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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-09-2014, 11:25 PM

The blond man looked very out of place in the temple, wearing his chocolate brown leather jacket and jeans. Sholto wasn't trying to stand out, or to blend in, he just was. Just another tourist, visiting the ancient stone place, walking through the sweeping halls and looking at the oriental architecture. There was a lack of electricity and instead candlelight lit every twist and turn of the corridors. More then one corridor led to a dead end, while others led into rooms where some of the monks sat together, meditating, talking. They certainly weren't paying attention to him, even tough he wasn't part of the tour.

No ... he was looking for something. The amber eyed man finally found it too, in an out of the way room. It was in an elaborate wooden box, and fit perfectly in his hand. The gold was so warm under the candlelight. And distracting. The sound of footsteps made the thief panic. He stumbled against the wall, pressed his hand against something, and fell. Stone ground against stone, suddenly everything went dark, except for the amulet in his hands.

He stared at it. Took a deep breath as it tugged him down a corridor, lit with metal torches. It led down, lower, deeper. The damp air had Sholto shivering by the time he finally stumbled upon a coffin of stone. Or at least that was what it looked like. There were cushions here and there, silk ones. Almost as if they were placed so people could sit down and watch the stone bed on a pedestal.

Cautiously, he approached. An empty space caught his eye. It looked exactly like the intricate pendant he'd found. Slowly, he set it into the spot, and watched as the glow intensified.


Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-10-2014, 01:54 AM

The curse had been set in place centuries ago. An amulet made of both man and dragon, their power and soul bound to it without their concent. Since that time, Yin Long had been forced into a deep slumber under the temple, where the monks stood guard and watched over him to never let him wake. Unfortunately, they had failed. As soon as the amulet was placed into the coffin, the light would become blinding. Cracks would begin to span out from it across the lid and glow brighter and brighter.

The lid would finally expload, shattering into pieces and kicking up dust in the process. Inside, a very handsome young man would lay asleep. His body unaged by time, he looked peaceful for the moment. His hair black like that of a raven's feathers, and his skin smooth and a bit on the pale side for the moment. No visible flaws would be upon his being, making him seem almost god like in a sense, and for those who knew the legends, he almost was. His eyes opened, but they resembled for a moment more of those of a reptile. A piercing orange, the pupil's shrinking to slits and a slight low growl would eminate from him.

They would soon fade, to a beautiful dark silver nearly black color, before his frame would slowly lift itself from its position of laying there. He would not speak, instead, his hand would move to his head and his eyes would close. He had been asleep for so long, his body was weak and unused to this time. He was dressed in old fashioned armor, that fighting monks of his time might have dawned. He noticed the other's presence, and his eyes would turn on him. He stood, reaching to his full height, the torches around the room would burst to life with flame, and burn higher than before.

This man had awoken him? Why? He noted the amulet laying upon the floor and his eyes narrowed for a moment. "You have freed me from this prison....for that I am greatful" his voice calm and collected, warm but still carried an icy and powerful undertone. He would give the other a light bow, to accompany his words of grattitude. "You hold the amulet...which means you must know of its legends?" his eyes moved back to the man before him. He had to be certain of how much this man knew of what he was getting himself into. As he would wait for an answer, he stepped out of what was remaining of the coffin at this point.

Even now, he could feel the effects of the amulet, a part of him he was forbidden to touch unless willfully obtained. It was calling to him, holding a power over him. If the man knew the truth behind what holding the amulet meant, he could easily obtain whatever he desired within the world. If not, there might be an opportunity to end this quickly. However, Yin had learned long ago not to underestimate his opponents. He did not know what time it was either, looking over the man before him. His clothing style was far different than his own, which meant he was not in his own time anymore.

That would make things interesting indeed. Even so soon after waking, his color was returning. His body was waking and his mind sharpening. He was still weakened though, he would need to feed and re train himself soon.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-10-2014, 11:33 PM

He stumbled back and fell on his butt with a loud groan. Sholto rubbed his back and made a face, before his eyes fell upon the cracked open coffin. It lay like an egg, shattered into pieces. The young man scrambled to get his hands on the amulet, fallen to the side. Once it was in his hands again, he stood to face the strange man who had been sleeping within the stone tomb. He should have been terrified, or inredulous, but he wasn't. Instead he grinned.

