totally passed out on his bed and mom will say Koda wanna wake up daddy. He jumps up and runs flying down the hall way and Jumps on the bed licking dad and jumping and barking. The one time he got so excited and jump so high he lept over dad passed out on the bed and landed on moms side. It was halarious

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Old 11-03-2009, 04:44 AM

My cat opens doors. My door, coincidentally enough, has no lock. In the middle of night I'll hear my door squeak open yet see no one there, then a tail sticking straight up in the air will waddle in and jump on my bed. She also has this habit of suckling on shirts, as if she were a kitten.

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pinkii is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 12:26 PM

My golden retriever NEVER barks at the pizza man...he'll bark at other guests who come to the door, but NEVER the pizza man.
He also tends to run in right hand circles when he's excited, until he tires himself out.
He also HATES exercise. Whenever we try to play fetch with him using a ball or a frisbee, he plays keep awy with it so you wouldn't have the chance to throw it again.
Oh and he hates most of my brother's rap music - he tends to stay at the farthest part of the house AWAY from my brothers room whenever rap comes into play.
I love my dog <3

Agent HEY-LEE is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 08:14 PM

When my cat, Jewel, still had her front claws she would climb up the rug on our wall! And during the day she is a total loner, but if I'm in our old chair around 9PM she'll cuddle up in my lap. Unfortunately, she won't get off of me unless I stand up. She also likes to play with the edges of rugs. Like I'll have my foot under it and she will attack it and get the corner in her mouth while her back legs kick the side. Oh, yeah, and she loves chicken. A few years ago my mom was defrosting some in the sink and she took it out and dragged it into the litter box.

*Kuu-chan* is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 09:44 PM

My rat, Lethe, used to get out of her cage at night and climb into bed with me.
My rat Mnemosyne used to pull in things like sweaters into her cage and chew off the sleeves.
My cat Diana would always stand, and sometimes walk, on just her back legs. We called her our Meer Kat.
My cat Cleopatra opens doors, and likes to get in the bathtub, dishwasher, and once even the fridge.
My Cat Nikki eats EVERYTHING I eat. Her fave is canned peas. She has been spooning with me almost every night for about 10 yrs.

Blkmage Disaster
The Shadow Thief
Blkmage Disaster is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 10:22 PM

When my cat was alive, she would play fetch. :)
I would roll up a piece of paper and I would throw it, and she would fetch it and bring it back to me. It's pretty cool when a cat can do things like a dog does. But she was cuter in my opinion. =3

angel of light
angel of light is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 10:25 PM

My dog, Cissy, will always beg for us to pet her. She has to be in the middle of what we're doing, always. She'll paw at us to get our attention and then wave her left paw high in the air to signal us to scratch her. It's the cutest thing! ^.^

Also, she started chasing her dry dog food around the kitchen when she was a puppy. She doesn't do it often, but when she does it's pretty darn funny. She'll also do it with ice and other hard food.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 02:13 AM


Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 03-08-2015 at 05:37 PM..

Luzzy is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 02:43 AM

T___T I want a pomeraniaaaan~~ *whine*

I have a hamster. he likes climbing the cage at the top, and he does it kinda like how hyper kids will play at the monkey bars at the jungle gym?? xD He tries to escape. We let him run around in the kitchen every night.
He makes sad noises and tries to open his door by himself if we don't. >:U

Laila Izuka
Culinary Arts Ninja~
Laila Izuka is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 02:48 AM

OMG, I have a lot of stories that I can tell about my cat.

Well, for starters, instead of walking all the way to her water bowl, my cat will sometimes drink outta the toilet. I kid you not. I'll just walk by and look at her oddly, then yell at her to get out of the toilet '^-^

She also likes to flip upside down and demands that you rub her belly. She's a little attention whore. She'll also get so hyper, that she won't be able to judge distance as well as she normally does XD

szgg07 is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 02:52 AM

I don't own any pets, but when I was 10 I fed a little kitty milk and she kept coming back to the apartments. :) She was a gray and white baby.

AndrAIa is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 03:59 AM

my cat Will can do tricks. actually i can link to them for you guys:

ok the rest of his tricks i dont have on here because my video is like lost on my comp. but he can do high five, sit, pretty, down, and roll over also

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Usagii-sama is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 05:22 AM

my cat yuki likes to tear though little pompom fuzz balls off the spring off the scratching post.

we had one scratching post with an orange one of though things and she had that off within a day.

we have a purple one now and she is workign on it.

I don't know what her facination is with those thing *shrugs*

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Vexous is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 05:29 AM

my cat always finds it way into my underwear draw, i have no idea why or how, it's not like i leave it open.
It really freaks me out when i open the draw in the morning to get some panties and i see this huge fluff ball looking up at me, dont get me wrong i go awwww isn't see cute, but it scares the heak out of me

IMrs Sinister
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Old 11-04-2009, 05:39 AM

My puppy max will roll onto his back and won't move until someones at least rubbed his belly, and once he gets fed, he won't eat until he can lick the spoon we use to stir his wet food and dry food... strangely, he's an odd dog.

CaveBear is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 06:24 AM

My dog Yuley has been nicknamed "Dozer"
When something gets in her way, she lowers her head and "bulldozes" through it

MusicalParadox is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 07:17 AM

When I had hamsters they had an open top cage. They couldn't climb out but they had ways of getting out sometimes. So, at night they'd get out and run around the room. My cat would pick them up in his mouth, my dad observed, slightly terrified that my cat would eat the hamster and was surprised when, he, my cat, promptly walked over the the cage and set the hamster back down. This happened on several occasions.

Another thing my cat does is that he will pick what kind of food he wants. We tell him which food is in which container and set them down on the floor for him to go to one. He'll go to one and stay there and that means he's chosen that food for dinner.

Misses Jenn Jenn
Misses Jenn Jenn is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 08:48 AM

I have two 1/2 chocolate lab, 1/2 bloodhound dogs. Both of them are crazy. One of them is obsessed with shiny objects. Especially a lazer, which is commonly used for cats for chasing. Anything that reflects off of something she goes nuts over.

The other dog thinks shes a real person. She likes to slump back on the sofa with her hind legs sticking out. She also loves to be petted. She enjoys it so much that when you stop petting her, she gets quite persistant and puts her paw on you. Eery time you stop petting her, she puts her paw on you again. It's so cute!

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FAGGY CHAN is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 08:06 PM

Ionno. My cat isn't too crazy. He attacks me while I try to sleep when he's hyper.
That's about as crazy as he gets xP

Telendil Thaliel'dhar
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Old 11-04-2009, 10:41 PM

When my cat was still alive, she somehow learned to turn my nightstand lamp on and off (it was one of those touch-activated).

Guess what she'd do when she wanted me to wake up early in the morning to feed her?


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