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p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-13-2012, 11:55 PM

A Pirate's Life For Me

A tale of epic battles...

A tale of pirates and pilliaging...

A tale of hidden treasures...

and a tale of attainable paradises...

Our story takes place long ago when there was no technology or anything of the sort.
One would travel by horse and buggy, a ship with sails, things of that nature.
We will only be accepting ten characters, five female and five male.
So please review the character profiles before you send one in, there may be multiple pirates, but let's try to be diverse with the other characters. Ideas: Naval captain, princess, stowaway, etc. If we have filled up or you have a character in mind you would like to play but is already being used, PM me and we'll talk about it.

-Follow Menewsha rules and TOS first and foremost.
-To join, PM me the profile and wait for an approval to begin, DO NOT post profiles here.
-Romance and violence are encouraged, but keep it PG-13.
-You must be at least semi-literate for this thread and post in paragraphs (At least one; 4-5 scentences if you're feeling brain dead), with capitalization, punctuation, etc. No one is perfect, but this isn’t a text message. It's easy if you're describing what your character is seeing, smelling, feeling, etc.
-No God-modding.
-I don't expect you to post all day everyday as I will be gone from time to time as well, but you must post once every couple of days. I understand life happens, if you will be gone for longer than a couple of days, please let us know.
-Please do not write any out of character text in the RP, if you feel you need to have a conversation or even just ask a simple question, take it to the OOC Thread linked above.
-When you PM me your character profile, the subject title should read: 16 men on a dead man's chest.
-If you can not follow ALL of my rules, you will be warned once. If you continue not to follow my rules, you will be removed.
-I reserve the right to remove you from the RP if I see fit and to revise the rules at any time I see fit.

Profile Skeleton: Copy the text inside this box, fill in the information in the appropriate places and send me a personal message with the info. Wait for my response to begin the RP.

PHP Code:

CENTER][IMG]insert URL to your character's appearence. ANIME PICTURES ONLY NO DESCRIPTIONS[/IMG] 

I am [color="INSERT POST COLOR HERE"] (Be creative! View our list of examples above. If something has been crossed off, we 

are no longer accepting profiles for that character type) [/color]. 

[B][SIZE="3"]‡[/SIZE][/B][size=1] People call me ____. [/size] 
[B][SIZE="3"]‡[/SIZE][/B][size=1] I am ____ years old. [/size] 
[B][SIZE="3"]‡[/SIZE][/B][size=1] I am male/female. [/size] 
[B][SIZE="3"]‡[/SIZE][/B][size=1] I can ____. (Erase this if your character does not have any special abilities.) [/size] 

[B][SIZE="4"]‡ My story;[/SIZE][/B][INDENT][size=1] 
Write everything you want us to know about your character here. Ideas: background, mission, scars, likes, hates, etc.  


Character Profiles:
(No more pirates please :))

Kya Katsumi

Gemma (Jem-uh) Branley

I am a treasure hunter.

People call me Gemma or Gem.
I am 23 years old.
I am female.

‡ My story;

Gemma's mother died at childbirth, so she grew up with her father. Her father was a pirate, and although a bloody mean one, he always tried to protect her from the awful sights seen in the life of a pirate, sending her to her cabin during ship raids, and leaving her aboard when they pilliaged towns. Up until her teen years, he passed her off as his son, knowing a woman at sea was a bad omen. When she began developing, she was abandoned at Tortuga. Her mission now is to find treasures before the pirates do, proving them daft for believing such conspiracy and abandoning her.

Kya Katsumi

Human form:


I am a mermaid.

People call me Azaela, Zae or Zaela.
I am 22 years old.
I am female.
I can transform between mermaid and human, control water and ocean animals among other small things. But, I can only use my magic to an extent and only while I'm wearing my tiny shell pendant necklass.

‡ My story;

Azaela is adventurous, almost too much so. Her father is Poseidon, ruler of the seas, but much like any ruler in a vast area, there are few things he cannot oversee and control. She has been forbid to have any contact with humans as her father believes they are only trouble, but that only fuels her desire to see them. She often sits upon rocks or in coves and sings to draw ships to her so that she can get closer looks at what they carry, as her voice entrances the humans. She will also often follow a ship or approach an anchored ship in curiosity which can be dangerous but she doesn't care. Rarely she will travel to shore and transform into her human legs to explore. Her father often worries as she is the princess of the sea and knows all too much about it and it's treasures and fears her value to those who wish to claim the ocean and/or it's treasures. She wears a small shell pendant that holds her magic.


Blue Eyed Belle

I am The Cook for Devil's Dream.

People call me Belle or Blue.
I am 21 years old.
I am female.
I can cook and tend to wounds.

‡ My story;

Belle does not like to talk about her past. She does speak of her father, a wealthy merchant. Her mother died giving birth to Rel. The only family she has is her brother.

She likes to cook, read, and observe the sea. Her dislikes are fighting, treating injuries, and people insulting her food.

There is a scar over her left eye from a previous raid.

Belle's only mission is to serve her captain and protect her brother.



I am The Cabin boy for Devil's Dream.

People call me Rel or Boy.
I am 14 years old.
I am male.
I can tie knots and read.

‡ My story;

He only knows that Belle is the only family he has left. But he respects the captain as a father figure since his memory of before the captain is hazy.

Rel’s mission is to serve his captain and grow stronger to protect his sister from harm. He was only 6 years-old when the captain brought them aboard his ship. Belle taught him how to read and told him to serve the captain as best as he could.

He likes watching the ocean, reading, and learning about being a pirate. His dislikes are storms, people making fun of him, and men touching his sister.

((They are part elves. His eyes are also blue.))

Ryek Le'Raux

I am Captain of the ship, Devil's Dream..

People call me Captain or Ryek.
I am 35 years old.
I am male.

‡ My story;

Ryek Le'Raux has been captain of the ship "Devil's Dream" for well over 10 years. Often he is reffered to as the Sea Demon. Not much is known about Ryek's past, as he refuses to share such information. He is very agile, very good swordsman and very good with his pistol. He often takes prisoners, always pillages other ships if he thinks they're rich enough to bother with. Enjoys chasing mermaids and hunting after other mythical creatures.

The "Devil's Dream" is one of very few ships that can honestly be called, the fastest ship to ever sail the high seas. She's a dark grey ship, with sails as white as snow, the jolly roger is always flown atop her main mast. She's a big ship, but not too big. She's armed with cannons, but still retains her agility in the water. Sometimes she moves as if alive and Ryek often admits that he lets the ship choose her own way.


Jacob Blackburn

I am an English magician and gentlemen, though I do possess Faerie blood.

People call me Jacob or, among colleagues, Blackburn.
I am 20 years old.
I am male.
I can summon forth Faerie spirits to perform deeds in exchange for something, though I can also perform my own magic as well.

