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EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 07:39 PM

Welcome to the Starlight Tavern!

My sister GwenaHikari and I welcome you to the Tavern! Here at the Starlight Tavern, we're a casual role play thread, there is no need for a profile, just join in! Just write yourself in and out of the role play as needed! All levels of role players are welcome, although we will never fault anyone for making a mistake (we all make them :) ), please do your best to make your grammar and punctuation as good as possible.

Rules (because you know we have to have some :P )

1. Follow Menewsha's rules please.
2. No God/Mary/Gary Sue characters please.
3. No killing other people's characters without their permission or controlling other people's characters.
4. Your character can be anyway you want, but please be nice to others in your ooc (out of character) chat. If you have a problem with someone please work it out in PM.
5. Have fun!

The setting

Needing a break you come to The Starlight Tavern, one of the finest taverns in Menewsha. From the outside you see rich dark wood siding, with light blue trimmed windows and door, hanging just about and to the side of the door, you see the sign. It has a 4 point star carved on it with a ST engraved in the middle. It hangs from a beautiful wrought iron bar.

You venture inside, where you see lovely light blue walls with beautiful wood accents near the ceiling. There's a bar on one wall with various wines and spirits, even fruit juices and sodas for those preferring non alcoholic beverages. The bar stools have a rich fabric cover on them, matching the wall color, and there are lots of tables in the room. Cherry wood cabinets of fine china line some of the walls, and a warm fire is going in a fireplace on another.

Two Elven ladies stand at the bar. One has very pale blonde hair and bright green eyes, the other is pink haired with red eyes. both are very fair skinned. The tavern owners Eirian and Gwena Hikari welcome you warmly upon entering.

Visual refenceX


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Last edited by EirianHikari; 11-07-2014 at 08:21 PM..


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 07:40 PM

Gwena, welcomes the tavern guests with a sly, yet charming smile and a curtsy.

"Welcome, humble people. Don't forget to bow to me, before you exit our establishment!"

Oh, please someone join in :(

Last edited by GwenaHikari; 11-26-2011 at 10:26 PM..


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 11:13 PM

"Welcome everyone, please feel free to have a seat anywhere you like, have some food and drink, and chat among yourselves. Gwena and I will be here to tend to any needs." Eirian says, warmly smiling.


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 11:17 PM

"Eirian, I think we should have built a truck stop instead of a tavern. Maybe some Doritos would have drawn the customers?" Gwena says downcast, as she serves herself, her third beer of the night.

Last edited by GwenaHikari; 11-26-2011 at 11:23 PM..

sunnybunny is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 11:41 PM

"HARU! DON'T TELL ME WE'RE LOST!" screeched little Ellie squeezing her little black bunny stuffed animal close to her chest. She was so close into pounding her companion also known as her servant to mini little pieces with her bunny rabbit. But since she also doesn't know where she is either she decided not to.

"We're not lost you stupid kid, we're just on the wrong road so no worries." Haru said casually and scratched his dyed blonde hair. He yawned and turned around to go to the right road until he heard a low growl coming from behind. He quickly turned around and saw the young heiress rubbing her stomach in hunger. He rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair, "You are hopeless, you know that right?"

Ellie huffed and stormed ahead dragging her servant behind her saying, "I am not totally helpless. It's your fault that you had to anger that stupid taxi driver that he just had to drop us off in the middle of nowhere. Plus I just saw a pretty good tavern down the road. So see I'm not so helpless after all!"So the two odd companions walked down the road to see that Ellie was surprisingly right about the tavern. It was very magnificent indeed, well to Haru since he's interested in architecture. When they came in they saw two women in the tavern, one greeting them and the other drinking some beer. Ellie smiled and curtsied, "Hi we're kind of lost for the night, would you mind showing us where the Blackwood Mansion is after we had our dinner?"


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 11:47 PM

"Hello, and of course. We would be happy to help you find it." Eirian said cheerfully. Now about that dinner, "we can make you what ever you would like, pick what ever sparks your interest." the pale haired elf added.

ooc: Hello and welcome ^_^


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 11-26-2011, 11:55 PM

Gwena drunkenly stumbles to the kitchen. As the head cook (or rather only cook cough ) she felt it best not to starve their only patrons of the night. On her way in, she trips over a broken beer bottle and limps the rest of the way. "I'll be here, when they decide what they want!" Gwena yells drunkenly to Eirian.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 12:35 AM

"Never mind Gwena.....She's had a ...spirited night." Eirian laughs. "Come over to a table if you would like." Eirian leads the way to a small cherry wood table by an old brick fireplace, it has a warm fire glowing brightly in it.

sunnybunny is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 01:43 AM

Haru just nodded, not caring for anything but just to feed the spoiled little heiress and head toward the Blackwood Mansion. He started following the blonde elf with the little gothic Lolita tailing behind him looking unusually shy. She's usually more confident, spoiled-rotten, and very conceited. But Haru just shrugged it off. Once they were seated Haru didn't want to order anything since he's usually very picky in his food. He loves Thai food so he doesn't really expect a tavern to serve any oriental food. Ellie sat on her chair with her thinking face on, if you consider scrunching up your nose looking constipated a thinking face then so be it. Once Ellie decided on her order she smiled, "I want a medium steak with barbecued ribs with a side of corn with butter. Oh and I want an ice cream sundae with a strawberry crepe and a strawberry shortcake..... Oh and also a big chocolate milkshake with whipped cream on top!"

