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Old 11-10-2007, 09:16 PM

Amanda smirked slightly not really that freaked by what the girl had said. "You're saying not many people like you because you... umm... contact the dead," she said with a partial laugh. "What a pity?" She laughed lightly but with no hint of malice on her tongue.

Sarah glanced up at Amanda shaking her head slightly. The reason she left home for this dirty camp was to get away from her parents and how much they bugged her about reading. She shook her head slightly before trying to tune the annoyance out and continued to read the book.

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Old 11-10-2007, 09:26 PM

She laughed a little rudely at that "No, people don't like me because I don't talk enough and my nose always stuffed in books." She laughed again "The only reason anyone talks to me is because of my ghosts." She grinned.

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Old 11-10-2007, 09:38 PM

Amanda drew closer. "Ghosts? Are you sure you don't just make all of your stories up?" she asked in a teasing tone. She had a smirk on her face that was a bit too vicious.

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Old 11-10-2007, 10:20 PM

Her grin was untouched by the teasing girl, she looked up with a dark flicker in her eyes, knowing she wasn't making anything up "Would you like me to prove it?" She laughed rudely at the girl.

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Old 11-10-2007, 10:44 PM

Amanda seemed slightly amused by what the girl was saying. "Well anyways enough with that, my name's Amanda," she said reaching out her hand deciding to be friendly for once. "My parents forced me to come here against my will so if I'm amused by ghost stories, I'm fine with that."

Sarah rolled her eyes slightly and shifted her weight so that she could be more comfortable. Her book was interesting and these people were beginning to annoy her. She wanted to go to the cabin.

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Old 11-10-2007, 11:09 PM

She laughed cheerfully this time. "Well I guess we're the exact opposite then, I pretty much forced my parents to take me! Nice to meet you Amanda, I'm Risa." She shook her hand and laughed again.

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Old 11-10-2007, 11:49 PM

Amanda smiled slightly. After she took her hand away shed glanced at Sarah. "So why did you want to come here? The last few camps I was forced to have been an utter waste of my time," she said in a bit of a jaded tone.

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Old 11-10-2007, 11:51 PM

"Why, I'd think it'd be obvious. I came for the ghosts. Haven't had a new friend in a long time. Maybe I'll get another to come home with me. That's why my parents didn't want me to come. They think I should have friends from beyond the grave but how else am I gonna get any friends?"

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Old 11-11-2007, 12:10 AM

Amanda smirked slightly and shook her head. "I'll be your friend if you'd like. I just agreed to come so that I wouldn't have nothing to do at home. Still I'm not really looking foreward to making those friendship bracelets and forming bonds with people I hate," she said with a slight laugh. "Of course so far I do not hate you."

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Old 11-11-2007, 12:21 AM

She grinned and put one finger up "yet" Then she laughed "Now you know how I feel in school!" She laughed again.

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Old 11-11-2007, 12:28 AM

"Oh school is fun," Amanda said with a light laugh. "I get to pick on all the girls who are afraid of spiders and snakes by bringing plastic ones to school." She laughed slightly and sat down on a chair near Risa.

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Old 11-11-2007, 12:40 AM

She grinned "I think we'll get along just fine."

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Old 11-11-2007, 12:51 AM

Amanda settled into the chair a little more. "So how long do you think it will take to get them to start assigning us to cabins. It's felt like an eternity since I got here and I"m getting quite hungry" she said. "I eat like a teenage boy."

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Old 11-11-2007, 01:06 AM

She laughed "I know how you feel, we probably just need to wait 'till a few more people show up. I have some chocolate if you want it?" She took out her small bag and dug through it 'till she found her chocolate bar and she offered it to Amanda.

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Old 11-11-2007, 02:05 AM

"Thank you," Amanda said with a smile. She accepted the piece of chocolate and took a bite.

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Old 11-11-2007, 04:29 AM

She smiled "Your welcome, you can have all of it. I don't tend to get hungry, I just eat when I'm told to."

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Old 11-11-2007, 10:29 PM

Clara stepped out of the large hummer her father owned and tossed her large bag over her left shoulder as she looked around the camp with a frown.
I wanted I ghost hunt and instead I'm going to get craft time and sing a longs she muttered under her breath as she walked into the main cabin and leaned over the desk so she was as close to the receptionist as possible.
she waited until the receptionist looked up from her magazine and then said, Clara Katarzyna reporting for a Summer of wallet making and powdered eggs that came out of a box that probably expired the year I was born.

