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Guest is offline
Old 08-08-2008, 03:42 AM

@nivvy: did you actually call your husband to be 'husband to be question mark' ??


Roachi is offline
Old 08-08-2008, 06:38 AM

Yeh we did that in form 1 xDD. I remember having to wait ages for it to ferment n stuff xD =]. Clay is pretty hard to work with, but i'm sure you'll come up with something nice. Your good with your hands =]

Um yeh dude i will, when i can be bothered going back through it again xDD =]
It is! I even found an old piece that someone made of me and my old buddy Kaday.

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-09-2008, 12:50 AM

@ Kit

Yeah xD
He was like >.>;;
"What does that mean?"
I'm like.. Err... nemind. Lols
Just an internet fad... hehehe

@ Roach

Lmao @ the good with your hands part. Mwu ha ha ha
It helps me get what i want *Shifty look* xD;; I kid, i kid
Wholie i haven't heard that name in a while, Kaday....

what happened to that person anyways? Hmmm tryna think
of some people from when i started Gaia... I was anti-social back
then too. Hahah ermm... Sushi Database always made me laugh
"Teh Soosh", and err.. Escape Orange... Howcome i always make
friends with the people with weird usernames? Haha


Roachi is offline
Old 08-09-2008, 01:18 AM

Yeh as soon as i re-read my words i was like LMFAO.
I wonder what she's gonna take from that xDD hehe.

Yeh my poor Kaday, i have like NO idea what happened to her =|. I just wish i had an email addy or something .. it's weird how she just Poofed. The last time i heard from her, her daughter had, had a miscarriage and she was going to the town she lived in to be with her.
Haha yeh i use to hate those sushi errors, thank god we hardly ever have them nowadays. =]

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-09-2008, 07:49 AM

Ohh true? I didn't realise Kaday was an older member
That's cool. Is a shame she just vanished, i thought she come back
or i think i am thinking of Wobina >_o;; Yeah, everytime Sushi sent me a
PM i'd be like.. Wtf?... Sushi Database PM!? LOL *Durr*

Eww yeah, i remember Gaia saying "We're going to do some maintenance
for two hours" and the site would be down for a day. Lols. I would trade
those days, for the Gaia we have now though >.>;;


Roachi is offline
Old 08-09-2008, 09:29 AM

Yeh she had kids n stuff, i think thats why i got along with her so well. I always get along with the older people.
Yeh i think your thinkin of Wobina xDD. She went to jail, meant to be in there 2 years but got out on good behavior.

Lol haha yeh me too.
Atleast i didn't get a trillion PMs from n00bs askin for shit back then xD

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-10-2008, 09:43 AM

Yeah it's weird aye? I get along with people who are around 14, but they're really literate
and not all "Boys! OMGHEHEHEHEHEOMGFONENUMBERCYBURRR!!!one" Lols. I dunno if
there are people my own age, that i talk to on Gaia - besides you xD;; Wow, Mene has
turned us really anti-Gaia. Funny. I haven't visited that place for a while...

I have another song for you to check out, i dunno why. But i love it
I don't usually like RnB singers like Mariah, with other genre artists
but it's been on my mind since i found the old ass tape i had of it xD;

Mariah Feat KrayzieBone


Roachi is offline
Old 08-11-2008, 02:43 AM

Lol, you like the youngins heh?
Yeh there aren't many people our age on Gaia, but i managed to find a few xD. Theres this girl that i've been talking too, she's from Dunedin, she's in her late 20's. I like finding kiwis on Gaia =]. Yeh i haven't been hanging out much there either lol, the thread is driving me nutts. So im just havin a bit of a break from it all. It's just not interesting anymore! And im getting pretty bored fast ><;;

Oh yeh that's a cool song dude, i remember this song =].
Always reminds me of Charlie & the chocolate factory.
I just downloaded her song "I still believe" that's a beautiful song, i love the lyrics.
Oh i listened to another song by Te Vaka. It's in Tahitian. It's called Manatu - thats beautiful.

Last edited by Roachi; 08-11-2008 at 10:58 AM..

