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Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:30 PM

-Another (equally incomplete) fanfiction that I wrote on Slayerfanfic; now that I can get reviews from people, I'm posting it! :o-

Edit: Oh, noes! I forgot mah disclaimer! -disclaims; the characters and places and etc. etc. belong to the all-powerful Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy, may they have much money, lalala-

"Wacko Sunnydale"

*Giles smashed Anyanka's amulet.*

*Flash* Anyanka is back in Sunnydale, powers stripped

*Flash* Cold, unfeeling Slayer is in Sunnydale, wondering what the hell is going on

*Flash* Vamp Xander and Vamp Willow find themselves in Sunnydale, too, also wondering why their world is no fun anymore


Anyanka looked confused when nothing happened. Cordelia had given her a wish to fulfill, and nothing had happened. And the stupid girl was still wishing away as she walked off. Didn't she realize what was going on? Anyanka barely listened to her, when usually the wish of a female had beckoned to her from miles away. Was it her necklace, her power center? What could it be? There had to be something...

Nearly cursing, she left the schoolgrounds, having gotten a strange sense that something wasn't right... This wasn't the way things were supposed to happen, she suddenly knew. That girl's wish should have worked, should have shot everyone into some kind of another reality. So something must have happened in that other reality that destroyed my powers and pushed us back here...

And now I'm powerless.

I just need to find out who did it.

Vamp Willow and Vamp Xander walked around. "This place is strange," he growled, launching into vampface to snarl at a passing girl.

"The people aren't scared. And it's no fun," agreed Willow. Xander's face went back to normal.

"Xander--Willow. What a surprise to find you two together." Cordelia's voice was strained, upset at seeing them. Inside, she thought, so much for making up...

Willow pouted, cocking her head to one side. "We killed you," she frowned.

"As if his unshocking betrayal hurt that much," Cordelia shot back.

"No..." Willow shook her head, then changed into her game face. "I mean, we killed you." She smiled, then made to dive for Cordelia.

"Oh, my God... Willow? Xander?" Xander smiled.


At the same time, Anyanka walked down the opposite side of the street, then did a double-take... The two vampires had been schoolchildren earlier.

They belonged in some other reality, probably the one that she needed to find again. They were terrorizing Cordelia, the silly girl that was responsible for all of this. Anyanka ran across the street to try and stop them before they fed from her...

Across Town

Buffy walked out of the weird old mansion she'd found herself in. "Civilian," she muttered, as she saw a tall, dark guy walking out from the main entrance.

She'd been in some vampire club, getting ready to fight the vampire master of this town, when all of a sudden, she'd been moved to a new location.

She looked around, sniffed the air, similar to a vampire herself. "Still Sunnydale," she muttered. Then she realized that she needed to get back to the club. She ran after the dark guy that was walking down the street. "Wait!"

At The Bronze

Buffy sat on one of the couches, with Xander and Willow. "This is fun," she said.

"Oz is playing his guitar." Willow stared, mesmerized at the stage. The Dingoes Ate My Baby were playing, and Willow planned to watch them every single time, for as long as it took for Oz to forgive her.

Xander, on the other hand, watched the dance floor. "She'll be here any minute now. Here with some popular jock, like she was this afternoon, showing off. Well, I don't care! They can have her."

Buffy looked between them. "Uh, sure." Grateful for the interruption, she jumped up. "Faith! Hi, Faith, how're you?"

"Lousy," the younger slayer said.

"Great." Buffy looked for an excuse to leave. "Well, since you're here now, I can go and patrol."

"Yeah. Mind if I stick around here, B?"

"No. Go ahead. Stay with the Duo of Doom," Buffy advised her, heading for the staircase.

Angel walked down the street. There was something going on--he could sense that something wasn't right. He needed to warn the slayers. He felt a hand grab his shoulder and he whirled around to find--

"Buffy." His voice was relieved. He relaxed a little. "This is pure business," he warned her. "You..." Angel's face shot into confusion when he saw a scar on her face that had never been there before, that she was wearing an outfit that wasn't hers.

"You're dead," she told him bluntly. "And before that, you were chained up. What's going on around here?"

"Buffy?" He reached out to touch her, but she jerked away.

"Just tell me what exactly is going on in Sunnydale," she told him.

At the same time, Angel saw a girl walking down the street, coming toward them. "Angel!" she yelled.

"Buffy?" Angel looked between the girl he was talking to, and the girl that had called out to him. She ran towards them, then stopped when she saw herself.


"Okay, what is going on?" Angel looked between the two girls. One was wearing a dress, and the cross necklace that HE had given her about two years ago. The other wore a white tank top, cargo pants, and a somewhat more gaudy cross. She was the one with a scar across her mouth, her hair in a long braid.

"Buffy?" he again asked cautiously.

"Yeah?" they both asked. "This is too weird. There's another me," said the dress-wearing Buffy.

"I've never heard of anything like this," said the other girl.

"We need to find Giles, Angel," said the second Buffy.

"Um, okay." He gave up on trying to figure it out and followed the second Buffy, hoping that her mirror image behind him wouldn't try to stake either of them.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:31 PM

Giles took off his glasses and polished them. "Well, this... This is very strange."

Buffy #1 (wearing the dress) rolled her eyes and began to pace the library.

"And... And none of you have any idea how this happened?"

"None," said Buffy #2.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking," pointed out Buffy 1.

"I felt something earlier that could've been this," volunteered Angel.

"But you, erm, you have no idea how it came about?"


"Well... I'll consult my books." He pushed his glasses back on.

"Giles, what if we don't have time?"

"Buffy, I'm sure that everything will be fine. You two, erm, just stay here." He walked into his office.


The two Buffys had been pacing. Angel had already left, telling Buffy 1 that if she needed anything, she knew where to find him. Buffy 2 stood guard at the door... Giles had already decided that this other Buffy was a great deal like Kendra.

Oz came in through the library doors. "Oz!" Buffy 1 got up and turned around.

"Where's Giles?"

"What's going on?"

"There's a full moon in two nights. I..." He trailed off.

"You can still come in here," Buffy 1 pointed out.

"What's going on?" Buffy 2 looked between them.

"Wow. Two Buffys." Oz looked between them. "Any idea what's going on with this?"

"None. Giles is doing the research thing, but he hasn't found anything yet."

"What's going on?" Buffy 2 was starting to get impatient.

"He's a werewolf. No, no, back off!" Buffy 1 pulled her double's arms down. "He's relatively harmless. Right?" Oz nodded.

"Bye, Buffy. Bye, Buffy," he told them.

He left the library as quietly as he'd entered it.

"He's a werewolf?" Buffy 2 glared at Buffy 1.

"Yes. But as long as he's chained up the nights before and after the full moon, he's harmless."

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does," Buffy 1 sighed.

"What's going on here, anyway? I was at the factory of the Master--"

"What? You were with the Master?"

"Yes. The good vampire took me to him. Good vampire... God, that's wrong."

"What was going on?"

"This belonged to the vampires. Your watcher called my watcher to send me here. I came to stop what was going to happen."

"What was going to happen?"

"He had a way to drain the blood of a human in mass production. He was going to drain all of the humans he could find."

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:33 PM

Vamp-Xander looked at the girl rushing across the street. "In our world, people run the other way," purred Vamp-Willow. Cordy looked.

"Anya! Anya, turn around!"

"No." She looked at the two vampires.

Vamp-Willow sniffed the air and pouted. "You aren't afraid," she commented.

"No. No, I'm not."

"Food doesn't often walk right up to you," pointed out Vamp-Xander.

"You're from another world," said Anyanka.

"Xander. She knows," said Vamp-Willow.

"Yeah," he said to the newcomer.

"I want to get back there."

"Well. This is interesting." Vamp-Xander pushed Cordy away. "It's your lucky day," he told her.

Without needing any more encouragement, she ran to the Bronze. At least one of the Slayers had to be there.

"Let's talk." Vamp-Xander put his arm around Vamp-Willow, and the three of them started walking down the sidewalk.

Anyanka looked at them both.

"So. What do you know about our world?" Vamp-Xander looked around Vamp-Willow at the strange girl.

"I was a vengeance demon. I created your world."

"Huh. That could be fun," said Vamp-Willow. "You can create worlds?"

"Not anymore. That girl is what we need to get you home. She made a wish, and I used to grant wishes."

"Like a genie," smiled Willow.

"Kind of." Anyanka didn't like the comparison, but she could deal with it. "Her wish was for a world where Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale."

"And it got her killed," said Vamp-Xander. "There's a kind of poetic justice in it somewhere."

"Yes. Anyway, that librarian summoned me when he found my necklace on the girl's body."

"Stupid has-been," muttered Vamp-Xander.

"Yes. Only in this world, he is the Slayer's watcher. And there are two Slayers, so you'll have to be careful."

"Is there another me?" asked Vamp-Willow shyly.

"Yes.... And she might be able to get us back, too. She's a witch, you see."

"And I'm still.... Alive?"

"Yes. Jesse's dead," Anyanka cautioned them.

Vamp-Willow frowned. "He was fun. He's dead in our world, but he was fun. I wish..."

Anyanka stopped her, smiling a little. "Wait until I have my amulet back. Then wish."

"What about the Master?" Vamp-Xander crossed his arms.

"He was released by Buffy two years ago. But she drowned in a pool."

"I remember that pool...." Vamp-Willow smiled sweetly. "He dunked me in it and pulled me out over and over. Kept bringing me back to life. It was terrifying... I wish he'd do it again."

"Yeah, well, the Xander in this world brought her back to life. Then she killed the Master."

"There's a ritual," began Vamp-Xander, but Anyanka interrupted him again.

"She ground his bones into tiny little Master dust last year. Some of his other minions already tried that."

"Huh." Vamp-Xander digested this.

"Your best bet is really to try and get my amulet back." Anyanka crossed her arms triumphantly.

"Can we wait for a little bit?" Vamp-Xander and Anyanka both stared at Vamp-Willow in surprise.

"Why? There's at least two Slayers here... The one in your reality could've gotten pulled out, too..."

"But this world is new. They don't know us. We could kill the Slayers.... Or maybe turn them. Think about it. We could fix this town." Vamp-Willow smiled.

"And then get my amulet back," Anyanka reminded them.

Vamp-Willow pouted a little, morphing into game face.

"We should give her something for telling us everything," Vamp-Xander reminded her. As she considered that, her face shifted back.

"Fine. But when you do, I'm wishing us back here."

Anyanka nodded, deciding that it was a fair trade. She'd still have her powers, after all. And these vamps seemed interesting... Plus, they could take care of the watcher for her.

Nothing else really mattered... As long as she got her amulet back.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:34 PM

"Anyanka?" The Mayor, Richard Wilkins III, swiveled around in his chair. "The vengeance demon?"

"Ex-demon," corrected Mr. Trick.

"Huh. Well, that's a pity. I remember Anyanka--she came about a century ago. Quite a nice girl."

"Yes." Mr. Trick refrained from saying anything else. He'd already discovered that it was better to avoid saying certain things to the Mayor. He was an eccentric--and a dangerous one.

"We should try to recruit her, Trick."

"Sir. With all due respect, she is a powerless human."

"Powerless?" The Mayor chuckled. "How do you think she got to be a demon in the first place? Not through her good looks. No, it took some work. She's crafty, even as a human. And--who did you say that she was with?"

"Two friends of the Slayer. The red-headed witch and the other boy. Not the werewolf, definitely not Angel."

"Odd company. Well, don't worry about them. And don't kill Anyanka. Just tell her that I'd like a word. You might let something slip about the Ascension if she won't come at first."

"And the schoolchildren?"

"I don't care.... No." The Mayor leaned forward in his desk. "Bring them here. They could be useful."

"Sir." Mr. Trick left the office.

"What do you think, Allan?" The Mayor turned back to look at his Vice-Mayor.

"I... Don't know, sir."

"Hmm. It's all right. Anyanka's a good girl. She won't do anything that she shouldn't do. And if the children get fierce, well, Trick can do with them. Losing them should rattle the Slayer." The Mayor smiled. "Cookie?" He held out a plate.

Allan shook his head. The Mayor shrugged, turning back to his desk. "Suit yourself."

Anyanka walked into the Mayor's office. Vamp-Willow and Vamp-Xander were behind her, with all of the mayor's men behind them.


"Hello, Anyanka." He warmly greeted the ex-demon.

"I take it you've heard."

"Yes. Your amulet got crushed."

"In an alternate reality, too--which makes it harder to get it back."

"We'll see what we can do," he promised her.

"How is your lovely wife?"

A shadow crossed his face. "Edna Mae passed away quite some time ago. She was mortal, you remember."

"I'm sorry for your loss." Anyanka had always been found of the Mayor. Edna Mae had never called upon her, although she had stayed in Sunnydale for quite some time. Eventually, Anyanka had gone to visit the Mayor himself. He was one of the few males she had no immediate desire to kill or maim.

"It's all right, Anyanka." He took a deep breath. "And who are your friends?"

"They are from the same place as I am. The other reality."

He looked at them. The leather made sense, then.

"I would think that would be difficult to fight in."

"It's pretty easy. Most humans don't even try to run anymore." Vamp-Xander looked at Vamp-Willow.

