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Okamigirl is offline
Old 10-19-2010, 04:48 AM

(ACK! Stop posting people >3<! Please don't smack my OC as well XD)
(NEWSFLASH! I was going to smack Pip's character... woops, I don't read carefully enough XD)
Sam took in the scene carefully, sucking in a deep gulp of air and letting it go in between her teeth, making a high pitched whistle. Will came out shyly, forcing his way through the group before he stood in front of Sam, an exasperated expression on his face.
"If you keep running out towards people like that, they're going to start posting pictures all around town that say, 'DO NOT FEED THIS ANIMAL', okay? So stop it!"
There was a long, tense pause that passes between Sam and Will. Slyly, then, Sam put an arm around Will that barely make it past his shoulder, and gave him a squeeze.
"Oh, you tease." she hit him playfully on the shoulder, batting her eyelids in a flirtatious way. Another pause followed her words as Will extracted himself from her grip, sighing deeply.
"Anyways, why don't you introduce me?" Will asked Sam.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-19-2010, 04:56 AM

Kirnix was smiling softly, when he saw the girl's eyes searching around he figured she must be looking for her book. Without a word he strode forward, closer to the group and to the where the book had landed. Bending he picked it up, holding it carefully, he brought it back to her. With a bright smile he handed it back to her. "I think you dropped this, miss." When the other girl whistled, Kirnix turned sharply, it was almost as if he had actually forgotten the others were there. He hadn't. Not really.

He watched the others carefully for a moment and ran a hand through his hair.

piptik is offline
Old 10-19-2010, 05:40 AM

{Ah! Welcome ^w^ And ohmigawd, those avi's are the coolest things ever!!!! I've never seen people use them for RPs before >w>}

"Kirnix," Ren said slowly, playing with the name that oddly reminded him of a brand of popcorn. "I like it," he finally declared after a moment of repeating the name. To get used to anything he had to think about it over and over again, or at least repeat it aloud several times. "It sounds elven, like from Lord of the Rings." Was that rude to say? Back home Ren never interacted with people much, besides his sister's friends and close family members, so he'd have no way of knowing.
Having just noticed the newcomer (how strange that he would just notice her when she almost ran into the group) he was feeling a bit overwhelmed. This was too many people at once, but everyone else seemed fine with it. He would try hard not to crack, at least until he could tell whether these strangers were safe- safe being not intending to bring him back home- or not.
Ren could feel a familiar heat touch his cheeks, the consequence of a blush. This was beginning to scare him a little. Everyone was taller, and older. And was that a wolf?
He spotted the girl who had hugged him now embracing a canine. A large one at that, with intelligent green eyes and humanistic expressions. This was too much, he could tell from how lightheaded he was feeling. What was the technical term for a fear of crowds? He didn't know, but he figured he had it. In an attempt to calm down he placed his hand over his breast where his shirt pocket and Clod was. Ren found security in the familiar, even if the thing that was familiar was only known for a few minutes.

Poiizu is offline
Old 10-19-2010, 02:26 PM

~{thanks piptik! I've always wanted to have character expression thingies, probably because I suck at writing XD}~

Crickett watched the man you had introduced himself as Kirnix walk over to the crowd and pick up her book. "Ehhh I hope he doesn't look at the cover!" she thought, embarrassed, watching him walk over to her with the book. Crickett reached out with her willowy grey fingers to take her book. "Thank...yo-" With a slight jump, dropping her book as she was taking it back from Kirnix, her head snapped in the direction of a loud whistle that had rang out from one of the girls. "Ah!.." She covered her ears, they were pretty sensitive to loud or high pitched noises.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-19-2010 at 11:55 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-19-2010, 04:25 PM

Kirnix smiled at Ren, nodding slightly. " father was fond of Elven sounding names. My mother preferred names that sounded more suited for a Faery." Those stormy grey eyes had swept over the wolf for a moment, quickly reaching the decision that it wasn't hostile. The girl, had dropped her book again. That gaze shifted from wolf to the grey skinned girl. A slightly puzzled look crossed his features when she covered her ears, but he bent to retrieve her book without hesitating. He did steal a glance at the cover, just curious to see what she had been reading, as he handed it to her again. "Here now, I can't pick this up for you all day.." He was teasing, and like always, his voice was gentle and soft.

