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Old 09-26-2007, 07:42 AM

The Story-line:

A group of scientists have been working on viruses. Trying to mutate them to find a cure. One day something went horribly wrong and a virus mutated. The virus was highly contagious and wiped out everyone from the age of 19 and above. (They will later come back as zombies kind of like with resident evil.) The survivors are left alone to try to fend for themselves. Violence breaks out among them and the cities and towns become broken. Small groups have banded together to try and beat the odds of survival. People who turn 19 after the virus do not die because the now have an immuntiy.

Story Start:

Everyone is in the same town or is entering the same town from
somewhere else. Some how we have to meet up and fight for survival, then later figure out how to fight zombies.


1. Follow Menewsha rules
2. Romance is encouraged
3. List profiles only.
4. Must be semi-literate
5. No chat speak
6. I reserve the right to change the rules.

Character Skeleton:

Age: (18 or less not baby)


Name: Akirian
Age: 11
Sex: Female
Personality: Shes quite bouncy when she has people around but she always gets into some sort of trouble intentional or not. Most of the times not but she does get into trouble. Shes a sweet kid and one who almost always has a smile on her face even if shes hurting.

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
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Old 09-26-2007, 05:09 PM

((You didn't specify if you wanted them PMed to you so I'm posting it.))

Name: Jesslynne
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Personality: She's a very serious girl and doesn't take jokes lightly. In fact she disliked jokes in general. She likes to step forward and help those in need but doesn't like to be told what to do. Otherwise she generally keeps to herself and won't speak unless spoken to.

(Replace with purple hair and violet eyes)

Name: Terrance (Terry for short)
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Personality: He's very laid back and goes with the flow no matter what the situation. He knows that if one panics in a rushed situation that everything will go to hell. He doesn't trust people easily but he'll make it seem he is friends with a person and judge in time whether the person makes a good friend or not.

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Old 09-26-2007, 06:20 PM

(Thank you for joining. Posting the bios is fine)

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Old 09-26-2007, 07:39 PM

Is it alright if I play two characters? I have a brother and sister combo that would probably go well in this roleplay? If not just let me know and I'll erase him from my post.

Name: Ebony Winters
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Personality: Ebony places a high value on honour and strength. She doesn't take things lightly and is often seen as bad. She can expertly handle guns and is a Dan in Ju-jitsu and Karate. She is fierce and ruthless.

Name: Charlie Winters
Sex: Male
Personality: Like his sister Charlie places a high value on honour and strength but in a different way to Ebony. He is kind to the girls, often taking special care to protect them rather than thinking that they should be able to fend for themselves. He can expertly handle guns and is a Dan in Ju-jitsu and Karate. Unlike his sister he is seen as pleasent, someone you wouldn't mind taking home to meet the parents...if they were still alive that is...


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Old 09-26-2007, 07:58 PM

(Thats fine more entertraining too)

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Old 09-26-2007, 08:00 PM

((YAY, :) How many people are we waiting for before we start?))

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Old 09-26-2007, 08:08 PM

(I think we could start now and more people can join in as they please.)

A young girl stood arouns a corner watching children older than her. They were searching for the same thing as she, but they were older and more likely to get ahold of it. If she was lucky she would be able to steal some from them when they weren't paying attention. That was if she were lucky which was rarely the case.

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Old 09-26-2007, 08:19 PM

Eyes so light they were almost yellow peered out of the weapons store window as two slender fingers held the shutters slightly open. "It doesn't look too bad here Charlie." A soft female voice rang out through the darkness as the fingers let the shutters close once more. The owner turned to peer into the dark room as she propped her back against the window. "How's it comming? Anything useful back there?"

A males laugh answered her enquiries. "Of all people you should understand how decieving looks can be." A the charismatic voice laughed as a tall, well built boy appearing in one of the internal doorways. A black gloved hand holding a large box which he tossed to her. whilst the other black gloved hand placed a second box on a workbench.