She smiled a little, adding, "It's more fun when they run." She morphed into vamp-face. "I'm hungry," she complained.

"I take it we can't eat him," Vamp-Xander said to Anyanka, gesturing to the Mayor.

"No, you can't. He's the big power in this time. I take it that you are almost ready for your Ascension?"

"And here I thought you'd forgotten! Gee, just goes to show that folks can surprise you at times."

"So. Did you want any jobs done?"

"Actually, yes. I'd take it as a huge favor if you'd get one or more of the Slayers out of the way. Don't kill them--or kill them slowly. I don't want too many more showing up before my Ascension." He smiled a little.

"Ooh. Sounds fun." Vamp-Willow turned to look at Vamp-Xander. "I've always wanted to try a Slayer."

"Here's your chance!" The Mayor clapped his hands. These vampires could prove to be Buffy's weak link, if not Faith's. "And Anyanka, I'll try to interfere with D'Hoffryn on your behalf."

"Thank you." She was a little surprised, but not very. The Mayor was far politer than most males--of course, he was soon to be a demon. That might make a slight difference. "Of course."

"If not... If he won't agree..."

"We could try to do a temporal fold. That little redhead--the one here--she's quite the witch. She could probably manage it for you."

"Thank you."

"I'll be seeing you."

Anyanka nodded, smiling.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:36 PM

Vamp-Willow stood outside of Willow's house, grinning at Vamp-Xander. She'd seen the cars outside, known that this her parents in this reality were home. She wondered if they were still incompetent.

She raised a fist, knocked on the door. Sheila came and opened it. "Willow! What are you wearing?"

Vamp-Willow looked down at her outfit. "Nothing important."

"Come in here, young lady. We have a lot to talk about."

Vamp-Willow shyly smiled, stepping in through the door. She turned to close it. When she faced her mother again, she agreed.

"Yes. We do." Her mother gasped.

"Willow! What's--what's wrong with your face? I realize that the clothes are a typical adolescent rebellion, and not really surprising--"

"I'm gonna live forever. How's that for adolescent rebellion?" She smiled sweetly at Sheila.

"Willow!" Her mother raised her hand as though to slap her.

"Bored now." Vamp-Willow reached out her own hand and snapped Sheila's neck.

Ira came out from the kitchen. "Willow? Willow! What did you do to your mother? And what are you wearing? And why is there a cross in the bedroom? Explain yourself, young lady."

She walked over to him. "Don't wanna."

"Willow." His voice was shocked, and more than a little disappointed. Vamp-Willow looked at him. She wanted him to be afraid. But he probably wouldn't be, so...

"Still bored." She twisted his neck too, waiting until it made a juicy 'snap'.

Having heard that, she returned to the door. "Can you come in yet?"

"No. Probably because the other you is still alive."

"Oh." Vamp-Willow thought about that, then pouted.

"Don't worry." He smiled. "She'll let me in when she gets here." Vamp-Willow smiled at him in response. "Then we can scare her?"

"Yes. But let her live."

"I don't like Anyanka. I don't trust her. I want the Master back."

"Don't worry about it. We made a bargain. When we get to our reality, we'll call her to us--make her drag us all here. Bring Jesse back. And then we'll have some fun." He smiled at her through the door. Then they saw a figure approaching on the sidewalk.

"It's me," said Vamp-Willow, drawing back into the house.

Willow came up her driveway. "Willow?" She turned around.

"Xander. I thought you were going home."

"Changed my mind." He followed her up the steps. She opened the door. The house was dark...


"Xander. Something's.... Not right."

"You want me to come in?"

"Yeah.... Sure." She turned back to the house, not catching Vamp-Xander's grin. He followed her in. She flicked on the light.... Then saw the bodies of her parents lying on the floor.

"Oh my God... Mom? Dad?" She stared at them.


"Xander, we need to get Buffy." She turned back to look at him, ready to cry--then it got worse. Her best friend went into vamp face. Her own best friend was a vampire, she'd invited him in, and her parents were dead.

"I think that's exactly what we don't need."

"Still bored...." It got worse. Willow turned around, gaping at the new person coming out from the darkness.

"You... You're me. But you can't be me."

"I am, though. Hey.... Look at me. I'm all cute and innocent."

Vamp-Xander smiled, moving to Vamp-Willow.

"Um.... My best friend's the Slayer! She'll kick your asses!"

"What, Buffy?" The other her rolled her eyes. "Please."

"Or... Or Faith will! Someone will!"

"Yeah, yeah." She heard a new voice behind her, one that she didn't recognize. She turned around and recognized the face.

"You... You're one of Cordelia's friends."

"Not really. I'm the one that created them. I need a temporal fold done, and heard that you were the one to do it. I need my necklace back. It's in their world. Do it."

Willow looked at the girl... Then at the other two, the vampires.... The vampire that was her.

"Okay." She swallowed hard. "You've got to let me go upstairs, though. That's where all of my spell stuff is."

"I'll come, too." Vamp-Xander came to follow her.


"Better let me, Willow."

"Okay." She turned to go up the stairs. When they got to her room, Vamp-Xander pulled her around and started to kiss her."

"No...." Willow struggled a little. "Oz...." She mumbled.

"Oz. He's a white hat." Vamp-Xander pulled himself away. "My little Will's got herself a white hat." He shook his head wonderingly.

"I'm going to do a spell. And then... Then you're going to leave me alone. Or... Or I'll make you! I'm a powerful wicca, mister!"

"Yeah... Or, you're just plain old Willow. With none of the vampire powers or leather."

She shook a little, then turned away, going into her room. She found the materials--a temporal fold wasn't too hard--and turned around. Anyanka and Vamp-Willow were behind Vamp-Xander.

"We can do it up here. It's no trouble at all." The girl smiled a little, trying to be polite.

"Oh.... Okay."

The two of them sat down, and prepared for the temporal fold. The other two watched the door.

When Willow pulled out of it, she was proud of herself. It seemed to have gone right--and she'd never tried one before. She saw the necklace on the ground before them... Then she gasped.

The Master, the ancient vampire that had sired Darla and killed Buffy, stood behind Anyanka. "Well, well," said he. "This is something new."

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:38 PM

***Sunnydale, two months later***

Buffy walked into her house. Sunset was soon--time for Faith and her to get going. Who knew which vamps would be out tonight? Could be anyone. Not that things could get much worse... Willow, Xander, Cordelia and Oz had all left town. The Master had somehow turned Angel.

The first shaman had owed Giles a favor, and a fake-out attempt was made. But when the Master and the Mayor found out about the trick, another shaman was used. Then Angelus returned for good.

Her other self was prisoner, probably dead. The Mayor was working with the Master, Vamp-Willow and Vamp-Xander their favorites. Most of the school was gone. Principal Snyder was still there, probably because.... Who knew why? Anyanka had left, wreaking as much vengeance as possible beforehand.

She and Faith were the only ones left. Something had to change. Giles had moved in with Joyce, had performed the de-inviting spell before Angelus could do too much damage. Faith had finally left her scummy hotel room and had also moved in with Joyce, Giles and Buffy.

She locked the door behind her. There was no telling what could happen tonight. For all she knew, Spike and Drusilla would come back to town, and then there'd really be problems.

Something had to change, and soon. If not, Sunnydale was going to be nothing more than a vampire's restaurant. What had Spike called humans? Happy meals with legs? Well, this was turning into a big old Vampire McDonalds, that was for sure.

"Guys? I'm home!" She called.

"Buffy." Giles came down the stairs, looking relieved.

"Hey. Where's Mom?"

"She went to find your father."


"To tell him something rather important."

"Is it demons? What is it?"

"We're, erm.... We're getting married. I proposed to her this afternoon."

Buffy stared at him, in shock.

"It is all right with you?"

"It's great, Giles! I'm happy for you guys. Really--at least something good can happen around here." She was being serious about it--he could tell. Now he just had to tell Faith.

Speaking of Faith....

"Where's Faith?"

"Haven't you seen her?" Buffy started to frown again.

"No. You'd better look for her--sunset is coming soon."

She turned back to the door, but he stopped her again.

"Do be careful." She nodded, not facing him.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:40 PM

Faith walked down the alleyway. Damn, she thought to herself. Can't believe I misjudged the time like this. B's going to kill me.... Unless something else does first. Then her mind drifted back to the guy she'd just been with. Great guy... Seemed kinda clingy, but whatever. She wouldn't be telling that part to Giles and Joyce.

The sky was darkening quickly. At this rate, she wasn't going to make it home again... So she'd better run.

With that, she kicked up the speed about ten notches, running like crazy until she was out in the open again. Even then, the sun was still setting--kinda pretty, if you go for that sort of thing--and the sky was still clouding over.

She kept running, and running, until--bang. She ran into something. She pulled her hands back in a fighting stance, then dropped it when she recognized the person in front of her. "Hey, B."

"Faith." It was definitely her, not that one kidnapped by the fangy versions of Willow and Xander. Slender cross, better clothes, better makeup, less taut.... Yeah, it was the original Buffy.

"Sorry. Lost track of time."

"We need to get home. We need weapons." Buffy turned around. They were on the street, just a few houses away. They'd make it.

"Yeah. Sorry." Faith walked beside her. They made it back to the house safely. Faith opened the door before Buffy, closing it a little too quickly.

"Hey--could you let me in?" She turned back to look at her "sister" slayer.

"Don't say it like that."

"Sorry. Could you push open the door for me?"

"I'll open it," said Faith, trying to word her sentences carefully. It was possible that she'd been wrong... Possible that this was the other Buffy, that she had been sired.

She pushed the door open, leaving it there. Buffy stared at the door, then smiled. "You really don't think it's me?"

"I just don't want to take any chances, B."

Buffy stepped inside of the house. "Just so you know--it's me." She shut the door behind her. "Still sunlight out and all," she pointed out.

Faith smiled. She should've known it was just B fooling around.

Buffy and Faith went into Buffy's room. "Getting the weapons from your magic chest?"

"Yup." Buffy felt a slight twinge at that--magic--it reminded her too much of Willow. She could still remember when they'd left, left her alone in Sunny hell.

Willow had told her that everything was too dangerous. Her parents were dead.... There was some other her running around.... Somehow or another, she'd managed to get all five of them transferred to another high school, one somewhere in Los Angeles (NOT Hemery High, she hoped). But Buffy had decided to stay behind, to fight the good fight.

But now she was wondering why.

"B?" She jerked herself out of the mild flashback.

"You okay?" Faith looked at her, trying to see what was wrong--or if it was just the usual.

"Five by five." She grinned a little, using Faith's trademark phrase.

"How're we working it tonight? Splitting up?"

"Yeah. I'm thinking Bronze for one of us, and cemetery for the other."

The Bronze was dangerous territory lately... It had become much too similar to the one from the other reality, judging from what the other her had said. Before Angelus took her away.....

A few humans still went there, if they were brave or dumb enough. Some actually wanted to be vampires--eternal youth, eternal life, and everything else.

Others wanted to try and kill one--someone who'd killed a member of their family, or a friend, usually. Of course, those few people wound up getting killed too.

It was only a very few people that could manage to kill vamps before being killed themselves--and that number was dwindling all the time.

"I'll take the Bronze. Looking for a good fight, anyway. That's where the vamps will all be, probably. You, in the cemetery, you'll get some fresh little things. Angelus'll probably stay in tonight--if he comes out, I'm getting him." She looked at Buffy, thinking about it.

"Look, sorry if I'm insensitive, but I want that bastard gone."

"I've got it." She smiled a little, then grimaced when she remembered that she'd had to send him to hell to get rid of him last time.

And Willow wasn't here to help anymore.....

"Hey. If we could make him all puppy-like and re-ensouled again, I'd be all for it. But it's not going to happen, B. Look, no one's got the goods anymore, no one around here but Giles. And he really can't do it on his own. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I just want it over with." She remembered saying those words before Acathla was opened, before Giles was tortured....

Before Drusilla killed Kendra.

"Buffy." She snapped out of the memories, looking at Faith again. "You've gotta stop doing this. You have to let it go. None of those things were your fault, okay? You didn't know. Quit blaming yourself."

She nodded. "I'm ready."

"Then let's go." Faith smiled, knowing what was waiting for her at the Bronze, knowing what could happen tonight. It could happen any night. They'd all been lucky so far. Except for Angel, of course.

"Okay." She tossed a stake to Faith. "Let's go."

Faith stepped into the Bronze.

It was dark, but that was okay. It was crowded, but that was even better. It'd make it harder for anyone to notice when the vamp beside them was dusted.

She jammed the stake into the scowling doorman, didn't even bother watching him explode into ash.

She walked in. Dingoes Ate My Baby, minus Oz, was playing.

If you were in a band and played, you had free passage at the Bronze. Also, if you'd let the vamps feed off of you--without killing you--you were allowed in or out.

Otherwise, you were just an easy kill.

She looked around. None of the familiar vampy faces tonight, which was the best news all evening. No Master, no Vamp-Willow, no Vamp-Xander, no Angelus. That'd make things much easier.

She pushed her way through the crowd, randomly staking where her instinct told her to.

All around her there was ash, it seemed, but no one else seemed to care. It was easy--maybe even too easy. But she didn't consider that for long.

