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Crusher of Dreams
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Old 07-04-2008, 03:57 AM

I dunno... if they ever showed up on Nick at Nite programming, I probably have. XD; Dunno about anyone else in this thread, though. LOL.

I don't think she's all that great an actress either. But there's something about her that just makes me arugh. XD I'm a bit amused, though unsurprised, that we have the same sort of irrational reaction to her. XD

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 07-04-2008, 04:02 AM

this is soo cool! thank you for creating this thread! honestly, since i'm into Dragon Magick, alot of wierd stuff has been happening to me, like the book says, "dragons will sometimes appear to you in dreams or somethings just a flash in your peripheral vision"

well, upon reading this, o.o i've seen white, black, purple, pink, blue.. flashes when i'm talking to my parents or writing in my journal.. it's soo wierd!


and since a young age i've been able to see spirits, since my family and i are now living in the house that my grandmother passed away in, i constantly see her just walking around and yeah

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 07-04-2008, 04:07 AM

Oh man. I used to have that book when I was about fourteen or so.

I converted my closet into a shrine like they said and I really hoped to have little dragon friends. After awhile, I started thinking about it and felt really stupid for that lengths I'd gone through.

I guess I can't say it's not possible, but I felt it unlikely.

I ended up selling the book. I wish I'd kept it purely because of the list of stones and plants and their magical relations in the back. That would have been great reference for my fantasy novels. XD;

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 07-04-2008, 04:12 AM

lol, yeah, in due time i plan on completeing at least one ritual, but right now i'm just trying to get a greater understanding of the 'magickal' world. Honestly, a friend has been teaching me how to be a healer and to manipulate my energies and yeah, it's quite soothing.

Not many people believe in it, but like the book says (Dancing with Dragons) you have to believe in something for it to happen, Seeing with your physical eyes, isnt always the way to believe in something. You have to believe with your heart.

Crusher of Dreams
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CK is offline
Old 07-04-2008, 05:15 AM

I did wholeheartedly believe in it, though. :) For several weeks, if not months. I don't suppose you know what it would have taken for me to voluntarily clean my closet out and organize it into a shrine sort of area... I'm a fairly lazy person who doesn't much care for reorganizing my room. I moved in January and I still have several unpacked boxes sitting in my bedroom right now. :D I was no different at fourteen than I was fourteen years later (oh god, I am so old now putting it that way).

Good luck to you on working with that, though. XD

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 07-04-2008, 05:22 AM

Thank you! it's actually very fun for me but -shrugs- you know, it's just alot of fun for me. But it sucks when i have to hide it from my parents :sweat: my dad said that he'll 'kill' me if he ever found a magick book in my room, but he was there when i bought it so i'm just a little confused

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 07-04-2008, 10:57 PM

Maybe he thought it was just a story book?

I used to do a lot of research into the supernatural, and spells and stuff, had a ton of books too, my mother just rolled her eyes at me and told me that I was already going to hell, so who was she to stop me.


Crusher of Dreams
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Old 07-05-2008, 01:01 AM

My mom in particular and my dad through association are the ones who got me into the paranormal. ^^; My mom's the one who wants to run around graveyards at midnight with a camera to catch ghosts/orbs. My dad's more like me - we're interested/curious about the paranormal, with little to no interest in seeking it out directly. ^^;

Dead Account Holder
Blondheart is offline
Old 07-05-2008, 07:21 AM

This made for some interesting reading. I have so much catching up to do. Sigh~

I have a little story I want to type up about a coincidence and see what you guys think, but it's gonna have to wait til I come back. I have company you know. See you all later!

Last edited by Blondheart; 07-05-2008 at 06:42 PM..

Crusher of Dreams
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CK is offline
Old 07-05-2008, 11:42 PM

Aww - I'd seen that the topic had changed, but I don't see the story, so I guess it's not posted on the front page somewhere. XD

Enjoy your company! :D

Dead Account Holder
Blondheart is offline
Old 07-06-2008, 05:39 AM

Yeah I was gonna type it up and I had to go. I will do it tomorrow when I have more time.

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 07-06-2008, 03:26 PM

I'm leaving tonight for an island up off the coast of Cape Cod. Me and probably a few of my friends that live up there are going to wander through the graveyards. Some of them are really old the names and everything have worn away and the stones are bleached completely white (except for the mud and such that has gotten on them).

