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Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Sinsue Hoshigo is offline
Old 12-21-2010, 09:40 PM

"Died first? I don't know he's kinda making fun of my age" Diea huffed some and her brother started laughing. "She woke up in the wrong tree today." he commented with a chuckle as she glared at him "Shut up Mr. Hangman." she spat crossing her arms rather childishly and this made Dayku laugh even more. At least they could joke about their deaths. They had gotten over it fairly quickly after they died though were still surprised no one had seen their bodies hanging near the front of the forest... the ropes were still tied there visibly and could be seen if you looked hard enough.

Kriever is offline
Old 12-21-2010, 10:42 PM

((Is that forest dark? I mean, my character is a vampire... so he can only go out of his house if it is night or if the place is really dark...))

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Sinsue Hoshigo is offline
Old 12-21-2010, 10:46 PM

(*face palm* yes... and you know you don't have to do traditional vampire right? I think it's like... the afternoon or something but really... come on! Sometimes traditional vamps are boring XP make him a day walker or something)

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Palmoun is offline
Old 12-22-2010, 03:49 AM

Ulric smiled down at the girl, "I think more people will probably wonder In Sooner or later. I mean it is a forest that is riddled with rumors and that drew us here so more people will probably come." he said as he smiled at her but had to agree with the older girl when it came to this. May e she should t come into the forest, it was dangerous. He then turned to the new comer and smiled, "it is nice to met you too, I am ulric." he said happily.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Sinsue Hoshigo is offline
Old 12-22-2010, 04:00 AM

(sorry can't think right now XP shall post tommorow or after someone else posts... Ow do you recognize the name Palmoun?)

Kriever is offline
Old 12-22-2010, 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by Sinsue Hoshigo View Post
(*face palm* yes... and you know you don't have to do traditional vampire right? I think it's like... the afternoon or something but really... come on! Sometimes traditional vamps are boring XP make him a day walker or something)
((yes i know... but i was thinking of making my character being able to walk in sunlight, just not for too long, like, three hours... and then he begins to burn. Slowly.))

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 12-22-2010, 05:31 PM

(Okay then go ahead an have him come out and to the group the forest is mostly shady and dark XP )

Kriever is offline
Old 12-22-2010, 06:01 PM

Sethling opened his eyes. It had passed only twenty minutes since his last sleeping atempt. But it was no use. Getting up in a lazy yet fast way, he glanced at the forest from his window - I guess it is dark enought... - He thought. He didn't really liked the way people looked at him when he rushly passed in a store to buy a few things and lock himself home. Or when the nights where he suddenly was in front of the hospital, carrying a strang bag full of things- well at least the villagers never suspected that the bag was full with blood sacks. In any matter, Sethlin decided to simply enter the forest. Toguth he wasn't expecting someone would be there, so it got him by surprise that there were five persons in the "outskirts" of the village, and by what it seemed, to also enter the forest. Sethlin had never been good in groups, he just couldn't act normaly, maybe because there were always the leader that made him do things he preffered not. But he decided to go near and make them an acquitance- it would be nice to finnaly have some fresh prey. His eyes glowed at the thought that he would have a decent meal after some decades, but he soon realised it and refrained himself.

-Moria- is offline
Old 12-22-2010, 06:55 PM

Angela was quite annoyed with what the pink-haired said to her. She was brave enought to do it, even alone. After another girl came, she stared a little, and then realized that someone was quietly coming to them. She thought it was weird, mainly because the man's eyes glowed for an instant. But she thought it was only her imagination. After some seconds, Angela walked to the man and asked, a determined look runned her face, but she tried her best to hide it with wonder - "Are you here because of the rumors too? - she made a brief pause, realizing that she'd already seen the man - You're the guy that doesn't like the day, aren't you?" - And she quietly waited for the man's reply.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 12-23-2010, 02:43 AM

Ryelo shook his head and chuckled at the group. Oh, what a cast of characters they were. Softly he tilted his head as he looked at Astrid. "I'm actually rather dry. Just, when I walk I leave muddy wet foot prints when I walk... but I understand what you mean. I can only tell that I'm wet or dry not really feel much else like wind or anything," he said softly with a small sigh. The blue haired male was even more surprised when Astrid seemed to defend him. "No worries chipmunk I'm not making fun of your age anymore. Maybe I'll move on to your height," he teased her with a wide grin. At the comment of "Mr.Hangman" Ryelo couldn't help, but grin.
The pink haired female smiled at Heiwa and nodded. She seemed like a very nice girl. Ilia looked to Ulric and nodded in agreement with his statement. It was very true that many people must be drawn to the forest. When she heard Angela speak her head turned to look at the girl. Ilia's eyes grew wide at the sight of the male. Though she knew it was not her place to judge people something seemed off about him. "Hello there," she said softly remaining where she was.