She turned around, ready for another sweep back, when she saw him. Dark hair, dark eyes.... Same old vampire. She pushed back, trying to get through the people and vamps alike.

Getting to him was important now. Staking the son of a bitch might help B more than staking fifty other vamps. It might finally end her misery.

And if not, well, then she'd stake forty-nine other vamps.

It was weird, but this whole tragedy thing had brought her closer to Buffy. They'd had to depend on each other.... And so they did.

The older Slayer had started to have more fun, and the younger Slayer had become more trusting. It wasn't a big thing, but it was still progress.

"Faith." He smiled at her. She raised the stake, brought it forward. She wouldn't stop this for anything.

He grabbed her arm. "Buff would be so mad if you did that. Come on. I'm her lover. You? You're some little freak from Boston that lied to her in the first place."

"Buffy's over you," Faith grunted, trying to pull her arm away. Angelus just used it to twist her around, holding his arm against her throat.

"Who else wants to take out a Slayer?" He yelled over the music.

The band stopped playing, Devon looking nervously out into the audience. A small crowd of vamps came up around them.

"Angel." They heard another voice. That one pissed Faith off even more.

"It's no fun if you don't play with the puppies first. The Master always used to let me play with his puppy before he killed her."

Faith kicked him in the knee with her heel.

"Faith. I'm surprised at you. I didn't know you had such strong feelings for puppies. Just a little bit of patience."

"So... Can I play with the puppy?" Vamp-Willow smiled at Angelus. She'd get her way. She always did.

Angelus and the Master both liked her. The Mayor liked her, too. And Xander, well, Xander was hers. She'd sired him, hadn't she? Xander would let her do anything.

"Of course. Let's just let her go to sleep for a bit." Angelus raised his other arm and knocked her out.

"Come on. We'll take her home."

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:41 PM

Buffy looked up. It was bad enough that they had managed to catch her. But now Faith, the other slayer, had been captured by Angelus and his companions. In the other world--her world--she had known not to trust the vampire. It was stupid of her to go against her instinct.

And now she was chained up in the basement of the Bronze, the same place that Angelus had been kept in. When he was good. In her world. If, in fact, he ever had been.

The Vampire Willow had come for her--she'd nearly gotten staked in the process, but had succeeded in the end. Dammit, why wasn't someone coming for her?

She knew why. Because they didn't even know she was alive, didn't know how to find her. And why should they risk their lives just to save her? There were still two Slayers out there... One now...

But the original Slayer was still there to fight. Why should they risk everything for one person?

Because she was still the Slayer. And any Slayer in the hands of the enemy needed help. Where were they?

Where was her other self now that Faith was here? And.... Why was Vampire-Willow coming to her? What were they going to try and do to her now?

Oh my God, she's going to kill me. She has--oh God, not the matches again. Anything but those. Buffy--where are you? Where am I? How could this happen to me, the Slayer?

"Hey there. It's dark down here. Don't you want some light?" Smiling, the vampire struck a match. "Master doesn't need you anymore. He's got a new toy. But he'll let me play with you for a little longer. Then it's time to say goodbye."

Please don't let her kill me.... Please don't let her kill me....

"You know, it's okay. You can scream. Just because you're the Slayer doesn't mean you have to be all strong inside. I won't tell."

I'd never scream.... I won't give into you.... I am Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I am better than you. I kill your kind. I could kill you now if I weren't chained up, and had a stake. You are beneath me.

"Okay." She dropped the match, watching the blond girl burn beneath her. "Suit yourself." It burned out after a few minutes, as matches often do. The fire came to a stop, Vampire Willow smiling.

"I can end it for you. I can take you away. I could make you strong again, like me.... I like the idea of a vampire slayer." She giggled. "I made a pun."

She's trying to make me listen.... I won't let her sire me! I can't be sired! If I have to die, I'm only doing it the one time. I won't become a vampire. I won't be like her. I won't be like them.

"Don't you want to be strong again? I know you don't want to stay here and burn. Don't you want to be free?"

God, yes. I want to be free more than anything..... But not like that, no, not like that.

"Aw..... Puppy won't bark anymore. Maybe it's time for the puppy to sleep." Vamp-Willow stood up, looking down at the Slayer.

No. No, don't kill me. Don't make me like you. If you won't let me go, just leave me alone. Let me be. No more of this, please.

"It'd be a shame just to kill you.... But nobody wants you anymore. The Slayers never came for you. They've been upstairs every night, and they never came. Everyone else left. We're the only ones who want you, and we don't even need you anymore." Her face smiled again.

No. She's lying. Even if Faith and the other me were here, they must not have known. They would've come for me. They're fighters. They would've risked it.

"I guess it's time to say goodbye."

God, I'm so weak. Being here made me weak. I'm scared to die. I know that I can die, and I'm afraid of it. Even knowing that it's what I have to do--let another Slayer out so that she can end this--I'm so scared of it.

"Goodbye, puppy."

Her hand's going to my neck--God, she's really going to do it this time. I'm so scared. After everything, it's finally going to end.


Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:42 PM

Giles looked outside the window. It was Willow--the other Willow, not their sweet little bookworm. And she was carrying....

"Dear God." He nearly abandoned all caution to rush out the front door, but stopped himself. If she'd been brought here, it was too late already.

"Hey, Watcher-man. She was fun to play with. At least, that's what my Will tells me." Xander. The other Xander, not the one that used to antagonize him daily.

"Get out."

"I can't even get in.... Neither can Will." Behind him, the red-haired vampire smiled, shaking her head.

"Good. I don't intend to change that."

"Huh. You're a really miserable watcher if you couldn't even watch over your own charges. Buffy.... Faith.... Man, it must suck to be you. Wish I could hear what you'll tell the Council this time around."

"You won't. You'll be dead before they know."

Vamp-Xander laughed. "Who's going to kill me? You? That'd be a laugh. Wait--it already is." He kept laughing and left.

He and Vamp-Willow walked down the street together, leaving the dead body of a Slayer--his Slayer--in the grassy front yard.

Giles looked up to see its image walking across the driveway.


"Hey, Giles." She walked up the steps, registering that the front door was open. "What's going on?"

"You didn't see it?"

"Didn't see what?"

"Your.... Your body. Buffy, you're dead."

Slowly, Buffy turned around to see one of her worst nightmares--her own dead body. It was the other her, of course. "They got tired of playing."

"Buffy, they mentioned Faith. They have Faith."

Buffy walked to the body, checking it for fang holes--"neck rupture", as the other citizens would call it.

"Damn them."

"They already have been."

She picked up her body, taking it into her house. They would bury her--somewhere that she could be remembered. And they had to find Faith, before she was the next beaten corpse dumped on the lawn.

Buffy walked into the house again. They'd buried... Her.... In the back yard. It was too bad that she couldn't have a funeral. That she couldn't have been buried somewhere decent. But it'd been bad enough, burying her own body. She couldn't imagine what it would've been like to have to explain it all--to go through it for days. How could they do this? Angelus..... All of them.

As long as she remembered that it wasn't really Angel. It wasn't her Willow or Xander, either. They'd been smart enough to skip town. Oz had taken them--maybe they were at Hemery High. She remembered her times there, pre-Slayer. Cordelia would fit right in. So would Oz, since he was once in a band. Xander and Willow, though, wouldn't. Oz would stand by Willow--maybe.

At least they'd managed to make up. God, Oz had been so freaked when he first found his ex was a vampire.... Then he'd heard about the alternate reality thing, and was much calmer. There were still feelings there.... And they'd made up a little later, in case she ever did become a vampire.

She wondered how Oz was controlling his werewolf problem. For that matter, she wondered if he could. It wasn't like that library had a convenient cage. Or did it? She'd only been in there a handful of times, after all....

She also wondered if there was a new gym. One without vampires.

Were they even alive?

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Old 04-13-2008, 11:43 PM

Willow picked up the phone again, then put it back down.

"You know, it can't call her on its own," pointed out Xander.

"I'm just nervous! We left her alone, Xander. All of us did. And, yeah, there were reasons--but still! She could be dead, and it could be our fault."

"Or, she could be alive," Oz reminded her.

"Oh, who cares? Either way, Willow's obviously not going to call her." Cordelia stalked past them, picking up the phone. "Um, what's Buffy's number?"

"Here." Willow slid the paper across to Cordelia.

"Thank you." She started punching in numbers, then picked it up. Xander got off of the bed and went to stand by Willow and Oz. They all stared at Cordelia anxiously.

"It's ringing," she told them.

They waited for a few more moments. Then Cordelia started talking again. "Hi, Buffy! You're not dead?" Xander clapped a hand to his forehead and stared at the ceiling while Willow rolled her eyes. "Okay, good."

She listened to the phone again. "Really? I'm sorry. Wait--they do?" She started to frown. "Okay.... Okay, I'll tell them. Buffy--we were calling to see--do you want us to come home?"

She listened, then winced. They could all hear Buffy yelling at her. "Yes! I want you here, I need you here! But you can't! Angelus is back, and all the vamps are still around. I'm the only one left. Do not come back! It isn't safe! Stay there!"

Willow looked around at the vicious-looking humans outside the room, catching sight of a lawfirm name on a suitcase.

"It isn't safe here, either," she whispered.

Xander grabbed the phone from Cordy. "Rude much?" hissed the girl.

"Buffy, listen. There's some kind of evil lawyers here... They're trying to kill Willow for her powers or something. Some kind of ritual. Buffy, we can't stay here. We can go straight to your house during the day or something, but Buffy, we've got to go somewhere."

Buffy stared at the phone. How could they do this to her? Call her two months later.... And just want her to help them again? What made them think that she would? They were her friends, of course. So she would. She'd help Willow, and the rest of them. She couldn't..... She wouldn't lose anyone else.

"See you tomorrow," she said dully.

"Thank you. And, Buff?"

"What, Xander?"

"We missed you."

Buffy looked out the window again. This time she saw it. She'd looked out at least a dozen times since coming home from school, hoping to see the van in her driveway before nightfall.

It was almost sunset, she knew, so they'd cut it pretty close. Still, it was definitely Oz's van, and everyone else.

What was she supposed to say to them? Let's have a welcome back party for you, just like you had for me? Let me show you all the rooms we aren't using because vampires kidnapped the former residents?

She opened the door, watching Cordelia come out of the van. Xander was behind her. Willow got out of the front seat--the front passenger seat--and Oz was climbing down from the driver's seat. Oz went around to the back, passing out suitcases. They all picked up their own, walking down the driveway.

Willow stopped, in the lead, right outside of the open door. "Hi, Buffy," she said hesitantly. Buffy looked at them, not saying anything. Willow's reluctant smile faded, but then she dropped her luggage as Buffy gave her an impulsive hug. Xander joined in, hugging them both. Oz and Cordy stood back a little, not sure of their reception.

"I missed you guys, too."

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:44 PM

Faith came to slowly. She looked around her, noticing that she was in chains... And in the basement of the Bronze. Angel--Angelus--was in front of her. "Hey, sleepyhead," he greeted her.

"Didn't know you went in for that kind of thing," she challenged him.

He walked up to her. "Only in special cases. Slayers, Faith. Never go for the kill--you can go for the hurt first."

"Yeah, I suppose you'd know a lot about that. I heard about what you did last time, Buffy sending your ass all the way back to hell."

"Buffy." He chuckled. "She's a little uptight."

"She's gonna do it again," Faith threatened.

"First, she's got to come for you. Think about it. How many times were you here, and you never came for her?" He stood aside, and she could see Vamp-Willow carrying Buffy's body up the stairs, with Xander behind her.


"Yeah. She's been down here the whole time, Faithie. But you guys never came, did you? Think about it. When Buffy sees what you let happen, do you think she'll come for you?"

"That's.... That's the other Buffy." She looked back at Angelus.

"Yeah. Willow got a little bored."

"Puppy got old, boring," the other vampire told them matter-of-factly.

"We wouldn't want our Will getting bored, now, would we?" asked Vamp-Xander.

Faith glared at them all. She hadn't known.... Buffy hadn't known. It hadn't been their fault--they were Slayers, sure, but they weren't perfect. How were they supposed to know??? She couldn't blame herself.... It had been the other girl's fault, getting caught.....

"No, Faith," Angelus quietly interjected. "It was your fault. You were up there almost every night, staking vamps left and right. But you never came down here."

"I didn't know," she protested, wondering why she bothered talking to this scumbag. B would take care of him again, and he'd be gone--maybe Willow could do something permanent about his soul this time--or maybe she'd just kill him. Besides, Willow had skipped out, along with their other friends.

When things got tough, the wimps left. Leaving just her, Buffy, and Giles.... And now just Buffy and Giles. What were they going to do this time? Buffy definitely wouldn't know how to find her--Faith had been here almost every night, and still hadn't found the place. Giles sure wouldn't know.

"Don't worry," Angelus comforted her. "They're just taking her a present. They'll be back soon."

"Taking who?" Faith came out of her tortured thoughts.

"Buffy, of course. There'll probably be loads of presents for her before too long--all kinds of people she was too slow to save. Or, maybe, too busy...."

"Meaning what?"

