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Rie Frails
Rie Frails is offline
Old 05-29-2007, 04:28 PM

Welcome to Aihara (Alegretto)'s journal for Si Xian. Please do not post with Alegretto's permission, thank you.

Si Xian comes from Tales of the Middle Country, a breedable/changing pet shop. To visit the main shop go here.

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Old 05-29-2007, 05:15 PM


1. Intro
2. Navigation
3. Journal Rules
4. Si Xian
5. Aihara Masahiro
6. Timeline
7. Relationships
  • NPC
    Yumelhaya/Xiu Yue
8. Belongings
9. Home
10. Art gallery
11. Point records
12. ~reserved~
13. ~reserved~
14. ~reserved~
15. ~reserved~

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Old 05-29-2007, 05:15 PM

..::Journal rules::..

Yes yes, these foul things.
  • 1. If you wish to post within the journal, you must either be a Tales of the Middle Country owner/NPC, or you have received my express permission to post within here.

    2. NO OOC POSTING. AT.ALL. If there's something you wish to inform me about that's not an IC event, do it either via PM or through one of my messengers.

    3. Proper grammar and spelling please. Or at least do your best attempting it.

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Old 05-29-2007, 05:23 PM

..::Si Xian::..

Name: Si Xian
Gender: Male
  • Inspired by: Cao Zhi- third son of Cao Cao and his second wife, Princess Bian. A famous poet, and founder of the Jian'An poetry style. He is also famous (or should I say infamous) for his drinking habit and the strained relationship he had with his brother, Cao Pi.
    (biography- )

    Appearance: A small and slim man, with dark hair and eyes, the spirit has taken on the beardless, less imposing figure of a scholar rather than that of a warrior. His robes are fine silk, as expected from the third son of the ruler of Wei, yet his clothes and hair often have an unkempt sense to them, as if he had gotten drunk and fallen sleep in his clothing the night before (which is, oddly enough, often the case).

    Personality: Like most brilliant but drunken artisans, the spirit's love for alcohol is only surpassed by the love of working on his art and literature. Despite his impressive intellect and stunning poetry, he has little to no sense of restraint in most anything, particularly regarding his beloved alcohol. As a young man it was always a (somewhat) controllable problem, but in later years depression only made him even less controlled in his drinking, for his brother often kept him from applying his talents, which frustrated the spirit to no end.

    Relationship: Although it was not his hand that wrote the calligraphy scroll, the writing upon the silk is a copy of one of his favorite poems that he wrote.

Stage: Artifact (Calligraphy Scroll)

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Old 05-29-2007, 05:23 PM

..::Aihara Masahiro::..

Name: Aihara Masahiro
Age: 26
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Background: Born and raised in Kyoto, Japan. Completed high school with honors, though dropped out of college in favor of forming the rock band Cosmic Mana, along with his two best friends. Performed in said band for several years as lead guitar, and to great success. However, he has recently had a falling-out of sorts with the other band members, and has such left the band and moved to Menewsha. Currently resides on Menewsha, and has no current occupation to speak of.

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Old 05-29-2007, 05:27 PM


05.Jun.07 - Journal setup completed.
30.May.07 - Si Xian's scroll received.
29.May.07 - Journal was created.

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Old 05-29-2007, 05:28 PM

Si Xian's relationships with other characters.

Non-player characters
  • • Kirin Tan :
    • Rie Frails :
    • Nu Wo :
  • • Aihara Masahiro :
  • • Xiu Yue :

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Old 05-29-2007, 05:50 PM

List of all the items that Si Xian possesses.
  • - calligraphy scroll

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Old 05-29-2007, 05:52 PM

Here, Masahiro's and Si Xian's home will be described.

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Old 05-29-2007, 05:55 PM

..::Art gallery::..
Collection of art featuring Si Xian.

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Old 05-29-2007, 06:24 PM

..::Scored points::..
  • 1. Completing the journal - 10
    2. Post in the shop thread - 10
    3. A journal entry -
    4. An ORP post -
    5. Completion of a private RP -
    6. Participation in an RP event -

    Total: 20

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Old 05-29-2007, 06:35 PM


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Old 05-29-2007, 06:36 PM


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Old 05-29-2007, 06:40 PM


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Old 05-29-2007, 06:41 PM


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Old 06-05-2007, 05:05 AM

..::And So it Begins::..

He really needed something to cover that hole.

Aihara Masahiro sat back on his heels in the large but somewhat dilapidated loft that had recently become his new living quarters, mismatched eyes of obsidian and azure squinting almost angrily at a battered fist-sized hole in the wood of the wall. Hmph. No wonder the place was so cheap. Rickety, noisy, and now this! He should have done a more thorough job of looking the place over before buying it from those college-boy ale hounds.

Yet the place was his and his alone, so Masa had little choice but to suffer with his choice in housing for the time being. Not like he could go home to Haru and Shuu again. No no. Best he start struggling on his own.

But something needed to be done with that hole.

He could not afford to hire a repairman to come and patch the thing up- at least not for the time being. Most of his money had gone into buying this place and acquiring some semblance of furniture. No, no. A small cheap painting or something would suffice. The place looked enough like a rats' nest already, anyways-- some art would do good to spruce the place up a little. Make it look less like a dump.

Twenty minutes later, and Masahiro was out on the street, the beaded ornaments in his hair glinting in the dull sunlight, his mismatched gaze traveling slowly from sign to sign of the shops. This city was new to him, so he did not know his way around quite yet. But a little exploration never hurt... right?

Hm. No, that art store is too gaudy. Ew. Was that puke on canvas? No, not that one. Hm.... maybe. Oh, that place looks nice, but far beyond his limited budget could manage. Hm.... nah. Ugh, who BOUGHT shit like that?

Just when he was about to give up and go home, a small but battered-looking shop caught his eye. Oh? He must have missed that one. The sign paint was too faded and peeled away to be read, but the items in the display window looked as if it were some Oriental antique shop. Interesting.

Deciding to at least go in and take a look, Masahiro pushed the door open and entered, his eyes and senses almost immediately assaulted by sights and fragrances that spoke of his home, of which he had long since left. Blinking curiously, the slim man peered and poked around about the store for a while, more out of simple curiosity than his driving need to find a piece of art that would cover his damaged wall. But it was an antique shop, and as far as his experiences went, there were bound to be some cheap copies of art somewhere.

It did not take him long to find a goodly collection of work, and it took even less time to pick out a piece that he liked. It was calligraphy, of which he had always been rather fond of. He couldn't read most of the characters on the scroll, but who cared? Chances were those who would come over to his apartment would be able to read even less. It looked nice, and it would be able to give a nice touch of home to his loft.... and it was big enough to cover the hole. Was that not sufficient?


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