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Yumehayla is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 04:57 PM

This is the Journal of a future God, Djirrra'jagh. Do not post here without his permission, or you will be smitten as soon as he gains his powers.
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Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:01 PM

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Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:03 PM

  • 4.06.07
    - journal being created ^^

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:13 PM

  • 1. Do not post. Sorry, people ; /
    2. If you want to send me a comment, connected with my rp character, feel free to PM me about it instead of posting there XD

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:15 PM

  • Pet's name: Djirrra'jagh (short - Djirrr, with accent on purring 'rrr's : p)[list:cfdf7d650d]Gender: male
    Race: Half-Nekosei
    Hair: orrange red with some spots (also orange, but in the different tone of it) *purrr ^^* short (I mean, not very short... something to the half of the neck) and chaotic haircut, tied into a veery short ponytail - most of hair is to short for it, so makes a mess around ^^
    Eyes: yellow
    Other: whiskers ^^ long, straight, orange tail, and ears a bit like lynx has..
    Personality: Impulsive (lol. isn't the main attitiude of personality you gave this race...? ; p)chaotic and unpretictable, full of emotions. He is everywhere and nowhere, sometimes pops out of the roof window, sometimes hides after the curtains...laughs much and loves to talk with other beings, loves to be loved, but is quite dangerous when he doesn't like somebody ^^
    General color scheme: red, golden and brown ^^
Education: as he was grown up on a street, he learnt some skills, how to survive. And you know what? He become pretty good at stealing some bags with money or keys to the rich lady's house XD But also, he was taught to make some circus tricks - the ones, where his agility makes him a master, 'just like that'
Extra info: Easily gets drunk XD And has a very annoying habit to purr loudly into someone's ear with no special reason ^^

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:15 PM

  • Half-Nekosei[list:dcf9010251][list:dcf9010251][list:dcf9010251][list:dcf9010251]
This race are the offspring of the alien Goddess, Teleri-neko, and humans. They are taller than typical nekosei, but still shorter than typical humans - maximum height is 170cm, minimum is 145cm. Average is somewhere around 160cm. They look quite human, and their whole body isn't furred, but after their first mother they have a pair of cat ears, cat tail, and cat whiskers. The ears and tail can be in any of the typical cat colors. Including stuff like tricolor or calico.
*Only pure nekosei are more agile than them
*Special ability, 'dance of the Bell': if they somehow obtain a magical tail bell, they can release it's power.
*The strenght of the Clan - if a half-nekosei has trouble, he can always ask for help fronm other clan members, and will get it.
*They are VERY often impulsive
*The strenght of the Clan - if a half-nekosei asks you for help, you have to give it to him, as long as it's within your capacity.[/list:u:dcf9010251][/list:u:dcf9010251]

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:16 PM

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:18 PM

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:19 PM

  • Mara, the Lady on the Border:

    Ouka of the Scroll

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Old 05-27-2007, 06:20 PM

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Old 05-27-2007, 06:21 PM

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Old 05-27-2007, 06:27 PM

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:29 PM

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:33 PM

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 05-27-2007, 06:34 PM

PetsiesPetsies Breedables

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 03:22 PM

  • 1. Navigation
    2. Why . . . . . . Fri May 25, 2007

Mnyonywaji is offline
Old 06-04-2007, 03:26 PM

  • [list:3d665d80e5][list:3d665d80e5][list:3d665d80e5]Why . . . . . . Fri May 25, 2007

Djirrr looked around. It was almost dark, and he hasn't found a place to sleep tonight.
- Damn. - he said to no one special, as there was nobody around. He was always a recluse, even though he didn't want it. He loved others, parties and all the stuff. But it always ended like that. He, alone on a street, having no one to give him a place to stay.
- Damn. - he repeated, and went down the street, still looking around carefully. - Maybe I'll find an empty house or so....
After a few minutes of walk, he saw an old, wooden house, which seemed empty.

He took a look at the lock, ready to open it. But the lock wasn't there. Someone has already broke it out. He entered the house.

The small candle was burning inside. Djirrr became a bit afraid. Was there someone?

He came to the table, where the candle was and looked at it. There was a huge book laying, opened. He started reading. It seemed to be a diary, written by someone, who surely was capable of using the magic - the diary was filled with magic incantations, but also, with a story of the owner.

He read the last note.

"She said, that it's impossible for me to become a god. She was full of hatered, and told me not to come to her again.

She was so sure that all mortals can join a god's company, that I belived into her words. It wasn't true. I am not THAT special.

You, who find the note, are allowed to take all I own - it's not much, and I left it all in this building " - Djirrr looked around. He notized a bag filled with some things. - "I am probably on the road to Nowhere now. Don't search for me."

Djirrr raised one of his eyebrows.
- Become a god....?

..... sounds fun........

........purrrrr ~~<3


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