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Rgoodermote is offline
Old 05-29-2014, 09:04 AM

Let's make this interesting. Share your best moments in any video game and try your best to write it like a short story.

So I'll start with my story, god, DayZ is awesome.

So today a special friend and I decided to check out a major server and see how well we did. The answer is, we made out like damn bandits!

Soooo, the only time any death happened was while we were in Electro. I was mistaken for someone else and shot on the spot. Thankfully the person left my corpse be so I got my stuff back. After that, things got wild.

So after getting my stuff back we proceeded to exit Electro. Our first trip was to get to Pusta. While we were scouting the location we noticed a heli sitting roughly 2 clicks to our Northeast. Like a couple of kids in a candy store we proceeded to the heli and found it to be in PERFECT condition with a full tank of gas and plenty of ammo in the guns. We took off like bats out of hell.

So while we were in the air hovering over Pusta the owners of the heli sat under us contemplating just how the hell they were going to get their heli back. It appears that we not only got a free heli, but we robbed a couple of people who had just got done working on the heli. It was hilarious, eventually they just gave up. The final words from one of the owners being "That is the last time I give you a lift." and with that we headed to the Northeast Airfield.

So our journey from here takes us to the Northwest Airfield, a large military airfield. We land our ill gotten heli in a remote location in a clearing off of Ousta and make our way down to the airfield. Nothing eventful happens on our way there, although we note a semi-broken dirt bike beside the ATC tower. This comes in handy as shortly after stocking up on some food from a hanger we hear gunshots from a large caliber machine gun followed by a scream. We book it, grab the bike and take shot through the woods back to our heli. All the while a four door Hummer and a bike chase behind us with several heavily armed, military armour equipped and a lot of bullets packed inside. It was not a situation we should have survived, especially since our bike breaks halfway to the heli. Some how though, despite the odds we make to our heli. At this point though, thinks are still looking desperate. We're being shot at and our voices are being drown out in the hail of gunfire and the sound of the heli's engine's roaring over us. We take several hits and have no escape plan. Some how though, through all of the confusion we're able to form a plan to go Southwest to the border town of Myshkino. Then, with that, away we go!

Soooo, all is good.....until the heli succumbs to it's damages and we're forced to take a crash landing in the middle of a forest. Somehow, SOMEHOW, we managed to survive. We did however get knocked out for a short period of time. Some how though, we survived and thanks to our earlier raid we had plenty of supplies to get ourselves back to a sorta ok state. However, massive blood loss had happened and we were in desperate straits. Especially since we crashed landed less than one click away from the Northwest Airfield, which was at the time an active battlefield with upwards of 50 fighters from two factions. We were fucked, we were absolutely fucked. There were only two ways to get out of the situation, we would either die at the hands of one of the factions mistaking us for enemy combatants or we'd succumb to exposure as a result of our injuries.

With this in mind, we decided that we'd just take our chances. We plotted out a course that took us winding East of the airfield and under it. This was ideal as we were farther East than we were West and there was a town we could go to for supplies. It was a longshot, but it was all we had and we took it.

I'd say it took a good four hours of sneaking (running was out of question, we'd make for an obvious target) around and multiple close calls with patrolling helis, but we some how made our way out of the dangerzone. However we had another problem. Our supplies had run out, we no longer had anything left and we were not going to make it.

Just as we were getting desperate for supplies my friend spotted a castle in front of us. This was not a normal castle, this was a player base. My friend had decided that she didn't want to risk it, but I was desperate and crazy enough. After some coaxing I managed to convince her to follow me at least so she could be close enough to provide cover fire in the case of needing a quick escape.

Upon entering the first thing I saw was an M-16, a new backpack and a brand spanking new heli. We had found a goldmine of resources, we had found the base of operations for the raiders who had earlier attacked us. In a heartbeat we began to tear apart the place. Stealing everything we could get our hands on.

Just as we were about to go further into the base we overheard a heli in the distance and closing in. Fearing the worst we made our final grab for whatever small items we could take and rushed to the heli at the base.

Just as we took off the heli that was flying to our location spotted us and began to pursue. By some miracle we had lost them and not just that, another heli happened to fly between us and our pursuers. The poor bastards didn't know what hit them, the raiders mistook them for us and upon landing laid them down. However, we survived. They were none the wiser that their acts of revenge were for not. We managed to make it to our original destination (the outer border of Myshkino). We intentionally crashed the heli far from our destination and setdown base right as the Moon started to peak over the mountains. We had survived our first day in DayZ like action heroes and it was spectacular.

Last edited by Rgoodermote; 05-30-2014 at 05:03 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 05-30-2014, 01:17 AM

This one takes place way back when Sims 1 was all there was. Expansion packs, sure, but still just straight up Sims.

One day there was a party. Many people came to my Sims' house, including Mortimer Goth. Little did Mortimer know, he would never go home. The evening wore on and everyone had a good time, but eventually it was time to leave. The guests trickled out, one by one. Mortimer Goth decided to call it a night, too. He exited the front door, began to cross the lawn and... stopped. Mortimer stood in place as the rest of the guests exited the screen and my Sims began preparing for bed. Mortimer thought of cars, but did not move.

My Sims tried to ask him to leave, to say anything to him, but the option wasn't there. He had effectively already left, but was stuck in one square of the front lawn. Nothing blocked his path. Like a mime, he was encased in an invisible box. My Sims gave up and went to bed, hoping Mortimer would sober up and be gone by morning. While they slept, Mortimer felt a pang in his abdomen - it was his bladder. He regretted drinking so much punch at the party as he danced around on the spot, thinking frantically of toilets. He fought a good fight against his bladder for the better part of two hours before he finally lost. Mortimer pissed his pants. Now exhausted, he passed out on the front lawn.

Morning came and it was time for my Sims to go to work and school. Mortimer dozed in a puddle of his urine on the front lawn. My Sims showered, dressed, and ate breakfast, all while Mortimer dreamed of aliens, money, and his own bed. My Sims left for the day, trying to pretend they didn't see the pee-soaked man passed out on their front lawn.

The day went on and Mortimer awoke, only to find he was still trapped in his invisible cage. Night came and it was the same story. Life went on around Mortimer, but he was unable to participate. The direness of his situation hit him, and he began to sob frantically. Would he ever see Bella again? His children?

Days passed and, eventually, so did Mortimer. The Grim Reaper came and Mortimer cried and begged... but it was over. Starving, lonely, and standing in a considerable puddle of urine, Mortimer died. A tombstone was erected on my Sims' front lawn. Mortimer hoped, in his final moments, that he would be remembered fondly, that he would be missed...

I made a more attractive Mortimer, married him to Bella, and deleted the tombstone from my yard.


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