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Hot Neal. xD
Dorkfish is offline
Old 04-12-2009, 10:22 PM

I'd like some constuctive critisism on my newest story. I just started this one, and I've typed up chapter one. (I was going to do chapter two earlier, but there was an error in the publishing, and now I'll have to start from scratch. :()
Here is the link to the first chapter:
She Runs With Dolphins.
I have some older stories, as well. One called Cupcake and another, which is a fanfic for Liru The Werewolf.
Mainly, I'd like your opinions on these stories I've written so far.
Thanks! =)

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 04-20-2009, 12:39 PM

She seems a little too cheerful for the five of cups reading. Maybe a little more exasperated? It seems a little odd she ties her hair only to untie when she gets to the beach. Chapter two is missing, so it's a bit confusing. Nice idea, I only have those minor problems with it.

~Prototipo-Annette~ is offline
Old 04-20-2009, 11:21 PM

In reference to chapter one:

It's a pretty nice story, and I think it makes sense for her not to take the reading too seriously. After all, not everyone takes Tarot seriously, me speaking from experience. The writing style is something I'm quite fond of, but some of your sentences seem to end prematurely. I find it best to always read over your own stuff at least once to make quick editations and make sure it all flows nicely. Chances are if you can't stand to read through it after it's been written, no one else will want to read through it at all. ^^ That's why I put aside one of my other stories in favor for my current project.
Talking to animals is a little cliche, but if you can pull it off with a cute new twist, I don't think that it should be a problem. The bilingual nature of the story is also cool as well, and reminds me of a short story we had to read in Creative Writing. (At the 'Cadian Ball; a little silly, but a good read if you want to get a feel for Cajun culture) Chapters should probably be longer, and I'd suggest continuing on from the point you stopped at. Double space, about ten to fifteen pages in a Word document is the average for chapters, I've discovered, so that would be a good amount to aim for each chapter. Not too, long, but still not to short.
Also, I really love the title that you've got there, even if "running" with dolphins makes little sense. It simply sounds cool. Don't forget that hair dye washes out after awhlie, and if she's a frequent ocean goer, she'd probably have to redye it at least once a month. When I'm done dying mine, I'll give you some feedback on just how long it lasts.
Tieing her hair just to untie it at the beach makes very good sense, as it's a girl's nature to want to look good in public. She could always leave it braided when she swims, as that would keep it out of her way. (I did love your descriptions, though. They flowed nicely and kept to the point without rambling on endlessly. Nice job.)

I swam in circles until I found my friends.
I think that more could have been done with this little sentence here. It'd be a great idea to expand it into just how the ocean felt on her skin, her opinions on the dark abyss that was the farthest reaches of the ocean, whether or not she was nervous about the bottom, just how far out she swam to meet her friends and the like. Act like it's a short bubble of alone time in the vast expanses of the ocean that seems to stretch on forever, as those are some underwatery type of feelings. Time does seem to move slower beneath the waves... Also, the dialogue between this sentence and the end could use some work. You use the same quote tag too many times; do your best to go for variety and never repeat. (I'll let you read some of my work sometime so you can see what I mean.) Also, you could be saying what they're doing, like moving ever so slightly to remain stationary in the water. Also, you could mention just what this human child is doing about her air... ^^

Oh, did I mention that Charlie and Meiko, my best friends, are dolphins? I was wondering if I made that clear.
This is a bit of a rough ending, and leaves one expecting you to continue right off from it without starting another chapter, which is exactly what I think that you should do. It's a good little bit of story, but you should probably continue it to explain just how she's talking to them, and the nature of her relationship/the details about the whole deal. It would help the reader to remain less confused and focus a little more on your plot than on "just what's going on with this chick?".

On a final note, have you ever thought of a Freewebs account to house your writing? It would attract less possible plagiarism, and probably be a neater and more sophisticated way to showcase you're talent. I would also suggest saving everything you write as a word document as well and making sure it's saved in at least two places at all time i.e. a flash drive and your hard drive or your hard drive and somewhere on the internet. It really sucks to lose something you've been working hard on and really discouraging. I had to stop one story because of loosing a huge chunk I'd worked so hard on because it just killed my creativity. I really would love to read more of this story and thing that it would be a great thing for you to keep going with. Though a little cliche, not everything has to be the greatest, newest thing; there still has to be classic stories just like there will always be Harlequin romances so keep at it! ^^ If you live in the states and are still in school, I could try to keep you up to date with some fiction and poetry contests; I find them to be a great way to keep the creative juices flowing, even if you're not a poet. It really comes back to help with your writing, I swear.

Edit: Man, monster post much? Heh. I'm just so used to workshops where people enjoy it when I mark up their papers to the point where the only thing left is printer ink and red pen scribbles everywhere; but I kinda wish they'd do that to me instead of drool on my novels. Chances are if I put it up to be critiqued, I want constructive criticism(which is what I gave to you) not lavishing words(which are always good to throw in in moderation as not to discourage the writer of a good story)... =.=;;

Last edited by ~Prototipo-Annette~; 04-20-2009 at 11:27 PM..


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