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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-10-2011, 01:25 AM

Full Name: Jaden L Mills Jr.
Age: 25
Race: Human
Personality: Arrogant, Sarcastic, rude, womanizer and well a pervert. No manners, does what he wants when he wants, has no mind of others feelings. He has a mild temper.

History: Jaden is a Assassin, so to speak, hes the lowest of low, he will kill for money, he will kill for having a women, he may even kill just for fun, correction, he would kill for fun. Jaden grew up on the streets, He had a home but he family cared not if he was dead, or alive, so he left, when he was a teenager, he was taken in by his mentor, taught him everything he knows, how to get food, women, and how to kill and get away with it. Jaden has always been a smooth talker, and gets away with anything, of course, until recently, Jaden is a 25 year old man, has his own place, has money, has women, but something goes very wrong and jaden could be in alot of trouble, he could be dead.

Looks: Jaden had dark eyes and hair, almost black as night. He is someone built, and slender, olive skin, very attractive, great smile, unless you notice his crooked teeth, but you only notice it up close and personal. ;)

The orders were simple: Get in, kill him, get out and don't get caught.
He waited in a tree near the building, waiting for the signal. When he spotted the signal his mission was a GO. He climbed down to a lower branch, as to be able to surprise his target as he left his home.

Ten after eleven, he saw movement, he looked closer and confirmed it was the target, Jaden waited for the perfect moment when his target was just under the branch he was on. When he was Jaden jumped on the targets back, hit him on the back of the head with his gun, knocking the target out cold.

Jaden brought the man to his Ride, put him in the back, and drove off, when he reached an old barn, he parked, shut all his lights off, and got out of his ride, walked to the black, lifted up the out cold man and brought jim into the barn.

Here is where the magic is worked, Jaden pulled out a knife, some rope, and tape. He tied the targets hands and feet behind him, then he tied the rope around his neck, stabbed the man in the side, and let him bleed to death.\

Jaden cleaned up any sign of him or his trace, then he got to his ride, and headed off home. A hour back into town, or where he lived, which were on the out skirts of his town. He got home, showered up and down, waiting for his boss to send a letter, and his money.

Jaden knew his boss watched him to make sure she did his job the right way, killing was like painting a picture, yoiu have to spend time and effort of your skills.
What jaden didn't know, however, was that he wasn't being watched just by his boss, he was caught.

Jaden got two letters in his mail, one with the money,and one from someone who wants him dead and was very much willing to turn him in. Jaden hurried to his bosses home, he was told never to go there unless it was important, jaden explained everything to his boss.

"What you must do then to stay alive, is get a new life, a new look, a new identity" When jaden looked confused his boss explained more. "So you see, we have to get ride of jaden L mills Jr. Which will be hard.

Name: Alexander Price
Age: 25
Race: Human
Personality: Arrogant, Sarcastic, rude, womanizer and well a pervert. No manners, does what he wants when he wants, has no mind of others feelings. He has a mild temper. To someone he just met he is sweet and charming and he can be sincere and honest, though its rare. He loves pushing others buttons and playing mind games.
Looks:dark eyes and hair, almost black as night. He is someone built, and slender, olive skin, very attractive, great smile, unless you notice his crooked teeth, but you only notice it up close and personal. ;) He now wheres his hair slicked back and dresses as if he is rich, fancy suits, ties, shoes, anything a proper gentleman would own. He spent time while changing is Identity to work out more, so he has a heavier build now.

Last edited by Violent_Beauty; 09-13-2011 at 08:07 PM..

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-10-2011, 01:55 AM

Full Name: Isobel Mae Ipsel
Age: Twenty-three
Race: Human
Isobel is stubborn, demanding, and arrogant. She works toward her own goals and purposes and has little regard for others. Most of the time she is unwilling to compromise or negotiate. Her biggest concern is standing out in the crowd and wanting to keep her rank and status. She wants others to see her unique qualities and character but can't stand to come off as needy, so instead she has an "I don't care" attitude and pushes people away. It is not always intentionally that she pushes people away, but most are put off by her arrogance. Unfortunately, she does care what others think of her, and will try her best to be liked while still working hard at seeming indifferent.

She is self-centered, tends to take things personally, and is easily offended. She is close-minded, and it is hard to change her mind once it is made up, because she sees her way as the best way. Her stubbornness is her way of proving she is independent and in control of the situation. Nothing frightens her more than lack of control. When somethings happens to or around her she lets people believed it was only because she allowed it to. Inside, sometimes she wonders if she is ever truly in control of anything. To make her stubbornness worse, she is quite impatient. If something is not done the was she wants it to be when she wants it to be, someone is going to be on the receiving end of her wrath.

Loyalty has been instilled in her since a young age, and she does her best to stand by her friends. Isobel will fight for those she claims as family and friends, but it is rare that she lets anyone get that close. When she does make a friend it is usually for life. Even though she is known to hold grudges, it is rare that someone close to her would make her want to push them away. She prefers to surround herself with people who look up to her and respect her. Her followers are fairly submissive and almost always male. Isobel does not bode well with other females, and is likely to judge a woman harshly for just being a woman. Even though most of her close friends are male she does her best to avoid romance. Relationships are far too complicated for her, and almost never worth the time and effort invested in them.

Isobel can be ruthless when the need rises. Her fists don't always do the talking for her, but she won't hesitate to fight if she has to. Sometimes she lets her anger get the better of her, and she may start a fight that she didn't intend to. She is quick to anger, and is hard to settle down afterward. Anger practically radiates off her skin at almost all times. It's her anger that fuels everything she does. She's not sure where it stems from, but she feeds it constantly. Sometimes she hunts for reasons to be angry. Grudges are not foreign to her. If someone crosses her they should expect a lifetime of shunning.

