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Old 01-08-2009, 06:19 PM

anddd...random posts for lordy knows what.. probably erm.. pets and whatnot.

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Old 01-08-2009, 06:20 PM

can it be so? four more to post?

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Old 01-08-2009, 06:20 PM

THREE MORE and then i can start working on filling up all the front page O.O

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Old 01-08-2009, 06:21 PM

TWO MORE! feel the FEAR!

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 01-08-2009, 06:22 PM


^ Click to fullview . . i also have SOME gold stashed away, in general its better to ask and i'll tell you if i have enough stashed away.


These are just things im particularly interested in currently.
  • FB Arts of the Gods.
  • Couple Arts of Cypress+A'iel
  • Costume ideas for Kiev
  • Kiev pictures in general


This right here is just for me to be able to keep track of art im currently waiting on. As of now im going to start putting the date i ordered the art as well. I'll be honest, waiting over 6 months for a piece of art is already trying my patience. If your a slow working artist i at least PREFER that you would send me an updated (either a WIP or a little note) saying that you are still working on it.. so i know not to worry cause you have stuff to do and my character is still somewhere on your busy mind.

  • Pomegrant Tealight (Gaia) 9 HB CG's < Cypress, A'iel, Verdigris, Lisea, Bijou, Kiev, Eiara, Kalika, Kailex > = kiki kitty
  • Miraelianyn (Mene) 3/4 to FB < Eiara > = scepter of order + scepter of chaos
  • Croon (Mene) sketchy surprise = 1k gold (paid)
  • Ramiro (Gaia) HB CG < A'iel and Eiara > = 180k
  • Omi (Mene) CG Halfbody or Chibi < Cypress > = Carnival Hairpin
  • Anna_Crackers (Mene) HB < Cypress > = Pierced Bunny Hairpin + White Bunny Plushie
  • Valendra (Mene) FB Watercolour Chibi + Bust < A'iel > = 900g + Kimono
  • Farthea (Gaia) FB Lineart < Cypress , Bijou , A'iel , Verdigris > = Coco Kitty.

Last edited by Jitsumi1221; 01-30-2009 at 08:13 AM..

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GangsterGlam is offline
Old 01-08-2009, 07:09 PM

Wow, that's a lot of posts o.o

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Old 01-08-2009, 07:13 PM

hahah it is isnt it? lol well i figured for once i wont put ALL the characters info in one post, i'll just put the stuff needed to draw them, if they want to read more to do an in depth picture then they can go to the second page and read all about more personal stuff, like little short stories or back ground information... not all of them have it yet, but im working on it. *trying to get the first page done first*

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Old 01-09-2009, 03:03 AM

Hahahaha. I can see it now this will sit UNFINISHED FOR EVERRRR! :poke:

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Old 01-09-2009, 07:49 AM

LIES AND BLASPHEMIES! total and complete LIES.. im going to be working on it more now thank you very much *throws stuff at DL*

shosho is offline
Old 01-09-2009, 05:10 PM

whoooa~ new thread, jitsu~? X3 and lots of reserved posts and information so far~ :drool: :drool: :drool:

/love on DL still 8D <3

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Old 01-09-2009, 05:44 PM

yeah new thread, im going to slowly yoink all the info from the other one and put it all here and then ask the mods to lock that one since there was no way i could edit it in a way to add eveerything i wanted to beceause there wasnt enough room. im thinking about leaving a space in between my stoys OC's and my random ones for other ideas. but its eaesier to read yes, without walls and walls of text? just find the interesting picture you like and go from there?

shosho is offline
Old 01-09-2009, 06:02 PM

yeah, it'll definitely be easier to read with a bit of space @_@; so it's not too much of an eyestrain XD good luck, love~ so intricate~ :drool:

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 01-09-2009, 06:04 PM

O: Jitsumi opened a new thread?

-hugs shosho-

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Old 01-09-2009, 06:15 PM

hahah yeah *nods* trying to make things a little more organized. im thinking about leaving a little intermission space between my ONE storys characters, and the others? lol i have about erm... 11 other chars outside of the story that are from various others?

