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Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-01-2009, 03:48 AM

ɖӓӋ Ѳƒ єɳɖ

What are you going to do when you enter the demon's mansion?

Last edited by TenshiInochi; 09-01-2009 at 03:57 PM..

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-01-2009, 04:00 AM

§ ȘȶѲяӋ §

In the 15th century, a small family of Demons built this mansion from the ground up. Two hundred years later, more demons came. Along came humans. Now in the 21st century, many humans and demons live together. But with both races not being able to leave the lot, can peace remain?

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-01-2009, 04:11 AM

§ ϾɦȧяȧϾȶεяȘ §

Demon Profile:
Character's Name:
Why He/She is here:
Human Profile:
Character's Name:
Why He/She is here:


Username: TenshiInochi
Character's Name: Kuroi Akuma
Powers: Levitation and flying.
Personality: A bit of a darker character, she is a tad withdrawn. She keeps her self closed to others, but she will talk to you, if you start the conversation. If you open her up she'll talk, but for the most part she keeps to herself and her sister.
Bio: Kuroi and Hana were about two when they came to this mansion. Their parents were killed by exterminators so the two girls ran away. They traveled threw the forest for a week when they found a mansion in the horizon. They ran to the demon mansion and lived here since. The experience left Kuroi scared of people (mainly humans) for most of her life. She's okay with the ones who live in the mansion, but new ones worry her.
Age: 13
Why He/She is here: To relive her life

Character's Name: Hana Akuma
Powers: Telekinesis and Mind reading
Personality: She is a happy girl. She loves to run around all cheery and meet new people. If you talk to her you're sure to get a great reply.
Bio: Kuroi and Hana were about two when they came to this mansion. Their parents were killed by exterminators so the two girls ran away. They traveled threw the forest for a week when they found a mansion in the horizon. They ran to the demon mansion and lived here since. The experience left Hana shocked. She wants to avoid becoming a horrible person, so she trys to be nice to all races in the mansion.
Why He/She is here: To relive her life

Originally Posted by Annabelle Lea Rose
Username: Annalee.
Character's Name: Aoi
Powers: Good hearing, good smell, agile, fast. she has claws and fangs. She can use a little magic.
Personality:Skittery sly shy and mischievous. loving and sweet. attitude-like. Curious to a fault. feisty.can be hyper, but not all the time.
Bio: She comes from a family that has been around a lot. 9 brothers and her being the youngest and a girl. Her family was not poor, but close. they live in a cabin in the woods. She has friends but not many close ones. She looks up to her oldest brother, Hideaki, and has always wanted to be like him. That and her father, whom she looks like.
Age: 17
Why He/She is here: She saw it while walking by and saw the curtains move. And wondered if anyone lived in there, and decided to check it out.

Last edited by TenshiInochi; 09-03-2009 at 01:47 AM..

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-01-2009, 04:13 AM

§ яῧʆεȘ §

  • Do not fight with me
  • Breaking rules gets you removed
  • No one liners
  • Fill out the profiles correctly then post when you have been accepted
  • Pickles
  • This is for OOC: () (()) {} {{}}
  • Try to include everyone. Don't leave people out.
  • Read everything or will not be accepted.

Last edited by TenshiInochi; 09-01-2009 at 03:54 PM..

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-03-2009, 02:04 AM

"Kuroi-chan, let's check the libary." Hana said to her sister as the two walked down a grand staircase.
"Hana-chan, you're just gonna read manga." Kuroi replied.
"Yep!" Hana said as glee flooded her face. She ran into the large door with her sister and entered a new room. Shelves and shelves and shelves of books were everywhere. Hana grabbed a book of Princess Princess while Kuroi picked up a random book about how death effects people's minds.

Annabelle Lea Rose
Annabelle Lea Rose is offline
Old 09-03-2009, 02:35 AM

Aoi scaled the fence with ease. Not making a sound as she landed on the other side. I wonder what is in here... She got past the large lawn and up to the lowest second-floor window that was open. She jumped up to the ledge, her tail swaying back and forth. She listened to see if anyone was there. No one was there. She pulled herself up and looked around. She walked to the door, slowly. When she opened there was a large fireplace against one wall and a bunch of couches. There was one bookshelf and another door. She was examining the bookshelf but when she got there, the floor creaked.

Last edited by Annabelle Lea Rose; 09-03-2009 at 10:34 PM..

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-03-2009, 04:21 PM

Hana looked up from her book when she heard something from the hall.
"Hana-chan, did you hear that creaking sound?" Kuroi said as she came up to her sister.
"Yeah... let's go to the main hall..." Hana said as she stood up and put her book on the chair.