Isobel was born the eldest child to a king in a distant land where royalty still rule the lands. She was lavished with gifts, and anything she wanted she had. Her father doted upon her night and day, so very proud of his little girl. For the most part, her only friend was her younger brother, but that was of her own choice. She spent the majority of her free time as a child out on the garden her father had dedicated land just for her. When she had the time, her mother would take walks with her there, helping her tend to the flowers.

As a coming of age rite, at sixteen Isobel began her training for the military, which the kingdom bases heavy emphasis upon. She is now one of the top soldiers, and the only person who out ranks her is her own father, the king and general. Most of her time is occupied training the new recruits, but when she has free time she likes to spend it with her brother, sparring and bettering herself.

Two years ago her mother was killed in the midst of the current war. In hopes of seeking peace, the king has went off to have a word with his opposition. That was about six months ago, and no one has heard from him since. His younger brother was left as the Regent.

The Regent, still hopeful for his brother's return but aware as his responsibility, has started inviting suitors to the kingdom for his niece. Isobel hates the idea of marrying, but she wants the thrown bad enough to go along with it.

Isobel stands at a meager five foot three. Of course, her fiery personality more than makes up for that. She is slender with the fairest of skin, inherited from her mother. Her eyes are a brilliant emerald green with an icy fire that burns beneath them. Her lips are a delicate pink, light, but bright enough to stand out against her white complexion. Straight obsidian locks dance around her shoulders, settling not far below them.

Today would be yet another day in hell for the unfortunate princess. Yet again she would be forced to sit through a barrage of meetings with multiple suitors. She utterly loathed the idea of being betrothed to someone she knew nothing about. In all honesty, she hated the idea of being wed at all, but there was only so much she could do. In order to gain the throne, which she had worked desperately for almost every waking hour for the last twenty-three years, she had to marry. If she had not felt she had earned her right to govern by now, she would simply have passed the torch onto her younger brother and let him deal with all the political fuss. As it stood, here she was, standing around arguing with her uncle Junas about the rules and his lack of willingness to break them.

"But uncle!" Isobel exclaimed, but was cut short by the Regent's calm demeanor. Yes, she knew the rules, but there was nothing to stop her from disliking them. Junas knew she detested the idea of an arranged marriage, and as such, he did his best to make the whole process entirely more bearable for her. "My dearest Isobel, I understand your distaste for the idea, but no matter how many times you press the issue my answer will not change," he told her, thoroughly displeased with the entire conversation. He wanted desperately to make her happy, to call the whole thing off, but there was nothing he could do. His hands were tied. Why was it so difficult for her to understand? "The whole ordeal is unfair! It is a silly rule," she pressed, not listening to reason. A simple shake of the head was all Junas could offer to her.

In a huff, Isobel turned on her heel and stormed from the throne room. She wanted to make her way out of the castle and onto the grounds surrounding it. To prance off into her garden, perhaps make her way down into the city to peruse the shops. But no, instead she was stuck here, forced to deal with this looming darkness that would engulf her the moment she said "I do." Fantastic. A young thing like her was being forced to give up her livelihood to please her fascist uncle. All right, that was a bit much, but she was angry. She was entitled to a little harsh criticism that no one would know but her.

So, instead of going where she wished, Isobel made her way to the conference hall. Not bothering to work up a friendly smile, she shoved the door open only to be greeted by another strange face. Great, he was here all ready. Seconds after she entered the room the Regent followed coolly behind her. "Ah, I see you have arrived early," he said, offering Isobel a comforting, if not so reassuring, hug. "Everything will be fine, my dear," he said before excusing himself, leaving the two alone.

Crossing her arms, not caring enough to hide the contempt in her eyes, she spoke. "Who are you and what makes you any better than any other tool who thinks he is good enough for me?" she demanded harshly, venom dripping from her words. It was a little rash to hate someone before she knew that, but at this point she did not care. Taking a seat across from him, she threw him a sickening glower.

Last edited by EternalRaine323; 09-10-2011 at 09:49 PM..

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-10-2011, 10:47 PM

The night was long, and brutal He was a new man, on the outside. Inside he was still an angry hateful asshole. Jaden got a hair cut, and a mild makeover, new clothes and shoes, the works. Now his hair is slicked back, and his in a suit and tie, dress pants and shoes. He had a new Identity. New ID card, birth certificate, pass port, everything. His new name is Sir Alexander Price. Or Alex for short. "So...what exactly am I supposed to do, looking like this, to save my ass?" The man laughed and looked at him. "Well, your going to marry a princess!".

Alex looked at the man like he was nuts, Alex rolled his eyes and said. "And how the hell do you suppose Ill pull that off?" Alex said in a sarcastic tone. The old man paced. "The Identity you own now is that of a prince, a Suitor, you have an arrangement with a Princess later this evening, you will Marry her, and become Her king, Her husband, Her lover. Alex's' eyes went wide. "Are you mad? How the hell will being a prince, or king make me safe? They could still find me!" Then man hushed Alex. "No, noone ever suspects a king and his queen of anything, even if they murdered. So if they ever figured it out, they would never say anything, they would close the case. And you will live a long happy life as king"

Alex shook his head. "Fine, you better be right about this princess stuff." Alex looked in the mirror and fixed his hair and smiled. "I am pretty darn sexy man, yeah" And he played in the mirror a bit. Then looked at the old man. "So, when is this arrangement? And whats her name?" Alex thought it was best to know a bit about her to seem like he really gave a damn about her. The old man spoke. "Princess Isobel, Is her name, shes very beautiful and very picky" He finished. "And the arrangement is later tonight, it was sort of a..uh last minute thing" The old man said, now fixing his own hair.