Last edited by Kry; 10-19-2010 at 04:32 PM.. Reason: >.>; I can spell. I swear...maybe. <.<;

Poiizu is offline
Old 10-19-2010, 07:58 PM

Quickly moving her hands from her ears to her book that was picked up yet again by the boy, she gave him a shy, embarrassed smile. Seeing his eyes graze the cover that read "Beauty and the Best", she almost snatched the book out of his hand. "I'm sorry, sorry...thank you, again.." Crickett laughed, flustered. "My ears are..a bit sensitive.." she said, moving a tendril behind her ear, exposing the long pointy tip. She hated being so flustered, but it wasn't often that someone wasn't put off by her looks.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-19-2010 at 11:55 PM..

piptik is offline
Old 10-20-2010, 12:37 AM

{Hahaha, they're awesome ^^ And no you're not! At least not as bad as most people. Geeze, I've seen some terrible writers here, let me tell you ><}

"Really? My mom wanted to name me Caleb, but my dad didn't like it," Ren shrugged, feeling calm enough to let the security of Clod go and dropped his hand so that it hung limp at his side. "Couldn't see why though, a name's just a name-" he would have continued, gone on about how the only exception was "Bob" since he hated that name, but a sudden rumble cut him off. The origin of the sound was easily pin-pointed, even if you didn't know that this boy had been starved for a few days.
"Wow!" not being able to help himself, Rin clutched his gut, threw back his head, and laughed. It seemed so out of place here, his growling stomach and himself, that it could have striked anyone funny.

Last edited by piptik; 10-20-2010 at 06:17 AM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-20-2010, 04:15 AM

"My mother's side of the family believes that knowing a person's full name gives you power over her names are very important.." Kirnix had bit his bottom lip just slightly, those eyes glancing over the grey skinned girl for a moment. The book she held, it was one of his favorites but he said nothing about that. His attention quickly returned to Ren when the child's stomach grumbled.

Kirnix could not turn away from a person in need, or a hungry child.

"I am new to this place..are there any restaurants nearby? I'll treat you all to lunch." Kirnix had money..he wasn't rich, but he had sufficient enough funds to get by with. If he needed he could always take a temporary job somewhere. He looked this way and that for a moment, as if trying to decide which way he should go. Kirnix once again found himself wondering why Ren was not with his parents..something could have happened. He frowned slightly.

"Ren..where are your parents? You seem young to be out and about by yourself.." To Kirnix's ears the question seemed to hang heavy on the air and he almost immediately regretted asking the child. He shook his head. "No..never mind..It's not my place to ask you that....Come..lead me to your favorite eatery and I'll buy lunch." Truth be told, Kirnix was hungry himself. He held out his hand for Ren to take it, however..he would not be offended if the boy did not take his hand. He held his other hand out to the girl with the book. "You can come as well...If you like."

piptik is offline
Old 10-20-2010, 06:16 AM

For several seconds Ren's heart seemed to stop beating. The man had asked his one feared question. The boy was so nervous that he hardly caught the shaking of the other's head and words that followed.
"T-there was an Irish place not too far back," he offered finally, stumbling over his own words as his head throbbed with anxiety. Taking the guy's hand, he tugged gently, heading against the ever growing current of people. "I'll show you the way."
There wasn't a feeling of threat, Ren had noticed. When the man had asked him that one question, it wasn't accusing at all. He could be trusted, maybe.

Poiizu is offline
Old 10-20-2010, 04:31 PM

Still to fixated on hiding the book, Crickett quickly tucked the book away in a small white bag that was slung over her boney shoulder, not hearing the conversation between Kirnix and the small boy. Although, when food was mentioned, her ears seemed to perk up. "I am pretty hungry" she thought. When Kirnix offered to treat them both to lunch, and offered his hand for her to join them, her hand immediately went to the tendrils of dreadlocks falling beside her face. "Well..I.." The small boy, who she thought was call Ren, mentioned an Irish restaurant not too far away, which she had been to before. "That's a good place to eat...if you like..Irish food" Her voice was soft, but a little more confident, although that confidence was put off by her nervous fidgeting of her hair.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-20-2010, 04:40 PM

"I think that will do nicely." He smiled down at Ren and then gave Crickett an expectant look, but a pleasant smile. Already Ren was tugging at him to urge him along, "It'll be fun, I'm sure." That pleasant smile had turned playful as he gently snatched the girl's hand in his own when she had put away her book. Kirnix tugged gently at Crickett, much the way Ren was tugging him, as he started to follow the boy. Kirnix held firmly to Ren's hand but it was a gentle grip and not to tight. His grip one Crickett's hand was looser. He would let her pull away if she wanted.

He glanced to her. "I don't think you've told us your name yet." He stated that rather matter-of-factly.

Poiizu is offline
Old 10-20-2010, 05:35 PM

"oh! uhh..Ok!" She blurted out when the boy grabbed her hand playfully and started gently pulling her, like Ren was pulling him. A bright pink rose on her ashen face, and her white freckles became more prominent against the flush of color on her cheeks. Crickett had not expected him to be so playful, the smile on his face said different, so she gave a hesitant smile back. Kirnix looked harmless enough, nice, and he had helped her pick up her book..several times. Feeling a little more comfortable, she tightened the grip on his hand a little.

