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Mikio is offline
Old 01-31-2018, 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by monstahh` View Post
How many CIs do you usually buy a month? You can answer in PMs if you prefer. I'm *thinking* about donating here on out...
Depends if I like them or find them usable haha. That, and if I'm active on here.


Roachi is offline
Old 02-01-2018, 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by monstahh` View Post
How many CIs do you usually buy a month? You can answer in PMs if you prefer. I'm *thinking* about donating here on out...
On average? About 10. I bought them from Mr. Wrong who use to charge me 2k a piece. Sometimes i'd get more from him depending on how much he got etc. However he said he's going to scale back now. And since Queen_Andais is on hiatus she hasn't been doing her regular donations either. I donate when i can. But sadly my funds are tight till prob next year some time. Also it will depend on what you'd want per piece :)

Originally Posted by Bound Birdie View Post
7k would be fine but if you get a higher offer before I have the gold thats fine too :) I have lotsa new stuff to keep me occupied for now XD
Are you sure you don't want me to hold it?

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 02-01-2018, 02:03 AM

Well, I don't get money until tomorrow, so I can't pick up any that are leaving tonight, sadly.

I hope that's alright and I'll contact you via PM when I know, if I can, and how much I'd want.


Roachi is offline
Old 02-01-2018, 03:32 AM

That's fine, I got enough - not as much as I'd like but enough of those ones.
I'll need a few more starry ones though.
And yep that's cool, thank you <33


Roachi is offline
Old 02-01-2018, 09:26 AM

Argh... I'm so sick of two faced people online & in RL. If people only knew what some people are really like. At least I'm not fake & acting like I'm so sweet & innocent. But really. Glad I'm an outward bitch. What you see is what you get ��
Don't worry guys just ranting after I noticed something weird happening right in front of my eyes.

---------- Post added 02-01-2018 at 10:27 PM ----------

Whoops sorry. It didn't merge.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-01-2018, 01:09 PM

I have those moments XD no worries.
You don't have to hold it, I can't even really play with any of my new stuff until I get my new power cord. I can't even play Tetris and fan girls takes forever and those are the only two I can really do well at so I'm not even earning any gold till it gets here T.T
Sorry I'm venting about it XP I clearly have a computer addiction XP


Roachi is offline
Old 02-03-2018, 06:40 AM

Lols i don't mind doin it for you :)

Needa sort out my inven today. Might do that now..

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-03-2018, 01:57 PM

Well if you don't mind I won't say no lol XD Thanks though I really appreciate it ~ never knew what it was like to have rich friends until you XD
That'll be something I will HAVE to do first thing when I get my laptop back~ (Thanks to you YAY lol) but yeah SO much new stuff on my front page and it irks me ~ normally my main drawer is empty! making it easier when I get new stuff then it gets sorted into my like 20 drawers cuse I dont like having more than 100 items per drawer (cuse I will forget about the 2nd page forever and be looking for something like WTF?! Where is it??!! .. minutes later... OOOH ::Oops:: ) So it irks my ocd lol normally it's sorted by type/layer and color XD


Roachi is offline
Old 02-04-2018, 10:28 AM

Wow that sounds amazing. I just do mine like CIs, EIs, Mennies, and then commons are tops, bottoms, shoes etc.
All in order from oldest to youngest xD

Haha, well gotta be rich somewhere. Unfortunately i wish this was RL xD.
Wanna buy a house? Sure! I got a spare million sitting around lol

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-04-2018, 10:36 AM

That's just how I do it on my mule so it's easier for selling but on my main it's like "settings background" "settings foregound" "handhelds" Though admittedly a lot of the CIs and EIs are many of those things but its sorted by the pose I most often use.

lol Me to, I mean I don't really want to be "rich" persay but enough to have some cool stuff and not have to worry about anything. I'm getting there though, even if my house isn't well normal it's still everything I need so I'm very happy with it. But if I WAS rich, I'd probably just be on permanent vacation, most likey cruising the world. XD

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 02-04-2018, 09:20 PM

Hey roachi, the pm you sent me was blank.


Roachi is offline
Old 02-04-2018, 09:36 PM

Sorry my browsers are playing up and not allowing me to post or PM.
Anyway... I said 3k is fine :)

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-04-2018, 09:50 PM

What browser are you using?

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 02-04-2018, 10:23 PM

Oh okay!
How many did you want this month? The full 5 orrr?


