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Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 09-11-2011, 04:50 AM

*pokes head in* found you^_^

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-11-2011, 04:57 AM

lol, i know sometimes i am chatting in everyone else's thread but my own.
i was just in your thread s.
i am listening to 'who got the hooch' because i was pinging Vicky about another hooch up for sale.

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 09-11-2011, 05:29 AM

lol crazy, I like how were bouncing back and forth. Y,y

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-11-2011, 05:37 AM

i know and i am trying to bring up new threads in nations too.
i need to earn some gold after going on a spending spree, which is so not like me.
i think i was really bored and got caught up in the bidding wars.
i wish we knew who we were bidding against,
i'll be right back i need to get some more tea and honey.

Teh Awesome
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WinglessFairy is offline
Old 09-11-2011, 09:24 PM

how's the buisness Hummy?

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-12-2011, 11:21 AM

pretty slow WinglessFairy, how about yours?
hope everyone has a spectacular week!

Ace Strife
Teh Star Of Menewsha
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Ace Strife is offline
Old 09-14-2011, 12:53 PM

the huge CI list, is that the items you have =o

Ping me Baby!
crunky is offline
Old 09-14-2011, 04:33 PM

hummy: - hey girl! Ok so I am finally replying about CI's. xD I have Yumeh Ears and Tails! I saw that the cheapest ones in MP were 5,000 gold. Would you be interested in trading for the new CI's? If not that's ok, just wanted to throw it out there. ^_^

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 11:29 AM

@ crunky ~~ hmmm i do really want the yumeh ears and tails too.
i haven't even been looking at the market place prices, basicly because i think they are a bit too high.
i'll get back with you on an offer.
*save yumeh tails and ears for me please*
i think i had asked if you wanted to trade the merksomething legend for a CI but i don't think i pinged you.

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 12:46 PM

Hey hummy. I can sell you Return to Nature (May '10), Trinity Guardian (Oct '10) and several winter EIs, though I do not know which ones you're specifically searching for. Got spare sets from FoWN (Festival of Winter Nights) 08 and 09.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 12:50 PM

Silenia: ~~ i would love the trinity guardian and return to nature CI's!

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 12:52 PM

Yeah, I noticed they were in your list at the first page of CIs you wanted to especially buy. Since I have spares of the anyway, I had something like, why not - even if I am splitting up CI sets for it. xD
Feel free to make an offer. =)

Reason why I don't start with making the offer? Been away for over half a year now, only recently returned, so I am not completely up-to-date on the worth of items, especially the basic worth of current CIs. I'd rather not make ridiculous offers. xD

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 12:57 PM

me too. i joined in 2007 and was never active.
i usually use the average sale price of the market place.
what is the set i'd be breaking up because i would rather you not have a set split.
i would say CI for CI? if you wold like two of the ultra ego *since i think that will be the most expensive CI of the set this month*
or one of each of Septembers CI.
i need to find who's thread i was talking in as to what winter ones i still need.
i have a bunch of help the other day from very kind people and i didn't update a blessed thing on the first page.
thank you for thinking of me!

starting with 2007 EI's
bunny plushie
ghostie kitties
festival of winter nights
fancy cool booties
frozen warmth
chilled beauty
bleeding heart fan
whitefaced fox
blackfaced fox
giant spork
phoenix jubilee items
black widow's pin
pumpkin patch
witch's broom
green St. Patrick's snakie plushie
golden St. Patrick's snakie plushi
field of shamrocks
Easter 2009 event items
Easter basket
Easter wand
Chocloate bunny hairpin
chickie flock
on the farm
festival of winter nights
festive decorations pack
the cuppy cake clan
cobblestone in the winter
*ish still adding*

Last edited by hummy; 09-16-2011 at 01:01 PM..

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:01 PM

The Oct 10 set I am splitting up, but even then, I still have five complete sets if I do so.
The May 10 set... ah, seems I'm actually evening things out because I have one more return to nature than robes of healing. However, even if I had been splitting up a set, it would be no problem - would still have seven complete sets left.

One of each is fine. Am going to donate anyway this month, but that way, I can just buy what items I can sell best without risking accidentally missing one of the two CIs at the end of the month.

Ah, good luck finding the thread and that must've been a great day, eh? You're welcome.

Last edited by Silenia; 09-16-2011 at 01:07 PM..

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:06 PM

oh, okay so you have a full set still.
the robes of healing are really pretty too so i wouldn't of been upset to buy it from you.
okay so one of each *goes to buy them* and you are donating them?
you don't want anything for yourself?
i have been incrediblly lucky to meet the most generous people here in the exchange.
it's a place i have avoided all my time on gaia and other places because i saw it as a tough place for me.
i don't do well haggling since i would rather give what the person is wanting.
if you want to start the trade since it is easier to find things that way i'm good with that.
my two CI's i am buying will be the last two things in my inventory.

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:11 PM

Several full sets still - I am only selling items I have spares of, and in most cases, if I have one spare, I have several complete spare SETS.
I am going to donate that Sept set of CIs to my charity mule, yes, so they will be donated - just not sure when. It -is- for myself, after all, everything I can get this way for my charity is stuff I don't have to spend Mennies or gold on.

