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Kupiec Edgar
Kupiec Edgar is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:37 PM

Welcome to the Ignis' Journal.

Please, do not post here, unless you are one of the DS: The Prophecy players.


Demon's Saga: The Prophecy - Pet Shop

Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:49 PM


1. Intro
2. Navigation
3. Information
  • The World
    The Race
4. Character profile
5. Journal rules
6. Timeline
7. Relationships
  • NPC
8. Belongings
9. Home
10. Art gallery
11. ~reserved~
12. ~reserved~
13. ~reserved~
14. ~reserved~
15. ~reserved~


Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:50 PM

Some information about the world in which Ignis is set in.

The World

  • World
    Qyajama, also known as Archipelago Islands, started to exist, when The Creation Gods started a contest - who designs and creates the better race, it's culture and carry the history would win.

    That's how a huge amount of Islands were created, all over the Puchigah Disc. There is an unknown amount of Islands now - it is said, that there is only one traveller, who visited them all, but his personality is known to nobody.


    One of the Archipelago Islands is called Perlevenn Island. It's inhabitants are a variety of demons - Sagemmacharian and Roeachara, who peacefully lived there for almost 90 000 years after their first appartition on the Island.
    Nevertheless, the peace couldn't last any longer. A dark force, calling himself Semavahi, created a powerful army, started a horrid War - The Semavahi War.

    The War lasted for 204 Years. It brought pain and sorrow into the peaceful homes of Perlevennians. Many of the innocent died, and the Perlevenns Army seemd to be foredoomed, as the whole nation.

    But the Gutya'hara The Shining Eye has come. He, with Griszah, his loyal henchman, casted Semavahi into Great Prison, Havallalla.

    That was, how the war ended.
    Now, the Age is counted from the day, The Shining Eye defeated Semavahi, and to the first day of the War, when talking about the things before it. The War days are called "Semavahi War" and are told to be the cruelest thing to have been, and to be, ever done.

    Political structure
    On the Perlevenn Island, after the Semavahi War, the administration is based of the union of seven counties. The union calls them all together United Counties, and they are: Sifahra - The Northern Seaside, Givaszh - Centre County, Fadhsga Zen - The Northern County of Desert Nations, Fadhsga Rez - The Southern County of Desert Nations, Fijjah - High Mountains Tribes, Sijavah - Outer Royal County and Dijavah - Inner Royal County, in which there is Blugn, The Royal Capital of Perlevenns United Counties.

    The United Counties are ruled by Sagemm XII The Noisy, whose father, Sagemm XI The Peaceful was the first King to rule after the War on Perlevenn Island.

    You can find a world map HERE
    And other maps HERE

    Perlevenn Island is rather easy place to live. However, there are some places, which the travellers are warned of. Every little kid knows, that the southern part of the United Counties is freezing cold, The Northern sea is the best for swimming, because of the warm water and the Eastern Desert (also known as Higath) is the best place to sunbathe, of course if you don't mind ghosts and the undead, who live there...

( the above is an excerpt from Demon's Saga main page, which can be found here)

The Race

  • I Sagemmacharian

    This race is the most popular one on Perlevenn Island - they were brought there from Outer World 89233 Years Before The Semavahi War by Sagemm I The Wise.
    Women of this race are widely ranged in their appearance - from abundant shapes to even none. Their hair curls usually.
    Men are a bit higher than women, sometimes their muscles are seen, but usually they seem rather weak. As long as you don't feel their punch on your stomach...

    Pets born under Fire Element are very good at reading magic scrolls, and they feel coonected with that art. They learn new spells easily.
    Fire Element Pets have usually red eyes and long fingers, with sharp nails.

    Magic modificated by +1

( the above is an excerpt from Demon's Saga main page, which can be found here)


Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:50 PM

..::Character profile::..