‡ My story;

Born the illegitimate, though accepted, child to a rich noble family, Jacob had his life made. He grew up shooting, hunting, and learning all of the countless other abilities and knowledge that a gentleman was supposed to possess. Yet, none of these various hobbies ever meant much to him. While he enjoyed them, they were not something that he felt particularly attracted to as a hobby. Until he found magic that is. His uncle, a theoretical magician, had come by on his way back from an auction, and was showing off one of his new books. Of course, this piqued the nine-year old's curiosity, and he ended up sneaking the book so that he could read it. At first his uncle had been furious, but his mood turned to radiant joy when he discovered that Jacob could, in fact, perform the magic.

His uncle proceeded to lend him the book, as well as several others. Thus, his knowledge and ability grew, though it was far from what one would call disciplined. Truly, most of his discoveries came about by mistake, and not of his own purposeful intent. This was precisely how he was able to summon his first Faerie, whom he ordered to teach him about magic. The Faerie, known as Ventus, agreed, setting the conditions himself because the child hadn't. Every night, Jacob vanished to the world of Faerie where he was instructed in the ways of magic and Faerie life. This is the primary reason that the Faeries don't mind helping him at all; they consider him one of their own.

Seven years later, Jacob took the society of London, and the whole of England, by storm. With his amiable personality and status as England's only practical magician, he was catapulted to the pinnacle of society. Ministers came frequently to ask his assistance in dealing with various projects for the betterment of England, such as removing floods, ceasing droughts, etc. A book he found which mentions several magical artifacts prompted him to leave and go searching for it off in the West, and so he joined a ship, though rather suddenly.

Possessing a warm, mischievous personality, Jacob often leaves a positive impression on people. In other words, it's hard to hate him, what with his ironic smiles and friendly eyes. Of course, he does possess a bit of arrogance, being England's only magician and all, though he has heard that there are others elsewhere in the world.



I am a stranded French girl .

People call me Mindy.
I am 18 years old.
I am female.
I can fight with a sword with incredible speed. This speed is also seen in my ability to sprint and climb.

‡ My story;

I was born and raised in an aristocratic home until the age of 7. I had amazing tutors and a comfortable lifestyle. Then one night my mother quietly took me and boarded a ship with our family's treasure. We lived at sea for several years, avoiding places my family might look. In a horrible storm, our ship was wrecked on a coral reef near an island. Many died over the next few years, including my mother. I alone am left, guardian of this uncharted isle with my family's treasure hidden in a secluded cave. I am full of questions as to why we ran away from home that night. I have no purpose in life except to continue hiding and protecting the treasure. I have a sword that I train with daily. I patrol the island several times a day and keep an eye out for ships. What I will do if anyone ever comes is beyond me as I am actually really nervous around people I don't know. I am scared of loud noises like guns and cower during storms. I'm fond of music though and can be lured to a calmer frame of mind with it.



I am Monk - ex-assassin.

People call me Father.
I am 35 years old.
I am male.
I can throw knives with deadly accuracy. Give me anything sharp and I can cause damage. My strength is my speed. My weakness is my conscience.

‡ My story;

My story begins at a young age. Taken in by the Church, I was trained to be an assassin for the holy order. Told I was doing the work of God, I caused a lot of pain and death. When I felt that corruption instead of God was leading me, I left. Ever since I have been trying to atone for my sins by caring for an unwanted village on an uncharted island. This place has a secret though. The crypt below my monastery holds a precious treasure. I feel it belongs to the people who have lived here for centuries. Should they ever need it, they will have it. The poor receive aid from the monastery, and this is the source. Love helping others, but am not certain I could ever again take a life.


Commodore Malcolm Stanforth

I am Commodore of the Queen's Navy .

People call me the Black Swordsman, the Hangman, Commodore Black Sails.
I am 34 years old.
I am male.
I can best any man, woman, or creature with a blade.

‡ My story;

I was the son of a local blacksmith of a port town when it was attacked by a band of pirates. I was 14 years old when everyone I knew was slaughtered and the town was pillaged and burned. I was the only survivor. I have since spent my entire life dedicated to exterminating piracy, training on ships until I was old enough to enlist in the Navy. I rose through the ranks, proving myself time and again until I eventually made Captain. After that, I carved a reputation as the most unforgiving naval officer sailing the sea, even once managing to take on a trio of pirate ships with my single ship and destroying them, taking the survivors and hanging them from the mast frame when the brig was too full. Before long, I was given a lordship and made a commodore, but I remain active on these oceans, my black blade at my side as I wage a war against privateers, ships of enemy nations, and especially pirates, not burdening myself with caring for a whole fleet, instead keeping command of only my single vessel, the Blackened Star.


Lucy Belle Soltwo

I am human. I think anyway.

People call me Lucy.
I am 13 years old.
I am female.
I can produce light through my bioluminescence and then manipulate that light, and only that light, through photokinesis.

‡ My story;

Lucy grew up like any other middle class child in England, which is to say that she learned to sew and cook and do all of the other things that women needed to maintain a household, though her education wasn’t very far along when the signs showed up. One night, she woke up to see that her whole body was glowing, which made her freak out. Her parents were also at a loss, yet the next day, it was gone. So the family tried to keep it under wraps, never really understanding that the reason it seemed gone during the day was because it was muted by the sunlight.

As her problem continued, they got more and more distant from each other, until one day it accelerated. Her snotty cousin was annoying her, so she put her hand up to get him to stop and ended up blasting him in the chest, though he was relatively unharmed. For her parents though, that was the last straw. They put her on a ship and told the captain to take her away. It was all fine and dandy until the crew discovered her abilities, which resulted in their marooning her on an island with the belief that she was possessed or involved with Lucifer somehow.

At first, she almost starved to death. It was only her finding fruit that kept her alive as she learned how to better control her powers. Now she uses them to hunt, killing animals with a shot before cleaning them and cooking them, though it took her awhile to figure out the first part. She sewed her own clothes from the leaves in the forest and figured out how to make a tent and basic utensils.

Now though, she’s confused. In the two years that she’s been on the island, no one has come by. Until a ship crashed. Most of the people perished, but one survived. Her actions intrigue Lucy greatly, but the petite girl is too shy to make contact, so she just follows and watches.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 05-08-2012 at 04:27 PM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 12:32 AM

It was overly loud and rambunctious in the small bar at the edge of Tortuga tonight. Gemma polished off her drink and eyed a man across the bar who she'd heard had possession of a special map. She was a fairly small woman standing at 5'4", but very fit from years of digging and lifting heavy treasures. Gemma was wearing a cream colored small sized long sleeved men's shirt, tied off just under her breasts, and buttoned up to her collar bone. She also wore a pair of tight brown leggings, topped with brown knee high boots, and her long brown hair tied back.

Gemma was a treasure hunter, so she also dawned a beautiful golden necklace and golden bracelets, few of many that she had hidden away in her secret trove of treasures. As to appear a little less intimidating, Gemma removed the knife holster from her thigh, and let her hair down. When the man finally noticed her, she gave him a sultry wink. Now was her chance. She ruffed her hair and unbuttoned the top few buttons on her shirt until her cleavage showed to the point that there wasn't much left to the imagination.