As for the Winter EIs:

EDIT: As for the Winter EIs I can sell you:
- Complete FoWN 08 set - those are the present boxes - preferably as a set (though I've got another spare Little Teal Present), though I am willing to sell only specific items from said set if the price is right.
-Complete FoWN 09 set - festive decorations/mene cookie collective/reindeer disguise/Holiday Tree/Cuppy Cake Clan/Festival Ribbon/Cobblestones in Winter. If you need the Holiday Tree and/or Reindeer Disguise, then I prefer selling as set. Got spares out-of-set of every other EI in that set.

Just let me know which ones you need. Any offer there -would- be for myself, because my charity mule currently has enough EI funds. Just lacking on CIs, kinda.

Yes, Mene exchange is a lovely place. I would indeed prefer to send the trade. Near-950 items is a LOT of stuff to sort through and if doing that when replying to a trade is a tad difficult.

Going to send the CI trade ahead, we can do the EI trade after that.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:16 PM

okay ultra ego and mischief maker have been added.
*does happy dance*
i cannot wait to put on the wings.
they won't look good on this avi but still gotta try them on!
thank you.

edit: since you do a charity please feel free to ask for CI's each month.
every month i can afford to donate i am going to try to do so.
i like returning the favor of kindness whenever i can.

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:17 PM

Trade accepted, waiting for you to accept from your side.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:19 PM

trade accepted and finish.
thank you again.
it was really kind of you to offer your spares.
if you have a gaia account i have a lot of spares i would be happy to trade with you.

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:23 PM

Black Widow's Pin
Pumpkin Patch
(Witch's broom only if you buy a complete H'ween 08 set, rather than half of it. Got no out-of-spare-set brooms right now)

festival of winter nights
Festive Decorations Pack
Cuppy Cake Clan
Cobblestone in the Winter

Can sell you ^ EIs from that list of yours.

As to Gaia, do have an account there, but am not active there atm. No need thus. Thanks for trading with me.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:26 PM

okay, if you ever become active by any chance you can always let me know.

let me try to see what all i still need from the list.
i think i have the decorators pack and the rest of that years festival of winter nights.
but i could be wrong because my inventory is an awful mess.

what would you want for the whole halloween set?
did you miss any of the summer boardwalk event itmes?

edit: oh, before i forget do you have an exchange thread or a quest thread?
if so please ping me there next time you are posting in them.

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:31 PM

I have an exchange thread and a quest thread, yes, but due to my long hiatus, both are at the moment inactive.

What I would want for a complete Halloween 08 set? Hm, probably a full EI set from a more recent event, assuming both have approximately the same number of items within it. Summer Boardwalk... it's not in the rare items guide yet, I think, so I am unsure which items are in it - I returned to Mene after the event, but got some items from friends that I missed, and I haven't gotten to sorting them around yet and finding out which event they belong to.

My inventory is also a mess, but in a completely different kind: over-organized. xD The kind of, 44-drawers, Main Invo and All Items excluded.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:35 PM

okay i can give you some of the summer boardwalk event items you are missing.
take your time figuring out what you are missing or are wanting.
i gave away a few sets but still have a lot left over.
i will never use the pink colored ones *ish alergic to girlie pink colors* so what is your favorite colors.
the items were for commons: bathing outfits, socks etc. the EI's were balloons, butterfly kites, cluck the chicken, pies and a hat.
i do have extra of the balloons and butterfly kites and i have a cluck the chicken in a trade that has never been accepted and could pull it out for you if you need or want it.

edit: holy crap! forty-four extra drawers?????
that is boarderline obsessive *giggles* i am probably boarderline obsessive messy in comparison!

Goddess of Silly Creepiness, Que...
Silenia is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 01:43 PM

I tend to prefer the darker colors as well as bright green, yellow and orange. However, I am working on getting at least one of each item on site, so colors do not -really- matter at the moment (especially if you consider how many of those items I already have. xD) IF you want to give me stuff, that's fine, but you should realize that I can do it on my own too. I am quite well-off at Mene. ;) But from what you mentioned, I don't think I have -any- of those items right now.

And yes, 44 drawers is a lot, but if you consider everything, I still have an average of about 21 items per drawer, and that is after moving all eggs except for one complete set over to my personal mule. xD

It is basically, Main Invo - To sort - For Charity (stuff I still have to move over to charity mule or that is meant to buy stuff for said charity mule) - For Clair (Voyant, my honorary twin) - Current CIs - Spare CI sets 1+2 - Spare nonset CIs - Spare EI sets 07-09 and 10-11 - Spare nonset EIs (split up the same) - SNGs - Commemorative Items - CIs 07-08-09 - CIs 10-11 - EIs 07-08 - EIs 09 - EIs 10-11 - Current Event Commons and then a whole shit of common/shop item drawers.

EDIT: Actually, seems like I do have a few of them, forgot that they were still in TO SORT, not actually in one of the EI drawers yet.

Last edited by Silenia; 09-16-2011 at 01:45 PM..

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-16-2011, 02:05 PM

i just looked at your gold amount.
you are well off here at menewsha!
nice job <3


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