Kriever is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 04:46 PM

Sethlin looked at the girl, and gave a small smile as he replied to the small being - "Yes, little girl, I am. The Day? It's not that I don't like it. It's just that my skin is... very fragile. - And, when another girl greeted him - Oh, Greetings." - His eyes were examining all the persons around, that probably, by what that little girl said, were also there to investigate the rumors.

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Palmoun is offline
Old 12-23-2010, 10:38 PM

Ulric was surprised when the other guy come over to them and smiled at him. "hello, it is nice to me you. I am Ulric." he said as he looked at the man and chuckled when he heard the little girl. She was right he was the one who didn't really like the sun. "it seems that we are all interested in seeing if the rumors are true. But there is only one way to figure out if they are true and that is going inside. Who wants to step in first?" he asked and wondered who would be daring enough to go in first. He didn't want to go in first right away now that he had others with him.

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 05:15 PM

Laughing as she saw the timid group debate about going into the forest, Emily decided she would give them a little... encouragement. Stepping close to the edge, but not so close she was fully seen, she stared them down causing the air to change into a luring urge towards the forest. "Come on in and have some tea, we could even play a game." A tempting whisper seemed to echoe through the wind surrounding the group as it faded away into the forest. That should do it. She thought to herself as she slid into the deeper shadows.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 12-29-2010, 05:33 PM

Diea and Dayku looked up as they heard the sound and Diea smirked as Dayku sighed heavily. "Hello Ms.Murderer trying to spead up their choice?" Diea smirked darkly as she wandered around some though knew that no matter what Emily would hear her. Dayku sighed once more and shook his head as he looked at the others. "Is it just me or does it seem those two get a little too exited when they bring in newbes?" he muttered to the other two and Diea stuck out her tongue at him "Shut up Hangman" she muttered as she jumped onto a branch and just started pearing about looking to see when the fools would come in.

Heiwa heard the voice some though passed it off a bit. She had heard tunes of voices from the forest since she became a lone wolf so it didn't really bug her... though it did make her a bit more curious. "Well since it doesn't look like any of you are going in I supose I will after all all it is is a forest." she said quietly as she walked past the first few trees then looked back. "See?! There's nothing wrong?! I used to live in a forest this ain't no different." she said and Diea smirked a bit though was waiting for the 6th Alice to make their move... unless they were going to let the others have their fun first.

As soon as the girl had stepped into the forest something odd seemed to come about even the calmest of creatures... though the creatures weren't what it was efecting the most. An unsettlement came among the Alice's that only happened when a new victem came in... though it normally waited until the group was complete before it unleashed it's rath on the poor fools that stepped past the first lairing of trees.

-Moria- is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 08:06 PM

Angela stared at the girl who had just entered the forest for a little bit, and looked arround, making sure her uncle wasn't looking for her. After that, the girl took the hand of the man that was in front of her and headed to the forest, not looking back, and with her determined face. As she entered, she soon realized something was... different. Stopping and glancing at the big trees, she waited for the others to also enter.

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Palmoun is offline
Old 12-29-2010, 09:44 PM

Ulric sighed when he saw someone had the courage to take the first step. He wouldnt' of been able to do that even if he forced himself to. he then saw little angela walk in and headed in after her. Right when he stepped inside something felt different. He shivered slightly but that was about it before he smiled at his two forest companions and then looked over at the others. "well are you guys coming? it isn't to bad, I thought some kind of shadow would of engulfed us or something. But everything is okay." he said even though something didn't feel right. He just wanted to group with him so that he felt some kind of protection and three people aren't much of a group.