She stood and began to make her way around the bar towards the man when someone shouted something about someone's wench. Within moments, chairs and bottles were flying. The pianist stopped playing to hide under the piano and women were screaming. Her eyes darted to the man with the map just as he stood and made a run for the door. Damn, she thought. With all of the commotion and amount of bodies being thrown about Gemma wasn't sure she'd ever catch the man before he made it out of the bar. But her luck held strong. Bottle in hand, Gemma caught the man just as he reached for the door.

In one swift motion she reached up and brought the bottle down over the man's head. He swayed in place for a moment before crumpling to the floor, Gemma standing over him with a smile. Quickly she knelt over the man searching pockets until, voila, the map! "Why yes, I would like to have this, thank you!" she said sarcastically as if to be responding to the man in conversation. Hastily she folded the map into a small square and stuck it between her breasts, buttoning two buttons to be sure not to lose it, and made her way back to her spot at the bar. She grabbed her knife in it's holster, strapped it on and polished off the drink of the man who'd been sitting beside her. Before she could find herself in a heap on the floor, she made her leave, bursting out of the swinging bar doors and into the dirt street before the docks, smiling at her victory.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 08:15 AM

Ryek had sauntered off the ship. As was usual, he made port in Tortuga twice a month, sometimes only once, occasionally more than twice. It all depended on how far he was going, life on the sea was true life. Being on land, wasn't very comfortable to the pirate captain. True freedom was out there, on the deep blue. Still, Tortuga was like a home away from home, and his men needed the down time anyway. His crew was still getting the Devil's Dream tied to the dock, but Ryek trusted them. His first mate was a rather ambitious fellow, and that would probably cost him his life at the end of Ryek's sword or pistol, but he could be trusted to tie the ship in properly.

Ryek planned on staying a few days. No more than that, maybe less though. The pirate's boots thumped lightly on the packed, much traveled dirt road as he left the docks for the small bar at the edge of Tortuga. It could be a lively place, and sometimes it could be slightly less lively. Couldn't really expect much more than that from pirates, or any less. Ryek had opened the door, just as a wench cracked a man over the head with a bottle, only a few steps from him. It seemed it would be very lively tonight, a fight was already going on. Ryek stood there long enough to watch the woman rifle through the man's pockets and then he turned and walked back out. He wasn't much in a mood to get involved in a bar brawl, though some of his crew probably were.

His plan was to wait a bit, to see if all the noise died down to signal the end of the fighting. Of course, he knew that might be quite a long while. Just as he was settling himself in for a long wait near the doors, they burst open. Ryek smiled, he felt a bit mischievous and he did want to know what this woman had been after. It wasn't often a woman cracked a man's skull with a glass bottle to get at something. Ryek fell into step behind her, an arm going around her waist from behind as he pulled her backside against his front. "Lookin' for a real man to make you feel like a real woman, m'love?" His other arm had draped over her shoulder, fingers already working to undo the top buttons of her shirt. For all intentions and purposes it seemed Ryek was just trying to bed this pretty woman.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 03:18 PM

The air was warm but the breeze coming from the ocean was cool. As it picked up, Gemma headed towards the docks. She didn't have a ship, but that didn't mean she couldn't, borrow, one. When she felt an arm around her waist and herself being pulled into someone she stopped. An eyebrow began to twitch at the man's words as he reached for the buttons on her shirt. There was treasure out there waiting to be had, she didn't have the time for some town drunk trying to get lucky, not to mention, this man's fingers were awfully close to her map.

Gemma spun around to give the man a unforgiving slap but as she met his gaze her eyes widened slightly. Could it be? She'd heard of Ryek Le'Raux, and that he had one of the fastest ships to ever sail the open seas. She had seen him passing through town once a long time ago, and now here he was... trying to bed her? Her eyebrow twitched again. What else could she expect from a pirate? Especially one who more than likely gets everything he's after.

Her emerald eyes looked out towards the docks. Was there a way she could use Ryek to get her to each of these treasure locations? This journey would certainly be a treacherous one that she couldn't do alone. But this map was said to be drawn up by Blackbeard himself. It's said to hold the locations of all of his hidden treasures, as well as the treasures he had yet to acquire. Was that something she wanted to share with Ryek? Was it something he would allow her share or would he kill her for the map? Gemma couldn't be sure of that but she could be sure of the fact that Ryek was a pirate and that he could never be trusted.

She scoffed and in the next moment she had pulled the knife from her thigh holster and had it at the man's throat, her other hand gripping his clothing to keep him in place. She knew Ryek would be a formidable opponent, but she wasn't trying to fight him, only warn him. She would be surprisingly quick in her actions caused by years of fighting and evading pirates. "If you ever," touch my map... "touch me again, I'll cut your fingers off one by one and feed them to the fish." Her voice was calm and barely over a whisper as she leaned in close to warn him.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 04:33 PM

So close. All he had really wanted was that piece of paper she had taken from that man earlier, but still if he also got to bed her that would be just fine as well. She was a quick little thing, and in mere moments of him grabbing her, she had a knife at his throat and a tight grip on his clothing. Still, she was only a woman. Ryek had faced things far more dangerous than a woman with a knife at his throat. The pirate laughed, his hands moving to rest on her hips and he pulled her even closer. He seemed to ignore the fact that there was a blade at his throat, he leaned towards her a bit, tilting his head down and pressing his neck against that blade so it bit into his flesh and drew a thin line of blood.

Ryek's lips quickly captured this woman's just as the knife cut slightly into him. It was a gentle kiss, that was probably surprising, while he kissed her his hands moved. One reaching up to grasp the wrist of her knife hand, and the other up to unbutton her shirt. Ryek almost always got what he wanted, and he was so very used to winning. Hopefully he could distract her with the kiss long enough to gently slip his fingers between her breasts and get at that map. The hand that worked at her buttons moved quickly, fingers deftly undoing one, and then the other button. His grip around her wrist tightened for a moment and he pushed his tongue into her mouth just as his fingers reached for that map.

Ryek shifted on his feet slightly, and pressed even closer towards her, pushing that knife a bit harder against his throat. Making the small scratch a little bit bigger and a little bit deeper. Of course, Ryek wouldn't be doing this if he thought this woman would really kill him. Then again, he could be wrong about her. He didn't know her, but she was a woman. Women weren't very good at killing people, not of pieces of paper or treasure. Women were weak when it came to such things and Ryek was strong. He broke the kiss, pulling away from her lips and almost easily slipping out of her grasp.

A smile on his lips. Blood trickling down his throat and he jumped back a few steps waving the folded up map in one hand. As if teasing her with it. Then he bent slightly and slipped the folded up map into one of his boots. She would have to get that boot off of him to get her map back. "A pleasure doin' business with you, m'love." Ryek swept his hat from his head and gave her a dramatic bow before replacing the hat and sauntering past her towards his ship.

Smores is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 06:33 PM

The woman's face turned pale as his grip on her throat tightened, lifting her above the deck of his black ship. The wood had lost its sense of warmth, as had his soul. He smirked as the tears ran down her face, and as her arms flailed at his solid grip in her desperate attempts to free herself. Talon tightened his grip evermore, and the sound of her final breathe echoed on the silent ship.