He had asked her her name. Not too many people knew her real name and most, if not everyone she knew, called her by her nickname. She didn't like her real name, and the nickname she was given she was all but stuck with. "Oh, sorry..My name is..well you can call is fine." She felt the blood rush to her face again.

piptik is offline
Old 10-20-2010, 11:18 PM

"Since your mom thinks that names are really important," Ren began, but realized that he had to raise his voice in order for it to overcome the surrounding distractions, "and that knowing someone's name gives you power over them, does that mean you didn't give us your real name? Do you feel the same as she does?" Walking along, he acted as if this question had no value at all besides being an ice breaker. He didn't even spare a glance backwards, instead smiling absentmindedly and trying to remember if the way to the restaurant was this next corner or the upcoming one.
Only after a moment did he realize that this question was weightier than he had first suspected. What if this fellow didn't want to think of his parents, like how Ren didn't want to think of his. "Sorry," he said abruptly, "you don't have to answer that." And after a few seconds of feeling uncomfortable with himself, he added, "Do you like bugs? The Rolley Polley kind?"

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-21-2010, 02:06 AM

Kirnix had grinned a bit when Ren began talking about names. He shook his head slightly. "I believe, that telling a person your name connects you with that person, at least a little. But I did give you my real name...I just didn't give you my full name." He winked at Ren. Kirnix didn't mind speak of his parents, or thinking about them. They often flitted lightly through his mind anyway...It was just...that person...he didn't want to think about, the person that was his reason for leaving his home town..His reason for being here, so far away. "Telling a person your name, means that you trust them at least a tiny bit.."

He glanced to Crickett, smiling softly at her. "That's an interesting name.." His smile turned to Ren again. "I do like mother was very fond of them especially the Rolley Polley kind."

Poiizu is offline
Old 10-21-2010, 02:58 PM

"heh.." Crickett felt a little bad about not giving her real name after hearing the conversation between Kirnix and Ren, but she really didn't like her name. It was just so...girly. Crickett stumbled a little but regained her balance using Kirnix's hand. "ah, Sorry.." Her eyes flitted around, they should be close to the restaurant by now. "I think..that's it over there!" Her slender finger pointed at a medium sized dark brick building with green trim and a green sign that read "O'Keeffe's Restaurant & Pub" mounted above the entrance.

Okamigirl is offline
Old 10-21-2010, 10:58 PM

(Sorry I haven't posted in such a long while!)
Patrick (Pat for short)

Laying down in the exact spot from which she fell, Sam stared up at the sky, those strange people gone. Sighing, she rolled over onto her side and met the eyes of a young teenager, older than her but with boyish looks still about him. He stared at her for awhile, before grinning and showing fangs.
"Hey, Sam. How're you doing?" Sitting up, he kept grinning at her with a foolish look on his face.
"You're unusually chipper, Patty, me friend. Wot?" Sam sat up with Patrick, giving him a hug, crushing his ribs in the process.
"If you don't let go I'll set Kook on you!" Pat said threateningly, pushing her off of him. "He still with you?" Sam laughed, poking him on the shoulder.


(Sorry I haven't posted in such a long while!)
Patrick (Pat for short)

Laying down in the exact spot from which she fell, Sam stared up at the sky, those strange people gone. Sighing, she rolled over onto her side and met the eyes of a young teenager, older than her but with boyish looks still about him. He stared at her for awhile, before grinning and showing fangs.
"Hey, Sam. How're you doing?" Sitting up, he kept grinning at her with a foolish look on his face.
"You're unusually chipper, Patty, me friend. Wot?" Sam sat up with Patrick, giving him a hug, crushing his ribs in the process.
"If you don't let go I'll set Kook on you!" Pat said threateningly, pushing her off of him. "He still with you?" Sam laughed, poking him on the shoulder.

piptik is offline
Old 10-22-2010, 04:45 AM


"Oh no! That means I shouldn't have given you my name, I don't trust you guys at all!" Ronald clutched his head and flinched before breaking into laughter shortly after. Surprisingly it was easy to be happy around Kirnix and Cricket. They were just so... familiar, if that would make any sense. A better way to describe it would be saying that Ren saw them as distant cousins, or something of the bunch. It just felt natural being with them. This was probably because he hadn't been with anyone for a few weeks; lonesome being a dominating emotion in his day-to-day existence.
"Ah, you're right!" he grinned, seeing where Cricket had been pointing. Already he could detect the tantalizing aroma of corned beef and cabbage wafting through the door which opened and closed frequently with the hungry entering and blatantly satisfied leaving. Letting go of Kirnix's hand, he bolted towards it, gaining the last few yards in seconds.
"How can you guys be so... so leisurely!" he cried, using both hands to create an amplifier for his otherwise inaudible voice. "This food smells great!"