The two girls exited the library and went to the hall. They made a turn and saw a pink haired girl searching the living room bookshelf.

"There's more books in the library." Kuroi said as she leaned against the wall, catching the girl's attention.

Hana walked in and stole the attention. "She's Kuroi. I'm Hana. Nice to meet you, may I have your name? And maybe how you got here?" Hana said as she let out a welcoming hand and approached the girl.

Annabelle Lea Rose
Annabelle Lea Rose is offline
Old 09-03-2009, 10:33 PM

Aoi froze looking from one sister to the other. So... there was someone in here... she smiled nervously. "Hi... I am Aoi..... and.... I climbed over the fence....I am sorry.... I didn't mean to trespass...." Her black ears twitched and her tail had stopped swaying. She was poised so that she could run if she had to. "Uhhmmmm... I'll leave now...." she said walking towards the shut window in the room. and opening it. Great Aoi, now you've done it....You broke in to someones house. They probably think you are a thief! Granted I am a thief... But still. Good going..... I should leave... But.... are these girls all alone in here? That would be lonely.... maybe....maybe I should stay.... No! That'd just be intruding! Now leave! she scolded herself.

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-05-2009, 09:30 PM

"If you break in we will have to kill you." Kuroi said in a somewhat angry look.
"Kuroi! Aoi, don't listen to her, she's joking! You're fine here. Any one is welcome." Hana said, trying to fix the scare Kuroi caused.
"It's not like you could leave anyways..." Kuroi said under her breath. "No one can leave... That's the mansion's curse..."

Annabelle Lea Rose
Annabelle Lea Rose is offline
Old 09-08-2009, 02:24 AM

"Curse?" Aoi stammered. She was still a little shocked at the whole 'kill you' thing but she just ignored it. She looked over at the window she was trying to open, it wouldn't budge. Aoi looked defeated as she sunk to the ground. Damn... now what? You know what Mom would say... 'Aoi! You're too curious! That could get you in serious trouble.' Well now here she is now... in serious trouble. She looked up at Hana and Kuroi from her position on the ground. "What kind of curse?"

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-10-2009, 02:09 AM

"Ahaha, don't worry you're fine. We lived here since we were two, it's fine. It seems like no one is down stairs other than us right now... Anyways, would you like something to eat? The kitchen is over there." Hana said in a calming voice.
"She's right, this place has everything. You're fine. We have extra rooms up stairs, pick any you like." Kuroi said in a nicer tone.

Aoi seemed scared. The twins tried their best to calm her down. This place was home, they couldn't understand her fear.

"Um, the windows are really old, so most don't open. The door opens. But there is a invisible shield so you can't hop the fence or leave the drive way. It's not like you need to anyways." Hana said calmly.
"I'm hungry, Hana-chan, bring Aoi to the kitchen, she has to know her way around here some time." Kuroi said as she begun to leave the room.

Annabelle Lea Rose
Annabelle Lea Rose is offline
Old 09-10-2009, 02:21 AM

At the thought of food... Aoi became hungry. She thought back to this morning... and was painfully aware of the fact that she hadn't eaten anything because as Kuroi left her stomach decided to growl loudly. It echoed off off the walls and bounced off the walls. Aoi's face turned as bright red as a cherry. "Umm... Food would be good." She said as she followed them out the door.

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-10-2009, 08:19 PM

"Okay~ What do you want?" Hana said as her face lit up. She was happy Aoi was going to get closer. Not like she had a choice, but Hana was still happy.
"Aoi, tell me. If you let Hana-chan cook we'll need to rush her to the doctor." Kuroi said with a slight smile.
"Good point. Aoi, tell her, she cooks really well." Hana said shamefully.

Last edited by TenshiInochi; 09-10-2009 at 08:22 PM..

Annabelle Lea Rose
Annabelle Lea Rose is offline
Old 09-10-2009, 09:30 PM

Aoi's lips formed a small smile, "Ok! Hmmmm...Well... I like salmon.. do you have that?" Her tail started to sway again as she reached the kitchen door. When she entered, her ears perked up as she took in a deep breath. "Wow! This room smells amazing!" Aoi thought aloud as she took in all of the wonderful scents. She walked over to a spice rack sitting on a counter, and examined them. These are excellent spices! They almost smell fresh! She thought as she picked up a small jar of basil and sniffed at it, not bothering with the lid. I wonder if they have lemon pepper... she thought as she lifted up some sage. Her tail was swaying happily while she examined the spices. Aoi was acting like a little kid in a candy store. '

((Haha... I just realized that in my chracter profile... I put the wrong name for the user name! :lol: Too many 'A' names! Ha ha ha....))