Releasing his demonic grip on her throat, her lifeless body dropped to the deck with a thud. The ship rocked, as if it was pleased by her death - and embracing her corpse on its black wooden self. Talon looked unimpressed, displeased - and that made his crew scared. He turned his attention to a crew mate who had no name, at least not one that mattered... anymore then his insignificant life did.

"Fetch the wretch from below decks." The crew could not oblige fast enough and a younger, much feistier woman was dragged by her hair into the presence of Captain Talon. He nodded ever so slightly and a second crew mate came over to grab her. They both restrained her and began carrying her off to the Captains quarters. She screamed the screams you only hear when the person knows they will surely die, and she was not in the wrong.

Though she would not be alone. A third crew mate had approached the Captain, looking at him tentatively. Talon was pleased, the fear and worry made him feel good about himself. He turned to the crew mate whom had know gone completely pale and begun to shake. He hesitantly reached for the dead woman and grabbed her by the hair. Once more did Talon give his secretive nod, and her body was dragged to his quarters. The screams of the sea hag before her still echoing loudly, piercing the ears of all those in ear shot of her panicked screams.

The air around the ship grew thick, and the wood its self seemed as if to creak to life. Making awful sounds as if to acknowledge the evil that was happening on deck. Talon did not mind or care, he had grown all to use to the ships sounds - but the crew never had. They practically huddled in the areas they believed to be safest, holding themselves and hoping for an end to the ships own madness. Though that would never be the case, as they knew the happenings of this ship all too well.

The black fog was next. Some referred to it as mist, but regardless it rolled out of the same places it always did. It came off of the masts and engulfed the ship in that eerie fog that coddled the unforgiving ship in a blanket of evil. Though nothing as evil as the Captain, whom had walked ever so peacefully towards his quarters - content with himself to an extent that made his own crew contemplate desertion. Not that they ever would... a fate worse then death.

Death was welcomed at that point - but it was never found. Below decks was the everlasting tormented, and their constant reminder.

Though that is unspoken

As are many things, and that makes the crew uneasy. Still there is some anchor of reality, some sort of schedule. It is the only familiarity offered on this ship - the Captain and his practices. And as his door closed to the quarters, the crew dared not look. The winds had picked up and the mist began to float out to sea - forming a demonic radius to the ship. Though that was not the worst of it, not at all.

Blood seeped up out of the woodwork and the screams from the cabin were that of a banshee to be sure. Nothing like it ever heard before, and impossible to forget. The glass of the dreary windows shook at the shear terror in the screams and the hands of the crew to their ears. Desperately hoping to escape the screech - but not at all successfully.

The moaning of the ship was outmatched by the moaning of otherworldly forces. The pressure that seemed to press against their bodies from all angles, and the horrid images and thoughts that rushed through their heads. They were here - but the crew dare never ask what brought this presence. Or the wails of misery and strife.

The blood turned black, and the mist seeped into its wooden casket. The wails lessened, and the winds calmed. The black blood flaked away and out to the open sea - and the screams ceased.

What happened frequently had passed. It was over. It seemed like a trial each time, one that took its toll. Some of the men had gone mad during the time and taken their own lives in horrible ways. Some just wounded, it was usual. Digging their finger tips so deep into their ears that they bled. Some had even clawed at their own bodies for the pressure had been to much. Though that was a good scenario.

If you looked into the eyes of some of the men - you would see what it meant to see a broken man. Humanity a word not to be used on them, for their minds had been broken. The terrors that plagued their minds had been too much, the wailing, the screams... who can blame them.

Though the crew would cope the best any bunch of broken and tortured men could. They cared for the ship and tended to all its needs before that of their own. Until they heard their Captains words...

"To Tortuga." It was dreary, and its low sound cut through the silence. The crew could hope this would be a break, imagine they would step on land. But they knew better. The Captain would care to what he must, and the crew would be fearful of the ship - but near the edge when their Captain returned.

Still orders where orders - and the moaning below deck reminded them of what they had to lose. They did what they must, prepared the masts, swabbed the deck, applied the tar as sealant... nothing new.

At least some chores were taken care of... the dark figure always navigated the ship. No crew mate ever dare approach the wheel, you felt true evil there.

After all - it sat above the Captains quarters.

((Much of this is just my attempt to set the mood amongst the ship, the things that happen there - and the behavior of those on said ship. So in reality you could probably just skim over it. Don't feel obligated to read all of it.))
I have finally made a re-appearance. I am taking things slow, no promises on activity like it use to be - but it will be consistent. Just... hello again Mene.

Come get some wonderful art from; Arc Angels Wonderful Art Store!

Last edited by Smores; 03-14-2012 at 06:36 PM..

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 07:01 PM

A young woman was in the market district of Tortuga carrying a basket on her arm. She wore a blue dress with a black corset up to her developed bosom. Her head was down and her hair tried to cover the elven ears that would bring attention to her. The woman looked at the list she carried and made sure that the boy beside her was keeping up as he carried a bushel of potatoes. "Belle, these are heavy. How much more do we need?" The blonde boy whined as he looked up at his sister while carrying the heavy bushel. "Rel, don't complain. We are lucky to be doing this. The captain doesn't like us being off the ship." She said softly as before stopping at the butcher to get the meat the needed for the journey.

The butcher looked at the brown haired, blue-eyed girl and her blonde-haired companion. He noticed how they kept their hair down to cover their ears and did not make eyes contact with him. It was odd but he gave her the meat quickly and took the pack of coins she left on the counter. Belle looked to her brother as she put the meat in her basket and turned to leave.

Another group of pirates had entered and blocked the entrance. They saw something peeking out of the boy's hair. The leader grabbed it and Rel blushed as they discovered his ear. "Elves!!" The pirate yelled as Belle pulled her pistol and told Rel to run for the ship. She kicked the pirate's leg before pushing her way out of the shop. Belle was a fast runner but was barely losing the pirates in the crowd.

Rel ran towards the ship and blushed as he saw the captain at the dock with a woman whose shirt was unbuttoned. "Captain..."

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 07:50 PM

Emerald eyes widened as Gemma was pulled close to the pirate. She felt the blade pushing into Ryek's skin but before she could react, she felt his lips on hers. Gemma was so surprised by the gentleness of the kiss that she didn't react in a violent way at all. Although her brain urged her to finish him now, her feminine heart kept her from moving. But why? Any other man she would have disposed of easily, but as the infamous Ryek Le'Raux stood before her, her heart raced with excitement. He held such mystery and danger.

Snap out of it Gem, he's a pirate, she scolded herself. She felt his hand close around her wrist and his fingers at her breasts and she frowned. The map! But before she could react to the touch, Ryek's tongue collided with her own. Instantly she became mush, her eyes closed and her body relaxed, as did her grip on his clothing. When he pulled away from her, her eyes opened quickly landing on the map in his hand. She looked down at her unbuttoned shirt. "Damn you Ryek!" she yelled. As he bowed and moved casually passed her, she turned and scowled after him. The nerve! I'll teach him to steal from me and turn his back!

