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Apocrypha is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 04:37 AM

I'm fine. :] I'm studying for the entrance exams of universities here in my country. XD

I'm also planning to take up an Art major when I hit college.

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 05:12 AM

Awesome ^^ Wow there are so many artists online
Lols! What happens if you don't pass the entrance exams?
Do you have to wait a number of years, before you can enter a Uni?

Apocrypha is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 07:19 AM

Not really. That just means you are not permitted to enter to that certain university, unless you transfer there from another college or university.


Roachi is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 07:37 AM

Yeh, well they want me to come in tomorrow for a half day. Im kinda nervous i've been outta this kinda thing for a long time now!
Lets hope they can find me a job, because if they can't then i dunno how long i'm gonna be able to stay with it Lol. Kinda need the money more right now. But she said it's possible she can put me into part-time work - Working with the kids. So i get the experience at the same time. Um no it's free because it's through WINZ, I'll be getting the unemployment benefit, with traveling allowance and then hopefully the part time job on top too. It's 24 weeks i think and yes it's full-time lol.

And that guy is family to me. =/
Haha yeh gotta love internet in bed! Lmao.

Well those people are the people who don't get very far because their art is all the same boring shit we've seen before.
I think going with a variety of different types of art is awesome! When you get down to doing your own, you have more of a choice & imagination!! Don't worry about those stuck up people, history & all that crap ain't nothing on talent. Look at all those artists who aren't art majors but have made millions! It's pretty much like any field if you are passionate and dedicated you can go far!
I always think about Mike Perjanik that huge music producer in Australia. His brother is a teacher who use to teach english at my high school. His brother went to school, finished it - went to teachers college got his degree and now he's a teacher. His brother (mike) dropped outta school, had no degrees yet he's the one making millions well my old teacher is sitting in NZ on a teachers wage Lol.

Dylans not a cop yet - he's got one more test to pass! The computer one!! And he's useless. So he went out and bought a laptop so he can practice. I appreciate all those people who serve the law, and uphold all the rules and keep our country's safe. But what a waste of a life is all i can say for him. Some of us would die for that talent, and he's wasting it away. He won't even do it as a hobby nowadays. Yeh your right, i would be traumatized seeing that. I can't deal with death - i hate seeing dead bodies n gruesome shit. Scares me something senseless.

And yeh dude when i get my old files back on this comp (the ones we lost) i will send em. I took a whole heap of them in the intent too show you!!

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 08:35 AM

@ Apocrypha

Oh wow, talk about pressure >.<
Goodluck on your exams!
I guess our unis are pretty desperate for students

Ours accept anybody over a certain age, if you didn't pass
your University Entrance.

@ Roach

Ohhh right. Sounds pretty interesting i will be crossing my fingers for you, for sure! That's pretty cool you can get paid to work with the kids, and do the course content at the same time. Hands on experience makes it all the more better than just theory. It's a lot harder to take things in.

Yeah that's my dream, to make a living off of my passion. I'm not really interested in the big fancy mansion kinda thing, just something to get by on. Y'know? I love hearing about people who do really well, and they're a success story. What about the guy who sold the tiny pixels online, for one dollar? and made one million of them. Lols! Crazy... But very clever.

Ohh right... What's it gonna be like for Muddy? Has she ever expressed her true feelings on him becoming a cop? I look forward to seeing his work though ^^ It's sad. He is just like Ani in that they have this amazing talent at their finger tips, which with a little work would earn them a living. Ani is such an amazing artist, and she likes to flaunt it sometimes, too bad she doesn't flaunt it where it counts. Lols. She asked me how school was going when i last saw her, but i could tell she didn't really care - and there was a touch of spite in her voice. Personally i think it is just because she isn't doing anything with her talents...


Roachi is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 10:07 AM

Thanks doodles i def need the luck =]. Though it's gonna be hard to kick into having to be somewhere at 9am in the morning lol.

Well thats good dude, yeh some people just have this awesome imagination. I think though that some people are just born to be great. I realised yesterday that i am like talentless. I have nothing that identify's me as unique or special =|

I dunno .. he won't let her smoke weed anymore, she's cut back on binge drinking and he's trying to get her to quit smokes too Lol. He's a bit of a control freak to me to be honest, and as i have just found out shallow as hell. Not towards me, but towards her... like the fat remarks. ".He thinks being fat is unattractive. Which basically means that he would be repulsed by Sarah if she got big. =/ I was like what the hell??!
What a cunt in that perspective, i mean he's not exactly gods gift to women. He's skinny as hell and who wants a bag of bones for a boyfriend!! @@ Lols.
Yeh i dunno what Sarah really thinks about him not pursuing his art thing. I asked her, but she never said much. Just that he's not one of those artists who can draw what you ask him to draw, he's a free thinker ...