"How do you know I was really good?" She looked him in the eye, listening to him voice one of her original concerns after she'd met him.

"She said so."

"Yeah, she did. After Xander made her say I was back. Maybe I was never good--she's kept things from you before, Faith."

"You're lying," she told him. "And I don't have to listen to this."

"Yeah, you do. See, there's this thing.... Where I've got you here, and you can't get out.... And if I want to talk, you've got to listen." He leaned in closer. "Or anything else."

"Get away from me," Faith growled at him.

"Say please."

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:46 PM

Buffy looked at Willow. "I was basking in the fact that you're back. But now--" she shook her head, and became business-like. "We need a plan."

"A plan? Like what? We didn't come back to try and die," Cordelia pointed out to her--and anyone else who didn't know that.

"If you don't have a plan, what you came back for won't be an option," Buffy told her. "A lot's gone on, since the four of you left." Xander shifted uncomfortably.

"What's happened?"

"They took.... The other me.... And killed her. They dumped her outside the house tonight," said Buffy, shaking a little. It had pretty much disgusted her--seeing her own body, burying her own body.... It wasn't something that normal kids had to do, she knew that.

"I'm sorry." Willow put an arm around her, comfortingly.

"It's okay. And last night--they got Faith. And they turned Angel. Nothing's gone right. Mom's out of town now, and Giles apparently proposed yesterday."

The five of them just sat for a long while. In the past year, so much had changed--Giles's one real love had died, but now he was engaged to Buffy's mom. Angel was good, bad, in hell, back, good, and now bad again. Willow's parents, though not the best in the world, were now dead. And they didn't know anything about anyone else. Faith, the new slayer, was gone....

"Is there any other good news?" asked Cordy.

"Not really. Oh, but school's been closed more often."

"That's a plus," said Xander.

"And there were two little kids that died a few weeks back--but it turned out that they were demons. Giles and I found out in time, and managed to kill them. They were only one demon, actually." She frowned, still confused by that one.

"But you guys have killed all the other demons?" Oz picked up on one of the other good things.

"Yeah.... For all the good that did," said Buffy. "Turns out, the mayor is evil."

"And what does this tell us about politicians?" Xander looked around, teacher-like.

"Angelus, the Master, Vamp you, and Vamp Willow are all working for him--along with that weird girl, the one that was a demon..... I think she's a demon again, but I could be wrong. And there was this weird demon called the first that tried to turn Angel evil, but that didn't work."

"'Course, he turned evil, anyway," pointed out Xander. "How'd that happen, anyway? I thought that you guys were definitely supposed to be happy-free."

"There was a shaman, or something like that.... Some magicky guy. He did it--took away the soul."

"Where is his soul?" They all turned to look at Willow. She took her arm off of Buffy, slightly uncomfortable.

"What do you mean, where is it? I didn't know it was going to go somewhere."

"Well, yeah.... I mean, I did some reading while we were in Los Angeles, and whenever shamans take away souls, they have to put them somewhere. So, Angel's soul should be somewhere."

"I.... I don't know. Maybe they let it loose."

"Well, then, it could be restored anytime. Hey, we could restore it again! And--and fix vampy me, and vampy Xander, and--ooh! The Master! We could give him a soul!"

"Did the Master ever have a soul?" asked Cordy.

"I think he had to--probably a very long time ago," answered Buffy. "He's pretty ugly, and I think Giles said something like he was turned five hundred years ago. Or maybe that was Darla..... Who he sired......"

"Well, either way, we could give them all souls. Then, they'd be with us!" Willow looked around optimistically.

"I don't know, Will. I mean, giving just one of them a soul took a lot out of you in the first place. And when Angel first got his soul back, he wandered around in depression for about a hundred years, trying to avoid humans."


"We don't exactly have a hundred years. I don't know what the mayor's up to, but it's probably something big--and I'm betting it's almost ready. We don't have time to give them to get used to it." Buffy turned to look at Willow. She still looked fairly set on the idea, so Buffy went on.

"And also, it was a restoration spell that you had. It might not work for the rest of them, especially because they're from another reality--that, and the fact that it might not work if they weren't vampires with souls in the first place."

"Okay." She grudgingly acknowledged the point.

"But Angel--you could restore his soul."

"Until someone takes it again," pointed out Xander. "Look, Buffy. I'm not going to argue that he can't be useful. He rescued Willow, and he did help you guys rescue us from Spike...." He lowered his eyes, and both Oz and Willow also showed signs of being uncomfortable.

"Oh, come on." Cordelia rolled her eyes. "Get over it. It was a long time ago. There was stress.... And hormones..... And some other stuff that they probably discussed in science that I didn't notice. Xander's point is, Angel's helpful--and we get that. But he keeps going evil. So why don't you just kill him?"

"Because I can't," Buffy answered.

"Don't say that. I mean, bad Angel is bad--but you can get him!" Willow looked at her encouragingly.

"No, Will, I can't. I can beat him, but I can't kill him. I almost died last time--a lot." She paused.

"I can't kill him. And nobody else can. Besides, if we can keep them from finding out that he has his soul back, he could maybe kill some of the rest of them..... And get us info.... And rescue Faith."

"Okay, good plan. But, I know how to make it better!" Willow half raised her hand, then put it down.

"How?" Buffy sounded part amused, part hopeful that it was a good plan.

"Xander and I go in. You keep evil-us occupied, after I give Angel his soul, and then we all go in, and rescue Faith. And maybe Angel could even kill the Master! Or, you know, just hurt him, or something....."

"It's not actually a bad plan. If you guys have been to the leather outlet of our local stores, lately." Buffy pointed out the only flaw.

Willow looked a teensy bit embarrassed, and exchanged the same look with Xander. She walked to her suitcase on the kitchen counter, and opened it. Lying on top was a leather outfit, one practically identical to the one her alter ego wore around town. Xander unzipped his suitcase, pulling out yet more leather.

"You guys have changed."

"More like, we had to change. We killed a few vamps in L.A.--and there was an evil law firm after us, and then we had to fool them to get out of the hotel. So, mucho leather-o." Xander put down the leather clothes, and re-closed his suitcase.

"Okay, so, problem solved." Buffy looked at them all, then turned around. "Let's get to work."


"No, I'm thinking tomorrow. You guys should probably rest. And I shouldn't patrol tonight. It's--too soon. Giles isn't back yet, either." She looked outside, frowning. It was almost dark.

"If he's not back soon, though, I'll go anyway."

"Okay. Thanks, Buffy. And--we did miss you." She stared at Xander for a moment, then looked down, walking away.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:47 PM

Giles walked. It was a shame that his car had run out of gas, but there was nothing to be done about it for now. Perhaps tomorrow--in the morning--Joyce would be home. She could have gotten back into town that night.... But coming back at night was just a good way to get killed.

He looked up again. He'd been doing that for quite a while. It was still getting darker. The sunset was starting to end, and he was still two blocks away from Revello Drive. He started to jog.

The whole sky darkened. A cloud passed across the sun--a whole group of clouds, to be exact. And a large group of clouds. It wasn't safe anymore....

He stopped suddenly as he saw figures begin to walk down the street. Figures coming out of manholes, out of abandoned houses--well, the people living there no longer did so, anyway. He wasn't the only one on the street any longer.

He turned. Running away wasn't the best option--but the only real one. Until he saw more vampires coming. They all had what Buffy called their "game-faces" on, and were ready to feed on anyone dumb enough to walk down the street at night. He turned back around. There was nowhere to go.

He had a stake, of course. He touched it in his pocket, hoping that it could actually do him some good. But if it didn't.... And he only had the one stake.....

Then the vampires in front of him started de-materializing into dust. He smiled a little. Buffy, perhaps. She'd been in a fairly good mood all day--maybe she came patrolling. But the smile faded when he saw men in military garb behind the vampires. They were shooting guns; some were tranquilizer guns. And one of them was aimed at him.

He slowly raised his hands. Why the military was fighting vampires he couldn't imagine--it might be a good thing--or it could simply be a small group that knew of vampires and wanted to extinguish them. Vengeance, or some such. Nonetheless, he didn't want to be staked.

"Civilian," he heard one of them mutter. The one that was silent--that everyone else seemed to be watching--nodded.

"He's fine," he answered.

"Could've been turned," protested the one that had spoken in the first place.

The one in charge walked up to Giles, pulling out a bottle from his pocket. The bottle was clear, had a cross on it, and had water inside. He pulled out the stopper, and tossed it into Giles's face.

Giles spluttered a little and took off his glasses, then took out a handkerchief to wipe off his face.

"You didn't see anything," said the man in front of him. Getting a closer look, Giles could tell that they were nearer to Buffy's age than his own.

"Wait," he started as the military men started to walk away. "You fight the vampires." The one in charge stopped, turned around.


"You came prepared for them. You also hunt the forces of darkness."

He centered on the most important word. "And you do?" He seemed skeptical, unimpressed.

"My slayer does."

"Slayer?" One of them snorted. "That's a myth. Made up by the older monsters to keep the little ones in line."

"Why don't you tell her that?" Giles suggested.

"Take them back to the base," the leader suggested. "I want to see the slayer."

"Ri," started the one that continually protested.

"I can take care of myself," he told him. "Go, Forrest."

The other man watched Giles for a moment, then turned around and left with the rest of the group. "Let's get back to the Initiative!" he yelled.

The military leader crossed to Giles. "Riley Finn," he said, sticking out a hand.

"Rupert Giles." They shook for a moment.

"Let's go and see this Slayer of yours." He hefted his gun. "Lead the way."


The two of them walked down the street. The vampires wouldn't bother them again that night.

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Old 04-13-2008, 11:48 PM

Angelus whirled around. "Damn!" he cursed.

"I'm sorry, sir," whined the sniveling minion. He'd known that Angelus wouldn't like the new. He couldn't do much about it--Angelus needed to know.

"The tweed boy's going to take little farm child home now, I suppose. And they'll all make such wonderful friends with the Slayer. That's the very last thing we need in this town!"

"Oh, don't worry about it," purred Vampire Willow. She ran a hand along Angelus's arm.

Angelus smiled. He liked seeing her.... She was so different from the little Willow that Buffy used to know. Of course, she was gone.... Leaving Buffy all alone. He'd seen her cry in her room at night, both when he'd had a soul and after. The first time, it had hurt his souled self so much that Angelus laughed inside. The second time, he had just plain laughed out loud.

Willow had been quite something. And seeing her as a vampire was something else. The vampire version of Xander wasn't quite as annoying as the human, either.

"You hear that, Faithie?" He turned around to look at the other Slayer. The one that he knew could turn dark, if something bad enough happened. She could turn, could bend in new directions. If Buffy got pushed, she just plain broke down.

"They aren't even looking for you. They've found some new group, and plan on joining them."

"They've got a plan," she shot back. "One that either gets a soul shoved back up your ass, or a stake shoved into your chest."

"That's not nice, puppy," Vamp Willow told her. "We don't talk about souls around him. He bites."

"So what? I'm not afraid of him." She tried to keep the fear off her face when Angelus turned to her, vampface and all.

"That so?" He suddenly walked up to her and snapped, not an inch away from her face. She winced a little. "Yeah--you're not afraid of anything, are you?" He stroked her cheek.

"Don't play too hard with the puppy," Vamp Willow advised him. She'd seen this before. Usually he came to laugh with she and Xander about it after he was done. Faith the Vampire Slayer..... And what she got reduced to.

She turned around and left, smiling. It was time to find a new toy for she and Xander to play with. She'd look upstairs, in the Bronze.....

Buffy looked out the window again. Everybody else had gone upstairs--probably sleeping. And she was glad that they were back, but equally glad that they had left again.

Yeah, she'd left town--on her own. After she had sent the love of her life to hell. And after her mother had told her that she was not allowed back in the house. She had not gotten a real choice.

They'd just bailed for the hell of it. They were scared. It was no different than Angelus and Acathla, or Angelus and the Judge, or the Master, or anything else that they'd fought.

But they'd left.

She turned away from the window. Giles would be surprised to find the Oz-van in the driveway. She would've told him that they were coming back, but....

She didn't know. He'd been almost more disappointed than she had when they'd left. There was a note on his desk that the two of them had found after school.....

There he was. Or someone, anyway. No--two someones. She frowned, and squinted harder out the window. It was--Giles, and someone else. Was it a vamp? Could Giles have--no.

She looked down and fought a wave of nausea. Giles was not a vampire. He couldn't be a vampire. There was no way that Giles could have gotten turned..... And the guy with him couldn't be one, either.

All the same, she got up and ran up the stairs. A crossbow wouldn't be that bad of an idea.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:50 PM

Giles watched the two of them. Riley Finn, in his military clothing. Buffy--his slayer--in her normal clothes. He hadn't even mentioned Oz's van in the driveway to her yet. He was sure that she knew about it, and he hadn't needed to make a fool out of either one of them in the eyes of what could be an ally.

"So. You're the Slayer."

"You've said that. And you are?" She left it hanging.

"Riley Finn. Of the Initiative."

"Wow. He's.... Got initiative? Giles, I'm not getting this." She looked at Giles.

She hadn't liked the guy since he'd walked into her house, and practically into her notched crossbow bolt. He probably didn't like her too well, for the same reasons.