He pulled two 9mm guns from the waistband of his black trousers whilst she pulled a matching pair from her thigh high, black, leather boots. Opening their respective boxs they proceeded to load the guns "Anymore for anymore?" She asked, as she cocked the weapons and aimed at the boy.

He nodded "Yeah, I loaded the backpacks with what we could carry...for both sets." He replied doing the same to the female. Then satisfied they both uncocked the weapons and replaced one to where they had previously rested. Again the male vanished into the backroom and returned with two large backpacks. He threw one at the girl who slung it over one shoulder. With a last look through the blinds she stepped out of the shop and onto the pavement. He followed her only a moment later, slinging his backpack onto his back.

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Old 09-26-2007, 08:25 PM

The girl continued to watch the group of older children. Suddenly they looked away from their prize something had caught their attention elsewhere. The girl took the chance to quietly slip over to them Grabbing some food she slowly slipped away careful not to make any noise or too quick a movement t be caught by them. She had been lucky to get to them, not so lucky in getting away. One saw her and immeadiatly some of the group began chasing her. She bolted into running every which way she could turn she did, trying her damnest to keep her stolen prize.

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Old 09-26-2007, 08:31 PM

Ebony was the first to hear the sound of approaching footsteps. Her free hand touched her brothers shoulder and indicated down the street as she crossed to the other side. Both bags fell to the floor as they each pulled out their second weapon, aiming all four guns down towards the oncomming crowd.

As they all came into sight it was obvious that they were not running away from something, but after the girl in front. Charlie raised one weapon and shot just above their heads, the bullet colliding with a lampost inches abbove one girls head "Halt or the net one will draw blood." He comanded.

Ebony pointed her gun at the child in front "Quickly, come here." She called, her second weapon, like Charlies pointing at the crowd.

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Old 09-26-2007, 08:38 PM

The girl froze at the gun shot along with the group following her. All knew to well what sort of damage those weapons could cause. When beckoned Akirian slowly walked towards the girl pointing the gun at her. They group behind her smirked they all thought she was in for it now. She didn't know who these two were but they were carrying guns and that never seemed to be a good thing. Akirian stopped just a few feet away from the girl. Her hands at her chest clutching her prize fearfully.

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Old 09-26-2007, 08:41 PM

The weapon moved from Akirian to point at the rest of the group, as the boys second lowered to take aim. "Excellent, Now I strongly suggest you leave before my sister here gets trigger happy and starts killing you."

This lead to the dark haired girl smiling somewhat dangerously, but also amused as she spoke quietly "Get behind me kid. I''ll not bite you."

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Old 09-26-2007, 08:48 PM

Akirian was suprised but did as she was told. "Why?" she asked.

"What are you doing? That brat stole from us!" The eldest of the group yelled. Some of the others were backing away. They knew better than to argue with a weapons logic. There was no logic for a weapon just death and pain. The elder ones of the group however didn't want to back down so easily.

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
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Old 09-26-2007, 08:55 PM

((Just to mention I decided to add in my second character anyways. ^^))

On a rooftop a girl with violet hair sat staring down at the streets watching the comotion go on between the kids fighting over food. In her hand was a dagger she was playing with while cleaning the dirt from under her nails with precise movements.

Beside her a boy was lying down staring at the sky not much caring about the sounds around him, he hadn't even flinched when he had heard the gunshot. At this point nothing startled him, and he didn't much care about other peoples struggles as long as he survived.

"Idiot kids..." He mutters before closing his eyes listening to his friend clean her nails. "Why do you keep look out all the time Jess, I doubt anything will climb the walls as easily as you can."

"Just because you don't care what goes on doesn't mean I can't watch," Jesslynne argued with a shrug sheathing the dagger in a wrist sheath. "Human behavior is interesting when perceived in the right situations Terry, how much do I have to tell you that."

"Yeah, yeah.." The boy muttered turning over to his side away from the girl. "I don't know how you can enjoy it though."

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Old 09-26-2007, 08:57 PM

Ebony smiled again, cocking her weapons slowly, enjoying the resounding click they made. Even children knew the sound and she enjoyed watching their faces as they heard it. "So you're saying you can't find food yourselves?" Charlie laughed.

