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Enniel is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 12:32 AM

i just saw the simpsons movie..not bad, 6/10 i say.
harry potter and the order of the phoenix i saw before it. i like it but it wasnt my favorite move :3 8/10
i saw transformers to!! it was gooooood 8/10 again
and then i saw die hard 4 as well...not bad, a 7/10

edit:: yami:: good question :shock:

Lady Taurus
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Old 07-30-2007, 09:05 PM

I saw Transformers with my Fiance last week and Evan Almighty with my brother and sister.

Tranformers was amazing and one of the best movies I have ever seen. I'm in love with Bumble Bee and I really want a plushie of him.

Evan Almighty was alright if you look at it as it's own movie. If you compare it to Bruce Almighty it sucks because it wasn't even half as funny as Bruce Almighty was.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Old 08-02-2007, 04:52 AM

  • If this doesn't apply to just movie theater movies, I finished Romeo & Juliet (Baz Lurhmann version) an hour ago. I played the piano song of it earlier so I just HAD to go and watch it.

    Either way I didn't quite pay attention to it this time, but I love the movie so I'll give it a 4 star out of 5 for now. It didn't capture my attention today.

Evaesis is offline
Old 08-02-2007, 11:07 AM

Hmm last movie I saw was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was okay but seriously different from the book. I mean everything was so rushed I couldn't believe all the scenes they cut out from it.

Made me want to cry it did. Though other then that I liked it ^_^

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Old 08-02-2007, 05:40 PM

I believe the last movie I saw was. . . probably Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I have to say it was pretty good, better than I had been expecting [low expectations, yes]. It seemed to follow the book better than the previous movie, though a lot of important things were still cut out, imo. Even so, I'd recommend it. Probably give it about a 7/10, or an 8.

Asahi Kumoru
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Old 08-04-2007, 03:08 AM

Okay, just rented and watched "Letters from Iwo Jima". And, uh, wow. It was amazing. It was very graphic and very intense, and therefore a very powerful film. One can't expect to go into a WWII film, let alone one about a lost battle, and have it end happily, but wow....

*waves arms* Just go see it!

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Old 08-04-2007, 06:45 PM

I just finished the movie Pathfinder, which came out on DVD and what not on Tuesday. I honestly didn't pay very close attention to it, as I was also on the computer, but I think from what I saw that it was pretty good. Interesting, to stay the least.

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Old 08-05-2007, 12:58 AM

I just saw the Simpsons movie the other day. It was pretty entertaining, I really liked it. I'd give it about an 8/10. =) I wasn't really expecting anything great from it, since it was pretty much just an elongated episode of the show, but I wanted to see it since there are rumors going around that after the movie, that would be it for the entire series.

Aliena is offline
Old 08-05-2007, 03:51 AM

I just finished watching "Beauty Shop" today, starring Queen Latifah. And I must say, I really enjoyed it! Alicia Silverstone's character made me laugh, though I've not really liked her much before. But the overall story was fun, as were all the characters. Kevin Bacon's character...omg! It ended a little abruptly to me, though. 8/10

Sepha is offline
Old 08-05-2007, 05:58 PM

the last movie i saw was transformes and i loved it the computer graphics in that movie where amazing once it was over i had the feeling to see it agian

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Old 08-06-2007, 02:46 AM

Last Movie I watched was Happy Gilmore. Its so funny, but not as funny as Billy Madison!
4/5 stars!

Dare is offline
Old 08-06-2007, 12:10 PM

I watched "From Hell" last night, starring Johnny Depp - based on the Jack the Ripper cases, and was amazed. I absolutely loved it and although gorey at times, it had a fantastic underlying theme and plot.

I would definitely give it 9/10, and recommend a watch (taking away a point for not following the history of what happened quite as closely; and annoying things in how they talked. I'm not particularly sure of they said "oi mate", or "shut it, cunt," in the 19th century!

:D Do watch it though, if gore/horror and history is your thing.

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Old 08-10-2007, 03:50 PM

The last movie I saw was the newest Harry Potter Movie. 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoneix'

I give it a 10/10 It was an awesome movie and the effects were as cool as ever, It was a little more dark and sinister then the other movies and as harry is growing up it becomes more involved in his character development and the development of the characters around him. Struggeling with the good and evil inside ones self, I highly reccomend this movie to any of those who have not watched it yet.

Queen Nehalania
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Old 08-11-2007, 12:43 AM

Last movie I saw at the cinema: Transformers
**** 4 stars!

Last movie I seen at home: Homeward Bound II
**** 4 stars!
(I like that movie, lol. xD)

Zweres is offline
Old 08-11-2007, 05:35 AM

  • Just watched Rush Hour 3 Today. <3 Loved it - 4/4 Stars. Very funny - especially Tucker

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Old 08-11-2007, 06:08 PM

Harry Potter
And The Prisoner Of Azkaban


Asahi Kumoru
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Old 08-12-2007, 05:24 AM

Originally Posted by Zweres
  • Just watched Rush Hour 3 Today. <3 Loved it - 4/4 Stars. Very funny - especially Tucker
That's good to hear XD I'm probably going to be seeing that one tomorrow.

Yesterday, though, I saw "Running with Scissors", which... is tied in my mind with "Fight Club" for the strangest movie I've ever seen. Mostly because "Scissors" is based on actual memoirs. I have the book somewhere; I must dig it up and read it now XD

The acting is really great; 'tis an all-star cast that really did their best with a bunch of incredibly bizarre characters. Some things go on or are implied that are kind of sick and creepy, so I must advise viewer discretion, but overall it was a good movie. I'd say 8/10, at least.