Lols sarah was like "Chanel is so funny, how does she come up with that stuff". You know how you can just make something funny outta nothing Lol. I dunno how you do it. I still tell the story of the mantis vs the bee xD.

Yeh well that's not your fault she's wasting her talent. Though she did speak of something before, her cousin and his art or something along those lines i wasn't really paying attention. =/ anyway the thing is dude, don't let her get in your way, your too good to let that get to you! Though i know my opinion doesn't matter much coz im not an artist. But im an art lover, so that's something ... Lmao.

Last edited by Roachi; 07-28-2008 at 10:10 AM..

Apocrypha is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 10:32 AM

Oooh. XD The university that I'm applying to is somewhat exclusive, but it is owned by the government. They only choose, I think, around 10,000 out of 60,000 students who took the exams. XD

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 10:50 AM

@ Apocrypha

Wow, Lols. That sounds pretty scary
But i am sure you will do fine ^^
You're studying! Which was a lot more than what friends of mine ever did

@ Roach

That sucks about Sarah's bf. What a rude guy alright... And Sarah's mum saying that stuff as well. That's horrible, she's not even big, and if she ever did get big... So what. It doesn't mean all that much in the bigger picture. The ultimate thing people should realise, is that you should just love people unconditionally, and irrespective of whether they gain a few pounds... You know? Things can not always be the same, that is what life is all about. Adapting to change, and simply just going with it. What about when Sarah has children? Do they expect her to not get big then either? What an ass. Poor Sarah.

Haha yeah, getting up for school is bloody hard. I got used to the holidays too xD;; Mantis and bee... Was that on my MSN profile?? Lmao xD;; Good times! i think i got it from Ani... Oddly enough! When i caught up with her a few weeks ago, she was asking how i was, and somehow we got on to this issue - of lesbians pulling east side. Lol. Hahaha... Yup, and for us that is normal. We were saying how it's kinda weird when we talk to people, and they expect a straight answer - like dad's mrs, was freaking out when she asked how i was - and i said alright, but feeling like a giant had sat on my face in the night. ( I had a headache ) LOL

It's all Ani's fault. Hahahah. But yeah, i try not to get down on it. A part of me will always wish i could have shared this journey with her. But at the same time, i know it is not possible, because she has a motivation problem, or independance problem or something. You gotta do things for her, to get her to join something - she's more than capable of attending and sticking to it after that. It's just the first step. She's too lazy.

Anywhoo, my study will be bringing me to Auckland in the next few years, Joe really wants to leave his job - and since Rotos doesn't have much in the way of work for him, he's looking for a way out. If my course at tech doesn't go ahead next year, then i have no choice but to come up to Auckland and complete the last 2 years of my studies. Joe thought we were coming up next year, i was wondering why he was asking about me and my application processes. So yeah, i will keep you in the loop on that!

I will talk to my tutors, and see if the course does go ahead, so that i can get my application in to schools up there early. Becaues there's still a chance i get denied. D: Ermmm, one school is in Parnell and uhmmm, i can't remember the other one. The schools are - Elam, and Whitecliffe. So yeah. This'll be an interesting next few years!

I don't think you're talentless Roach, no way. Think of all the people you helped in cadets dude! Not just anybody can join cadets and last :) I think you can choose to be useless, otherwise - everybody has some form of talent.


Roachi is offline
Old 07-28-2008, 11:58 AM

Yeh, i was thinking about that ... and you know Zanes been a pretty big ass to me. But one thing he hasn't called me is fat or told me i'm unattractive you know? I think that has to be possibly the worst thing a boyfriend can say to his girlfriend, hinting along the lines that if she got big, she'd be out on her ass. You know? Yeh i think Sarah's mum has just always wanted her kids to be fit n healthy, i think it's an over compensate for how she was in her life you know? Your right, life is about change ... but you know guys, they like to have something to show off to their mates. That's basically how Dylan is. They went to the movies and Sarah had to get all dressed up just for his mates and when we went on the party bus, he let her wear this short as skirt & a white tight as top that totally showed her boobs off and was see thru!
I was like wtf?! That's soo not sarah you know?