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Old 11-12-2007, 05:37 PM

The woman at the desk gave her a funny look. "Ok then... Why don't you go introduce yourself?" She said, pointing at the group.

Seamus leaned against the wall. He was annoyed. They had yet to be assigned to any cabins, he appeared to be the only male in the place, and to top it all off, he was hungry and hadn't brought anything to eat.

"Just for how long do they intend to keep us waiting?" He said, taking a magazine out his backpack and reading it. "If I knew it'd take this long, I would have stayed home."

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Old 11-12-2007, 08:59 PM

Clara walked up to the rest of the group and looked at each of then in a way that clearly said "I'm judging you and not in a good way" she then walked over to an empty chair, sat down and put her feet up on another chair without saying a word to anyone.

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Old 11-12-2007, 11:06 PM

Sarah's eyes moved to glanced at the new comers. She saw what Clara was doing and winced slightly from the dislike of the judgment. She returned to her book though now she could not concentrate with being forced to be around all the talkative annoying people.
"To be honest," Amanda said after finishing the chocolate. "If I knew that I had to wait this long I probably would have just picked a cabin out myself and ignored their petty rules." She watched the new girl come in with slight interest although it faded quickly when she saw her sit down and put her feet up.

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Old 11-13-2007, 01:39 AM

Clara poked her head over the top of her book and asked "does anyone know when we are going to be put into cabins?"

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Old 11-14-2007, 01:00 AM

Shayna had opted to stay quiet throughout the entire conversation. True she wanted to get to know people, but dang if it wasn't a diverse group of people. Snobby, creepy, quiet, shy, and apparently she was obnoxious.
"They said we'd be put into cabins when more people came," Said Shayna, sighing. "Have just a little patience, please."

It was that moment the girl at the desk cleared her throat. She had stood from her chair and came closer to the group, holding a chart. "I am not the one who came up with these cabin arangements, so if they're not to your liking, don't take it up with me, please."

She looked down at it, "Risa Montrell with Shayna Winfrey."

Shayna gave a very subtle twitch.

"Sally-May Moorhouse with Clara Katarzyna, Amanda Dubon with Sarah Croft, and Seamus wi- Oh, it appears that there's no one else left...Looks like you're alone, unless someone else comes, that is."

She cleared her throat again and pointed to a door opposite the one they came in. "If you'll go through there, the cabin area is down a little dirt trail to the left, the eating hall is the path straight ahead, and the out houses are on the path to the right. Don't worry though, they're all connected someway or another. It's easy once you get to know the place. Well, have fun."

Shayna was excited to finally be able to leave the main building. She grabbed her backpack from off the chair and waited for the more...Snobby people to go first. She didn't want to 'get in their way'. She made a point of smiling sweetly to Risa, also.

'I really hope the girl doesn't plan to do any seances in our room...' Shayna thought to herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and a guy came in. He was the complete definition of goth.
"What did I miss, where are the cabins, when do we eat, and where can I take a piss?" He asked, staring at everyone. "And please tell me these aren't the campers, and that they're just here for...Decoration?"

"Looks like you've found your roomie, Seamus," She said, going over and giving him a pat on the back.

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Old 11-14-2007, 01:26 AM

She laughed a little and walked over to Shayna "Well hello again, rommie. I hope we get along." She grinned at the boy parading in like he owned the place and laughed as she walked out.

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Old 11-14-2007, 02:15 AM

Clara laughed out load

"and I hope your NOT here for decoration" Clara said to the goth boy who just walked in the door

"cus your creepy looken"

she said as she stood up, though her bag over her shoulder and headed out the door toward her cabin.

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Old 11-14-2007, 02:46 AM

Amanda straighted up when she heard that the cabins were being called. She was hoping to god that she wouldn't get some annoying brat that back talked her. When she heard the name she arched in eyebrow is slight confusion. She had no idea who Sarah was but it sounded like she'd be interesting.

Amanda let out a snicker when she heard the guy's question. They weren't going to get along if he was that blunt about everything. She suppressed her laughter and looked at him for a few moments and then looked away.

Sarah looked up when she heard the cabins were being called. She was subconsciously crossing her fingers, hoping that she'd get someone that was at least decent enough to leave her alone. She heard the name and shook her head for a moment. She glanced over at a few of the people trying to guess who it was. She picked up her stuff and got ready to leave. She stopped though when a boy entered. He was too blunt for his own good.


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