Last edited by Annabelle Lea Rose; 09-10-2009 at 09:38 PM..

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-11-2009, 09:21 PM

"Lemon pepper? Of course!" Hana said as she walked up to Aoi playing with with the spices. "As you probably guessed now, I'm a mind reader. Kuroi-chan can fly and levitate stuff." Hana said with a smile. She turned to Kuroi and said "Kuroi-chan~ Can you get the lemon pepper from the other spices box on the top self?"
Kuroi nodded and flew to the top cabinet. She Grabbed a box and flew back to the ground. She took out a container labeled 'Lemon Pepper' and walked up to Aoi. "Here, you want this, right?" Kuroi asked as she gave the pepper to Aoi.

Annabelle Lea Rose
Annabelle Lea Rose is offline
Old 09-14-2009, 02:59 AM

"Oh, yes. Thank you!" Aoi said accepting the spice. "What a wonderful power! Flying I mean." she said to Kuroi She then turned to Hana and asked "Is there any other power you have, besides mind-reading?" As she fiddled with the cork for the pepper, in her head she admitted apologetically Your power makes me kind of nervous! Knowing now that she could be heard. When she opened the bottle she poured a tiny amount of the spice into her hand. Aoi first looked at the lemon pepper and then she sniffed at it. She then frowned, lifted her hand to her face and slipped the pepper into her mouth. Aoi sat there for a few minuets with a thoughtful look on her face. After a few more seconds she sneezed. "That's wonderful!" she exclaimed. Aoi turned to the two sisters and politely asked, "May I cook dinner?"

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-15-2009, 02:13 AM

"We do have a little something extra we work on here and there, but at the age of fifteenth, that's pretty much all we know." Hana said in a cherry manner. "And don't worry about mind reading, it's not a thing I do all the time, I just use it here and there when I need to. It's rude to use it all day. How would you feel if you were walking down the road and someone started reading your mind and told stories about you? I'm a good person, you don't need to worry about me."

"Cook? Be my guest. Hana-chan is so helpless, I'll like for a helping hand every now and then." Kuroi said as she turned to Aoi.
"Hey!" Hana shouted angrily at Kuroi.

Annabelle Lea Rose
Annabelle Lea Rose is offline
Old 09-16-2009, 01:28 AM

"I never thought that you, eaither of you, were a bad person.... errr people?" Aoi said. She broke into a wide grin. "All right! Lets get down to business!" Aoi set the still-open bottle of lemon pepper on the counter and dashed over to the fridge. She poked around in there, hidden by the door. ♪Hmmm Hm Hm Hmmmmm♪ she hummed as she looked. Aoi straightened up and shut the door. She turned to face Hana and Kuroi with a wide grin. "I hope you don't mind salmon for dinner!" she said merrily holding up two whole fish. Aoi walked back to the counter and set down the two fish in the sink. She pulled open a drawer next to the sink, measuring utensils looked up at her. "Hm... No." she said closing the drawer. She pulled open the next one. This one contained hot pads, silver wear, a spatula and a meat fork. "Hrrrm... Helpful. But not what was looking for." Aoi pulled out the meat fork, a spoon and a fork. At the end of the counter she spied a cutting board. she grabbed it and set the fish on it. she then continued her search. Eventually she found a fillet knife and began to fillet the fish. Once she was done. She turned back to Hana and Kuroi. "How do you like your salmon?"

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-18-2009, 08:09 PM

Hana shrugged her shoulders and said "I dunno, I don't eat Salmon often. Cook it however you like."

Annabelle Lea Rose
Annabelle Lea Rose is offline
Old 09-18-2009, 11:28 PM

"Ok! I will make it extra special then." Aoi said happily. "So," she said while she grabbed up the open pepper and began to season the fish. "What do you guys do for fun?" while she talked she started to search for tin foil.

Shana the super-uper Platypus
TenshiInochi is offline
Old 09-23-2009, 01:28 AM

"Pick on her" Kuroi smiled as she pointed to her sister.
"Suddup!!!" Hana screamed to her. "I like to read manga in the libaray." She said in a normal voice as she turned back to Aoi.

Annabelle Lea Rose
Annabelle Lea Rose is offline
Old 09-23-2009, 01:49 AM

"Well I was asking both of you, but ok...." Aoi located the foil. She lined it up with each fish and tore off two pieces, then returned it to it's previous spot. She was trying to think of something else to talk about when a thought struck her. "Sorry it may seem like all I do is ask questions but..." Aoi said as she climbed up onto the counter."Do you have a barbecue or a fire pit?" she turned her head to look back at them as she stood up.


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