Last edited by piptik; 10-22-2010 at 03:12 PM.. Reason: Psh, another stupid mistake! Food is delicous, not melidous!

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-22-2010, 06:25 AM

Kirnix only grinned down at Ren when the boy exclaimed at him about not trusting. He was a funny child and pleasant to be around. He shook his head slightly. "You have to trust me a little..or you wouldn't have been holding my hand, or walking off somewhere with me." He gave Ren a knowing wink and laughed softly when the boy decided to rush ahead the last few yards to the restaurant. Kirnix kept a careful eye on him, he did feel a sense of responsibility. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to the child while he was near. He did glance to Crickett for a moment. "I suppose that means we should hurry, m'dear." He picked his pace up a little as Ren cried out to them.

Poiizu is offline
Old 10-24-2010, 12:56 AM

{{sorry it's taking me so long to respond, I'm sick D: so my posts aren't gonna be too long}}

Crickett laughed at Ren, only noticing now that she was the only one left holding Kirnixs' hand. "This is a bit awkward" she thought to herself, letting out a huff of air. She was a bit taken aback when Kirnix finished his sentence. He was much more of a gentleman than his looks lead to believe. "Who actually uses m'dear anymore?" It was confusing, but that didn't mean she didn't like it. It was kind of nice to be honest. Another shy smile crossed her lips as she let go of his hand and hurried towards the restaurant in from of them. "Guess we better catch up!" Turning, she went to catch up to Ren.

piptik is offline
Old 10-24-2010, 02:40 AM

{No, it's fine! I hope you get better soon ^^ }

Fidgeting soon evolved into the anxious stomping of feet as Ren continued to wait for the other two. "Hurry up," he called once more, several people walking past him visible worried about what he was going on about. With one hand he opened up his shirt pocket and spared a glance down it. Clod stayed still, continuing life rolled up tightly, also tingling with pent up expectation and frustration, or at least that's how he saw him.
"Clod's getting hungry too," he told Cricket as she came up, soon repeating it to Kirnix in order to move him along. In his excitement he forgot that they probably had no idea who Clod was.

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Old 10-24-2010, 02:42 AM

[can i join you guys in posting?]

Okamigirl is offline
Old 10-24-2010, 03:38 AM

(Continuing my post >///< XD)
(P.S. Kook is pronounced however you would pronounce cook)

"Kook is alive and kicking, thank you very much." Pat replied darkly, standing up and tottering away from Sam.
"Then where is he?" following Pat, Sam put one of her arms around his shoulders, looking around mockingly. There was a short pause, and then, pulling a thin whistle from his pocket, Pat made a long, high pitched sound that caused Will to whimper. Though in that short time, Kook suddenly appeared, casting an enormous shadow on Sam and her companions.
"Oh. He's gotten bigger." Sam said softly, watching the great eagle descend gracefully down in front of Pat. Dark beady eyes watched the three carefully, as if measuring them up. Great curved talons clacked against the pavement as Kook nosed Patrick in the stomach, unbalancing him and causing him to fall.
"And still growing." Patrick added grimly, wiping off his pants as he stood up again.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 10-24-2010, 05:41 AM

"Indeed.." He had nodded slightly when Crickett stated they needed to catch up, and as they neared Ren, Kirnix arched a brow at the boy. "Clod?" He cast a furtive glance around, but there didn't seem to be anyone nearby that Ren was talking about. "Who is Clod?" He gave Ren a questioning look.

piptik is offline
Old 10-25-2010, 02:46 AM

{Yeah! Go ahead and start posting ^^}

"He's my Rolley Polley bug," Ren answered, digging into his pocket and producing the tiny creature, still in the shape of a sphere. "Come on, let's go in," he continued, turning around and swinging the entrance open. Heavenly aroma's embraced the young boy who, consequently, suffered as his hunger became more acute. As if to mock him, a green sign almost as tall as he read boldly in golden letters, "Please wait to be served."
"Rrmm," he grumbled after looking around and finding no waiters walking in his direction. "Looks like we're gonna wait," he muttered to Clod whom he still held in the palm of his hand.
Then insect unfurled and began to creep in circles and loops, much to Ren's amusement. For a few moments he forgot that he was hungry.

{Ahrg, stupid post DX}

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Old 10-26-2010, 03:56 AM

[can i ask whats going on so far so i can hop in im a bit lost sorry :sweat:]


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