"That depends, really. There are just so many legends about sleeping warriors, princesses, beings, and how to awaken them. It's really quite hard to say which one yours is." Absentmindedly, the blond slipped the amulet's gold chain around his neck. His mind was already shifting to how to sneak away from the temple without gaining any unwanted attention. He couldn't exactly drag the warrior monk around behind him, not when he knew for a near fact that the man had a propensity for showmanship. The flickering flames were proof enough of that.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-10-2014, 11:45 PM

He watched the other, his words seemed more like a teasing joke than serious. He frowned for a moment, before the flames died down and returned the room to its more sinister glow. He watched as the man placed the amulet around his neck, there was no touching it now or him for that matter. The sound of the door up above sounded, echoing down the hall. He glanced towards the stairs. "Seems we will have guests soon enough" he looks at him, clasping his hands behind him. "My name is Yin Long...As of now I am at your command it seems" his eyes upon the other's, "as long as you hold the amulet however." There were footsteps coming down the steps, voices coming down the hall as well.

"As a show of good will, allow me to take care of this little issue..." he snapped, the lights went out around them, and the darkness surrounded them. It would feel like ice against his skin, suffocating for a moment, before light would flood his senses. They were outside, the temple seen in the distance, but the two of them were in a forest nearby upon the mountain. They were free. He took a breath, of the fresh air. His eyes moving to the temple, a slight smile formed on his lips. Finally, he was awake and free of that prison. There was no one to stop him, no one to oppose him...well...almost no one. He turns his head to look at the man. He held the amulet, and now he held far more power than he possibly knew at this point.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 12:00 AM

He tilted his head as the world faded around him, the darkness replaced by light, the voices replaced by the silence of nature. Sholto took a deep breath and lifted his head to the sky. This man was a mystery. A puzzle he had never thought to discover. Branches cracked beneath his feet as Sholto moved to lean against a tree. He crossed his arms, amber eyes on Yin Long. 'So tell me, why were you in that coffin?" His fingers moved to tease the red eye of the amulet into the palm of his hand. His fingers traced the scrolling gold encasing the gem at the center. There was magic there. Sholto had sensed it from the moment he'd seen it.

As a procurer of rare magical items, he knew this was an opportunity. His employer was going to hate him though, maybe even try to end him. The thought made the wizard grin. Now that he knew that he held in his hands, or some of the power he held, there would be no parting him from the amulet and the warrior it commanded.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 12:13 AM

Yin turned his eyes to follow the man as he move to lean against a tree near them. He was asking him questions, and under the power of the amulet, he was inclined to answer. He looked back up towards the temple. "I was imprisioned long ago for obtaining a dark that could end the world if it fell into the wrong hands" he says, "to ensure the world be safe, that amulet was created from me in order to control me...and I was placed into a slumber in order to keep me out of trouble." That was the basic essence of the story, enough to give an answer, while not having to divulge every little detail. He turned to look at the man, deciding it was better to give him a bit more on himself, to seal the deal. This way they could move on, and allow him to leave this place indeed.

"That amulet allows you to command me as your heart desires" he says, "every wish...every need...every little thing you could ever want, could be yours if you wish it of me. My power allows me to grant the wishes and desires of others, but that is only the beginning." He walks over to him, "unfortunately for me....I can not touch it..." He lifts a hand, his fingertips near the gem. It would glow red, and a spark of energy would spark from it to his hand, causing him to pull back, "not unless it is willingly given to me..." He sighed, stepping back from it and from the man. That was enough of a start to wet the other man's appetite. It was enough to ensure for now that he would not let this go so easily, so he would not have to worry about being handed back over to the monks at least. As long as the amulet was in the other's posession as well, he was unable to lie to the man. That he would not give away unless directly asked, that was one part of the curse that he hated indeed. It made things tricky.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 12:24 AM

Sholto let himself slide to the ground, and motioned for Yin to follow his example. He felt quite safe there, upon the mountain near the temple. Surely if anyone approached, it would be an easy matter to ask Yin to take them somewhere else. "What is this dark power? And how did you get it?" He shifted. A stick kept digging into his back, so he shoved it aside.

"And why would they bind you to this amulet? Didn't whoever knew you then trust you? What kind of person are you? The questions kept leaping from his lips. Sholto was almost certain Yin would have to answer. Wasn't answering questions included in his wants, the things the amulet allowed him to do, to ask for, from the strange man he'd awoken?