Alex sighed. "How picky? That lowers my chance but a hundred!" Alex was now adjusting his tie and making sure he was all tucked in. Suit buttoned. Everything. The old man turned to Alex. "Thats your job, make her want to marry you, make her feel like your the best its ever gonna get" Alex looked at the man confused. "The best its ever gonna get? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" The old man laughed. "Shes only marrying to become queen so shes never gonna really accept you even if she marrys you"

Alex's face darkened. "So, your saying I may be stuck with a women, I'm most very likely gonna hate, and try to marry her? I think I choose death." Alex left the bathroom and entered the main bedroom. The old man followed. "Look, its whats best, and since you will be king you will never have to worry about money again, you will be free and rich! rich!" The old man shouted. Alex smiled. "Rich? you say? hmmm and free...I bet I can sleep around too and she wouldn't care. Old man, great idea! When do we leave?"

The old man said "Soon, we need to start leaving soon, you have an hour until the engagement." Alex looked at the time and smiled. "Well, lets be good mannered and arrive a bit early, shall we?" Using his "Proper tongue" The old man smiled and nodded, once they were on there Alex got even more excited, it was a bit of a drive to the castle but not to long. Once they arrived Alex Awed. It was huge, and beautiful. The old man got out and spoke "Alexander, Sir, this way to the door" Alex smiled, nodded and headed to Knock on the door and hope he gets the girl.

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-11-2011, 11:15 PM

The first man left, utterly defeated. Isobel had turned down yet another suitor. Her uncle was not pleased about it, but luckily for him, the next one had just arrived. He led the man, Alexander he called himself, into the conference room. The routine was almost tedious, because he had repeated it so many times. Some times he wondered why she could not simply choose a husband and get it over with. Many of the men were well qualified: good looks, well connected, plenty of money. A few of them were even royalty themselves and not just simply nobility. Of course, this princess would take nothing less than impossible to find. She set ridiculously high standards and refused to lower them despite all the pleaded Junas could do. Fine, but if that was how she was going to play thing game, then she was going to play it a lot longer than anyone was happy with.

Motioning for the man to take a seat across from the princess, Junas bid them farewell. This time he did not bother comforting her, because it was obviously not welcome. "Please, my dear, I promise this will be less of a hassle than you are making it out to be," he told her before leaving the room. Shaking her head, Isobel crossed her arms. "What makes you so special?" she asked the man, not even bothering with introductions. If he did not know her name, he did not belong there. His name meant nothing to her. What were the chances he would be the one she picked? Simple: they was not a chance in hell. So what did it matter who he was? He was probably some rich royal kid who thought he was entitled to her. Yeah, that was not going to go over too well.

Uncrossing her arms, she heaved a heavy sigh, and leaned forward to place her arms on the table. "What makes you better than any man who has sat in that chair? What makes you think you have a chance after every man who had been turned away?" she asked with a glower. "I will not lie to you, the chances of you walking out of here with nothing to show for it are very high. I do not have the patience for these games," she continued, angrier with every word. Arrangements were ridiculous. Why could she not be as lucky as her father? He had found his wife long before he was forced to be a part of these silly games. All though, it was hard to find something when you were not looking for it, was it not? Still, she would humor her uncle and at least feign interest. Well, at this point she wasn't even doing that.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-12-2011, 12:05 AM

Alexander seated him self and as soon as the man left He loosened up bit. He was warned she was, picky, but hell! Shes a bitch. She rude, crude, and not even that pretty. He could do way better, yes very much so. Was she really his only option besides death? All awhile this, women, spoke he thought of walking out. What makes him special huh? Well what makes her? As she went off on him Alexander just smiled, thinking of how much of an idiot This princess really is.

All he could keep thinking was how much he wished to laugh in her face. She seems to think shes, whats the phrase? Hot, shit. Or something like that...But I mean, she could be sooo much better looking, I mean she has a nice body and everything but her face...has angry lines and that's just ugly. His thoughts ran in and out of his mind, he was only half listing to the women rant and rave and act like shes the queen, when in fact she has to marry first. Wondering how he would approach her...certainly not very nicely as she didn't even care to that for him.

Alexander finally spoke, smiling. "Let me ask you something here doll" He said, smiling fading. "What makes YOU so great? Why would I want to marry you? Whats sooo great about you? Hmm?" He said calmly, his smiled returned and he spoke in a sarcastic tone. "Oh I know why I wanna marry you...Cause your so sexy right? No...that cant be it..." He said now putting on a thinking face. "Maybe I wanna marry you because....oh wait I Don't" He laughed. He almost headed out the door so he didn't have to listen to her scream for me to leave, as I am damn well sure she is about to do.

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 02:27 AM

Isobel rose to her feet, slamming her fists on the table. Who did this jerk think he was? She certainly was not forcing him to be there. By all means, if he wished to leave, she hoped the door smacked him in the ass on the way out. Throwing him the most hateful of death glares, she bellowed, "You! You pompous jerk! I am not keeping you here. Leave if my presence displeases you so!" Her hands found their way to her face, cradling it to settle her nerves. No one was making him stay, so why was he here? Isobel definitely was not going to have anything to do with this fool, and she would tell her uncle that for sure.

Calm enough to not shout, but still angry beyond reasoning, she crossed her arms, keeping her angry gaze on the man. "You will watch your tongue in my presence. If you are not careful, I may have the sudden urge to have it pulled from your mouth," she threatened. "Why are you here if you are not interested in me? Obviously you are not looking for an intelligent conversation, because you lack the brains to understand the door is right over there."