Not surprising coming from an heiress, thought Haru as he gave out a big sigh before saying, "If you don't have the things she requested don't bother giving it to her, just get her some porridge."

Last edited by sunnybunny; 11-27-2011 at 02:58 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 02:39 AM

The young man glanced here and there as he walked towards the inn. Hidden beneath his leather jacket was an arsenal of different weapons, all for lethal purposes of course. He was hunting, what he would not say if asked. It defeated the purpose of his quest. As he heard the voices of people conversing, Casimir paused then sighed. This night would be a bothersome one. He'd hoped that the inn would remain empty for today, it having opened recently from what he could gather.

Grumbling a little beneath his breath, Casimir pushed the door open and walked purposefully the counter while ignoring the other customers. Leaning against it the dark haired man tried not to show his hatred of the people who owned the inn. Supernaturals, he loathed them. It was his family's self imposed duty to hunt them down. "I would like a room please." To be polite in such circumstances was difficult, but it was necessary.

All she wanted was a few days away from homework and all the worries that university brought with it. Who was she kidding? Veda was looking for a good dose of fun too. She was seen at the responsible one, always had been. So tonight, and for these few days, she wanted to break free from that mold. The young woman ran to the inn with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face. Peeking inside and seeing the owners made her grin spread all the more.

She'd heard of elves, but they weren't all that common where she lived. In fact they were quite rare. Walking inside the brown eyed woman went to wait patiently beside a little girl with a teddy bear. She smiled at her and tilted her head to the side thoughtfully."That's a nice rabbit you have there, where did you get it?" It seemed like there were indeed interesting people there. Including the orange haired young man and the other one who exuded a mysterious aura.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 02:43 AM

Eirian couldn't help but be a bit surprised at all the food the little girl had ordered, but Eirian just smiled warm and said "Coming right up " Eirian walked to the back of the tavern to give Gwena the order, but she couldn't find her anywhere. "Hmm...I wonder where she went to?" Eirian thought to her self. "Well I just have to cook it myself" Eirian didn't mind, she loved to cook. After finishing the meal, Eirian brought the order to the table."Alright, here we go; medium steak and barbecued ribs with corn and butter. Ice cream sundae, strawberry crepe, a strawberry shortcake and chocolate smpothole with whip cream. Eirian turned to the man, "Are you sure you wouldn't like anything? We serve all kinds of food and drink here at the Starlight."

After Eirian finished serving the little girl her food, her attention turned to a man asking for a room. "There are a few rooms upstairs, here's the key to room two." Eirian replied, a little uneasy. She felt something odd about the man, but didn't know why. "I wish I could find Gwena, she knows how to handle this stuff" Eirian thought to herself.

ooc: Gwena fell asleep, but she'll probably be back when she wakes up.

Last edited by EirianHikari; 11-27-2011 at 02:51 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 02:51 AM

Glancing at the woman's ears, the man forced himself to relax. Casimir offered her a polite smile and sighed as if giving in to her demand after a moment's thought. "Very well then, I suppose I'll have today's special. The dish does seem delicious. It must be so, considering a beauty like yourself is cooking it." Flirting... Flirting with one of them! The young man had to be very careful this time around. The last hunt he'd been on had ended with his capture and subsequent escape. He had promised himself that wouldn't happen again, not ever.

Besides, Casimir had to admit he was terribly hungry.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 02:54 AM

"Oh of course." Eirian said a little hasted. "Please have a seat at any table you would like. What can I get for you?" Eirian asked nervously.

Last edited by EirianHikari; 11-27-2011 at 02:56 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 03:18 AM

Pulling out a sturdy chair for himself at a nearby table he thought. Upon the menu there were a few interesting things, all of them the usual hearty inn fare. One item caught Casimir's eye. "I'll have the stew, with some coffee. And I hope bread comes with the meal." A little barb of his true feelings seeped trough upon the last sentence, leaving the hunter feeling more relaxed. Hiding emotions was possibly the most difficult thing he had to do.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 03:26 AM

"Of course sir. and yes bread will come with it." Bread didn't usually come with it, but Eirian didn't want to make the man angry. She had no immediate reason to feel uneasy about the man, but she couldn't shake the feeling. And with gwena gone, she decided this was the best course of action. Eirian went in to the kitchen to start the stew.

sunnybunny is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 03:28 AM

Ellie blinked and started to blush a deep red because no stranger actually talks to her, just because she looks unsociable and a spoiled rich kid which she is but the young girl doesn't really want to admit that. Ellie started to fumble with her rabbit's ears and then she stuttered, "Oh, Elliot is custom made so I don't really know where he came from.."