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Old 08-13-2007, 04:50 AM

[color=deeppinkI know who killed me.
It was the Stupid. You know who the killer is from the Start.
you get Confused out of you mind.
and the ending is Lame. you don't know what happens.

Asahi Kumoru
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Old 08-14-2007, 07:40 AM

(( Yeah, quiet, I watch too many movies =P ))

I did get to see "Rush Hour 3"; my thoughts on that was that it was not all that great a story, but still entertaining. I'd give it a 5 or maybe a 6, mostly because I thoroughly enjoyed the first two "Rush Hour" films, and thought that the third brought a decent closure at least with a bunch of the jokes from the first two.

And I'd been wanting to see "Curse of the Golden Flower" again, so I watched that, too, yesterday. It's not my favorite of Zhang Yimou's movies, but, that said, it's still definitely a beautiful film. The acting is superb, even if I find the plot perhaps a bit lacking at times. At least an 8 in my book. Even if you don't like watching subtitled films, you can put this one on and mute it, practically, and the cinematography alone would be entertaining.

Then, since I watched "Letters from Iwo Jima", I also watched "Flags of Our Fathers" today. It's every bit as graphic as "Letters" was, but it's got an entirely different angle; in other words, don't think that, if you've seen one movie, you've seen both of them. Very powerful, too - easily an 8.

Aaand then I finished "The Good Shepherd", which was rather slow at times, especially to start, but definitely finished very strongly. It's not a thriller spy movie; it reminded me more of "Breach", with a lot to show what's going on with people's minds instead of their guns. It was new for me, seeing Matt Damon in a role like the one of Edward Wilson in this movie; I think he did a good job with it. I have to give this one a 6-7, since it was slow getting started and almost a little /too/ subtle and subdued at times, but I will say that the ending is quite poignant.

chanelt is offline
Old 08-14-2007, 08:05 AM

Originally Posted by Extortion
Harry Potter
And The Prisoner Of Azkaban


  • Me too! XD I was actually really impressed with it. The 5th book is my least favorite out of the HP series, but the movie was seriously... AWESOME!!!*spoiler alert* Didn't you love the wizard duel between Volde and Dumble? XD I felt like they actually cut out the "right parts" this time. The 4th movie was nice too, but I was so sad when I saw that they had cut out the Q match! ><

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Old 08-14-2007, 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by Dare
I watched "From Hell" last night, starring Johnny Depp - based on the Jack the Ripper cases, and was amazed. I absolutely loved it and although gorey at times, it had a fantastic underlying theme and plot.

I would definitely give it 9/10, and recommend a watch (taking away a point for not following the history of what happened quite as closely; and annoying things in how they talked. I'm not particularly sure of they said "oi mate", or "shut it, cunt," in the 19th century!

:D Do watch it though, if gore/horror and history is your thing.
Actually, it's based off of the badass Alan Moore comic about the whole thing. ;o The comic book is eight million times better. READ IT.

As for last movie, I have two.

is the first. It was a pain to find, since it's a 91-year old silent film (made in 1916), but it was amazing. My knowledge in silent films is pretty limited, but it was very well-acted. Yes the acting seemed a bit over the top at times, but sometimes it had to be done to get the point across in a film without sound.

The camera work was great, too, as well as the costumes and scenery. Hell, the costumes, camera, and scenery is what utterly sold the movie to me. The acting and story/presentation were all excellent, yes, but the SCENERY. Oh god. It's one of the most impressive things I've ever seen in my life. D.W. Griffith utterly outdid himself in getting the designs in for this done.

My rating- 9.5/10

The other film I saw was Manos: Hands of Fate. And it was not the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version. Oh man. Where Intolerance was amazing, Manos failed hard. Piss-poor acting, piss-poor writing, piss-poor everything. Me and my friends were laughing the whole way through. At least it was only 67 minutes. If it were as long as Intolerance was, I'd be dead.

But in it's suckiness, it was awesome. Not as awesome as some other things I've seen, but it was still pretty awesome.

My rating- 0.7/10

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mangacatgirl is offline
Old 08-15-2007, 03:18 AM

I recently had the pleasure of viewing Stardust in theatres. I think it was an excellent movie. It had many of the fairy tale story aspects that I adore. Witches, princes, a princess in distress, pirates, spells, true love, etc...

It features a boy who discovers his mother is from another world beyond the wall (bordering his town)... He goes there in hopes of meeting his mother and discovers a fallen star along the way. He captures the fallen star in order to give it to the girl he loves as a Birthday gift so she will marry him. However it's easier said than done. Many others are in pursuit of the star and will do anything to get it. This simple boy who once was some nobody working in a small local shoppe, is now about to go on the greatest adventure of his life.

I give it a 9/10 A definite must see... Especially for fairy tale or fantasy fans...

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Old 08-15-2007, 09:24 AM

Evan Almighty.

The only thing Almighty about it was how fast I went to sleep.

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Old 08-15-2007, 11:23 AM

I now pronounce you ( some and something xD ( forgot))

It was pretty funny. I say 9/10. ^^

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Old 08-15-2007, 03:14 PM

  • ♥ » Rush Hour 3!

    all i have to say is.. JACKIE CHAN ftw! 8DD <3
    and oh, i would give 8.71/10! O:

    it got boring at some parts,
    but it went by super quickly!
    and it was hilarious. xD <33


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