"From what I understand, Buffy, the Initiative is a military group that fights with the vampires and other forces of darkness."

"That's nice. So, you're a military suicidal group." She smiled brightly at him.

"And you're a suicidal."

"Wow. Touché for the rookie." She crossed her arms, slightly impressed.

"You kill vampires."

"And anything else that gets in my way. That's a demon. And no people at all."

"You were involved with the witchcraft incident. We heard about a girl..... And one of her 'family friends' helping her. They single-handedly contained and killed the demon."

"Yup. Was a real picnic. So, what exactly do you do?"

"We kill demons, and we study them."

"You study dead vampires?" she snorted. "What, scoop up the ashes and poke at them?"

"We tranquilize them and take them back to our military base. I trust that I can tell both of you this in confidence."

"You don't sound confident," Buffy pointed out. He rolled his eyes at her in response.

"I've taken out about ten hostiles already."


"Hostile Sub-Terrestrials. Demons."

"Wow. Ten. That's--so impressive." She was being openly sarcastic this time.

"And you?"

"We don't count. But.... Giles? On an average?"

"Good lord, Buffy, I certainly don't know. May I talk to you in private for a moment?"

"Sure. Stay, military boy." She walked out into the living room with Giles.

"What's up?"

"Oz's van. What is he doing here?"

"They came back. All four of them. Just before sunset." She avoided her eyes.

"Did you know that this would happen?" He was angry.

"Only since last night."

"Buffy, how could you....."

"How could I tell you, Giles? They called, and--and we'd just buried me, and we were worried about Faith, and what could we do? What would you have done?"

"I'm going to go and speak with them," he said, struggling to keep his rage under control. Buffy was keeping a secret from him again--had she learned nothing after Angel's return?

Of course, with all the wrangling that he'd needed to do regarding the Incruciatum.... And making sure that she wouldn't go through with it.... And that she wouldn't find out... So he couldn't say much about that, not without feeling guilty himself.

But the other four.... They had left. It had filled him with almost more rage and sorrow than the time that Buffy had left. And now they waltzed back? How dared they?

He would not yell at them..... He would, however, chastise them. He knew what happened to Cordelia's parents, and Xander's parents. He knew nothing of the parents of Oz.

"I'll go and speak with them."

"Giles? Be gentle. I think.... I think that they went through something major in L.A."

He regarded his slayer. He'd be gentle. He did care for all four of them, even Xander and Cordelia. "I'll speak with them," he repeated. "You speak with Riley. He's closer to your age than mine."

"Okay. This'll be fun." She took a deep breath, going back to the kitchen as Giles went to the staircase.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:51 PM

“You live here?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” Buffy swung up onto the counter, staring at Riley. The countertop made her taller—more like his own height.

He looked around the kitchen, although Buffy was pretty sure he’d already done that. If he was really a military boy, he would’ve made sure he was safe in the first place.

“Who else?”

“My mother…. Giles…. And Faith, the other Slayer.”

“The myths say that there’s only one Slayer,” said Commando Boy. Buffy shrugged at him in response.

“Well, I died this one time,” she told him. “So, there’s two now.”

“I’m not sure if you people are serious, on crack, or insane,” Riley bluntly told her.

“Oh, please.” Buffy crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at him. “You hunt demons to study them? Like that’s the sanest thing in the world.”

“It’s perfectly safe,” Riley protested.

“Have you dealt with any…. Any legendary vampires? You couldn’t hold one of them.”

“We’ve dealt with vampires and demons of all kinds. I don’t know what you mean as legendary—”

“Have you ever dealt with…. With the Order of Aurelius?” Buffy asked, remembering the name of the group that the Master belonged to, along with Darla, Drusilla, Spike, and Angelus.

“No,” Riley grudgingly admitted.

“Then you haven’t dealt with the bad vampires.”

Willow came into the kitchen just then. “Hey, Buffy. Giles wants something to drink. I didn’t remember how mad he could get—and how long he could lecture. And, you know that he still makes that little face when he’s angry?” She tried to screw her face up in an imitation, but gave it up as she walked to the kettle.

Riley lifted his crossbow, pointing it at her. He released the safety and drew back the bolt. Buffy saw him, jumped down from the counter, and swung her leg around to kick it out of his hand.

“What the hell?” Riley grabbed his hand in pain.

“Hey!” protested Willow. “Don’t go around pointing crossbows at people, mister. And…. Even if you’re wearing military clothes…. And knowing about Slayer stuff….. Buffy, who’s he?”

“It’s a military guy,” Buffy told her. “He’s special.” She said the last word with loads of sarcasm. “He fights—you called them Hostiles, right?”

“Hostile Sub-Terrestrials,” said Riley, reaching into his pocket very carefully for a stake. Buffy saw him moving and pushed him backwards. She happened to overcalculate a little, and he landed sprawled on the kitchen floor.

“You see her? She’s good. She’s a person. Blood, heartbeat and all. We don’t shoot at people in this house.”

A stake went through the window. “Were you not listening to me!” demanded Buffy of…. Whoever it was that was outside. “And Mom just got those windows redone! She will not be happy.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Anyway. Riley, whatever the hell you are, you do not mess with my friends.”

”But she’s a known vampire!” he protested.

“Oh.” Buffy realized his mistake. “No, that’s the other Willow. There’s another Xander, too. She’s good. The vampires are bad.”

“There’s two…. I need to sit down.”

“No, I think you need to stay there until you have a firm grasp on reality,” said Buffy, looking down at him.

“Love, I think the boy needs a firm grasp on lots of things,” said a familiar voice—a British familiar voice, no less. She looked up to see the bleached blond standing in the doorway.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:53 PM

“Spike,” said Willow, pissed off. She conjured a fireball in her hand and hurled it at him. He ducked just in time, then looked behind him at the flaming bush.

“Got powerful, Red,” he said respectfully. Then he stalked into the house, grabbing the witch at her throat. “Don’t do that again.” Her eyes crackled with energy, and he dropped her as though he’d been shocked.

“Not here to bother you and the whelp,” he told her, shaking his hand.

“Who’s…. This?” asked Riley.

“Him, you can shoot!” said Buffy, pointing at Spike.

“Oh, come on, love. Why the bloody hell would I come back to town without a reason?”

“What kind of a demon did she dump you for this time, Spike?” asked Buffy wearily.

“That is not the reason! Drusilla…. Has nothing to do with this,” said Spike very angrily.

“Why are you here? You have until the count of â€one’ to convince me not to kill you. W—”

“Angelus is back!” said Spike quickly.

“Got the memo when he tried to kill me a few months ago,” said Buffy. “But thanks for reminding me.”

“No. Look, I could help you fight him. Don’t want him here—don’t want him prancing around, bollocksing everything up like he did last time you gave him a happy. Would’ve thought the two of you had learned your lesson.” Spike smirked at her.

“First off, there were no â€happies’. Second, I can take care of him myself.” Buffy picked up the crossbow bolt from the floor, shoving it toward Spike’s chest….

“Then why haven’t you killed him yet, Slayer?” She looked into his blue eyes, and knew he had a point. She’d already admitted that to her friends. She lowered the crossbow bolt.

“What the hell is going on here?” demanded Riley.

“Shut up,” Buffy, Willow, and Spike told him at the same time.

“I have a plan,” said Buffy, turning her attention back to the vampire. “It doesn’t involve you.”

“Yeah…. But I’ll bet I could still help.”

“Why would you want to?”

“Don’t want the bloody pouf back, Slayer. Tried to end the world last time he was on the sodding hellmouth, and you are insane if you think I want that to happen again.”

“I don’t like you. I don’t trust you. You keep coming back, Spike. Name one reason I should let you walk this time.”

“Because you know I could be killing you as we talk, little red’s magic aside. Could be chomping the captain of cardboard after, and keep the witch for dessert. You know that. I’m still the big bad, and you don’t forget that. But you’ll need me. And I haven’t killed you yet,” he pointed out.

“Not for lack of trying. The first go-round we had, my mom had to hit you in the back of the head with an axe to make you go away.”

“Well, yeah, got me there.”

“And after that, you tried to kill me on Halloween.”

“Well, you were all helpless—and hey, in that little wig, pretty cute, too.”

“You thought I was—never mind,” she said, refusing to be dragged off topic.

“Got the point, love. I’m evil. Everybody knows that.”

“Also, you vampire. Me, slayer.”

“So slay me, pet!” Spike crossed his arms, grinning at her.

“Wait. He’s a vampire.”

“Famous one,” Buffy told him.

“Right I am,” Spike said indignantly. “Order of Aurelius.”


“Spike,” said Buffy, rolling her eyes. “Also known as William the Bloody—do we need a biography on his unlife right now?”

Riley shook his head. “The point is, we could take him back to my place.”

“Don’t swing for that side,” Spike said, deliberately misunderstanding him.

“Spike. Riley and I are going to go talk. You touch any of my friends while we’re out, I will personally send you to hell.”

Spike shrugged. “Fine by me. â€M sure I’ve got loads to talk about with the witch here—isn’t that right, Red?”

“You touch me and I will set you on fire,” Willow said in a low voice.

“Touchy, aren’t you?” He leaned against the doorway, watching her as Buffy and Riley left the room.

“What is it?” Buffy crossed her arms right as she got outside of the room, but Riley kept on walking.

“Vampire hearing,” he explained, after they got almost all the way to the front door. Buffy nodded, not happy that military boy had needed to remind her something she’d known about for a long time—longer than him, anyway.

“Okay, got that. But what is it?”

“We put chips in the heads of the HSTs,” he told her. “We could put one into…. Spike’s head. He wouldn’t be able to hurt any of the humans, but he could hurt the demons. That’s what’s important, right? Getting the demons.”

“It’ll work. Can you do it fast?”

“I’ve just got to tranq him. I’ll call up Graham, ask him for assistance. We aren’t surgeons, but we could get it in there. Walsh—that’s our superior—has showed us enough diagrams that we could do it right.”

“You have a tranq gun with you?”

“Yeah,” he told her.

“Hurry,” she said. “I’m going to go and get the others. This is the big night—the first one.”

“Wait,” said Riley, watching her go up the stairs. “What do you mean, â€the first one’?”

“The Ascension,” she told him. “The Mayor is evil. He’s unkillable now. And he’s going to turn into a demon sometime soon—in a few months. These guys, I know they’re all working for him. Maybe it’s indirectly, maybe not, or maybe it’s a partnership. But if we can get them gone, most of his fighting forces are gone. Also, Angelus—”

“The bastard,” interrupted Riley. “I can’t—he’s killed most of our men already.”

“We’re giving him his soul back. I can’t kill him, and neither can you guys. We’re just going to get his soul back into him, and turn him back into Angel.”

“How can you—look, even if it’s possible to give him his soul back, how’re we going to know that he’ll help us?”

“He has before,” Buffy muttered as she turned back to the staircase. Riley took that in as he went back to the kitchen.

“Hey, Captain Cardboard, love the uniform, what movie’d you fall off—” Spike shut up as Riley hit him with a tranquillizer gun.

Willow looked at Riley, a little shocked. “Do you just shoot anybody that shows up without warning?”

“The Slayer knew what I was doing to him.” Without saying anything else to her, he picked up his walkie-talkie. “Graham? Yeah, I need you. Get outside the base. Come alone, I’m fine. Revello Drive, 1630. Get here fast, I’ve got an HST. Bring a chip.”

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:54 PM

The Mayor looked up at Anyanka. “The boy has courage,” he said, chuckling. “Trying to chip someone—sending someone out at night?”

“He is also a fool,” she said to him. “He believes we can’t find out. Who does he have?”

“None of ours,” he said to her. “But that isn’t the problem.” He leaned forward in his desk.

“The problem is, the Initiative, as they call themselves, are making too big of a name for themselves around here. They wreck the morale of our boys and our girl, Willow. Now, we can’t have that, can we?” He chuckled a little, pushing forward a plate on his desk. “Have a mint.”

“Thank you.” Anyanka leaned down, taking one of the peppermints. “What would you like me to do?”

“As a favor, of course, I would like you to seek them out. Find an ex-girlfriend, or maybe a disgruntled sister of some kind. Hear their wishes, and wreak havoc over the military men. I knew they existed, but was not prepared for them; not yet.”

“As a favor,” repeated Anyanka. “For any other man, you know, I would broil them in their own stomach’s acid.”

“I know, I know!” He laughed, amused, leaning backwards. “That’s one of the fun things about you—you’re so creative.”

“Thank you.” She smiled, finally, and he knew that she’d do it for him.

“Now. First things first. I…” He stood up. “….Need to warn the big boys. And our Willow, of course. Angelus is fun.”

“What he did to Drusilla was unforgivable—and Darla,” said Anyanka, her face showing her contempt.

“But Drusilla does seem so happy now,” pointed out the Mayor. “True, she’s insane, but only a little. Besides, he makes other guys miserable, too. There’s Spike.”

“Spike,” agreed Anyanka. “I think Halfrek knew him, once. We were around when he and Drusilla shot through Europe in the 1950s. There was tension. He isn’t good either. I’ve heard, however, that he makes Drusilla happy.”