Haru started to snicker at his master's beet red face before getting kicked by the spoiled little heiress. Haru winced in pain and thought, She's fourteen and she acts like a little kid, she's so annoying. before he could kick her back the elf woman came and served the Ellie her food. Haru muttered a quick thank you and told her that he wasn't really hungry, which he really is hungry but he could always steal some of his companion's food without her noticing. Haru watched as Ellie gobbled up the food she ordered and he decided to make a conversation with the blonde woman. He noticed that she looked at least a year older than him with really long blonde hair unlike Ellie who has long curly purple hair. "So," Haru began as he quickly stole the strawberry from Ellie's strawberry shortcake without her realizing it, "What brings you here?"


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 03:34 AM

"Well," Eirian started to answer the man's question. "Gwena and I always loved to cook, so when my family......came here," Eirian paused a moment. "My sister and I decided to open this tavern."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 03:39 AM

The smell of delicious things swept trough the front part of the inn. Even Casimir had to admit that the place was well run, despite the race of the owners. It would really be a shame to ruin such a fine establishment... In any case, as far as he could tell the elven ladies didn't seem like the type of people he was searching for.

Having decided to leave them be Casimir let himself relax completely. Soon enough a leather jacket found itself upon the back of the chair. Leaning on the table now Casimir's face was visible less tense as he took a bite of his food. "Well you certainly have a talent for this. I hope this place gets a lot more business, and soon." This time his words were completely sincere.

Veda smiled at the girl and stretched a little. "That's a shame, I would really have liked to find out since I'm shopping for my sister's Christmas present."Turning her eyes to glance at the elf woman, Veda couldn't help but envy her grace a little.

Then the smell of food made her stomach grumble. A laugh left her though as she noticed the red head picking food from girl's plate. It was as if the two were siblings. "Just taking some time to myself during a break from my university studies. And you?" Playing with some strands of her long hair, Veda smiled playfully. "I forgot to tell you two, my name's Veda."

Caboose :3
Clairefirestar9mm is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 03:40 AM

Alaina poked her head into the tavern, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the lighting. It probably looked strange (and a bit creepy) for the young woman to stand in the doorway, half in and half out, but nerves got the best of her. She was certainly in need of a rest, and the tavern looked inviting- but the other patrons made her wary. She stayed in the doorway as she debated her options, loosing herself in her thoughts.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 03:44 AM

"Here you go sir." Eirian brought the stew, bread and coffee to the table. The uneasy feeling she felt earlier seemed to be fading, and Eirian relaxed a bit. Eirian then couldn't help noticing a woman standing in the doorway. Eirian went over. "Excuse me miss. You seem a little tired. Would you like a room?" Eirian asked softly.

Caboose :3
Clairefirestar9mm is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 03:50 AM

Alaina jumped, snapping out of her thoughts as the woman spoke to her. "Ah...," she began, trying to compose herself. "Yes, actually, if you have any available," she managed in a soft, low voice. She slid more into the tavern, closing the door silently behind her. She cast a nervous glance about the room before turning to look at the elven woman before her, pushing the hood of her cloak off her dark, mahogany hair. "Sorry if I was lurking a bit, I'm... uh. There are a lot of people here," she finished lamely. She clamped her mouth shut then, lowering her deep blue eyes slightly. Whenever she got nervous, she rambled, and she hated it. Thus, she kept her mouth shut, waiting for the other woman to speak.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 03:54 AM

"Here, let me get you a key." Eirian left for a moment grab a small copper key from behind the bar, then walked back to the blue eyed woman. "Here, this is the key to room three, up on the second floor." Eirian motioned to the stairs. "would you like anything to eat or drink?" Eirian asked.

Caboose :3
Clairefirestar9mm is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 04:07 AM

Alaina took the small copper key carefully, as if it might shatter at her touch. "Thank you," she murmured, glancing at the woman. "A drink would be nice," she admitted, shrugging her shoulders uncomfortably. "If it isn't a hassle?"

sunnybunny is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 04:11 AM

Ellie waved her hands nervously, it made her look like she wanted to fly, "Oh uh but um I'll ask Haru where it came from later, since he was the one who ordered it for me last year." for some reason she felt like this isn't what she usually acted like, maybe it's because of the blonde woman who started talking to her, which made the little heiress happy. Ellie took a big bite frrom her steak making Haru roll his eyes out at her in annoyance and disgust. I wonder if Haru thinks I'm a pig for eating this much.... nah, I think he admires me for eating this much and not gain any weight! That's what I call an accomplishment there!

"You're in a university?" Haru asked surprised, where he and his master came from they didn't have universities or colleges. They had an elementary, a middle school, and a high school and that's pretty much it. Haru felt kind of jealous of the blonde woman for being in a college while he had to serve Ellie for the rest of his life, probably but he didn't mind serving under her anyways. When the blonde woman told him that her name was Veda he smiled, he thought it was a pretty name, "Well Ms. Veda, we're supposed to be at the Blackwood Mansion but then we got lost."

"All because Haru here ticked the taxi driver so much that he had to dump us out in the middle of nowhere. Miles away from-hey, wheres my strawberry for my cake?" asked Ellie looking around the table for the missing strawberry. "Um, Veda? Have you seen it?"


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 04:16 AM

"It's not a hassle at all." Eirian said softly smiling. "What would you like miss?"


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