Turning away from the man, Isobel grumbled. Was Junas unaware of how ridiculous this man was? She hoped he left, she hoped so hard, but her patience was not one to hold on to hope. Instead, she uncrossed her arms and stormed toward the door. "Now I take my leave of you. Be sure to never step foot in this castle again or I may be tempted to feed you to the hounds," she warned, throwing the door open and stepping through it. Oh boy, Junas was going to get an earful for this one. Was he insane?

The door to the throne room was thrust open and in entered an angry princess. Before he had a chance to speak, she pointed angrily toward the door and began her rant. "Please, dear uncle, tell me what was that?! Were you aware your latest pick was a completely incompetent and pompous ass?" Junas merely shook his head, dropping his gaze to the floor long enough to breathe in a deep sigh. When he was collected enough, he replied, "My dearest niece, I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am for that. However, as you have yet to pick a proper suitor, you have run out of time," Isobel stood there in disbelief. Had she truly won? Was it really all over? Fantastic! She could finally hope to go another day without all these silly matchmaking games. Grinning at her accomplishment, she began to thank the Regent, but he cut her off.

"That is why I have taken matters into my own hands. The deal has been sealed, and that 'pompous ass' will be your new husband as soon as the all the necessary arrangements have been made." Isobel's jaw dropped in. Unsure whether to feel anger or shock, she settled on a little of both, but a bigger percentage of the former. "Surely you are joking. Tell me you have not lost your mind, uncle," she pleaded, to which he simply shook his head. Enraged, Isobel turned and left the room. This was a tragedy! How could anyone expect her to marry such an arrogant tool?

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 05:04 AM

Alexander felt nothing but accomplished. As the angry "Princess" If you could even call her that, left he chuckled. "Well, looks like death row for me it is!" He said. He would rather die then spend the rest of his waking hours with that women. He had no brains? HA! As he thought about what she said, anger grew. What a minute, there was No way In hell he was letting her have the last say so in anything! He got up and stormed out of the room himself.

He mumbled to himself as he looked room to room for this, woman, this being who dare insult him then walk out on an argument. And she said he was rude? HA! Finally after searching he saw her. He smiled but sounded angry. "You!" He spat, catching up to her. "How dare you! You think you can just walk away from me that easy?" He said, walking almost in a fast paced manor. "We are not done here!" He shouted again.

Alexander did not want to marry this women, but as he let the idea sink in he thought spending his life making hers hell would be delightful. He spoke again, purposely not letting room for her to speak until he was finished. "You know" He started. "Maybe I will marry you, Just because you don't want me" He smiled, he was unaware at this moment that the arrangement was sealed and done, so like a idiot he was still ranting and raving. " I mean, Every day I get to wake up, and ruin your life, over and over, that's a grand Idea, don't you think? He finally stopped talking, he could not wait to hear her try and kick him out, yell like a little girl who lost a game of cards.

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 06:22 AM

Storming from the room, who was the first person Isobel saw? Why none other than that scum of a man, Alexander. Apparently he was not through with her. She frowned heavily, trying to walk away. Just moments earlier she would have continued arguing with him, but she was fairly upset with the whole situation. Also, she was laughing on the inside of how ridiculous he sounded. He was obviously unaware of the news she had just received. Good, she would play this little game with him. Slowing her pace, she allowed him to walk beside her. He was simply too much, giving her so much amusement, and he had no idea.

Stopping dead in her walk, Isobel whirled to look him in the eye. "Fine. I will have everything arranged, and we will be wed within the month," she told him, not letting on that she knew more than he. The last thing she wanted was to marry this fool, but if she had to, she would make the best of it. Besides, knowing more than someone was always fun. "Actually, I found you so irresistibly appealing that I have spoken with the Regent all ready. Everything is being arranged as we speak," she told him with a grin. Yeah, this guy had no idea. Perfect.

Not being able to leave it at that, Isobel continued, "And I look forward to making you far more levels of miserable than you could ever give to me." Her grin grew wide. It was purely sinister, one of the most wicked things she had ever worn. Was she really looking forward to any of this? No, actually she hated it more now that he had hunted her down and started on her. Still, there was nothing she could do. Of course, she could be angry and take it out on this jerk, and that was exactly what she planned to do, but for now she would pretend as if she did not mind the idea. If one thing bothered her more than anything in the universe, it was when someone did not care how angry you were.

Dropping her glance to the floor, appearing thoughtful, she looked back up at him and said, "Guess this means you will be my king. You will need to be measured. I will make sure to have a word with the tailor to make sure your suit matches my dress. Of course, my dress has to stand out more. The woman has to be more extravagant than the man, after all." All her words came out as if she were thinking on them, like she was seriously considering all of this.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 06:41 AM

Alex thought he had it all planned out, until she smiled and agreed that they would be married, and within the month? Damn, he must have been even more charming then he thought, smiling like a fool He spoke. "Well good, then its settled" He said trying to act a bit more his age. Thats when she went off again about making his life more miserable, right, like a women could out smart him! He just smiled striding by her side. "Well, see your wrong, as always, because you, a mere women could not possibly make me more miserable than I can make you" He said smiling.

So much for acting his own age, Alex continued. He knew he was digging a deep Hole with this, well His Fiancee so to speak. " I assure, no promise you, I can make your life a living hell without even lifting a finger" He went on. ALex loved being the center of things, in fact, you could say, he was a somewhat of an control freak. "And since I will be your king, you will have to respect me like a women should a man, regardless. I mean, after all women are lower then us men" He said, he knew it would piss her off to no end, and he didn't care.

As he was speaking a grand Idea popped into his head. He chuckled to himself. He was not going to say of course what it was he was thinking up, more so to annoy the hell of out of her. Then he smiled. "Well, since its official, we might as well spend some time getting to know each-other eh? What do you say? He said. He already knew her answer but Hell will freeze over before she will get rid of him.