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 12:36 AM

He sighed, lightly allowing his body to lower into a crouch near the other. However, his enticing seemed to compell the other to ask questions, which meant Yin would have to answer. His eyes closed for a moment, as he took in the words of the other before him. "I became one with Hēi'àn lóng, the dragon of darkness" he says, looking at him. "They bound me to it, in order to control me as I said, it was part of the origional plan, before things...went along a different path. It was not a matter of trust, it was a matter of duty and such for the monks of the temple. I am a man of honnor and loyalty myself...I was raised and trained within these boarders.." His eyes moved back to the temple. He knew this place all to well, but that had been so long ago to.

How much had things changed while he was away? He wondered what the world was like now. He had a question of his own, looking back at the man. "What is the year?" he asked, and after a moment he sighed, figuring he might as well ask one more question as well, "and what would you prefer to be adressed as?" He wondered if this man would be like others, who would have loved a situation like this, he was used to calling people master back at the temple, those who had trained him and were his teachers. He had not used the term in so long though, and refering to someone as such in this case of his, then coming to find out if they were not worth it made his skin crawl a bit. He kept poised and unphased on the surface for now however, waiting for his next words.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 12:48 AM

Sholto nodded. That he could understand, even if such things didn't apply to him. This meant too, that these mountains, that temple, had been Yin's home. It explained his looks, somewhat. Surely becoming one with a dragon had changed how the other man appeared, changed his personality. But who was he to know that? Him, no more then a magically endowed thief, no better then he had a right to be. Sholto took in a wiff of the fresh mountain air, breathed it in and let it calm him down.

"My name is Sholto, and it's 2014. I'm not sure what kind of calendar you're used to though ... might be different. " He shrugged. "Anyway, you can call me what you want as long as it isn't insulting." Something buzzed, beeped. Sholto made a face and slipped a sleek phone from his pocket. A glance at the screen had him cursing in french. Instead of answering, he pressed his finger to the big red hang up button and sighed once the noise had stopped. They were checking up on him, of course.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 01:01 AM

He raised an eyebrow, looking at the other man. He listened to his name, and then to the date. 2014? He nodded to his answer of allowing the other to call him what he wished. "As you wish" he said in respect, then the other was pulling out a device that made an odd sound. He looked at it, not knowing what it was.

He found it odd, how the other was looking at it, and then pressed a button. He was speaking, the words not immediately familiar, but it would be easy enough to get the meaning of them from the look and the actions that were following. "It is unwise to stay here, they will be scanning the area...they will know I am still weak from being imprisioned, it will take a bit for my full piwer to come back." He stood, a light breeze coming through the area felt good against his skin.

"Is there a place you desire to go, that for now is not to far?" he glanced down at him, within a day or two he would be at full strength, then things would be far easier. The other would be foolish to underestimate him at this point, but then again, he figured the other would be curious in part about him since he had just met him and obtained him. He was curious himself, and had a few questions of his own. There would be a time and a place for it though, for now it would be better to get someplace safe where they could talk without the fear of being ambushed.

No sooner had he spoke though, that a monk landed through the trees near the man. He struck out with a staff towards him, engaging a fight. Yin grabbed the end before it hit the amulet's holder, turning his body to deliver a swift and precice kick to the man's stomach, that sent him flying back through the trees an impressive distance. Yin tossed the staff he now held aside with little care, the man had been a fool to engage him, even in this weakened state.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 01:10 AM

Sholto had just been heaving himself to his feet when the monk appeared from nowhere. For a moment, he stared, mouth open, as Yin dispatched their attacker with a few swift moves. He shook some sense into himself with a shake of his head. You probably know this area better then I do. I'll leave choosing our destination to you." The thief reached out and wrapped his hand around the warrior monk's arm. "Just make it quick. It obviously isn't safe here." For more reasons then he cared to admit. He purposefully dropped his phone to the ground. He didn't need it anymore.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 01:20 AM

His eyes moved back to the man, as he spoke about him knowing this place better than him. That was true, but it was from long ago, time had changed. He could not be sure, that things were still in the way they had been in his time. He nodded to him, taking it as a desire of the man. He focused, the two of them vanishing from where they had been standing, to what appeared to be the inside of a cave somewhere. They were further away from the temple now, and it would do well for now, at least until night, for them to finish their talk. He moved to the mouth of the cave, moving his hand lightly over the rock. From the outside, the cave entrance would no longer be seen now.