Gemma still held the knife in her hand and her fist tightened around it angrily turning her knuckles white. Before she could attack she heard the voice of a young boy calling for his captain. Huh? She stopped and turned to see the child, he was clearly seeking Ryek. Reacting quickly Gemma grabbed the boy by the arm and held him tightly, pressed against her she held the knife to his neck. "Give me back what's mine Ryek or the boy dies."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 08:22 PM

He had only gone a few steps past the wench when he heard a very familiar voice call to him. Ryek spun on his heel, a hand already going to the sword at his belt. Aurelio had sounded a bit panicked. Ryek didn't seem to pay attention to the fact that the woman had grabbed his boy and pressed the knife to his neck. His brow furrowed and he looked off in the direction Aurelio had come from. "Where is your fool sister, boy?" His hand remained on the hilt of his sword, as if ready to draw it at a moments notice. Most likely though, he would reach for his pistol instead, but with his hand there, one would expect him to unsheathe the sword.

He glanced at the woman for a moment. "You won't harm him. He's more valuable to either one of us alive. Lookit his ears, m'love." The pirate moved past them now though. Going in the direction his boy had come from. He could hear it now. The commotion. They hadn't been careful enough, he realized that rather quickly. Well, that was the last time he let them off his ship, without an escort at least. Ryek grit his teeth, glancing over his shoulder at her. "Put the boy on my ship. Once I've got his sister we can discuss this map of yours and what's to be gained." That said, Ryek turned back towards the commotion and continued towards it, with every intention of, more or less, rescuing his half elf girl. Ryek would kill any who tried to take anything from him, especially something as exotic as an elf or even a half elf. They were his prizes and he'd had them for a long time. He was rather used to their company.

He drew his sword with one hand, and his pistol in the other. Deciding to brandish both weapons. When he could clearly see the scoundrels chasing his Belle, he raised the pistol and fired. It was loud, and the bullet sped true, just over Belle's shoulder and into the throat of the closest man to her. It was enough of a distraction to cause the others to pause, to stop and stare. "I am Ryek Le'Raux and that is my cook. I'll kill you all for chasing her about." Those eyes were hard and narrowed in a fierce glare.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 08:49 PM

Aurelio squeaked as he was grabbed the busty woman and dropped the potatoes before he started shaking. "Captain..." He looked at the captain with tears starting in his eyes as he felt the knife against his neck. His eyes on the captain as he questioned him where his sister was. The young man was thankful that the captain was going after her. Rel tried to escape from the woman as the captain ran towards where his sister is.

Belle was running towards the dock and blushed as she saw the captain ran towards her. He aimed his pistol at Belle and she stopped running. She knew he'd be angry but she never thought he'd aim his gun at her. Her eyes showed fear before they closed as his gun went off. When the men behind her stopped and their leader fell, Belle looked at her captain. After he spoke, they turned around and ran back towards the market.

Her eyes were glued to her captain as she blushed more and held onto her basket of groceries. "I'm sorry, captain. We were trying to be careful. Rel's hair was not long enough to hide his ears..." Belle said as she stood where she was and lowered her head. "Please, take your anger out on me. He's just a boy..." She tried not to shake as felt the icy stare of her captain.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 09:08 PM

((Smores, did you say your ship was black or am I imagining that? Lol I can edit if so, just let me know. :sweat:))

It was true, Gemma wouldn't have hurt the child, valuable or not. She didn't have it in her to harm children. She looked down at the boy to see the ears. As Ryek moved towards the commotion Gemma sighed. "Don't squirm around like that," she said to Rel, "I don't have any intention of really harming you." Gemma stared off in the direction that Ryek had disappeared to. Damn, damn, damn! Mentally Gemma was throwing a fit. This was not supposed to happen.

She turned her attention toward the docks. Immediately she spotted the infamous Devil's Dream. Tugging at the boys arm she started towards the ship cursing under her breath the entire way. When they arrived, she released Rel and stood there studying him for a moment. She reached up and haphazardly buttoned a button or two on her top and then crossed her arms. She'd gone over option after option after option in her head and despite the fact that the last thing she wanted to do was get aboard that ship, it didn't seem she had any other choice if she wanted her map back.

Cursing again under her breath she made her way onto the ship. Standing on the wooden deck she stared up at the sails. Snow white, just like she'd heard. It was rather beautiful and Gemma found herself wanting to sail away with it, but she still needed the map. Next time she wouldn't let her guard down, she would kill Ryek in his sleep if she had to get that map back and captain a ship like this. Her eyes wandered the decks for signs of any crew.


Azaela popped her head above the water in time to see the black fog disappearing from around the black ship. She was so curious of this particular ship, she'd never seen a black one before, and it felt so ominous. If her father knew she was out here following humans again he'd lock her away forever. Not really, but she'd sure be in a lot of trouble. She swam closer, sapphire eyes remaining on the ship as to be sure she wouldn't be spotted. They appeared to be headed towards land. She loved land, although she'd only transformed and been on it a handful of times, secretly of course. Keeping her pace, she followed the ship jumping out of the water playfully from time to time.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 03-14-2012 at 09:12 PM..

Smores is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 09:12 PM

((Yes it is, the wood is a midnight black. And I'm excited the mermaid is now here too!))

The black ship sliced through the water, effortlessly it glided at speeds that a ship its size could normally not. Still, it did. Talon left his quarters hours later, he felt perfect. He had performed the ritual and had his body revitalized. He could take on any pirate that lived, truly he could. He had more experience then any other - and the body to match.

Not to mention the dark arts tend to lean the battle in the possessors favour.

Outside his quarters and on the decks of his ship he inspected his crew. They worked hard, and with due right - they could easily be replaced or 'fixed'. He had no concern for that. Still, the air seemed off. Talon turned his head to the ghostly figure that steered the ship and glared at it. The dark energies around it are strong, and the spirits vengeful - but trickery is too much.

The ship moved not by his orders, not to Tortuga - but to some other destination.

Then it happened... The spirits came. Displeased...speaking to him sharply.

"We will take you." The words were sharp, feminine.

"We know where you go." Those words were slower, more that of a man.

The Spirits? They have decided on the ships course? They have not only ignored, but changed the orders of the ships Captain? No.

"You dare to disobey me! Captain of this vessel!" Talon roared in a fit of rage, how dare The Spirits think themselves a higher authority then the living! He raised his right arm in the direction of Tortuga. "I demand he move to Tortuga." He hissed in a fit of rage, never so angered on his own ship before.

The spirits have scolded, sure, taken his strength at times - his will to fight or live. But to take his ship? They have crossed the line. And now his crew looked at him, insecure of what to do. They are aware of The Spirits powers - but fear the man who stands before them.

"No. The ship will not." The feminine voice rang in his head, causing a mild pain.

"We know the path." The mans voice was stern, and Talon felt a pressure in his chest when he spoke.

"Silence!" Talon raised his right foot, and stomped it angrily on the ground. The ship came to a sudden hault, tossing the crew and all things not tied down like dust in the wind. Talon had rage in his eyes, and gun in his hand. The crew remained laying down on the deck, it seemed infinitely safer.

"Consider yourself -" Talon turned to the man at the large black wheel, raising his gun sharply and directing it at him. "Fired!" Talon let a bullet ring out of his gun and tear the shadowy figure into pieces. At times he had struck it, and it had had just returned - but this time it had not. Talon sent him away with black magics, never to return.