Roachi is offline
Old 02-06-2018, 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by Bound Birdie View Post
What browser are you using?
I was using IE at the time.
But it also happened on mozilla when i was at home.

Originally Posted by monstahh` View Post
Oh okay!
How many did you want this month? The full 5 orrr?
Yes please :)

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 02-06-2018, 09:48 PM

Can do. Is it okay if its in a few days? I had to close my card because someone freakin' stole my money, spent it on plane tickets and a travel agency!!

*and yes my life is pretty much hell right now, because my ISP is also being a beyotch.


Roachi is offline
Old 02-06-2018, 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by monstahh` View Post
Can do. Is it okay if its in a few days? I had to close my card because someone freakin' stole my money, spent it on plane tickets and a travel agency!!

*and yes my life is pretty much hell right now, because my ISP is also being a beyotch.

OMG seriously??! How did they get that info??
Yes hon no worries at all, i completely understand <3

faerie graveyard
monstahh` is offline
Old 02-06-2018, 10:20 PM

I have NO idea...well, actually I do. But. -.- It pisses me off. I had to give my info to a person at a cable company to deal with my ISP, had to give it verbally because their stupid app where I could type it in isn't working. I think they listed my info on a dark net site and sold it. Or they did it themselves, which is stupid because they're going to get caught. We reported it to the company already, and they said their fraud team would take action.

So either they did it or someone was listening in, which means we have a thief in our apartment building.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-08-2018, 01:00 PM

Either way that's scary and lame, I'm really sorry to here that :/ I was missing like 300 bucks not to long ago and no one even stole it it was just bank error ... o.O I was like you guys don't do that a lot do you ...? I STILL had to go through and contest everything with paper work to give me back the money still which I found really annoying all things considering but I did get my money back pretty quickly hopefully you will to :) Still at least this was only stupid people, mean people are way worse to deal with :/

Mozilla used to be like Mene preferred browser but it doesn't seem to like it after the server switch. Chrome is okay on my laptop now but is still CRAZY buggy on my phone but my charger is almost here XD can't wait to have my computer back!


Roachi is offline
Old 02-08-2018, 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by monstahh` View Post
I have NO idea...well, actually I do. But. -.- It pisses me off. I had to give my info to a person at a cable company to deal with my ISP, had to give it verbally because their stupid app where I could type it in isn't working. I think they listed my info on a dark net site and sold it. Or they did it themselves, which is stupid because they're going to get caught. We reported it to the company already, and they said their fraud team would take action.

So either they did it or someone was listening in, which means we have a thief in our apartment building.
That's scary!!
I hate people who think it's okay to take someone elses hard earned money. Go and earn it yourself ya thief!

Originally Posted by Bound Birdie View Post
Either way that's scary and lame, I'm really sorry to here that :/ I was missing like 300 bucks not to long ago and no one even stole it it was just bank error ... o.O I was like you guys don't do that a lot do you ...? I STILL had to go through and contest everything with paper work to give me back the money still which I found really annoying all things considering but I did get my money back pretty quickly hopefully you will to :) Still at least this was only stupid people, mean people are way worse to deal with :/

Mozilla used to be like Mene preferred browser but it doesn't seem to like it after the server switch. Chrome is okay on my laptop now but is still CRAZY buggy on my phone but my charger is almost here XD can't wait to have my computer back!

300 buxs! Geez at least you realized it.
It's funny how much of us don't actually check, we just assume everything is all good.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 06:05 AM

I go back and forth ~ sometimes I'm really on it about my budget and save tons and check all the time and do stuff for my credit and then others lol well lets just say it's the opposite XD like I'll never just let a bill go unpaid but still. But I check to make sure my bf isn't borrowing my card XP

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 02-11-2018, 08:55 AM

CI's of joy and CI's of sorrow

Roachi buys CI's today to sell tomorrow


Roachi is offline
Old 02-11-2018, 08:57 AM

Not really lol. I buy CIs that i sell down the track mostly.
OR to give away xD

Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 02-11-2018, 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by Roachi View Post
Not really lol. I buy CIs that i sell down the track mostly.
OR to give away xD
The evidence against you is incontrovertible. Do you confess?

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-11-2018, 09:42 AM

Actually she's given me *almost* as many as you Mr. Wrong ~ and also has had very fair prices, and been willing to hold stuff forever XD


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