It's really creepy, and the whole aura of the whole damn island at night is haunting. <3

I'll see you all when I get back from that, and my college program. <3

Dead Account Holder
Blondheart is offline
Old 07-06-2008, 06:39 PM

Have fun! I want to hear all about it when you get back Mon! :)

Ok I believe I promised you guys a story...

You know how you go through phases of things that fascinate you for a while and you want some of that thing? Well a couple years ago I became rather enthralled with the Three Graces from Greek mythology.

I decided to look on ebay and see what I could find that had them on it. I came across a guy selling an old letter with a stamp that had them on it. He only wanted 2 bucks for the opening bid. So I bid on it and I waited a week, hoping I would get it. Sure enough no one else bid. When the letter arrived it had been sent on April 14th, of my Grandfather. (The letter was missing, it was just the envelope with the stamp on it.) There was no question it was sent to him, he lived in a very small town during that time period and he had an unusual name.

So I want to know what you guys think about that? The odds that a letter sent to my grandfather 65 years previously found it's way back into my possession through ebay that sells thousands and thousands of things every day are a pretty big coincidence. But is it coincidence?

If it's not...what it is? And why that particular thing that found it's way back? Do you have any similiar stories? I am curious to hear you guy's thoughts on this.

Last edited by Blondheart; 07-06-2008 at 06:41 PM..

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 07-06-2008, 06:49 PM

Oh wow!

That is amazing. O:

I have no idea. o wo; It's kindof creepy, but kindof cool.

Crusher of Dreams
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CK is offline
Old 07-07-2008, 01:39 AM

Oh... wow. o_o; I don't really know what to say to that. That is an incredible coincidence. Did you ever let the seller know about the coincidence? If so, what did they say?

The two I have are much less shocking than that. ...

Omi and I probably should have met years ago. I thought it was a coincidence enough that we both lived in the same state within a few hours of each other. Then we found out I live in the same general area that she lived in when she was a kid. Then we found out that one of my regular customers was her mom's cousin, our dads have worked together (not even in this state - but have had dinner together in D.C. and Missouri on business), and we went to the same grade school.... At pretty much the exact same time. (She might have been in the same class as one of my brothers.) There's more detail to it, but I think an overview is good enough. But what are the chances, y'know?

In college (a college that's large enough to usually be in the top of the football programs) I was dating this guy and we were sitting on my couch watching television when a really low-flying plane came over. Our conversation stopped dead and when it was gone I was like, "Sorry - I don't like low-flying planes." He says, "I don't either." So I'm like, "My grandmother died in a plane that crashed into a house." He said, "My uncle was in a plane that crashed into a house - that's why I don't like them either." We talked a bit and realized... it was the same exact plane crash. The plane my grandmother died on had fifteen people - a flight from Louisiana to Alabama. Everyone but two people on that plane died, and his uncle happened to be one of the two.

\ (•◡•) /
PiratePrincess is offline
Old 07-08-2008, 02:33 PM

well allo there everyone! ^.^ <33

Crusher of Dreams
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CK is offline
Old 07-08-2008, 11:59 PM

Allo, allo! :) What did you think of the coincidences posted, PiratePrincess?

\ (•◡•) /
PiratePrincess is offline
Old 07-09-2008, 09:39 PM

whoah!! well that certainly is a very interesting story! i dont kno wat to think! >.< lol i heard so much weird stuff lately, right now for example im listening to an interveiw with a Rosawell crash witness.... >_> xD <33

blond, you look very cute! :P wheres the lion from? or is it a collectable thing? >.< <33

Last edited by PiratePrincess; 07-09-2008 at 09:43 PM..

Dead Account Holder
Blondheart is offline
Old 07-10-2008, 03:33 AM

The lion is an old CI. I forget which month right off.

I am watchin UFO files. I watched Ghost Hunters International earlier. They think they caught a pic of a guy. I think it was just matrixing. I was hoping to be more impressed.

\ (•◡•) /
PiratePrincess is offline
Old 07-10-2008, 05:25 AM

aw cool! how much gold would that go for?

UFO's are so awesome! i could tell you so much about them! O.O from the stuff i heard! <33


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