"You dare turn your hand on us?" The woman's voice tore through his head, forcing him to his knees.

"We will break you boy." The mans voice was booming, forcing Talon into so much pain - he had no choice but to drop his gun and hold his head in his hands.

But that was the end. Talon had been pushed too far this time , over the edge was too mild a term to describe this feeling. Talon stood up quick and rough, and turned to the stairs. His glare was that of a man possessed, which to his crew - could very well be the thought crossing their minds.

"This." Talon grabbed the rail with a grip unsurpassed by any other, clenching his teeth and spitting out his words. "Is." Talon forced his way up the stairs - the dark energies tiring his body. "My." He had forced himself to the wheel and outstretched his hand, he would not be controlled by anything or anyone.

"Ship!" Grabbing the wheel by just a chance of luck, he spun it with full force. The ship spun in a rage, and the winds whipped with unparalleled power. "When I say we move, we move!" Talon had now pulled himself behind the wheel, taking control of a spot he had not been in for ages. "When I give an order, it is taken!" He stopped his foot once more and the ocean raged under the ship - forcing it forward. "My crew is mine to command, as is this ship." He raised his right hand and clenched it in a tight fist. Somehow his crew understood what he meant.

Scrambling to their feet and tripping over petty objects they scrambled to their stations. Pulling on ropes and what not to ensure smooth sailing that their Captain surely commands.

"My will is your command! I will not bow to the ideals of the dead!" Talon roared once more in rage, he had had enough of the spirits push and pull. Refused to let them have his ship, his crew. Dare they attempt to take his life or his power? No. He was sure of it... At least he would not relinquish either of them with no fight.

"Fool!" The mans voice was harsh, that of clear authority.

"You want your ship so bad?" The feminine voice was a screech, piercing his ears.

"Do not dare venture to Tortuga!" The man yelled. But he caused no pain, and that worried the Captain.

"If you do," Their was a quick pause - an unnerving one. "The next ritual may be your last." The feminine voice did not cause pain either - but the mockery was clear.

Talon honed in on that phrase. A threat? Was that it? The spirits would now take their next chance to end him? Why over Tortuga? Sure... it had its fair share of mystical ties - but to threaten him to such an extent? He could not even feel their presence anymore, they had gone. Left him to think most likely.

But they left him mad, and now his crew looked at him not as if he was loosing control - but as if he already had.

"You think me mad?" Talon hissed at his crew, who looked away sharply and turned to their duties with their full focus. "I will show you mad!" Talon smirked, and glided his hand on the hilt of his blade. Twisting it ever so slightly, and caressing the gun held to his chest.

"When we reach Tortuga, be ready!" Talon raised both his arms in a moment of absolute madness and pride. "To the cannons as we enter the range of fire!" He pulled his arms down, per-triumphantly. Fists made and teeth clenched, he uttered the words that he knew would show the spirits he had no fear of them.

Regardless of how he worried about how the would respond next.

"My crew! We will barrage that miserable port into annihilation!" Talon laughed the laugh of a mad man, one whom had lost everything. Though he might if he isn't wary of The Spirits. But that was not the thought, anger was the emotion - revenge the goal. "Then we shall make port, and kill all those who survive!" Talon drew his blade and raised it above his head.

The crew raised their blades in response - happy to be on land and doing something they like to, being pirates and all. Even below decks their was a roar of enthusiasm, the unmentionable things below where excited to once again see the day break.

"Loot what you can! Take not what you must, but what you feel you should!" Talon spun his blade above head and sheathed it quickly - his grimacing smirk somehow gave the crew morale. Though being on the winning side tends to to that regardless. "We will be there by day - and what a day it shall be!" Talon placed his hands on the wheel.

This was going to be fun.

Though...The Spirits.

No. Regret and self doubt? Not traits of a man whom has lived as long as he has.
I have finally made a re-appearance. I am taking things slow, no promises on activity like it use to be - but it will be consistent. Just... hello again Mene.

Come get some wonderful art from; Arc Angels Wonderful Art Store!

Last edited by Smores; 03-14-2012 at 09:18 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 09:43 PM

Ryek surged forward, sheathing pistol and sword since the men had turned tail and ran off. Ryek had a distinct reputation, he was a man to be feared and respected. Though mostly feared it would seem. He reached forward and grasped Belle by the arm. She was upset clearly, afraid of the men that had been chasing her and afraid of him. Or rather, afraid for her brother. "The boy is nearly a man grown, yet he runs away instead of defending his sister. Such a useless scrap of a youth. Mayhaps I'll toss him to the sharks?" Ryek's tone was harsh, but he didn't mean those words. No, this girl and her brother were worth more alive. At least, that was the excuse he gave himself. Honestly they had been with him for years and he didn't much like the thought of parting with them. They were his personal treasures. It had been hard to get them, but well worth it. As long as things like this didn't happen again.

His grip on her arm relaxed a bit as he pulled her along towards the ship. "Hurry along." With Ryek's free hand, he reached up to scratch at some of the dried blood that had run down his neck. It was making his skin itch, no doubt the wound, as superficial as it was, would need to be cleaned. It stung a little, but he had done it to himself really. A map was generally worth a few drops of blood or more in his opinion. Ryek hoped to set sail at dawn. He took long strides, and tugged Belle almost gently along behind him, making her keep up with him. Soon they were setting foot on the dark grey wood of 'Devil's Dream'. He let go of Belle as soon as they stood on the deck.

His eyes roaming around. Most of his crew it seemed had already disembarked for a night in the bar. Catching the eye of his first mate, Ryek motioned him over. The captain spoke rapid french to the man and then sent him on his way. Now he turned to look for the woman who had taken Aurelio captive. She was there, on the deck. He strode toward her. "To the navigation room, m'love. We've things to discuss and a paper to read." He motioned to the room that sat just under the upper deck, below the wheel. It was a captain's quarters, but it also served as Ryek's navigation room.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 10:44 PM

Belle winced as he grabbed her arm and looked at him as he spoke. "Please, I told him to run, captain. I didn't want him to get hurt." She looked at him as he pulled her towards the ship. "Yes, sir." Her eyes went towards the ship as she hurried behind him before noticing his wound. "Please, let me make it up to you. I'll do what you tell me to. Except bring harm to my brother." The young woman followed him aboard the ship and looked for her brother aboard the ship.

Aurelio was cleaning his master's quarters before his master came back with his sister. He cursed himself for being so weak and not being able to protect his sister. His eyes closed as he placed the fruit his master asked for on the table near the fireplace. The young man heard the captain's voice and left for his quarters. A small room next to his master's.

Last edited by Death_to_the_reaper; 04-04-2012 at 08:44 PM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 11:18 PM

Gemma watched from the other side of the deck as Ryek boarded and spoke to one of his crew members. He appeared to have another elf with him as well. She waited as he approached her, silently growling as he approached with her arms crossed, obviously agitated. When he motioned towards a room, calling it the navigation room, she raised an eyebrow. She didn't want to talk, she just wanted her damn map back.