“That he does,” agreed the Mayor. “So, you see, they’re all worthwhile.”

He walked around his desk. “They’ve all got their place,” he said, “whether it’s food for the ascending mayor, or temporary joy for a sweet young lady such as yourself.”

“You do know that I’m about three times older than you, right?”

“You don’t look it,” he told her, holding open the door.

“That’s the nicest thing anybody’s said to me in the past few centuries,” she said. “Excepting a few of the other things you’ve said. You really know how to treat a girl.”

He looked around his office, turning out the light. “Well, I do try.” The door clicked shut behind him.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:56 PM

“Hey, Faith.” She looked up, exhausted. She didn’t want to know what Angelus had in store now. She was sure it wouldn’t get much worse—it couldn’t, after all. There had been a steady parade of victims before her eyes, helpless people—or stupid ones—or sometimes both. They’d all begged for a Slayer to save them. Once in a while, Angelus would turn them. And he would force her to watch that, too.

Their first drink, apart from the blood of their sire, was blood of the Slayer. They would drink enough blood to weaken her, and enough to fill them. Then, he would turn them loose upstairs in the Bronze. She knew what was going on from the screams upstairs.

Willow, that was usually the worst part. Willow seemed to “help” her—trying to feed her blood, trying to play with her. She hated it, especially when she remembered the way that the real Willow acted. Once in a while, when she saw Willow and Xander, she could almost forget. Angelus recognized that, the evil bastard.

And she’d been stupid. She’d gotten tricked, once in a while. Angelus had acted like his soul was back, and Willow and Xander—they’d seemed right, too. They would let her out, and try to “help” her “escape”.

But it would always end the same way. She knew that they couldn’t break her, not after what happened in Boston. Living with her mother, if you could call that “living”. Of course, these two about tied—living with her mother, living in this basement, they ranked about the same on the Faith scale of “comfort”.

And what Angelus did wasn’t quite as bad as Kakistos. It could all be worse. And Buffy would show up sooner or later—Buffy would save her.

“Whatcha doing?”

“Just hanging here. It’s nothing I couldn’t do later.”

Angelus got right in her face. “Miss me?”

“You wish.” She laughed a little. Yeah, she could push all his buttons. She wouldn’t give into him.

“There were some nice people up there tonight. But I saw this one girl—made me think of you. Long, brown hair; firm looking ass; and everything was so bright. Hey, what do you think? Think I’ve got a shot?”

“With a nice girl like that? No chance. She’s probably got a life—likes living in the light, likes keeping everything alive. And I’ll bet she’s got some boyfriend back in Pleasantville, Anti-Hellmouth capital of the U.S.A.”

“Oh. Got a shot with you?” He put hands on either side of her.

“The only chance you have with me is when I’m unconscious and tied up.”

“Let’s see what we can do about that.” He drew back his fist, slamming into the right side of her head. Blood came out, and her head crashed into the wall beside her. Her arms jerked in the chains, but she couldn’t pull them out.

Finally, she managed to loosen the chains enough to knee him between his legs.

“That wasn’t nice,” he told her, hitting her again…. And again…. And again…. Until she couldn’t see him anymore.


When she finally woke up, she was on the floor. Angelus was lying beside her, eyes closed. She didn’t believe for a second that he was asleep. She knew what would happen, what always happened. He’d have his “soul” back. But it would be different this time. They couldn’t trick her again. She’d be ready.

“Hey, Faith.” He smiled, opening his eyes.

He appeared, standing, rising up from the ground somehow.

“Ready for another go-round? I think I finally understand how this all works.” He gave her a smile, bending down over her, and then his face changed. A dart was sticking out of his back.

Willow was standing in the doorway. Her hair was a little darker, and it was a new outfit…. But still, there was the leather and the dominatrix thing going on. Xander was behind her.

Angelus turned around, looking up a little. “This some kind of a new game that I’m not in on?”

“No.” Willow lowered the dart gun, aiming it at him again. “It’s actually a very old game.”

“One that you aren’t ready for,” added Xander softly. You almost needed vamp hearing to have heard that.

She shot him again.

His eyes closed again, and Faith thought that maybe he wasn’t faking this time. It had to be a new game.

“Faith?” Willow walked over to her. Faith almost swore that she could hear the redhead breathing. “Are you okay?”

“You could stop anytime,” she said stonily. “Won’t fool me this time.”

“Won’t fool—they’ve done all kinds of things to you.”

“I know who you are,” said Faith. “I know what you do. Don’t get what the game is, but that doesn’t matter.”

“You’ll need to get your clothes on,” said Xander. Willow stepped back as Faith carefully pushed up. She was bruised, but it didn’t hurt too much. A few places still bled, but that wasn’t so bad either.

“Here.” Willow tossed her a shirt that was on the floor. The shirt wasn’t too bad. She started putting it on.

Xander picked up pants that were obviously hers. “Um, you might not want these.” He looked through a hole in them.

“Stop,” said Faith. “I don’t care what your game is, don’t care what you’re trying to do to me. Just…. Stop.”

“Try on Angel’s pants,” said Willow quietly, throwing them to her. She put them on unwillingly. If she could get past them—if she could somehow escape them—no way was she running back to B’s place half-naked.

Faith pulled the pants all the way up. They were a little too big, but otherwise, they’d be fine.

“Let’s go.” Xander tossed her a stake. Without any thought at all, she rammed it towards Willow’s heart.

“Faith!” Willow managed to get out of the way, but just barely. The Slayer bounced back, then threw the stake at Xander. It hit him in the shoulder and she wince—she’d missed. She knew that Xander could do anything, that no injury stopped him. Well, yeah, getting his head chopped off might help….

But he was bleeding. Why was he bleeding? Why was he on the floor, holding the injury? Why did it hurt him?

She saw his face screw up with pain, and realized what was going on. Somehow, the real ones were back. Xander and Willow were really here. She was really going to escape. She was really….

“Wakey, wakey, Faith.” She opened her eyes. It was Angelus. “Having a good dream? Wanna share?” He smiled, looking down at her. She closed her eyes again. It was better, to not see what was going on. It had all been a dream….

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:58 PM

Buffy looked down when the doorbell rang. “His friend’s here,” she told them.

“Buffy, is this an intelligent plan?” Giles looked at her, concerned.

“I think so,” she told him. “Spike could probably get in there alright. If he goes in, gets out the psychopathic versions of Xander and Willow, then you and Will can go in with me…. And Riley, probably. One of us should be tranqued.”

“Buffy—this is dangerous.” Xander crossed his arms. He was equally worried. “What if they see through us? It’s going to be worse for you. They’ll have both of the slayers.”

“That’s why this is so important. You can’t let on who you are. That’s why one of us is going to be unconscious; or faking it.”

“Can Will pull it off? I mean, the leather’s pretty clingy. It’s going to be hard to smuggle in the stuff to do the spell.”

“Yeah, but who says that I’m wearing leather? And God knows that the guy with Initiative isn’t. We’ve got to be ready to move.”

She ran back down the stairs to open the door. A guy stood outside—also in military gear, probably about the same age as Riley. “You’re the girl…. The Slayer,” he said.

“That’s me. You’re a friend of Riley’s. That’s not going to make you real popular.”

“Your friend isn’t real popular at base. Forrest had to tell where Riley was.”


“Another member of our group. One of Riley’s friends,” the new guy said. “I’m Graham, by the way. I’d shake your hand, but I’ve got all of this stuff in order to chip the vampire. Is he still here?”

“I think so. Riley should’ve shot him up with a tranquilizer.”

“Good. Then let’s get going.” Graham walked into the house, then turned around to face her.

“I didn’t want to ask you if I could come in. It was okay, right?”

“Yes.” Buffy smiled a little. She shut the door behind him.

Graham walked through the house. “Hey, Ri,” he said when he got to the kitchen.

“Oh, goody.” Willow rolled her eyes, threw up her hands, and walked out. “More military people.”

“Will, it’s good. He’s here to chip Spike. You need to go change.”

“On it,” she said. “Not like I want to stick around with the crazy people that try to shoot me.” She sent another glare at Riley as she walked out of the room.

“I said I was sorry!” he yelled after her.

“You do know that’s a vampire, right?” checked Graham.

“No, that wasn’t. Long story. There’s apparently two of them—and that guy she runs around with. Not Angelus, but the other one.” Riley rolled his eyes. “It’s been a long night.”

“It’s going to get longer,” interrupted Buffy. Graham, right?”

He nodded.

“Can you get going on him before he wakes up? I need to talk to Riley.”

Graham nodded again as Buffy grabbed Riley’s sleeve, yanking him to the doorway. It wasn’t an easy task—but she was the Slayer, so it wasn’t too hard.

“Now what?”

“Spike’s going to go in and get the vampire counterparts of Xander and Willow. The real Xander and Willow are going to be waiting somewhere nearby with us. We’ll stake vampires X and W, then go in. The main priority’s going to be getting Faith and shooting up Angelus with your tranq gun. Willow’s going to give him his soul back.”

She took a deep breath.

“You can stake the two of them, right?”

“Two of—you mean vampire Xander, vampire Willow?”

“Yes,” she responded, her voice low.

“I…. I guess so.” He already knew that this wasn’t the time to try and boost his ego. If this girl could really do these things—if this could all work—they were talking about taking out three of the major players.

“Wait.” Graham looked up from his surgery on the floor. “What about that other vampire…. The Master? What about him?”

“He’s in big with the Mayor. I don’t know if he’ll be there tonight. If he is, we’ll take him out.”

“That’s hard, Buffy,” Riley warned her. Slayer or not, he didn’t want to be responsible for the death of a civilian.

“I’ve done it before,” she said grimly. “Point is, you’re going to take out the first two vampires. Not Angelus, got it? Just shoot him full of tranquilizer darts until he stops moving. If you see the Master, do the same thing. I’m going to be full of tranquilizer myself.”


“Because if one of us isn’t, they might notice it was a trap. I am not staking my two best friends. I know it isn’t them, they aren’t even from here, but it’s the same faces. I can’t do that. I sent the guy I love to hell last year; there is no way I can do the same thing again.”

“Fine. But what if we can’t handle it?”

“Leave me and get gone.” She crossed her arms. “You could always come back later.”

“Ri, it’s dangerous,” pointed out Graham.

“Yeah, well, I think it’s a good plan. We’ll go in as soon as that guy’s all chipped up.” Riley managed to override all of his own internal objections.

“He’s fine now,” said Graham, after a few minutes of silence.

“God. What the bloody hell—more boys? Slayer, how many of these guys litter your house?”

Buffy lashed out, kicking him backwards. He jumped up. “Ready for another go around, then, pet?”

He drew back his fist, shot it forward to punch her, then stopped; screaming.

He looked up, shaking his head as the pain cleared. “What did you do to me?”

Buffy crossed her arms, staring at him. “You’ve got a chip in your head.”

“And how…?” He let the question trail off.

“The military guys did it.” She looked a little smug now.

“You can’t hurt humans anymore,” said Graham.

“Stupid bugger! I haven’t touched a human since I got here, this time around, and I’m practically starving. What do you expect me to do?”

“Drink pig’s blood.” She was definitely smug now. “There’s probably some left in Angel’s old place.”

“Uh-uh. First off, not drinking leftovers of that ponce. Second, there’s no way I’m helping you now.”

“Stake?” Buffy held out a hand, and Riley gave one to her.

“Wrong, Spike.” In a swift movement, she was back beside him. She held the stake to his chest—he couldn’t leave without hurting one of the humans. Not that he had problems with that, just that his…. His chip did.

“Either you help us, or you’re extra crispy.”

“Well, love…” He searched for a way to get around it. “I’m a vampire, right? Can’t be trusted. I’ve left town a lot now, made you promises, right? Not trustworthy, no. You’d better just let me go.”

“Why? You’re basically neutered, Spike.” She smiled at him brightly, almost liking the insults—and almost not.

“Watch your language!” he snarled at her.

“You can’t hurt any humans.”

“How’m I supposed to fight?”

“You can still fight demons,” Riley told him.

“Oh, that’s just great.” The vampire threw up his hands, ready to stalk off in disgust if it weren’t for that pesky stake right beside his heart.

“So. You gonna help us, or am I going to get the ashtray?”

“I help you with this, we’re done. You’ll take my chip out?”

“No,” she said. “That chip isn’t leaving. But you could. Close your eyes, wish real hard, and I could make it go away—along with the rest of your body.”

“Dammit, Slayer. You’re supposed to be above these petty games.” He was disappointed in her.

“Says who? Are you helping us, or not?”

“Yeah, sure.” He sighed. “Might as well.”

“Good. You’re carrying me to the Bronze.”

“Contrary to popular belief, this town is not a part of â€Gone with the Wind’. And I am not your keeper.”

“Too bad. Riley, get Willow and Xander. Then shoot me up.”

“Drugs, now, pet? Those things aren’t good for you.”

“No. Tranquilizer darts. You’re going to go in, get Willow and Xander. The vampire ones. Bring them outside, and help Riley stake them. After that, you’re free. But, just so you know, you could beat up on Angelus, too.”

“That’s nice of you, offering me a chance to beat up on my grandsire. Makes the whole thing worthwhile.”