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 01-09-2009, 06:17 PM

XD;;; It sounds like we both have a ton of characters.

shosho is offline
Old 01-09-2009, 06:21 PM

haha, i got a lot of characters, too XD; they're just not 'on paper' or stuff, since i usually only use them for RP with just a friend of mine XD;;; and i suck at coming up with designs, so for the most part, it's like /they're in my head + in the RP's storyline and that's it! XD;

hi, hi, mei~ <333

pumpkin phantom
meilin is offline
Old 01-09-2009, 06:26 PM

Ah~ I miss RPs~

How is sho?

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Old 01-10-2009, 07:09 PM

ahhh i didnt know shosho had a ton of characters also? most of mine are on here already, at least the ones from the worlkd, slowly the front page is filling up with pictures and information, i'll be working more on it tonight after work.. and again tomorrow lol. but so far i think its progressing smoothly.. im trying to decide if i want to put my other NON story characters up as well and if so on the front page or the second, cause if i put it on the second people might not see them and be interested in drawing if they cant see? i dunno...

*chews on mei* RP RP i miss RP

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Old 01-10-2009, 10:04 PM

Originally Posted by Jitsumi1221 View Post

*awaiting on artses will go here*

-cackles- >o>

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Old 01-11-2009, 05:23 AM


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Old 01-14-2009, 01:50 AM

yeap. lots more characters that i'm too lazy to make real descriptions/profiles of XD;;; and hmmm, may be you can include that in the legend or something of the first post? like PAGE 1 - STORY CHARACTERS; PAGE 2 - NON-STORY CHARACTERS? XD;

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Old 01-14-2009, 08:43 AM

lol yeah i was thinking about doing that.. but the second page is for more in depth stuff about certain chars.. im thinking like... the history and BG and whatever things about their race... like culture and such? i dunno... i'd like to eventually shove up all the stuff ive been thinking about writting for my little book up there... but at the same time i dont want to give it all away? cause i still wanna write it and have people (at least friends) read it at some point if i ever finish it in a way that i like?

hurmm might just leave a post in between my story chars, and my "others" the others i can shove up and do them by.. time periods... like "mythic" - "1700s" - "Current" - "post apocolyptic" - "sci fi" or that kidna stuff? and then i guess i can further divide that up by the chars that are in groups together having the same colour in post? i dunno... cause i have a few chars that are singles.. but most of them are grouped in two's or four's.

Starving Artist
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Old 01-15-2009, 08:58 PM

Oh wow Jitsu, all of your characters are all part of one universe and one story? That's amazing! I'd love to hear about it - do you have plans on any published format of any type (novel, graphic novel, etc?)

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Old 01-15-2009, 09:25 PM

yar, most of the characters (actually.. i think all the ones you've drawn for me?) are all of the same world. except for the ones from your shop.. though i considered dragging them into it as well LOL.

erm... i dont think.. im ever going to publish it? im not a very good writter and as much as i think it would be cool to have a published work of my own (like a fantasy novel) i dont honestly think i have the ... ability? hahah so i may one day finish it all up (ive actually been working on writting it all out) and take it to kinkos and have them print it up all gorgeous for me.. maybe even get a place to make it LOOK like its a book, and slap it up on my own shelf as something i want to complete before i die. but i dont think.. it'll ever sell to others, just mainly for my own amusement.

hahah that and i dont think i could take any changes on my story should it ever be submitted to an edittor for interest? sure changing styles of writting okay.. but any major changes to the actual story i would never budge on *is too stubborn* lol.

heheh actually im really excited, i FINALLY found a story line i really like that i've been beating on with a few friends.. so excited.. lol just doing little (well smaller) things now like finding religious beliefs and such for all the races as well as social class structure / money / gov.. you know all that fun jazz. LOL i was so proud of myself last week when i figured out the monetary system for the dragons... lol.

Starving Artist
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Old 01-15-2009, 09:34 PM

Too cool. :]

Isn't it awesome when you find something so small and miniscule out and you are SO PROUD! Oh man, I've had those moments in Harbinger. Like - for instance - I have sand marine life - it's never really an intergal part of the story but I felt so proud for DAYS after coming up with it and hashing out how it works. XDD

This thread makes me want to put together an art-request again since my story won't be "published" for a while - and taking my time to find some awesome artists on here. :]


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