He slowed his walk a bit. Smiled and said. "You know, you have a nice ass" He said admiring her Butt. Her face was not all that great, but her body was Ok, especially her lower back side. Yeah he could live like this, he could be king. The trouble is, shes smarter than the average women, of course he would never tell her he thought that. Never. In fact he would Only tell her how much he hated her. He picked up his pace again and Gave her a handsome smile. "I'm Alexander, By the way" He said Following his words were. "Please, don't bother telling me your name, I simply do not care, I shall call you...Sweet sexy cakes" He said smiling. He knew he was pushing some buttons and smiled even wider.

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 09:11 AM

Respect him? Ha! This guy was a comedian, wasn't he? No, she would not respect anyone as pompous and ridiculous as him. Laughing out loud at the idea, Isobel enlightened him, "You do realize that little dangly bit in your pants does not make you superior to me?" Her laughter continued, because not only was he arrogant, he was stupid. Isobel disliked the word stupid, because it was so broad and negative, but for him it fit perfectly. "In fact, I only need you to obtain my title, not to keep it. Who knows, I may wake up one day and have the sudden urge to have you hung. Then I would still be Queen, and you would be just as useful dead as you are right now." She played it off as a joke, but in that moment, she honestly considered abusing her power to have this man disposed of.

His all male comment made her flush red in anger. Spinning on her heel, she stopped in her tracks and shoved her finger in his chest. "If you value your insignificant life at all you will never speak to me like that again," she hissed, glowering at him. If she could have set him on fire right then with a simple glare, she would have. Never before had she loathed someone moments after meeting them. This man, though, this man was completely different. Hatred danced through every fiber of his being in that moment. Part of her hoped he did something stupid and scandalous shortly after the wedding. Hell, in that instant she was not above framing him. Anything to get him out of her hair.

Removing her finger from his disgusting person, she continued, "You will refer to me at all times as Princess. For now, and the remainder of the month, I am your superior, and scum as low as you would defile my name should it leave your lips." Isobel put such thick emphasis on the title that it brought her breath in heavy. Looking at him made her angrier, but she locked her eyes on his. Just looking at this low life made her want to punch him. Even the Gods frowned on him, giving him the darkest most ghastly brown eyes. How had a dog like him managed to worm his way into the castle? And now the royal family? Certainly it was a fluke.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 08:22 PM

Alexander was little taken aback at her words. How angry he thought. She really didn't like him. It was perfect! Of course Having him killed? He has no better chance marrying this women then Hiding on the streets! His temper grew, he tried so very hard not to show that. As the women, er princess stared down at him he could not help but notice....She has wrinkles, or maybe her face just looks like ti cause shes mad..Leave it to him to be in a very serious moment to get distracted.

He shook the thoughts away and spoke. "Hey this little thingy that dangles is a monster is not little at all, Id be happy to show you" He said winking, totally rude and crude and he knew it. And by god he was not about to let a girl tell him what to do. "ill be hanged before I bow to you, In fact Id rather Die then marry you1" He said then smiled. "But I would hate to miss your face on our wedding day, and night" He said raising an eyebrow with a charming smile. He could be charming and sweet and romantic, if he wanted to.

He looked right back at her. "You know, if you did have me killed, so to speak after our wedding...don't you think people, would find that rather odd? Unless your sooo great that noone would think anything of it?" He said, his smile was gone. That was one thing that always bothered him about those who are higher up, they got away with a butt load of stuff. He shook his head. "Well, in any case, I shall have my fun, while I can, and you better believe me, I am not scum" He said again Running out of words to speak. He was getting hot headed and knew that if he spoke anymore he may find himself in big trouble.

But he spoke anyways. "I would like to say along with not respecting you I will call you whatever I want. I wont say the few names Id love to say to your face, but thinking them would do just fine." He said and gave a crooked smile. He couldn't help himself. He could go on, but he better wait. This one had a mouth on her.

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-14-2011, 11:06 PM

Isobel threw her hands up and groaned in frustration. This guy, he was obviously an idiot. How else could she explain him not getting anything she said to him through that fat head of his? He annoyed her to no end, and this was only day one. Oh, gods, this was going to be a daily occurrence. If he was this much of an incompetent ass for the rest of eternity, Isobel feared she would become a murdered. That would be the only way she could deal with this man. What in the world had her uncle been thinking? Any of the other men she had met would have been better than this one.

Such a way with words he had, if the desired result was to make her beat him until he was a bloody pulp. And there he went again, speaking so vulgarly to her. Was he raised by livestock? "You will do well to keep any part of you away from me and out of my line of sight," she growled at him, so unbelievably frustrated. "I do not know who you think you are, but you will respect me, or there will be hell to pay. And as far as "our wedding night" goes, you will be sleeping in a completely different wing of the castle from me. I assure you, there will be nothing between us." Oh, that smile of his made her so angry. Was he aware of his crooked teeth? What noble flaunted something so putrid?

Showing him hard in the chest, Isobel stormed off. If he followed her, she was going to end him. "Just stay away from me!" she shouted at him, scurrying off to be anywhere but where he was. That man! That fool! Isobel barked angrily at the next servant to cross her path. The poor serving girl had done nothing to deserve it, but she simply flinched and stood her ground. Shaking her head, Isobel walked away.

Once outside, she made her way around through the castle gate into the garden. If anything could calm her, it would be the last thing she had to remember her mother. The rose bush in the corner, red roses, so beautiful, she had been growing them since her mother had planted them. That bush never died, and she knew as long as it survived, so did her mother's presence. Kneeling beside in, she just stared off into the distance. Everything was far more complicated than she had bargained for.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-14-2011, 11:32 PM

Alexander just watched her go. He almost felt bad for he had said. He felt bad because she seemed more...hurt then pissed. Sometimes, rarely, he wished he knew when to shut up. If she hated him so, why would she agree to marry him? Surely there were other men she could have chosen. He walked after her, even though she was nowhere in sight by now, he just walked and thought about everything they have said.