Haha yeh, it was on your MSN, and that thing about Patrick Star. So funney ^^.
How the hell did you get to talking about lesbo's? Lols ... why do i even ask haha, i mean if you can come up with Bundara anything is possible!! xD
Yeh she seems un-motivated, but also it seems she's a little self conscious too. Oh well if she doesn't wake up to reality soon it will be too late!

Whoa dude that will be totally awesome!! Are you guys gonna stay with family or something? Or you gonna find somewhere for the two of you? Coz i can tell you now your prob better off living in the suburbs then in town close to school. It's soo frekkin expensive in there. But that would be sweeet =]. What about Auckland University of Technology? My friend Sam is doing her art degree there.
Man that would be soo exciting!! Totally keep me in the loop, coz i can help out where i can n stuff.

Haha yeh, i think i've got this motherly personality. A girl i worked with at Transpacific said i should be a mentor or something. I've heard a lot of people tell me that. But i mean i just don't know where i would start Lol. But yeh i guess the main thing with me is i'm so negative about everything, i always find the worst possible scenario in a situation Lol. I'm a pessimist! xD

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-29-2008, 03:14 AM

Ohhh my gosh >.< Stupid message! Lol. This is the 3rd time i have written this message out! so hopefully this time it doesn't go and get deleted. Lols. As i was saying, i think it is cool that Zane is at least a good guy in that sense, and maybe that is why other females feel like they should flock to him, ( Not that that is a good thing of course ) But it is horrible that Sarah can't be herself, and that she is basically just like his little doll, that he can dress up - and show off. Not cool, you shouldn't do that to somebody. Fair enough you know, you want to be nice for the person you're with - but not to the stage where you are no able to be yourself anymore. Poor gal. Oh well, she wants to be there, i guess that is what she has to live with. Sad but true.

I hope your course went well today! and that the kids didn't drive you up the wall if you had to deal with them xD;; Although being your first day and all... Who knows. What time does course finish for you?? Don't worry dude, i am the same too - thinking the worst of all situations. Maybe it's a cadet thing? We like to be one step ahead. LOL

Ermmm as far as Auckland goes, we're taking it one day at a time. At the moment it's all on me, because Joe is so keen to get outta here. His job is just driving him insane. I am very surprised that he is this adament on leaving, he was surprised, that i was surprised. LOL. But anywhoo, i am looking at either AUT, Auckland Uni, or Whitecliffe - it all depends on which school will accept me, because there is a high chance they won't let me cross credit, the work i have already done down here. Sucks...

So i might hafta start from scratch, or repeat this year. Which totally makes me really upset, and makes me wish i had just gone to Auckland in the first place. So i'm wasting a year, and 4grand on it for nothing. But anyways, if one of those schools can offer me a deal, and are willing to accept me. Then yeah we will probably come up, depending on whether we find a decent place to stay. We don't really want to flat with just anybody. I am really nervous about all our stuff - because my mum's place got ripped off, and all her things taken. Her car was used by some teenager, as a ramp for his skateboard (I could not believe that would happen!) Left big scrap marks on the front of her car, and dents...

Plus we only have one car, and there's 2 of us. Be pretty hard to deal with. Plus the rent being so high, i need to be close enough to school that it can make everything easy X_x I dunno. So we'll see. Really i would liked to have started planning all this at the start of the year, instead of now. I feel like it's really late.


Roachi is offline
Old 07-29-2008, 05:54 AM

Yeh it is her fault. It's all our faults for staying in the relationships we do. *le sigh*

Well i never went it's been postponed till tomorrow, but even then i'm having my doubts. I just don't think I'm gonna get enough money to be honest. I really need to talk to these guys about it.

Dude you can pick up cars around here for pretty cheap. My last car cost me $1000.
The car i got now is $1500 and i've had it for a year. Still goes well =].
All the suburbs close to town, like parnell, mission bay and all of that are pretty expensive to live in too. =/ But i mean if your lookin for a flatty *puts hand in the air*. Im not gonna stand living at mums for long. She drives me insane.
Im pretty much getting kicked outta here. So yeah Lol. But yeh hopefully they will cross credit dude! *fingers crossed*, be so awesome to have you up here =].

Your mum lives in aucks? Where abouts? Geezus that's a bad case of a robberry dude.

Im going to have a bit of a break now, Gaia driving me insane. Im totally upset over everything right now.