“Good. Because if any part of this goes wrong, I’m blaming you. And there will be someone to kill you.”

“Lovely. Threats. I really didn’t miss this town.”

“You shouldn’t have come back,” she muttered under her breath as Riley came back into the room. Xander and Willow were behind him.

“You ready, Buff?”


“How many darts,” started Riley awkwardly.

“Just one.”

Spike raised his eyebrows. The girl had guts, he knew that. Of course, she’d proved that before. Didn’t mean that she wouldn’t die someday, like all of the other Slayers, it just meant that she might die slower. It might take longer.

“Ri, I’m going back to the base. I’ll tell Walsh you’re fine. Hurry up.” Graham started out. “It was nice to meet you, Buffy.” She shot a smile after him as he left.

Riley raised the gun, pulled the trigger.

She fell over backwards, more from the impact than anything else. One tranq dart was enough to incapacitate her a little. She could probably still move on her own, just not very well.

Spike caught her as she fell, easily fighting the minute urge to let her hit the floor. “Right, then. Let’s go. Got demons to kill, grandsires to beat up.”

Cordelia looked out the window, watching them leave. Spike was carrying Buffy out, her eyes half-closed. Xander and Willow were behind him, with that other guy—Riley, she guessed.

“They won’t be back,” she said.

“Sure they will,” Oz said comfortingly.

“We went through a lot in L.A., especially with the law firm, but this is something almost worse.”

“They’ll be back,” Oz told her.

“Will they? Will they really come back? Yeah, Xander’s not the greatest boyfriend, but he’s loyal…. And he’s nice, usually…. And he’s pretty funny. Willow’s not bad, either. Spike, yeah, I wouldn’t be crying if he suddenly fried, but I don’t want the rest of them to die. Sunnydale’s bad, Oz. We know that. That’s why we left.”

“It’s fine,” he told her.

Giles watched them from the room’s doorway. They’d grown closer, while they were gone. And they had all grown up a little. He supposed that there was something good from this after all. Maybe there was still hope.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-14-2008, 12:00 AM

Spike walked into the Bronze, still carrying the Slayer in his arms. There was a second Slayer, apparently. He knew that Dru’d bagged herself a Slayer during the Acathla business, but he hadn’t known that the new one had wound up in Sunnydale.

If the rumors were true, her name was Faith, and she was Angelus’s new obsession. Whatever Angel obsessed over, Angelus did the same. Guy had a thing for Slayers, apparently.

And from what this Slayer said, the rumors were true. Something bad was going down, and there was no way he wouldn't be fighting.

Yeah, it pissed him off something awful that the military whelps had put a chip in his head to make sure that he helped out the white hats. But that didn’t matter too much—it wasn’t like he’d never fought with the Slayer before.

She was kind of interesting; and a Slayer that he didn’t mind. If it didn't completely turn his stomach, he’d have sired the girl a long time ago. But taking another one of Angelus’s castoffs was something he was in no rush to do. Besides, girl wasn’t altogether fond of him. Might not be a good idea.

“So, the rumors are true!” he shouted. “Where’s my grandsire?”

“Who’re you?” asked one of the vampiric dancers. The Bronze was filled with them; Angelus and the Master were the only ones that could’ve accomplished something like this.

“’M William the Bloody, â€f you’d like to be specific. But I kind of prefer Spike, myself.” He smiled. “I heard Angelus was back in town, and got him a present. So where is he?”

“How do we know you’re really Spike?” A big, burly looking vampire stood in front of him.

“If you want to know how I got my name, that’s fine by me. But if you’d prefer to keep the few brains that you have in that walnut of yours, then step aside. That’s how you know.” He smirked smugly.

“William the Bloody with another Slayer,” muttered the vampire.

“That’s right. Mind moving?”

The vampire moved without saying anything else. Spike walked through the crowd, feeling a little jealous when one of the vampires reached out to touch the Slayer’s hair. He restrained a territorial growl. Bugger all, she was his Slayer. His to touch, and his to kill. Not now, of course, but later.

He started down the stairs. Her body thudded against his chest, and he could practically feel her glaring at him. “Don't want to wake up yet, pet,” he told her softly, hoping that the others couldn’t hear him.

“I heard you upstairs, Spike. Didn’t I tell you not to come back?”

“Why get mad, Angelus? I did bring you a gift, after all. For the price of your goodwill, and your not attacking me, I give you this lovely blond Slayer. To have and to hold, to kill and to drink of, forever and ever amen.” He uplifted his eyebrows.

“And what’s this? Another little bird, eh? I heard the other was in Sunnydale, but I didn’t know it was true.”

“This is Faith. Faith, say hello to Spike.”

“It’s a pleasure,” said Spike, after the dark haired Slayer had been quiet for a few seconds, glaring at him.

“What did you do to her?”

“Who, Buffy? Snuck into her house, knocked her out, decided to see if the rumors were true. If not, was planning on having a nice go-round with her once she woke up. It’s been about twenty years since my last Slayer; figured I could have another one now.”

He smiled, watching Faith’s reaction.

“Found a military boy in her house with her, matter of fact. They tried to work a deal with me. Knocked him out—he’s still outside, by the way—and used his tranquilizer on the blond here. Which reminds me, she should be coming around soon. Did you want her, or not?”

Angelus stared at him stonily for another moment, then smiled. “Of course, my boy. It’s good to see you again. I’m sorry that it was so rough last time I was here—just getting used to being outside again. That, and I was a wee bit obsessed with Buffy, here. But now that she’s joined me, I think things are setting up to be pretty good.”

“Good.” Spike switched his smile to Angelus. “Now…. I also heard that you’ve got some fanged version of the Scoobies hanging around here somewhere.”

“Xander! Willow!” Angelus called them, never taking his eyes off of Spike. They both walked into the room.

“Is it true?” Xander had a grin on his face. “You’re really here to join the gang?”

“Eavesdropping isn’t good for you,” warned Spike.

“You have another puppy outside.” Willow gave him a winning expression. “You said you brought it to play with—one of the soldier-puppies? Can I have it?”

“Willow just loves puppies,” Angelus explained to Spike.

“I can see that. Got a bit of Dru in her, hasn’t she? Yeah, pet. There’s a soldier-puppy outside. Why don’t you and your mate come with me to get it? I think I made a few enemies up there the first time around.” Spike turned, waiting for them to follow.

“Come on, Xander.” Willow walked after Spike. She didn’t hurry, but she was eager to see the new puppy. Xander followed, loving to see Willow go at it.

“And hello, there, Buff. You don’t call, you don’t send flowers—then all of a sudden, you just show up, unconscious. What am I supposed to think?”

She tried to blink.

“B! B, you’ve got to wake up!” yelled Faith.

“There’s things that he does, things that you need to know; him and those two freak twins of Xander and Willow! B, you can’t stay like that, you have to—” Angelus hit her in the face.

“No spoiling the games, Faith. Buffy’s going to find out soon enough.” He smiled at the two Slayers—one just waking up on the floor, the other still in chains. It was impressive, that Faith was holding out so long. He wondered if Buffy could do the same.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-14-2008, 12:02 AM

Angelus heard footsteps on the stairs. Four pairs—had something gone wrong? No…. Xander and Willow, Spike, and—

“Why, you didn’t tell me you’d found Captain Vampire Slayer himself? You do know, boy, that it is usually girls doing that?”

Riley glared at him.

“Well, you could be a Slayer—got that slender, girlish figure…. And the evil stares…. But I’ll bet you haven’t got the witty comebacks. No, those are pure Slayer-inherited.” Angelus chuckled.

“Yeah. You did know, Angelus, that these two tried to work a deal with me? Real Xander and Willow came back to town, it seems.”

“Did they, now? I trust you gave them a proper welcome.”

“Red had an interesting taste—strawberries. They were ripe, of course. The whelp, ah, he was a disappointment. But they made a pretty picture in the Slayer’s bedroom. Should’ve waited for the Watcher to get home. Point is, the Slayer and the military boy here, tried to convince me to help them. Even agreed, to an extent. Didn’t I, Slayer?”

Buffy tried to open her eyes again. This was all making sense. Spike would never help them; Spike wouldn’t want to help them.

“But thing is, they’re no match for you. We know that. Have at the two of them. You deserve it.” Spike gave his grandsire a smile, gentler than any of the others.

“Xander and Willow?” asked Buffy weakly. (It actually came out more like “Xer n Wo?”)

“Oh, they’re dead, right enough, love. Did you really think I’d let the lot of you get away with it?” He laughed at her.

“But what about—”

“The Watcher wasn’t home yet, remember? Real shame that the wolf and that Cordelia didn’t come home, too. I really wanted to welcome them.”

Buffy almost relaxed. He was lying. Oz and Cordy were both home, and he knew that. Giles was home, too, and he knew that. The plan was still working…. Unless Spike was lying to both her and Angelus…. Which was a definite possibility.

“Sounds good. You’ll have to show me later, William. But for now, why don’t we get this one out of the way?” Angelus started towards Riley, who suddenly jerked his arm away from Xander, elbowing Willow in the face. Buffy started to think about her final option—Spike playing some extremely secret game….

“No! You won’t take me.” He pulled out his tranquilizer gun as Angelus shot forward. Two darts hit Angelus in the chest.

Then he heaved a sigh. “Did I do it?”

“You didn’t have to elbow me that hard.” Willow had a hand on her nose, and was glowering at him.

“Sorry. I just wanted to make it look convincing.” He did even manage to look a little sorry, so she forgave him a little.

“What’s going on?” Faith looked at them all.

“We’re here to rescue you, love,” Spike told her.

She gave him a disbelieving stare.

“What’s so hard to believe?”

“You’re evil. And a vampire,” she told him slowly.

“Yeah, so?”

“So why would you help out two Slayers?”

“One, so Buffy doesn’t kick my ass around the town, dust it, and kick the dust around. I’m sure she would’ve, too. Two, don’t like beating Slayers like this. I like fair fights. Fair being I’m better than you, not I’ve tied you up. Kind of pointless, that.”

“A fair vampire. Now I’ve seen everything.” She rolled her eyes as he moved forward to open the chains.

“No… Not everything,” he corrected her carefully. “Drusilla, now, that’s seeing everything.”

“Okay, got that. You’re helping Buffy out of fairness. It doesn’t make sense, but I understand it. Why are they helping? Did she threaten to kick their asses while she was unconscious? Signal them with her breathing, or something?”

“No. They’re the real ones. Imitation Scoobies are dust in the wind. But I had to sound convincing, didn’t I? Had to make Angelus think I was really here for him. Think I’d almost convinced her, too.”

Buffy shot him a rare smile—which, inexplicably, made him feel damn happy. Or, rather, less homicidal than he’d felt in general since getting that bloody chip.

Faith hit the ground. “No offense, but those darts won’t hold him for long. You’d better put him in the chains. Otherwise, it’s going to be shish-kebab Slayer and friends when he wakes up.”

She stared down at him. Angel, who’d been almost like a friend to her—a good friend. One that she had almost gotten feelings for, after the others left. But also he was Angelus, who’d done things to her she didn’t want to think about. There was no way she’d be doing the “want, take, have, ditch” thing with guys anymore. Not after this.

And now he’d be Angel again. How the hell could Giles look at this guy and not see the vamp that’d killed his lady-love?.... She didn’t know. But she’d have to pull the same trick, probably.

“Buffy.” Willow looked up from the floor. “There’s something in here—a way to remove the clause.”

“What clause,” started Buffy. “Wait. You mean that perfect happiness clause? And he could always have his soul? No more Angelus?”

“That’s what I mean,” agreed the redhead.

“Long time no see, Will,” Faith told her.

“Hey,” she said.

“Well, do you need anything more? Can you do it?”

“Nah. I’ve just got to do more chanting.”

“Okay. Have at it.”

“Um, guys?” Xander nudged Angelus with the toe of his boot. “He’s waking up.”

Faith grabbed him and hauled him to the chains, shackling his arms to the top chains. “Somebody help me here?” she grunted as she lifted the bottom two chains.

Riley got over to her side, getting his legs down.

“Faith.” The others all backed away, but she didn’t. There was no way she was letting this bastard keep on getting to her the way she did. Before Willow got Angel back, she was having it out with Mr. Anti-Soul himself.

“Hey.” She crossed her arms, standing up.

“Should’ve known you’d want it the other way around after a while. Guess it got boring, and you wanted the roles reversed, huh? It’s okay…. I’m good with that. Got to say, though, if you were looking for a group affair—I’m not altogether sure that he’s got the stamina you want.” Angelus nodded to Riley.

“That’s not what I’m going for here.”

“Really? Could’ve fooled me.”

“Yeah, well, that doesn’t take too much, does it? He fooled you, too.” She jerked her head backwards, toward Spike.

“I’ll get out of these, sooner or later. And when I do, you’ll be the first on my list.”

“Yeah, you’ll get out of those chains…. But not that body. See, Willow’s planning on a little spell to get Angel back. And this time, it’s going to be permanent. I’m thinking, I’ve just got to occupy you for a few more moments.”

“I could call down all the vamps from upstairs, and then some,” he threatened.

“I could have this stake through your heart,” she shot back, holding up a stake that had fallen out of Riley’s pocket while he helped her.

