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Old 12-09-2007, 07:07 PM

Maybe we'll get more ways to make gold soon too! Like, maybe some better games or what-not... :3 That'd be really nice, right?

When I finally get some clothes, I think I'll go after some of those old contribution items. ^o^ The crowns, especially... Or those Valentine ones, since they're already getting really expensive! D:

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Old 12-09-2007, 08:15 PM

SO randomly, I was just listening to some Sadie song, and during the chorus which was screaming and stuff, the Juon sound came through in the background, and I noticed it and it freaked me out to the point of turning down the speakers to see if it was on the song or not. >>...

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Old 12-09-2007, 08:16 PM

*snickers* I love how that sound seems to creep you out the most... Is that true? Or is there something else that creeps you out more? o.o

And it was the Sadie song, correct? XD;

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Old 12-09-2007, 08:33 PM

Um, yesterday I was doing dishes and this spider started crawling down to the sink on the wall. It was huge and greenish.

Though there are many things that freaks me out. I am a huge coward, but only when I am focused on such things. I am not afraid of the dark LOL.

And yes, it was the Sadie song. Evil fuckers.

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Old 12-09-2007, 08:39 PM

I'm afraid of the dark... When I stare into it. x.x

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Old 12-09-2007, 08:42 PM

We gots a ton of azn horror since the last time you visited we can watch. XD Some scarier than others. And some weirder than others.

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Livia is offline
Old 12-09-2007, 08:45 PM

Nice quest you have there! :'D

And I laughed at this smile |D

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Old 12-09-2007, 09:13 PM

Thank you! C:

And ¦DDD is made of win LOL. And its variations.

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Old 12-09-2007, 09:40 PM

Oh, Jen, what horror movies did you get??

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Old 12-09-2007, 09:47 PM

Uhh... I don't remember titles. Some Kari downloaded off JDramas. There's this Korean one with a cellphone game that takes you to hell. And one called like Dark Tales from Japan or something, which is a collection of short horror films by the creators of juon/ringu/etc. And there's that one we watched a while ago that I said scared me that Kari wanted you to watch. XD It was part of this series of movies that were so bad they couldn't be released in full format before or something. And there's The Grudge 2. And probably many more I am forgetting. XD'

Also my mom is getting us PotC3 (of course 8'D) So we can watch all three of those with you. C:<

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Old 12-09-2007, 09:58 PM

aaaw I can't manage to post that |D ToT

But I can make a serious face like u.u

xD I really don't have nothing to do

OI! Horror movies from Japan or Korean! They are the best to scare the hell out a person and then get paranoid for a month or maybe more 8D

There is one that I loved! It's a phone that calls the owner to tell that she will die. When she dies, that phone calls someone else from the list of the number phones of the that phone ( I hope you are getting it <.<;;) and then anotehr one dies. It's a cycle D8 and alla! have a phone that is similar to the phone of the movie... the difference is that mine is black. For months I didn't used my phone so much and when it ring I had to have courage to answer it x.x

I think the name is One last call... I'm not sure though... but I'm gonna get a pic for you to know!

And I was wrong about the name x.x

The name is One Missed Call 8D

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:02 PM

I HAVE SEEN THAT MOVIE! <3 It is amazing. And the second one too. And I watched most of the third one on youtube even. XD' I think the zombie lady scared me more than anything else in the first one. *Shivers*

.. My roommate had the ringtone from that movie on her phone too for a while. Scared the crap out of me sometimes. XD'

and to do ¦D You have to type alt+0166. It's a pain in the ass, but habit now LOL. C¦

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by nekonekonya
I HAVE SEEN THAT MOVIE! <3 It is amazing. And the second one too. And I watched most of the third one on youtube even. XD' I think the zombie lady scared me more than anything else in the first one. *Shivers*

.. My roommate had the ringtone from that movie on her phone too for a while. Scared the crap out of me sometimes. XD'

and to do ¦D You have to type alt+0166. It's a pain in the ass, but habit now LOL. C¦
You know, I am the one that made Kari get that movie. D: And I still have the ringtone as my ringtone... <3 Mmm, I love those movies.

I want to see this uber scary one now... And I would love to watch the 3 Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I've been the first movie, oh, seven or eight times, but I've never seen two or three. <3

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:15 PM

¦D I did it 8) I'm so cool now



Me and my friend went on a search for that ring tone but the problem is that we don't know the name of it for sure ;-; I would like to put on my cellphone and scare the girl <.<;;

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:21 PM

It's not TERRIBLY scary, but it's a mind fuck, and kinda disturbing.

And I luv Pirates of the Caribbean. >w<

And Livia, I think she just searched "One missed call ringtone" or something. XD But we can upload mp3s from our computer to the phone.

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:25 PM

It just simply makes you get paranoid x'D

OI! Thank you for the tip ¦D ( I'm addicted to the smile <.<;; )

And I love Pirates of the Caribbean! I saw all of them *-* I want the movies! 8D

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by nekonekonya
It's not TERRIBLY scary, but it's a mind fuck, and kinda disturbing.

And I luv Pirates of the Caribbean. >w<
Awww, it's not really that scary? I've wanted jumps lately... But realistic jumps. But mind games are pretty cool too, I guess. :3

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by Britti
Originally Posted by nekonekonya
It's not TERRIBLY scary, but it's a mind fuck, and kinda disturbing.

And I luv Pirates of the Caribbean. >w<
Awww, it's not really that scary? I've wanted jumps lately... But realistic jumps. But mind games are pretty cool too, I guess. :3[/size]
It IS scary. It scared me. And it definitely has jumps. I'll let you be the judge of it when you visit hm? XD

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:42 PM

*siiighs* Alright, alright, I'll just have to see it! XD What's the name of it? And where are you? *pokes you back onto IRC*

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:47 PM

I don't remember the name. XD But we have it on dvd around here somewhere. Kari bought it forever ago and we watched barely anything and quit because we were tired and then rewatched a while ago finally. XD It was much better than the 20 minutes I remembered.

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:49 PM

I see you there, ignoring me! XD

I dunno when we're going to watch ALL of these movies though, damn... o.o; I guess we will, but it just seems like so much.

Ugh, I'm getting nervous about tomorrow, and right after my final, I'm going to get my oil changed. D: I don't want to, because I have to go to Wal*Mart to do it, and I've never done it, and Wal*Mart here is evil... Super evil... Sigh.

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Old 12-09-2007, 11:43 PM

I've heard from Kari that Walmart's oil changes are safe. I think. XD

And I'm sure you'll do fine on your final. D:

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Old 12-09-2007, 11:49 PM

*sniffles quietly* I hope they're safe, 'cause I really don't wanna do it... But I can go shopping during it, right? I really need some bath stuff. XD

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Old 12-09-2007, 11:50 PM

Oh yeah, you can definitely do that. XD

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Old 12-09-2007, 11:55 PM

Yay! I've been using this really old shampoo from when I visited you guys in July and bared soap... I hate bared soap... But I haven't been out that way, because Wal*Mart scares me and, well, I'm lazy, and it all still works, but you know I'm a prissy bitch like Kame. XD

Hmn, I also need tampons... But that's probably a little bit too much information, huh? *giggle*


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