He made his way outside and noticed her, by the roses, he hid behind a large stone and just watched. he thought about just walking away and leaving her be, but he had to ask one thing first. And he knew she would think he was following her, but never mind that he thought. He walked up behind her and spoke. "Those are beautiful" He said, and by his tone who would never have guess it was Alex.

He spoke again, this time kneeling beside her. "Im sorry for what I said, Princess" What he just said shocked himself. What the hell was he thinking? A simple sorry after that? It was going to ruin his good name! But he spoke some more. "Im going to leave soon, but I wanted to ask one thing first" He said, not caring, or really noticing if she was annoyed or ignoring him.
"Why me? Why have you agreed to marry me? I mean you said it yourself....You hate my guts, and don't flatter yourself I feel the same way, But...I just wanna know why" He said.

Deep down he hoped it was cause he was different. In a asshole kind of way. But he knew deep in his gut that the reason was not that. He stood up and waited for her reply. He noticed that when she wasn't speaking, she was kinda pretty, kinda. But he would never tell her so.

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-15-2011, 12:32 AM

Oh! He had followed her! If he hated her so much, why could he not simply let her be? Why did he insist on tracking her down? She was certainly not in the mood to continue arguing with him. Isobel was far superior to him in every way, and that included intelligence. Why should she grace him by giving him an intelligent conversation, when he did not deserve it? The fool did not even appreciate it. All he could be bothered to do was say rude, vulgar things, and be a sexist ass. And now, when she had declared the conversation over, he followed her. Oh, how she loathed him. She loathed every part of that man, from his head down to his boots. What did she have to do to get rid of the jerk?

Alexander commented on her flowers, and it was the first non-insult he had said all day. In fact, it was a compliment. Of course, one measly compliment was not enough to worm his way into her heart. No, Isobel was not going to be won over so easily. Instead, she just ignored him as if he was not even there. She hoped if she ignored him long enough he would leave her be. That was an unanswered prayer, because he continued to speak. How thick was this guy? He obviously could not understand when he was not wanted. That would drive her insane if he was going to follow her everywhere for the rest of of her life.

An apology, too? What did this guy want? Too bad Isobel was good at holding grudges, and she was definitely holding one against this guy. He was lucky she let him stick around her this long. He was not her husband yet, she could have easily had him escorted off the castle grounds. That would have caused some friction between her and the Regent, but it was not as if there was not some all ready there. It was more like adding wood to a fire that was not ready to go out yet.

Then he got to the point, and Isobel was finding it harder to keep her silence. He wanted to know why she chose him. Well, that was simple: she had not chosen anyone, her uncle had. Was she going to tell him that? Not at first. At first she was going to play around with him, but now she figured maybe if she told him he would go away. That would be the greatest gift he could ever offer her: his departure. "Do not be so arrogant, fool. I have done no such thing. My uncle has decided for me. If I had my way, you would be gone. I want nothing more to do with you," she told him honestly. He kept on with his feeling of disgust toward her. What did that matter?

Continuing on the same note, she threw his question back at him. "I could ask you the same thing. Why are you so interested in this arrangement if you detest me?" Her eyes never left those roses. Isobel was sure if she looked at him, something violent would happen, and that would tarnish her ladylike reputation. All right, she wanted to laugh at that. Still, she could not bring herself to look at the one thing she hated most in that moment. Really, she was sure she would have hated whoever it was in his position, but he just made it easier.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-15-2011, 01:22 AM

Alexander looked for words, but there were not any. She ignored him the enitre time and well he didnt really blame her. But he could tell she was not going to be easy to be with, ever. He started to wish he would have been hanged instead. But he loved games and pushing bottons, its what he was best at. Sure it was not the greatest thing in the world, but it was who he was and he certanily was not going to change his ways to live, if he was going to live with this women he was gonna make sure he was happy, that was at that mattered.

When she asked her question he hesitated, he was not about to tell her that he was here because hes a wanted criminal, let alone murderer. He was silent for some time before he spoke. "Lets just say, I also have no choice, I will not go into details about myself with you. You do not deserve to know me" It was lame, what he just said was so so so lame and probably sounded childish. Alexander blushed and walked off, he stopped for a moment, and looked back. "Ill leave you be. For now" He said with a playful smile.

This was nearly not over with, but he grew tired and bored with arguing with her. He decided to walk around the castle, to get a feel for it. After all he was going to be living here, was he not? He wondered where he would be sleeping...or if he was staying her at all until they were wed. He was unsure of a lot of things, this was all so very new to him. He decided he better write the man who saved his life and thank him. He found servant I guess and asked her for a pen paper and envelope. She smiled and nodded. She took off for a few moments and brought him what he needed, she bowed and walked off.

He found a private study hall looking room, and sat down at the table, he wrote out that he was safe and thanks for everything, do not contact me again please, Sighed, Ja-er Alexander J Price. He sealed it and left the room. He looked around not sure of how to send this. The same girl walked by, shes cute, He thought and pushed those aside. He asked her were it was he could send this and she smiled leading him the way. He left his letter with a messenger and thanked him.

Alex then was once again bored and decided to walk around and think, thats when a thought pooped into his and he almost cried. If he gets married to this Princess, hes never getting laid again! Unless he cheats...But..that could ruin his name as a king if anyone were to find out. This was all to much of a change, who was he kidding? And why did he think he could pull this off? He sat on a ledge of the castle and sighed.