“You could, but then you wouldn’t get the soulful brooder back, would you?”

“No, I wouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do it anyway.” She heard Willow start chanting from behind her.

“You’re not such a big bad after all, Angelus. I’m thinking, we’re just doing everybody’s sanity a safety by shutting you down for good. I mean, what’s the worst you’ve ever done? Drive a half-crazy girl insane? Big deal.” She laughed in his face.

He tensed against his chains, trying to get her. “No one talks to me that way,” he snarled. “Sooner or later, I will get out again. And when I do, I—”

“Acum! Acum!” She heard Willow from behind her. A swirly light appeared in his eyes, and he opened his mouth in shock. Then he slumped in the chains.

“Faith, he’s back. That’s just what happened last time.” Buffy pushed past her, and started unshackling Angel.

Faith backed up. He was Buffy’s boyfriend, she told herself. There was no reason to get pissed at this; the biggest connection that they’d had was while he was evil.

So why did it still hurt?

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-14-2008, 12:04 AM

Spike looked at them. Angel and Buffy. The paradox of a vampire with a soul—and a vampire in love with a Slayer. They were together again; this was how they were meant to be. But he knew that Buffy deserved better; knew that he wanted her. He wouldn’t admit that to anybody; but Dru knew it. She’d seen it before, when he had made that deal with her last year. He hadn’t even known it then, but she had.

Of course, Drusilla knew everything. Dru probably even knew who would take out the Slayer. He was amazed that she wasn’t here with “Daddy”, helping him run Sunnyhell.

Looked like the other Slayer wasn’t happy either. Maybe the girl had some kink to her, some deep, dark desires that Angelus had managed to fulfill. Or maybe she was into the real Slayer. Maybe she just had a thing for Angel too. Who knew? It wasn’t like he cared. He’d helped the Slayer and her little gang, now he had no place.

“Wow,” said Xander. “Those two move fast.” Spike knew that the whelp had feelings for the Slayer; probably had feelings of the opposite kind for Angel. He could use that—being chipped didn’t mean that he couldn’t use his Big Bad mind.

But…. No. That’d piss off Buffy. He didn’t want to do that. Any strange, romantic feelings aside, she’d probably stake him as soon as he stopped helping them out.


“How’re we going to get out of here?” Faith looked upstairs, avoiding Angel’s face.

“Um…. Well, Angel, Spike, Willow and Xander won’t have any problem. We could take out the Bronze, I guess,” said Buffy.

“Not liking that plan,” said Xander. “Especially the part where you guess.”

“I didn’t say it was a good idea,” Buffy murmured.

“There’s a way,” said Angel. He wasn’t looking at any of them now. He walked over to a box near the former Faith-chains. Buffy could see Faith tense a little out of the corner of her eye.

“Oh, those,” said Spike. “Angelus doesn’t change much, does he?”

Angel turned for a moment, letting the vampire show through.

“Hey, poufster, I know you aren’t quite him. There’s loads of differences. Just commenting that he doesn’t change.”

“Spike, why are you still here?” Buffy rolled her eyes to the sky.

“Um, because you could still use my help?” He looked at her like it should’ve been obvious.

“No, thanks.” Her tone was heavy on the sarcasm.

“Actually, Buffy, he could still be useful.” She turned back to Angel, disbelief in her face.

“We’re going to need to get through the Bronze.” He took out a set of collars and leashes from the box.

“What’re those for?” Buffy gave them a glare, as though they were responsible for the whole problem.

“I could tell you,” said Spike.

“Shut up,” said practically the entire group. Buffy didn’t even do that much, just ignoring him.

“We can—here.” He put one collar around Buffy’s neck, tightening it. Then he held the leash.

“What was it for?” she asked.

“You shouldn’t have to hear about it,” he muttered, walking to Faith.

“If you don’t mind, I’d kinda like to put it on all on my own,” she told him, picking up the collar and pulling it over her head. “Too many bad experiences.”

He winced a little, but let her do it.

“And then…. You…. I’m guessing you’d feel better doing it on your own, too,” he said to Riley, holding the last collar/leash out to him.

“Can I ask what the plan is first, before I put my neck through a noose?” He looked at it in almost the same way that Buffy had.

“Angel here’s going to let the vamps and vamp look-alikes lead us through the Bronze. We’re all going to make-believe it’s some kind of a grand plan.” Faith held out the lead as she finished. “Who’s feeling brave?”

Spike looked at her. No, the girl didn’t have some kind of a kink—or if she did, Angelus had worked it out of her. But she liked this one; Angel in specific. And she didn’t like him paying attention to Buffy. That was good; he didn’t like his grandsire paying attention to Buffy either. If she’d trust a Big Bad like himself, maybe they could both work up loads of jealousy.

“Don’t need bravery, pet,” he told her, taking the chain.

Buffy swallowed something in her throat, watching Spike and Faith together. It was stupid, whatever it was. Spike was evil. Faith was another Slayer. A, there was nothing there. B, even if there was, it shouldn’t matter.

Even though it did.

Angel watched Faith and Spike. He couldn’t blame her; not trusting him. It was a wonder that they didn’t just stake him now. He knew what Angelus had done to her, and all of the rest of them, too. She shouldn’t trust him; and Spike had even helped to free her. But he’d started to like the new Slayer—apparently, Angelus had liked her a great deal, too. There was no chance now…. Or was Spike trying to make him jealous?

He narrowed his eyes, watching the younger vampire. It was a definite possibility.

“Fine,” said Riley, jerking the three of them out of their respective reveries. He shoved the collar down around his neck, holding out the lead to Willow. “Try not to choke me,” he said.

“You trust me?” She raised an eyebrow. “You just tried to kill me a few hours ago.”

Xander’s head jerked around to Riley, very pissed off.

“I thought she was evil,” he said by way of explanation.

“Oh.” That was a common enough occurrence.

“But you’re not evil,” he said, directing his words to Willow. “You could’ve killed me earlier if you’d wanted to. So yeah, I guess I kind of trust you.”

She took the leash. “Then I guess I kind of won’t choke you. I’m kidding, kidding!” she reassured him as his face took on some new color.

“Let’s go,” said Angel as he gently took Buffy’s leash.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-14-2008, 12:05 AM

“Hey, Angelus! Nice to see you’ve finally got that Slayer where she belongs!” yelled one of the many vampires. Angel’s brow kept furrowing more, and more.

But the group made it out of the Bronze without any major occurrences. When they got outside, though, there was a larger problem to deal with.


“Angelus,” said the Master. “Good to see you.” His fruit-punch mouth widened in a larger smile.

Spike grinned a little. It was the big head himself. Things were getting more interesting.

“And William. You’ve returned. It’s good to see you as well… I’m glad that Darla’s old group is getting back together. It’s a shame that Darla can’t be here, too.”

“You know that I regret that at least as much as you,” said Angel. Buffy tensed at his voice; there was a slight difference, so far, between Angel and Angelus. This was really sounding more like Angelus than Angel.

“But you’ve got your Slayer now. How?” He put his fingers together, ready for the whole story.

“It was Spike here that did it.” Angel slung an arm around Spike’s shoulder. “Turns out he’s got an invite into the Slayer’s house; one that she keeps forgetting to take away. It seems she should’ve done that. He got her, the new little military boy, and brought them both here.”

“Kind of you,” said the Master.

“Yeah, well, that’s me—always ready to do something for the old grandsire.” Spike gave one of his more “typical” smiles.

“Hm. I don’t suppose you’d let me have a taste?”

“I would, but you see, I’ve got all kinds of things planned for her. I don’t really want to use her up quite yet. You can have her when I’m done, if you like—or the Slayer after that. I know you don’t like the castoffs.”

“No. I don’t. But thank you, Angelus.”

“No, thank you,” said Angel as he swung the axe at the bald head. The body dusted, leaving the bones on the ground.

“We were lucky he was alone.”

“What about the bones?” asked Buffy. “They can be used—the resurrection spell—or someone’s going to notice them.”

“It’s fine.” Angel reached down, scooping them up, sliding the lead on her leash further up his wrist. “You okay?” He looked up to check on her. She nodded, touching her throat a little.

“Good.” He grabbed all of the bones, taking them to a large dumpster nearby. Opening it, he dumped them inside.

“Someone’s going to notice he’s missing,” said Faith. “We’ve got to go.”

“Right. We can go back to Buffy’s place.” Angel looked at her. “Only thing is, you’ll have to invite me back in.” She looked back at him.

“Let’s go.” She didn’t smile, didn’t respond in any other way. She just started walking, and he followed her. Spike shrugged, putting an arm around Faith’s shoulders, and started after them. Willow and Riley walked, Riley a little ahead of her. Xander put his arm around Willow’s waist. She nuzzled him a little, putting on a show for the vampires she knew were nearby. Even if they hadn’t seen the Master die, they would see the others.

Buffy walked up to her house. She got inside of the doorway, then turned around. “Angel,” she said formally, “I invite you in.” He gravely nodded, stepping inside. Faith and Spike walked in behind the two of them. Riley walked inside, practically dragging Willow and Xander behind him. In fact, they got stuck in the door.

“Ow,” said Willow. Xander pulled his hand off of her, letting her in ahead of him. He followed, turning around to look out on the street, and give whoever had to be watching a thumbs-up.

Willow ran up the steps, letting go of Riley. He gave her a questioning look.

“I still can’t stand the leather,” she explained.

“Faith. Need to talk to you for a moment, pet.” She and Spike walked into the kitchen together. Angel and Buffy both watched them, not knowing why they each felt twinges of jealousy. Xander followed Willow up the stairs; also to get out of the leather.

Nifty Fairy of the North
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Old 04-14-2008, 12:06 AM

“What?” She crossed her arms, staring at the vampire, completely disregarding what she was wearing.

“First off, you like him. The pouf. Don’t know what it is that makes the Slayers all hot and sweaty about him, but he’s got you going, too. Don’t try to deny it. Thing is, I think I could help you with that.”

“With what? Angel? Please.” She drew out the word. “That’s Buffy’s tame vamp. Besides; you think that I could look at him without seeing Angelus?”

“Yeah, I do. I know that some vampires don’t have personalities that different from their human forms; their souled selves. I don’t think that I do. But Angel does. Angel’s not like Angelus, Slayer.” It seemed strange, referring to someone besides Buffy as “Slayer”. But, “Chosen One” status aside, it seemed to fit this bird.

He smiled at her a little. “You do look at him without seeing Angelus. That’s the thing, love. Maybe you’re scared, maybe you know that it’s the same face, but you also know how to separate the two of them. That makes you special; makes you different. And you like him. He probably likes you.”

“Okay. Say you’re right.” She looked at him, serious.

“I am.”

“If you are, then why? You’re still evil, you know, and I’ve heard about your history with Angel. Why do this?”

“There are reasons.”

“You want to make B miserable? Is that it? Because, I’m not helping you with that.”

“No. That’s not it. Don’t want to make that girl miserable, for some reason.”

“Oh my God.” Realization started to dawn on Faith’s face. “You like her. You’re William the frickin’ Bloody, and you’ve fallen for a Slayer.” She started to smile a little; for the first time in days.

“Well, pet, glad I could cheer you up.” Spike was irritated.

“Okay. Okay. I’m sorry. It’s funny…. I’m calmer now.” She was still smiling, though. “But seriously. How could you help me with him, even if you were serious?”

“Make him jealous. He likes you, in one way or another. I’m a bad, bad boy, love. He wouldn’t want you with the likes of me.” Spike gave her another smile.

“What makes you think he won’t freak if he sees you with B?”

“The fact that he’s going to be all wrapped up in you.” He slid the lead off his wrist, handing it to her and walking to the doorway.

“Think about it,” he tossed over his shoulder.


“I don’t like this,” said Angel. “Faith…. Spike. The two of them, in there, alone.”

“They aren’t alone,” said Buffy, who kind of knew where this could be headed. “They’re together.”

“That’s what worries me,” shot Angel.

“You like her.”

“I—what?” He was thrown.

“You have a crush on Faith. You, a vampire, have a little vampire crush!”

“I do not.” He was insulted. “I’m with you, remember?”

“Yeah.” She was trying to find some way around that.

“And…. Even if I did…. She’s in there with Spike. And…. Angelus was so cruel to her….”

“Like she cares.”


“No, I’m not saying it like that,” she backtracked, paling a little. “I’m saying that she knows what I know. You aren’t him, Angel. She knows that. She wouldn’t put it with you.”

“She could,” he said, avoiding her eyes.

“Could, yeah. But I don’t think that she will. Faith’s kind of forgiving that way.”

“Really? You really think I have a—wait. What’m I saying? I’m with you.”

“I hereby give you permission to go and chase after Faith,” said Buffy with a sparkle in her eye.

“Not sure if that’s a good idea,” said Angel. At that exact moment, Spike came out of the kitchen.

“Think about it,” he shot over his shoulder to Faith. Buffy could see her standing there. Their eyes locked, then Faith called.


“Yeah, pet?”

“Good idea. I’m with you all the way.” She slid out of the kitchen, smiling flirtatiously. She slipped the lead back into his hand. Angel and Buffy watched on in disbelief.


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