Before he could move towards the room she shoved passed him, knocking hard into his shoulder with her own. As she did, she gave him her evil eye. It probably wasn't very intimidating to a pirate like Ryek who'd seen the scariest of the scary, but it had certainly been known to strike fear in the hearts of some of her past enemies. Gemma walked across the deck and shoved the door open moving swiftly inside towards the place he obviously kept his navigational tools, maps, etc. before turning around to wait for Ryek, one hip cocked, arms crossed again. She certainly didn't look very happy to be here.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 03:01 AM

Ryek watched the wench for a few moments. Smirking a bit when she pushed past him. She was such a feisty woman. Ryek did love the feisty ones. He barely grunted, barely moved when she pushed her shoulder against him. Ryek only gave her a charming smile. His eyes roaming over the deck for a few moments before they landed on Belle. "Off to bed with you." he made a shooing motion with his hand as he turned towards his quarters. He entered the room only a few steps or so behind the woman. The room was rather big, a bed nestled against one wall kind of in the corner on the right as soon as you entered. The rest of the room held charts and maps. All sort of things a navigational room ought to have. Shelves and books. Scrolls and even bits of treasure scattered about the floor here and there.

Ryek had many odds and ends sitting here or there. A large table sat in front of a large window that was in the far wall directly across from the door. Several strange compasses sat on top of a large sea chart. A few things had been scribbled on the chart in french. "Tell me your name, wench." It was a command. Ryek was captain. Anyone on this ship was his to order around. He moved past her and to the table, sitting down in the chair behind it and propping his booted feet up on the table and chart. A compass on either side of his feet. One compass pointed north, the other always pointed east. Most would assume it was broken. Ryek had not, nor did he make a move to pull the map from where he'd 'hid' it in his boot. He studied the woman carefully.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 03:20 AM

Frowning deeply as Ryek seemed to relax in his seat, Gemma fought the urge to attack the pirate. Having tested him by knocking into his shoulder, she had a pretty good guess that while she could hold her own in most cases, she wasn't much of a match for the infamous captain of the Devil's Dream. Now what? She'd actually have to comply for the time being if she wanted her map. "The names Gemma Branley. You can call me Gemma, Gem, or almost anything else but wench," she growled. "Now give me back my map."

As if he'd just say okay and hand it over. Unfortunately Gemma was unsure of why he'd even invited her aboard in the first place. Anyone else with a map like that would have killed her or been long gone, or both. She didn't question it for fear he would agree. Instead she began thinking over all of her skills assuming those might be the only things she could convince him to let her stay aboard over.

She was an expert at navigating, she spoke fluent Manderin, had access to her own personal and hidden treasure trove, she was a better fighter than most men, and if it came down to it, she was great in bed. Gemma sighed. Maybe she would get lucky and the map would be written in Manderin or something. Mentally she groaned as she stood there staring at the pirate, her eyes finding the cut on his neck How she'd love to cause him a lot more pain than that silly flesh wound.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 03-15-2012 at 03:26 AM..

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 05:02 AM

She watched him look over the ship and the woman that stood there on his ship. Belle watched the two interact and felt a twinge of jealousy as he shooed her away like a fly or something insignificant. Her eyes closed as she tried not to let them water as she walked away from him towards her room. The room was as small as Aurelio's but not as close to the captain's. It seemed she had a bit more liberty than her brother but not very much. Her eyes went to the few belongings she had left from her past life. A book of elven poetry, a journal she was allowed to bring on board, and a folded up flag. Belle sighs and sits on the mattress in the corner of the room. A small trunk sits under the porthole and is used as a table to set the other items upon including a candle to provide more light.

Aurleio sat in his room reading before taking out the pocket watch his sister had given to him when they started under Ryek's command. His fingers stroked the gold watch that Aurelio kept close to him. It was an important gift Belle said so he wanted to protect it. He wanted to visit his sister and apologize but he figured his best stay in his room.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 08:45 AM

Ryek nodded only slightly when Gemma told him her name. He pulled his hat off and laid it on the table gently. Covering the compass that pointed east with it, the pirate captain made no move at all to pull the map from it's place in his boot. He watched Gemma as he relaxed in his chair. "I may give it back, eventually." His feet slid off the table and he leaned forward a bit. One hand reaching down to pull the folded paper up and out of the side of his boot. "You are a woman, and I doubt you have a ship and crew of your own..." He unfolded the map as he spoke, lifting his hat off the table and moving it aside. He picked up one compass and sat it on the bottom corner of the map, the other he set across from that compass on the opposite top corner of the map. "How did you intend on sailing to this treasure?" His eyes danced over the map for a moment, then back to her. Ryek didn't wait for her to answer his question. "For a fee, my crew and I might be persuaded to help you." He smiled charmingly at her and ran a hand through his hair.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 05:26 PM

She sighed. He was right in the fact that she didn't have a ship or crew of her own, but that didn't mean she hadn't planned on stealing one. In fact, this one seemed like her kid of ship. She eyed the compasses for a moment feeling rather curious about the opposite directions in which they both pointed. Huh? "A price?" she repeated. Bloody pirates...

She rolled her eyes at him, but didn't protest. If she wanted that treasure or a ship like this one she would at least have to pretend to be more willing. Really she could do with just seeing the map. Her memory was certainly something to brag about. But, this was such a pretty ship, and she'd look a lot better behind the wheel than Ryek. She placed her hands on the desk palms down and leaned forward seriously. "Okay Ryek, name your price," she said, unable to force a smile, but at least with less attitude.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 05:50 PM

Ryek watched her carefully, almost as if he knew what she was thinking. He didn't really, but he could assume. If he were in her position he would be thinking up ways to best the captain and steal the ship. But then what of the crew? Some crew could be very loyal to their captain, and Ryek's first mate, as ambitious as he was, had proven himself multiple times to be very loyal, and even if the crew wasn't loyal it would be hard to get them to agree to following a woman's orders. The captain shrugged. "Half the treasure, whatever it may be, and you. In my bed every night between here and the treasure." That seemed reasonable enough to him. He was being nice about this, though Gemma probably wouldn't see it that way, even though this fee was fairly cheap.

After all she was in no position to really make demands or disagree with him too much. Half his crew was still on the ship, all it would take was a few words and she'd be stripped of her weapons and locked up down below the decks. Then she'd be a prisoner and treasure-less, and Ryek would probably sell her to slavers for a nice price then. He was indeed being very nice about this. He kept his eyes on her, watching carefully. He expected her to refuse or try to haggle the 'fee'. Having another woman on board wouldn't affect the crew to much, they were already used to one woman on the ship that they couldn't touch. No matter how bad their cravings got when they were out for months at a time.

Smores is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 06:02 PM

The demonic ship and its horrid essence had come to its mark, the Tortuga port. The silence was ridiculous, it was so blissfully unaware of the hell that was about to be unleashed upon it. Talon did not bother to throw anchor overboard - or have an anchor. His ship listened, well, when the spirits didn't argue with him. He let his grip of the wheel go and cracked his neck, making his way to the deck of his ship where the energy of his crew was at its highest.