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-15-2011, 11:41 PM

Finally, he was gone. Isobel let out a sigh of relief the moment he was out of ear shot. Thinking was going to lead to trouble, so instead she tended to her roses, clipping and trimming the bush. Plucking a single pedal from one of the many beautiful masterpieces, she held it between her fingertips. The velvet left a smooth feeling in her hand that lingered when she switched the pedal to her other hand. Smiling down at it, she remembered when she had planted them with her mother. It was her first plant, soon to be one of hundreds, and she was so proud of it when it finally bloomed for the fist time. Years had passed since then, and it was almost always in full bloom nowadays, quickly recovering from whatever winter got to it.

Her thoughts occasionally drifted back to that jerk who she was being forced into marriage with. He had no choice, either? Did he think he was being funny? Or did he think being stupid and mysterious was clever? It was not either, that was for sure. No, it was ridiculous. Ooh, the way he talked to her made her want to be violent. And then he had the nerve to just walk away after tracking her down twice?! Who did he think he was? She had never heard of him before, so obviously he was a nobody. How did a nobody get off talking to her the way he did?

Rising and wiping away the garden soil from her dress, Isobel decided to make her way back inside the castle. She was sure there was something she could be doing. Of course, she was not interested in doing anything today save for sulk. Making her way back to her wing of the castle, she saw a sight she did not want to see. What was that idiot doing in her wing of the castle? More importantly, how had he gotten there? Was he just stalking her now? Watching him dangle on the ledge, she had half a mind to push him off. Perhaps he would break something on his fall down. Too bad it was only two stories up; the fall wouldn't kill him.

Walking up behind him, Isobel crossed her arms and demanded, "What do you think you are doing?" At this rate that angry glare of hers was going to be her fixed expression. She really was growing weary of this guy. "Are you unaware that this is my wing? For a simpleton like you, that means this entire section of the castle belongs to me. I would prefer you not defile it with your sickening presence." Charming, wasn't she?

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 12:39 AM

Alexander was in deep thought when he heard her, that woman. She had accused and yelled about her wing, whatever that meant. Alex looked at her a few moments before he spoke. "Dont flatter that little head of yours" He said coldly "I was simply walking around to get a feel for this place, I had no knowledge this is your part, because if i did, i wouldn't come near it or you if a 100 foot poll" With that he stood up, looked her down, and walked off, away from her wing as she called it. Not only had she interrupted his thoughts be she is so full of herself that she actually thought Alex would dare follow her towards her rooms! Really she was not that good looking!

He stormed into a new part of the castle he had not seen, it looked like a huge dinning all. This must be where everyone eats...the royal family, here, eating, He was a bit in love with the sight. He looked around more and soon saw into the kitchen door where there were cooks and waters preparing for a meal. He went back to the dining room and day dreamed of him being the king, sitting at the end of the table feasting. he drooled at the thought.

He shook the thought away and headed back into the main hall. He needed to talk to someone about where he will be staying, he sees noone in sight. He sighed. "Looks like im off to start a war" As he said it he started walking back to where he saw the princess last, he needed to find our from her about where he will be staying, and once he knew he planned to retire for the night, he had alot of thinking to do.

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 07:20 PM

Watching him storm away in his fit, Isobel breathed a heavy sigh. This arranged marriage business was going to be far more complicated than she had first anticipated. How was it possible for one man to be so utterly difficult? What gave him the right to be so hard to deal with? Leaning against the ledge, the princess let her gaze wander down to the garden which lay beneath her. The red of that rose bush stood out against all the other colors that danced around it, probably because it was the one thing she looked for when gazing below. Smiling at the sight, she got lost in thought for a moment. This time the thoughts were pleasant ones from before when her father disappeared. She wondered how he and his men were doing. There was no way he had been defeated, especially not with the soldiers he had taken with him. One man in particular stood out in her mind, and that dimmed the smile on her lips just a bit. If he failed, she would kill him with her bare hands.

Warm colors, reds and yellows and oranges, painted the sky as the sun began to sink below the horizon. The day was finally coming to an end, and Isobel was more than thankful for that. Soon she would be retiring to her bedchamber, not to be disturbed again until morning. At least there she would be alone, not to be bothered by the bumbling idiot whom she was betrothed to. Resting her elbow on the ledge, she laid her chin in her hand. She was absolutely not ready for any of the things which came with marriage, namely children. What if she opted out of that part of the deal? That would leave her line at an end, or worse, she would lose the throne. For a brief moment she considered telling everyone off, giving the seat of power to her young brother. He would have less trouble with all of this, that was for sure. Spinning around, thinking of heading to bed, she came to face the plague of her independence.

Obviously Alexander had yet to have enough of the tiny spouts of anger Isobel threw at him, because here he was again. Rolling her eyes, she kept her gaze off him. "What do you want?" she asked, hoping he would go away if she gave him whatever it was that he wanted. "Have you come to harass me again? It is getting late, so please, make it quick." Exasperation drew across her face from her eyes to her lips. She let the anger fade, not out of courtesy, but out of exhaustion. Isobel was too tired to let this fool bother her any more that day.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-19-2011, 10:36 PM

He headed back to her wing..he still had no idea what that meant, of course if he was really a suitor and not a total phoney he would know, he almost got lost a few times, before he spotted her, he hated her, he hated seeing her, at this point he would give up...intercourse to be away from her, hell he would get him self fixed. But none of that was nessicary, he would never pleasure a women like her, why...Alexander thought, I bet she is the type to just lay there bored! Soon his thoughts of that went away when he saw her, gazing at her flowers, she always did look peaceful and human when she looked at them. Until she spoke of course.