Guest is offline
Old 08-12-2008, 07:30 AM

thats another reason i like gaia better than mene, everyone hates gaia ; .; xD nivvy you just described me, 14 and literate(?)

its opposite for me on gaia and here, i hang around people mostly going to college

Last edited by Guest; 08-12-2008 at 07:34 AM..


Roachi is offline
Old 08-12-2008, 08:22 AM

I think i like both equally, i'll always be a dedicated Gaian because i've been there so long and made so many friends. But sometimes ... argh xD

Guest is offline
Old 08-12-2008, 08:39 AM

hrm 'argh' indeed..?


Roachi is offline
Old 08-12-2008, 11:27 AM

Yep =]
Nivvy must have moved house already why i haven't heard from her =|

kitkat is offline
Old 08-13-2008, 09:00 PM

orr she suddenly... exploded O:


Roachi is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 04:54 AM

Lols, that just reminded me of something off xD

Guest is offline
Old 08-14-2008, 07:35 AM

e .e dont remind me of that site, i havent been on it since i was like eleven and i can still remember... -shiver-


Roachi is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 01:12 AM

Yeh, i haven't been on in ages either. I think the first time i ever saw it i was like 15 and this guy had like come off his motorbike and the tire had seriously ripped his face off almost. I had nightmares for ages xDD.

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 07:40 AM

@ Kit

Haha, that'll be why we get along probably
I'll always have a soft spot for Gaia, but it has had to move
over for Mene. Lols. I finally got around to checking it today
Fricken eight announcements since the last time i was there e__e;;

@ Roach

Arrrrgh, i remember that site! I haven't actually been to it, but i
think i know the pic you are thinking of. Lmao. I move out on Sunday
so i may not be around til mid week - and when did you get Bees? Lols
and you're so close to getting your part of the slipper deal saved up!

Eeeek - it's gonna take me a while to save up, once i get the time to
start tetris and stuff again. Sucky schoolwork! I hope Alicia doesn't
run outta slippers before then </3 Your av looks like nice by the way!
Me likey <3


Roachi is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 08:43 AM

Hey doodles! Where have you been hiding??!! I sent you a mesg back to Bebo. But hmm seems you might be busy lol. So i guess i'll catch ya whenever your back online more frequently again =].

Beees!! Yeh i got them a couple days ago, but not from Alicia she has no more sets or 7k pairs left now dude =[. I think she's almost got rid of everything she has, and is about to leave? According to her thread details anyway. I got these for 9k from someone else. Yeh i like this outfit too ^^

Last edited by Roachi; 08-15-2008 at 08:45 AM..

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 08:58 AM

Crrrap. Lols. Oh well, looks like i gotta save up the monies ;-;
*Sulks in corner* xD;; All goodies. Do you still have the pandys?
I've been online here all night, just refeshing pages - making some
little annoying adjustments to my essay. My tutor was like.. You need to make
sure you explain things in ten words, as opposed to twenty. (Just so it looks
like i make the 1500 word minimum) Grrness. What a biarch. Lols...


Roachi is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 10:43 AM

Oh stuff that dude lol, im glad it's you and not me. I remember those days, and they sucked ass! xD.
Yeh dude i still have the pandys. Do you wanna borrow them??

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 10:57 AM

Gee you got your bees quickly! Lols. and already you're up to 5k
mind you, have you been donating and selling in the exchange??
Nah all good dude, i don't have anything that goes with the Pandys ;-;
Haha - Oh mind you i do have both wings... Hmmm...

Okay yeah xD;; I will borrow them <3 I'll probably send them back
if my avvy is too blargh for them though. How's things going with the mahi hunt??

Syntax Ziichii
Syntax Ziichii is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 11:22 AM

Heya Nivvy! This is Apo's mule. XD

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 11:35 AM

Ohhh hey Apo!

Nice looking muley!
and wow - no eyes. Lols
Very classy! How are you ^^??

Syntax Ziichii
Syntax Ziichii is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 11:38 AM

I'm fine, thanks <3


Nivvy is offline
Old 08-15-2008, 12:01 PM

Eeeek, just realised it's midnight! Lols
Time flies when you're forum whoring. Haha
Working on saving up for questy goodness
at the moment X_x. Even though i should really
be concentrating on essay work.. Gargh

Did you enjoy the event??


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