Only destruction pleased a man. Well, women too... but sometimes Talon thought destruction more so.

"Prepare the cannons." Talon spoke softly, but his crew listened. His voice seemed to ripple in the air around his ship, spirits were not taking vengeance yet. They still cooperated for the time being, he commanded the ship, the movements - no struggle. "I placed us well, no ship will have a good engagement until they come around the bend." He waved his right arm passively, he was the meaning of the phrase 'The calm before the storm.' What a storm it would be. "By that time we will tear them to pieces. As for that, I want several cannons prepared with balls n' chains." He let loose a smirk and turned to the port. "And not the female kind. I want any ship that approaches to mourn for their masts." Pushing his fists together he cracked his knuckles, and his wrists. The ritual made him feel so refreshed - he felt young and brash again.

As the crew frantically met his demands, frantically but concisely that is, he oversaw them. Still, he felt they needed another trap, something fun and unprecedented. "Ah." The Captain was pleased with himself as he turned his attention to the eerie passage below decks. No man or woman dare be there...

"Be ready on my return." The Captain proceeded down below decks, catching the look of fear in his crew. Those that were not broken that is. Secretly, Talon wished his crew would be a broken lot all together. They work faster and show no fear of anything, a mans man to be sure.

Still as he slipped away to the darkness below decks - the ship creaked to life once more. Tired of being a vessel it yearned for the crashes of battle once more. To bring death with its mighty weapons and its dark hull.

As the spirits have yet to intervene - all looked well leading to the destruction of Tortuga.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 06:13 PM

Gemma's mouth dropped open and her eyebrow began to twitch again. It almost never did that, and now it had multiple times tonight because of Ryek. Because of this man alone her nerves were becoming shot. Slowly she reached up and put one finger on the twitch. Was he being serious? She waited for laughter, but none came. He was serious. "Are you crazy? You lecher!" She crossed her arms and turned her back in a sort of pout. I just want my map back!

She was fuming, but, she had an idea. As if suddenly possessed by an angel, Gemma turned around with a bright smile. "Sounds good, Captain," she said cheerfully. But instead of reaching over the desk to shake on it, she moved around it to the side Ryek sat behind with her hand out, still pretending to be happy and willing about the deal. When she got there she quickly drew her knife again and grabbed a hold of his clothing. This time she dug the end of the blade into his chest, exactly where his heart would be.

"But I have a better idea," she said, her smile disappearing. "I'll kill you, take your ship, and all the treasure for myself." Really, they were still docked as far as she knew. All she really needed to do was kill Ryek, take the map and disappear. She dug the blade deeper into his flesh. Her heart raced. She'd never actually killed a man before, sure she'd seriously injured many, threw them off of ships and such, but she'd never killed one in cold blood like this. In all honesty, she was nervous. Could she really go through with it? She peered down into his eyes. Here she was standing over the infamous Ryek Le'Raux. A man of so much mystery and adventure. For the first time she noted how dashing he actually looked, sitting there so calmly, the egotistical oaf. She shook the thoughts from her mind, it was now or never.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 06:36 PM

Ryek shrugged slightly when she called him a lecher. He was a pirate, what more did she expect of him? Still he sat there, calm and carefully watching her. When she turned back towards him, all agreeable, his eyes narrowed just slightly. Had she really thought better of his 'fee' or was she merely trying to trick him? She was a feisty woman. Trickery was probably what she was playing at. Ryek just smiled as she came towards him. When she grabbed him and pressed her knife against him, he still smiled at her. His own hand drawing his pistol and pressing the muzzle just under her ribs. "Kill me, m'love, and you'll die as well. If not by my bullet, then by my crew. They'll toss you overboard after having their way with you." But Ryek replaced his pistol. "You wouldn't kill me though. You've not got the eyes of a killer. Even if you did, and managed to escape my crew, would you easily find another ship willing to take you to your treasure for only a small fee?" He shook his head and grabbed her wrist, pushing the blade into his flesh slowly. "No. Other pirates would have their way with you, kill you and take all the treasure. I was being kind, but now you've gone and spit on my kindness. Perhaps I should have my way with you, hand you over to my crew, then kill you and take all the treasure?" He grinned at her.

Gemma was wrong in her assumption that they were still docked. Ryek had ordered his first mate to round up the members of his crew that had gone off ship and as soon as all were accounted for, to raise anchor and sail away from Tortuga. They wouldn't go far, just far enough. Too far for her to swim back to shore but still within eyesight of Tortuga. Ryek gripped her wrist tightly for a moment and pushed her back. Pushing the knife from his flesh. A knock sounded on his door, and words spoken in loud French. They had just come within sight of another ship, one that seemed to be settling out of port the way Ryek intended with Devil's Dream. Really that wasn't unusual, many pirates would do that, and take the rowboats in to shore. Ryek called back in French and was answered with more French.

Ryek stood, bringing Gemma with him. A ship that was only spoken about in horror stories. A ship only the superstitious believed in. His crew members were sure they were glimpsing that ship now. Ryek wasn't afraid, and he didn't believe in most superstitions but he had seen things that couldn't be explained before. He pulled the knife from Gemma's grip and grabbed her arm hard. He dragged her out of his quarters. "Behave yourself, there's no where for you to run, wench." He let go of her wrist, and put her knife in the sheath for her. Probably stupid of him to give it back to her, but Ryek didn't really think she could or would kill him.

Ryek strode across the deck, to where his first mate stood with a spy glass. They spoke in French and Ryek took the glass. Holding it up to his eye and pointing it toward the ship. His crew was restless, nervous. They didn't like the way that ship looked and they were sure it was the one from the horror stories. Ryek seriously doubted it, but he handed the spyglass back to his first mate and issued orders. Only to ease his crew's spirits they would head out. Far away from that ship and Tortuga. He turned to look at Gemma.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 07:03 PM

Emerald eyes widened slightly at the feel of the pistol in her ribs. In retrospect, this had been a slightly reckless idea. She should have put more thought into it, but all she could think about was that map. His threats meant nothing to her, she'd been threatened plenty in her journeys. Most of them were empty threats and the ones that weren't were never her problem. Somehow she always managed to wiggle her way out of any jam. When he grabbed her wrist, she had no problem digging the blade into his skin further. She wanted to see him bleed.

At the sound of the knock and Ryek pushing her back, Gemma blinked owlishly towards the door. She didn't speak French, but the man outside sounded a little flustered. What was going on? Gemma frowned at the roughness that Ryek was using now to drag her from the room. She would have followed willingly just to see what was happening out here. As he replaced her knife in it's holster she grew almost angry. How dare he trust her so easily, as if she wasn't a threat. "GEMMA, my name is Gemma," she said enunciating it the second time.

Huh? He was already moving across the deck. Gemma followed, looking out over the water to the ship in the distance. The hairs on the back of her neck stood straight at the sight of it. She looked towards land. Land!? When had they departed!? She sighed. It looked like she would be stuck here after all. For the time being anyway. When Ryek looked in her direction she shrugged, "What's the big deal, it's just a boat," she said referring to Talon's ship in the distance.


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