He was too tired for her right now and he was still pretty upset about her accusation from moments before.
He sighed and folded his arms. "Really, Like Id want to harass you" He said rolling his eyes, to his harass meant sexually bother someone, tease them, make sly jokes, and he was never gonna do that, unless to make her even more angry, but he wanted to rest and so he would save all that for another day.

He sighed. " I simply came to ask where..I will be staying until were are..Married" He said that last part with disgust and disbelief. Of course he would, it seemed he was already hell. His thoughts then wondered off, and he thought that he must have already been killed to be stuck with such a creature as her, but he knew...he knew it was real. He folded and unfolded his arms, tapping his left foot, getting annoyed and grumpy.

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 06:47 PM

Isobel noted the disgust in his voice at the mention of marriage, but she let it slide. She was much too tired for any more of this senseless and petty bickering. It did settle her nerves when he mentioned not being interested in harassing her again. Good, then they could get on with their lives for the next few weeks. If she was lucky enough, she could avoid him completely until the wedding. Oh, the things she wouldn't do for the power of the throne that was dangled just above her head. If her pride would allow her to, she would have passed up the opportunity to become queen if it meant marrying this mongrel, but she would never be that lucky. Instead, she would just have to deal with it, and he would suffer for putting her in such a predicament.

His impatience riled her up, but only a little bit. Of course, she was all ready at her peak for the day. Shaking her head, she grumbled back, "Do I look like a servant? Why are you asking me?" she questioned him, truly wondering why he asked her and not a maid or someone else. They were there to serve. Did he not know that? Maybe he was more of an idiot than she had first thought. Yeah, that was probably it. Chuckling out loud at the thought of how much of a fool this man was, she spoke again. "You can sleep in the stables for all I care. Until we are married, what you do is not my concern."

Brushing past him, starting off toward her private quarters. Perhaps in the morning she would have more fight in her, but for now the last thing she wanted was an argument. If she was lucky, he really would sleep with the horses. Then he would contract some flea-ridden disease and die from it. Yeah, that would be wonderful. She smiled at the thought. Stopping for a moment, she turned only her head back toward the scum of a man she was forced to communicate with. "If you follow me I can have one of my maidservants show you to your bedchamber," she offered, the first sign of compassion she had shown all day. Ha! Compassion. No, exhaustion. The sooner he was asleep, the sooner he would be out of her hair.

((Tired of the colors. lol))

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 07:06 PM

[[ lol its fine, I dont even bother anymore haha]]

Alex stood there, and has she turned away his eyes gotten wide, was she really going to just walk away? He decided his best bet was to just stay silent, as soon as he was going to turn away, she told him to follow her. Was this a trick? He turned slowly, very unsure if she was about to lead him to death or a bed. Or both. He shook his head and just followed her. The sooner he was alone, the better, he had no idea how he was going to live the rest of his life. Maybe if he was lucky he would get killed or something.

It was awkward walking beside her with no words, no glares, no hissing. He now felt like a child who threw a fit and is now to tired to keep going so his mother was taking him to bed or for a nap..his mother....he didnt want to think of her now, he has been able to not think of her for years, why now today? he just nodded it away.

"thanks, by the way" He said in a dry but honest tone, he meant it, sorta. She was...nice enough he thought to show him to a servant after all. But he didnt want it to go to her head, hence the dry, bland almost, sarcastic tone with a hint of honestly.

EternalRaine323 is offline
Old 09-28-2011, 10:29 PM

His thanks meant nothing, as she was positive it was insincere. Isobel ignored him most of the way, not bothering to speak to bane of her night. Instead she just carried onward, doing her best to keep her pace faster than his. Just being in proximity with him made her angry. Animosity bled off her in an aura of heat and frustration. Today had been one of the least productive and enjoyable days she had since the whole arranged marriage business had gotten its first start. Thankfully, Isobel would be tucked into bed soon enough, ready to end the day with a heavy slumber.

Once outside her bedchamber, Isobel halted and turned toward the man. "Wait here," she instructed. Then she quickly disappeared into her sleeping quarters, relieved to finally be rid of that mongrel. The woman tending to her nightly duties raised a brow at the princess, but kept silent. That was probably for the best, seeing as Isobel was still in a terribly foul mood. Keeping quiet, only to utter a single growl of frustration every now and then, Isobel allowed herself to be bathed and dressed, her hair combed, and all her nightly things to be done before she was finally ready to snuggle into bed and forget the disgusting creature who waited for her just on the other side of the door.

Yes, she had kept him waiting on purpose. Isobel put herself first, as always, and made sure she was perfectly comfortable before informing her maidservant of the man and his silly request. Truthfully, the princess was quite partial to the idea of him sleeping with the horses. Of course, that would be terribly unfair to the animals. None of them deserved a punishment as harsh as being forced to deal with his stench through an entire night. Chuckling to herself, Isobel gave to orders to the girl who bowed out of the room, ready to assist the new king-to-be in finding the room in which he would be staying until after the wedding.

Meanwhile, Isobel lay in her bed, grumbling to herself at the lack of sleeping she was doing due to the anger thoughts that kept popping into her mind.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 09-28-2011, 10:49 PM

Alexander waited and grew more and more frustrated. Had she really just left him there like a fool? That very thought angered him greatly. Soon a maid came out and showed him the way. He was so happy to be alone and the very thought of seeing that daamn women again pissed him off more than anything has ever had.

Once he was shown to his room he thanked the maid and closed the door behind. "Finally " he said out loud. He looked around the room it was large with a nice king sized bed. His things were already in here from when he first arrived this evening. He got out his clothes and hung them up in his closet then he went to the bathroom to bath.

When he was done bathing he put on a robe and climbed into bed. It was very soft and had silk sheets and pillow cases. He was more thankful that he was alone. He turned off the lamp and laid down to sleep which is was in a matter of minutes.


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