This would allow them to remain hidden indeed, allowing them to be safe from the monks who would be looking for him. Just because he could not take the amulet, did not mean others could not. So if he was to get separated or such where he was overpowered before Yin could get to him, he risked the power that he was now holding in his hand. From his senses though, he could feel there was more to this man than meets the eye. He certainly was not as innocent as he appeared to be at first glance. Now the two of them were alone, leaving him to be able to speak with the man once more freely.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 01:38 AM

A hard tug at his stomach made Sholto want to throw up. For some reason the second displacement felt so much worse then it had the first time. It was probably because of the place where they had landed. The thief shivered when he looked at the cavern walls. He hated caves, they always gave him the creeps.

The thief shook his head and released Yin Long's arm. Slowly, he walked forward. His eyes were drawn to the roof. There were no signs of bats, not anywhere. To distracted himself, Sholto asked a random question."So do you have split personalities? I mean how does assimilating a dragon work exactly? Did you two kind of merge, mind, body, and soul, or are you two still separate beings?" The wizard turned on his heel and faced the other man.. He smiled a bit. "I don't like caves much. Bad memories and all." Yin probably hated having to answer all these questions, Sholto certainly knew he would have, but he couldn't think of a more polite way to get information out of the man.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 01:48 AM

The cave would do for now, but soon enough the other was talking to him once more. He turned his attention to him, listening to his words slowly. "We are both the same now, and yet remain separate" he did not expect that to make full sense to the other right away. "Our minds, nature and such have joined yes, I am him and he is now me....but at the same time, I am a vessal you might say, and he sleeps within me" once more, he did not expect that to make complete sense to the other. He listened to his comment about the cave with a slight glance around.

"If it upsets you so much, we can move on to another place" he says, looking to him once more. There were a few nearby buildings he knew of, though after his sleep, he had not been sure if they were still standing. He was not sure if this had even been standing when they came here. He had used to come here when he was younger, to explore and meditate. He doubted any of the monks there would know such a thing about him, this place brought back memories though. He placed a hand on the wall of the cave, remembering when he and the grandmaster had come here to train. But that was all the past, that was all gone now.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 02:00 AM

Sholto nodded, more as an acknowledgement of what Yin had said then as a show of understanding. Really, how could he understand? This was unknown territory in so many ways. It was also a perfect distraction from the walls. They were so enclosing. So ... solid and fragile at the same time.

He moved closer to the dragon-man. "We can stay." Sholto glanced up at the taller man. "Do you have any questions? Fell free to ask if you do." Just so long as they distracted him from the thoughts of cave ins and being trapped.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 02:09 AM

He turned his attention to the man who was now moving closer to him. He looked down at him, curious as to why he was moving closer. He did not mind it persay, this was the closest he had been to another being in...years. He listened to his granting of Yin asking questions, before he spoke up himself. "How did you learn about the amulet? And why were you after it in the first place?" unlike Yin, the other was not being forced to tell the truth, he was not under the influence of anything to do so. However, he was curious as to why the other was in possession of the amulet, and here in the first place.

He watched him, his body being taken in of a dragon, was warmer than that of a humans. Even in closer range as the other was, he would fee warmer. Up in the mountains, the air was cooler. It also helped that Yin was a master of his energy and chi. He was able to warm his body of his own accord if need be. He waited for an answer, not moving from his spot close to the other, showing he did not mind it and was in fact the other's in some matter of speaking for the moment. He was not keen in taking the role of a submissive servant to anyone, but he was not one to get so angry or brash. He remained calm and level headed.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 02:15 AM

Sholto bit his lower lip as he thought of how to answer the question. Finally, he laughed a bit. "Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt anything to tell you the truth." The blond glanced at his reluctant companion. "In simple terms, I help collectors of magical objects get their hands on whatever they desire, through legal means or illegal. I heard about the amulet from a new client of mine. This person wanted to get their hands on it desperately." He shrugged. "This wasn't anything more then just another job for me, until I ended up finding you. Now I'm too interested and curious to give this, or you, up." As he spoke, he ran his fingers over the amulet again.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 02:34 AM

So, this man was a thief. That caused a small frown to form upon his lips. He was a man of honor, so such things were not his forte. He nodded to the other, he had been originally unknown it seemed by him. This person keen on getting the amulet might have known about him, but he could not know. This man said he was now curious about him, so it seemed he would not be handing him over. The amulet was warm against his touch, and it had began to pulse lightly against the other like a heart beat. He nods to him, taking in the information he had been given. "What is it that you plan to do now that you have me?" he asks, his eyes upon the other's, he was a bit curious himself now, wondering what his plans would entail. He was interested to see what had happened to the world as well.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 02:44 AM