Pet's name: Ignis
Owner: Yumehayla
Element ash: Fire
  • Gender: Male
    Race: Sagemmacharian
    Hair: Long, wavy, bloody red in color
    Eyes: Red with golden sparkles
Special skill: (spell) Fire Sparkle. You had it described in your story ^^ It's easy to see, that the more you practice it, the bigger, and more "firey" it is.



  • Child - it's obligatory for him/her to stay in Zadghar (also "Academy" - a school with obligatory dormitories, EVERYBODY have to attend it). Can't use any weapon (except non-professional ones, like kitchen knife).

an excerpt from Demon's Saga

Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:51 PM

..::Journal rules::..

~these will be added later~

Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:51 PM


22.05.2007 - Ignis' past revealed!
07.05.2007 - Added some art.
26.04.2007 - Ignis appears for the first time!
10.04.2007 - Journal was created.
30.03.2007 - Turned in the profile to Demon's Saga.


Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:53 PM

Ignis's relationships with other characters.

Non-player characters
  • • Master Zaah'raa :
    • Kahlya :
  • • Jaden :
  • • Nereus :
    • Arryn :
  • • Oura :


Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:53 PM

List of all the items that Ignis possesses.

Basic inventory: HUGE book with spells listed, you had recived from your father. It's very complicated, and you haven't learnt any spell, except the Sparkle, but you are still trying.. XD


Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:53 PM

Here, Ignis's home will be described.


Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:54 PM

..::Art gallery::..
Collection of art featuring Ignis.


Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:54 PM



Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:55 PM



Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:55 PM



Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:55 PM



Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-10-2007, 07:55 PM



Yumehayla is offline
Old 04-25-2007, 11:10 PM

_____________________________..::Ignis's first appearance::..
__________________________________________________ __________________26/04/2007
  • "Oh, c'mon, do that!" - Kahlya whispered.
    Ignis smiled. He muttered gently two words, moved his hands slightly. A small sparkle of fire materialised between his fingers. Another minute movement - Ignis pushed the sparkle towards the rabbit, sniffing in the grass nearby. The sparkle in no time reached a destination - and hit the rabbit, searing a fur on it's back.
    "Yeah. You're my Master, Ig!" - said Kahlya, patting his shoulder. - "The Greatest Weaver of Magic in whole County!" - he smiled. - "I envy you soooo much... This hour, tommorow, you'll be in Eef... In the greatest Academy in Sijavah! The Shining Eye only knows, what wonderful things you'll learn there.... But promise me - if you only have some time - visit Kissad, nee, Ignis...?"
    Ignis created another sparkle of fire, but stifled it after a second, as he tends to do, when he wants to say something, but resigns. He smiled.
    He surely will.
    Only give him some time - to be the most powerful mage on Perlevenn Island.

    ...nee, Kahlya...?

Yumehayla is offline
Old 05-21-2007, 11:39 PM

_____________________________..::Ignis' past revealed!::..
__________________________________________________ __________________22/05/2007
  • You were born in a small village of Kissad, at the southern coast of Sijavah county.
    Your parents were both quite rich merchants, who, unfortunatelly for you, travelled much, and spent most of the time in the road, having not much time for you.

    That's why you become some sort od a gang leader between kids in Kissad - don't misunderstand, you weren't the group of killing and destroying (XD) but you were more like noisy, irritating kids ^^

    Your closest friend, Kahlya, was interested more in sports, not magic, sports like running when you broke a window, or hiding, when angry owner of the window, and also of the main village shop, old sagemmacharian Gjiivaa, wanted to find you. (XD)

    Anyway, you spent whole days, walking the streets with your band or Kahlya only, sometimes browsing your spellbook, and boasting that you know one spell... the day, you got a letter from Academy in Eef.

    Your parents have decided, that's a wonderful way, to change your behaviour, so they packed you some basic things, gave you a sandwich for a travel to Eef and warm goodbye....

    ... and, you appeared to stand in a front of the Eefian Academy, waiting for the gates to be opened for you...


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