"Pathetic really." Ebony added tilting her head to one side so her dark bangs covered one eye, making her look slightly evil but mostly insane. "But if you want to come and get it, be my guest. You'll have a bullet in your head before you can get anywhere near. And I warn you, we're excellent marksmen" And then as if to prover her point another bullet was released into the air, skimming the lead girls arm. Not enough to seriously damage, but it drew blood and the heat of the bullet seared flesh. Ebony smiled "And I do so love shooting people."

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:06 PM

[[Name: Lyra
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Personality:A evil nasty character... She will fight, she will stand up to anyone. She was out to kill the zombies...Looks:

Of course her being trutly dont look like such remove the scales and the cat ears plus the horns]

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:08 PM

The lead girl screamed in pain grabbing her arm. "Negami lets get out of here." One of the others said. The rest of the group scattered and left until all were gone. Akirian stared wide eyed at the pair.

(I saw looks good lets play)

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:08 PM

((What? Isn't this roleplay about zombies and survival? What's with the demigods?))

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:09 PM

(Ya there is no demi gods in here. I guess if you want you could be a zombie but i think you would just get killled.)

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:10 PM

[Oops lets me fix that -rubs head-]

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:11 PM

Charlie laughed as they neutralized their weapons and returned their spare to it's right place "They are getting bolder." He mused "You have to admit it, one of these days a little nick will be laughed off."

Ebony sighed "Yeah, let's just hope by that time we've got a bunker somewhere and a steady stockpile of weapons and ammo." She replied holstering her bag. "Watch yourself next time kid?" She suggested looking over at Akirian properly for the first time as a slender finger brushed her hair from her face.

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:13 PM

[ Ok I fixed, Sorry about that ^^ I changed it as well.]

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:14 PM

Akirian just stared for a moment then smiled before hugging Ebony. "Thank you." she said.

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
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Old 09-26-2007, 09:14 PM

((eek sorry gotta go now. Will return in eight hours? *dies*))

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Old 09-26-2007, 09:15 PM

Footsteps, light and soft, were barely audible above the evening chorus as the figure made its way down the path of town. Her feet, as light as the steps were, were covered by heavy black leather boots. They climbed almost to the being's knees, folding over on themselves, and wrapped each in a leather strap much like a belt. The buckle of the left 'belt' was a lock, the other a key carved as the rest of the being, covered by tight black pants. Where the pants ended, was a thick belt held up only on one side, on which there was, sheathed a nine inch blade, its handle fit perfectly to its owner's hand, and a simple black.

To top this off was a sleeveless white shirt, torn and ragged, under a long black coat. The coat itself had a high collar, and was split up the back to the base of the being's spine, so it seemed it split into two sides flowing about either leg. As for the head, this is what would strike most as odd. Like on her chest mostly hidden by her shirt, the female being's face, under the left eye, had three long scratches like the marks of a beast's claws. The eyes, on the other hand, set in this pale face, were one of her strangest features. They had pupils like that of a cat's, and were of a red color, lined by and flecked with a dark blue, If course was contracts. Hair that hung about pass waist was equally odd in color. White hair woven from light blanketed her neck.

"Lovely, Lovely....Lovely."

She whispered. Now back to her attire. The minor details of the being's outfit were also rather odd. A collar made up of a ring of silver attached to which were two lengths of wire wrapped about her neck, the wire itself wrapped at even intervals with a short length of wire sharpened at the tips. Similar jewelry adorned her right wrist and left thumb. Looking quite painful, and done by the being itself, a ring much like an earring (as the one in her left ear attached by a thin chain to the cuff above it) pierced the skin just beside her left eye. Attached to this was the carefully crafted heart made of almost pure gold.

The last important detail was on her hands. It was what could have been a black glove, with the ends removed. It was covered, however, by a piece of steel holding on the metal fingers that extended into long, deadly blades, giving the look of metal claws. All in all, this mysterious being was an odd sight, even in this town...well not really the zombies..

"So whos up first?"


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