For a moment, he was distracted by the warmth given off by the amulet, and the beating of it against him, like another heart. Sholto glanced down at it with a frown. Was it supposed to do that? He lifted his eyes. "I would like to find out why my client wanted this so much. I mean .." Sholto shook his head. "Maybe I am a thief, but that doesn't mean I want to see anyone get hurt. I have principles and morals, even if they aren't arrow straight. And I get the feeling my former client doesn't have such scruples." With the power of a dragon at hand, who wouldn't be tempted to try and make themselves into a god? Well ... not Sholto, he had power enough thank you very much.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 03:24 AM

He nodded to the man before him, looking at him. He said nothing for a moment, he did not have any other questions for him really, he allowed a silence to move between the two of them. He looked at him as he seemed to caress and move his fingers still over the amulet. It seemed he was taking a liking to it indeed. He had little quarrel with not being handed over to the person this one was working for. If they knew so much of the amulet and such, he had no interest in being in such a problem. So he had morals and such hmm? That was good, he was curious of what they entailed, but he knew he would most likely find out in time. He looked to the front of the cave, he could sense the monks now not to far away, but they were so far not able to see them here.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 05:42 PM

He lowered his eyes to the red stone, so much like an eye. "Why is it so warm?" Sholto looked at Yin Long now. "And why does it feel like it beats like a heart?" Maybe it would be best if he just asked for a way to get around the questions, about Yin always having to answer them. It felt wrong somehow ... And most certainly odd. Sholto was the last person to think of himself as having a right to command anyone. A cool breeze swept past the illusion blocking the cave. He shivered.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 07:22 PM

He watched the other, he had partially explained it before, but he wouls explain it once more. "As I said, it is made from me...from the dragon part, as well as the man" he says, "it is alive, as a part of me. It is connected to my life as well as my energy, which is part of the reason why it is able to command me and has such a hold and connection with me." He looked at the other as he shivered, "you may think of it as a heart in itself if you wish, if it is destroyed...." He fell silent for a moment, "it has the potential to destroy me as well." He turned to the front of the cave with a sigh, moving to the front of it to look out. He could see from here, there were monks out and about close by.

They were looking for any hint of the two of them, but they would not find them. And if they got to close, he could deal with it easily enough indeed. How pathetic though in all actuality, he was connected to such a thing. It was able to control him, and he could not do anything about it. Whoever had it had him, it could fall into the worst possible hands, and he would be at their bidding. It annoyed him. It was fragile as well, and yet could end his life if it was destroyed. That thing was his biggest weakness of all at this point, he could not help but partially wonder why the monks had not destroyed it so long ago. Then again, monks were not killers, they were not capable of such acts. He was cursed unless it was willingly handed over to him.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 10:16 PM

"Do you know of a way to make it so you don't always need to answer my questions?" He lowered his voice, made sure that it couldn't be heard. "It just doesn't seem fair that you can't at least refuse to answer when there are things you'd rather not talk about, so long as it wouldn't put either of us in danger to hold the information back." Could they see through the illusion? he couldn't, but suspected that Yin could.

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Old 08-11-2014, 10:28 PM

He was a bit surprised by the words of the other, turning his attention back to him for a moment. Most would have been thrilled to have a servant who could not lie to them, and who would tell them whatever they desired. But he was basically giving Yin permission to keep information to himself. He gave a slight nod, looking at him a bit curiously at the words. "As you wish..." he did not know much about this man still, but he was learning more things it seemed as time passed between them. If the other did not wish to force information out of him, that was fine with him. In honesty, it was kind of...sweet. He noticed a monk come closer, examining the rock wall for a moment, and looking what seemed to be right through the illusion at them. After a moment however, he moved on with his commrades without a glance back.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2014, 10:48 PM

He wanted to peek out of their hiding place. Leaning forward, Sholto poked his head out of the illusory wall. Rubble shifted beneath his feet. Suddenly, he was falling, suspended in thin air. He didn't have time to think, except to stop himself from screaming. He knew that would bring too much attention. The young man flailed as his mind raced. There was a spell.. just out of reach of his grasping mind. It kept slipping from his grasp, fading away as panic rose. And all of this took but a few seconds even tough it felt like an eternity.


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