Cbree is offline
Old 07-29-2008, 06:02 AM

Lmao too true. Damn relationships - Oh yeh, on my muley to make my 500hundy golds on games. Lols. Nivvy still hasn't reset from what i scored last night X_x.

Ohh true? Well, there's no harm in trying it at least. It's better than nothing. Either way, it'll work out. Just gotta hang in there dude! Yeah i heard cars go for cheap up there. Looks like we'll be sweet, we have a little bit of money saved away. So i guess 1000 isn't that much. Gonna be up to my eyeballs in debt, so what's another 1k? Lmao. Will let you know >.< That'd be cool if we could flat though! We'd all have our own comps xD;; We'd probably still be talking like this, even if i was in the room next to yours. Hahah. Shockers.

*Crosses fingers too*

Yep, i've made my avvy nude, in a silent sorta protest. Like.. RESPECT YOUR LOCAL GROMBIES! We're not here, to hurt you! Lmao. Nah, i just really hope the Admins don't bow down to the community crying out for everything to be handed to them, and re-released. I mean nothing is good enough there anymore. Why is this guy bugging you?? >_o??

Mum lives in Aucks.. Kinda. I think she stays between places, she just shifts from one friend to another. Sleeps on couches, sleeps anywhere she can. I guess i should admire her, because she just leapt in to it really. Here i am, having reservations about it - when i've got a really supportive partner, we have more money then my mum ever did, and she went up with nothing but her car. She had nobody... So i should just suck it up. and get a move on i guess. We can't stay here forever... ;-;

I'm really torn up about Gaia at the moment. LOL! Thank goodness you showed me this place, it's taken a lot of strain off, and i feel more a part of this community than i ever did for Gaia.

kitkat is offline
Old 07-29-2008, 06:09 AM

Hello everyone, your doing pretty good with your quest right now Nivvy ;o

Cbree why are you torn up about gaia? D:

Cbree is offline
Old 07-29-2008, 06:34 AM

@ Kitkat

Thanks a bunch for stopping by ^^
Hahah, yeah. I'm addicted to tetris!
Not good enough, to hit the scoreboards xD
But doing alright in the gold gaining department from that.

Oops, I am Nivvy by the way - this is just my mule. Lols

Just finding it really hard dealing with everybody complaining
It's not fair to say everybody, but people complaining about the skins
and wanting a re-release of the Grombies and stuff. It's so annoying
People should just accept that somethings you can have, others you can't
I mean we all want something from 03, or an event item.. But it's not all
that Gaia should be about, y'know? People are acting like not getting these
things, means the end of the World.

It's just really hard having faith in the community, when they slap the devs in
the face like that... Do you visit Gaia?? Sorry if i reply slow, i'm on games, and
having tea at the same time. Lols!


Roachi is offline
Old 07-29-2008, 07:24 AM

Yay for making money! =]
So much better making money here then on Gaia right? Lol

well either way dude, Roachy will be uber excited for you moving to Auckland =].
I'm moving home most prob this weekend. Because i just got an ultimatem. Either pay $150.00 a week, plus my own food and gas n all that shiz or ship out! So i pretty much have no choice but to move back home. =/ It was kinda sad how he put it to me. Im uber upset about it, but im just over all this.

Oh there was this huge argument in my thread, i told him to leave it - he got sarcastic about it, i told him to leave and he refused too. So you know how that riled me up and it went on for hours. So yeah ...

Well the difference between your mum and you is, you have a head on your shoulders she's just out of it.
Girl, debating whether to move or not is something you shouldn't be taking lightly! I mean you've been in rotorua all your life, it's not easy to just up and move like that. I'm glad you have the conscience to sit down and think about your options. life is a lot diff up here to what it is down here. The major thing being it's super expensive to live n Auckland and it's super confusing to get around anywhere lol. But im sure you'll make the right choice. I think moving here would be good for you anyway =], or would it be good for me? xD Lols. I just think that you guys will find it easier to find work.

Yeh this place is really awesome, it's a home away from home Lol.

Cbree is offline
Old 07-29-2008, 08:07 AM

Lols yeah. I like that it is a bit harder to make money on here
It's not all inflated and stuff. I like earning money through games
but it's restricted to 500 only.

xD @ your sentence "or would it be good for me? xD". Either way, it'll be good to catch up with a good friend again ^^. Sick of all the people down here. Lols. All the good ones have actually moved to Auckland come to think of it. Yeah i guess i didn't think about it like that, the whole - leaving Rotorua after being here for my entire life... Wow... that is so hard out! I can't believe a bf would say that to his gf!? Are you gonna stay with him after you leave????