Kriever is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 12:30 AM

(-Moria-, when you made your character pull someone, who was it? I'm just a little confused:P)

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Sinsue Hoshigo is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 12:33 AM

(I think it was you XP I'm not sure right now though)

-Moria- is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 12:41 AM

(Yup. It was you, Kriever. XD)

Agela stared at Ulric. Was it only she that felt something weird in there? She wasn't afraid of that forest, so what was so different about it? It didn't matter, for she had already entered the forest now.

EDIT: Forgot to say, i gtg now cuz my brother needs to show me something (don't ask me what) and I probably won't be back untill tomorrow. cya!

Kriever is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 01:16 AM

Originally Posted by -Moria- View Post
(Yup. It was you, Kriever. XD)

Agela stared at Ulric. Was it only she that felt something weird in there? She wasn't afraid of that forest, so what was so different about it? It didn't matter, for she had already entered the forest now.

EDIT: Forgot to say, i gtg now cuz my brother needs to show me something (don't ask me what) and I probably won't be back untill tomorrow. cya!
(Oh, ok then. And cya.)

Sethlin was surprised by the little girl's sudden action - Pulling him into the forest. However, he decided not to complain, for he was going in there sooner or later. He looked with wonder in his face to the girl, but it disappeared some few seconds after he entered the place - It seemed... very strange. Like if there were something dangerous and evil inside that forest. Not that he would complain about anything for now.
Forgetting his worries about the forest, Sethilin kneeled in front of the little girl, and gently said - "Well, you aren't afraid of creepy rumors, now are you, little girl? What's your name?" - slightly smiling.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 12-30-2010, 02:56 PM

The blue haired male shook his head at Emily. Then he looked up at Dayku and nodded. "I feel those two are often too impatient. Let them come to you rather than you come to them. It's simple. Besides it is much more fun and surprising that way," he snickered softly. Threw the bits of trees he noticed a few figures enter the forest. "Perhaps it is time for the games to begin,"Ryelo suggested to his friend. Now the blue haired male thought he could follow the group making it seem as he were one of them, but he was unsure. Laying back on the rock he decided to stay put.
Ilia watched as the others entered the forest. At the sound of the voice she grinned. Perhaps there were others to play with in the forest. When the sunset she would surely change forms to find out. When Ulric said it was alright the pink haired girl shrugged. Quietly she stepped into the forest behind him and noticed that everything did indeed feel rather strange. "It's not so bad," she said softly. The female was tempted to change now, but decided she would only be nymph by night.

-Moria- is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 08:57 PM

"No, I'm not a little bit scared by those stories. - Angela said that in a very expressive way, complementing her phrase - I'm Angela, and you?" - She asked the man, while briefly looking around, because, for her, it seemed she was being watched. She just couldn't indentify by who or what, so she didn't care.

Last edited by -Moria-; 12-30-2010 at 09:55 PM..

Kriever is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 10:20 PM

"That's a pretty name, litle girl. My name's Sethlin." - He said, and, after getting up, he directed his words to the group - "I guess that now that all of us is inside, we might be able to explore and dicover something about the rumors... We'll split in diferet groups or stick together?" - Looking at the four persons with his deep greenish eyes.

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 01-01-2011, 09:48 PM

"Do you think I could make them split up?" Emily asked thinking it'd make the hunt a little more intresting. She didn't think about who all was there to kill as she wanted the heads of them all to add to her list of the dead. She looked at Dayku and stuck her tounge out in a late reply to his snide comment. "I'm not impatient and I don't get too excited about the kill. I just enjoy it a little bit way more then everyone else typically would. Hehehe that's the best part of my days when people wonder in."

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 01-01-2011, 09:58 PM

"Huh... well if they do their job right instead of what happened last time then the group should just split up on their own after what happens... I wonder who they're going to pick first... we can't have our fun until they have the first kill after all." Diea smirked and Dayku shook his head. "Sometimes I wish I was still hanging there... that first year or so was kinda interesting... then people could see me better and they would leave before they came any closer." Dayku sighed some and Diea started at him "You're a party pooper and we all know it... do be quiet Mr. Hangman." she huffed some and he shook his head. "At least I'm not the hanging headless wonder" he pointed out with a smirk and Diea puffed her cheaks a bit to cover up a bit of blush. One of them had been hung right side up from around the neck then the other upsidedown from the anckle... Diea just happened to have been the one upsidedown... and then her head had been chopped off to stop her screaming... apparently it had gotten anoying.


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