Roachi is offline
Old 07-29-2008, 11:32 AM

Yeh i wreckon it should atleast be 1000 Lol or make the games easier to gain gold! I spend wayy too long getting gold on here lol.

Haha yeh definitely dude! Maybe it's just time for a change?
Um i dunno dude, the thing is he's always stuck up for his mum, so it's nothing new to me. But i don't think so, i just don't think it's going to work out ever again. Unless he stops being a mummys boy and gets his head outta her butt.

.... Going to Dennys now! =]

Last edited by Roachi; 07-29-2008 at 02:09 PM..

kitkat is offline
Old 07-29-2008, 05:36 PM

@Nivvy: you should play snake, its much easier to get gold :3 but I for one am too lazy to play games.

Anyways, people complaining about skins? I haven't heard anything like that, probably because I don't visit the GCD a lot, I mostly stay in the exchange, art, and oh god its been over a year since i clicked 'chatterbox' xD

@Roach: actually i think its easier to make gold on gaia if you know your way around xD I actually like it a lot better on gaia, i come here when i'm waiting for my hoards to go up in price o 3o


Roachi is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 12:52 AM

@Kitkat - Oh yeh it def is easier on gaia to earn gold. Im just done with that place. It's driving me insane, and it's money hungry. =P ;; maybe i needa a break from im it period.

@Nivvy - Morning dude! I sent over your raven wings this morning ... i just assumed you wanted the raven ones since u have the dove ones, but if you want the dove ones let me know i have more of them lol.

kitkat is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 02:35 AM

GAIA? INSANE? -has heart attack-


Roachi is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 03:19 AM

Lols. Be thankful you don't own a casino (on Gaia) where people quit on a daily basis because they lost all that they own there! =]

Hey Nivvy, i can see you viewing this thread =P ^^

Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 03:22 AM

@ Roach

Nnnnooo, if games went up any higher, i'd hafta spend all night on them to reach the cap
Lmao! xD;; Gosh i am shocking, Joe forced me to get off the tetris last night. Haha. Which
i guess is a good thing. Considering i have been going to bed at like 12, keeping him awake
in the process. Lols

@ Kitkat

Good move staying away from the GCD. Honestly they're upset about everything. Lols
It's not worth going on there. It has forced me in to hiatus. Although the art forums
are pretty cool to hang out in. I only just started going there. Definately a good move
staying away from the CB. Lols! I think i've been there like once...

Edit - Crack up xD Stalking me aye? Lols nah... Is your course finished already?
Sweet. Oh yeah i forgot to reply to the Zane thing, erm... That is soooo dumb of him
to stick up for his mum, he's gotta detach from that for sure. I mean, how old is he? LOL
His mum won't be there forever either, she should also just let him go, grow up. I suppose
she needs him around, if she's in money troubles and stuff. But whatever, it's not like he
will be gone from the face of the earth.

Oh yeah - the Raven Anklewings are all good ^^. Stoked!
and also, is that guy still hanging around the casino?

Last edited by Nivvy; 07-30-2008 at 03:26 AM..


Roachi is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 03:24 AM

=] Oh did i tell you how you can earn gold fast on tetris? Just start at a higher level, and try to get like 4 lines at a time, you get near to 10k on it, if you get it twice you pretty much have 20k which will make up 50.00. I was like yay! I don't have to spend so much time playing it now lol.

One of my friends on Gaia quit this morning =[. She lost almost 10 mil worth of items betting at the casino =/ *le sigh*, no sooner had she put her giveaway thread in the chatterbox, it as already 10 pages long! xD

kitkat is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 03:30 AM


Nivvy is offline
Old 07-30-2008, 03:40 AM

@ Kitkat

xD Sorry!
I'm such a blabberbox, haha
taking full advantage since Gaia is like
Hi there - message blahblah -
and it just gets ignored, and lost amongst the sea of requests

@ Roach

Oh that sucks. Losing everything, but i guess that's the risk when it
comes to that casino. People are crazy on giveaways. Lols. If i ever leave
and there are things i plan on giving away, i would just simply go to the charities
or possibly go to WtG, and send gifts. With requests not to sell... etc.

Thanks for the Tetris tip! LOL. No wonder i was taking so fricken long at it


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