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salvete is offline
Old 02-29-2016, 04:28 PM

Amanda was thrilled when Kokuro agreed to not only have the bento boxes in the photoshoot, but also to show them how she made them! Even though Kokuro initially insisted on not having her adorable bento box creations in the shoot, Amanda persisted because they were seriously cute! And maybe Kokuro would realize how really talented she is when everyone in the school praises her food art! It certainly didn't take much to make Amanda overflow with joy.

After flashing a smile at Paige, Amanda was happy to see that Kokuro took a stronger initiative to see if Paige -- who was Kokuro's roommate after all -- would be interested in joining them in the bento box making and photoshoot. She smiled and nodded as Kokuro excused herself from the group to approach her roommate with the invitation.

Then, she turned to Ryuu and Levent to bring them up to speed. "That's one of my floormates! Her name is Paige. I don't know her very well, but she's Kokuro's roommate. I think Kokuro's inviting her to join the photoshoot. That would be cool! We wanted more people in the photoshoot, right?"

While she listened to Levent and Ryuu's responses, she looked back at Kokuro, who had just caught up with Paige in the hallway and was talking to her.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-29-2016, 04:40 PM

Cassius allowed the female to remain by his side. The two walking along, she began to speak up again. Bad experiences in the past? He felt a slight frown tug at the corners to his mouth. He shook it off, befre hearing her say thank you. She said it had been foolish for them to fight, and he had to agree to a point. Fighting was never really the answer, but it never stopped people most of the time. She was apparently meeting a friend who never showed up, before saying she was about to head to eat. Before he could answer her inquary about him, she was moving before him. Ah yes, they hadn't really introduced themselves in the slightest. She gave him her name, apologizing once more for the incident.

Shaking his head, he accepted the hand. Lifting it, he lightly placed a kiss upon the back of it. "Cassius DeRosso....but you can call me Cas if you like, everyone does" he says. "It is no problem either" he said to her other comment, "I was happy to help, there is no need to apologize or thank me." No one forced him, it was his choice to accept the challenge or not. He had agreed to help her, thus he did not see a reason for any of that. He then switched gears a bit, backtracking to her earlier question. "I was actually heading back to get some lunch as well" he said, a bit of his nature coming in. "You could join me if you like, I do not mind cooking for one more" he smiled, "I much prefer it to the cafeteria...much healthier, you know exactly what's going into the food."

He chuckled once more, "though that could just be the pre-med student talking and all." He knew she did not know him, this was their first meeting. He would not force her to go with him, but he was nice enough to ask her if she would like to. He let go of her hand, not pushing contact, since he did not know if she much cared for it. There were plenty around here who were the standoffish type for physical contact. Then again, she would not have offered it, if she minded that much. He kept an eye out behind her, careful to make sure she would not run into anything. He was not about to let someone get hurt on his watch, especially as a result of speaking to him.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-29-2016, 09:23 PM

Paige paused even though she'd tried to hurry past. Tilting her head, she let her brown waves fall over her shoulder as she looked at Kokuro. She was offering lunch? They didn't share things or hang out, so the offer came as something of a surprise. It sounded kind of nice. Seeing the others nearby, Paige hesitated though. "Bento?" she asked, her voice coming out a little sharper than she meant. Being around others just made her on edge. It made her not trust nice.

She planned to say no, but when she opened her mouth, different words came out. "That doesn't sound so bad I guess. Thanks." Keeping her back straight and her head high with defiance, she walked into the room. Please let them keep their emotions to themselves. Paige collected one of the boxes and turned her back to the others as she sat at a table on the far side. No socialization necessary besides a few cursory words to Kokuro. She was someone Paige needed to get along with and cooking made her curious. She heard only a little of the photoshoot conversation and planned to stay entirely out of it.

"Just what exactly is in this bento though?"

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 02-29-2016 at 09:25 PM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-29-2016, 10:26 PM

Amanda was confused by Paige's response. She had heard her say "That doesn't sound so bad, I guess. Thanks" to Kokuro's invitation and had smiled at Paige as she approached them in the kitchen.

But Paige did not seem to want to interact with her, Ryuu, or Levent at all. In fact, she watched as Paige walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bento box, completely ignoring her, Levent, and Ryuu. And on top of that, she then walked all the way to the far side of the room to eat at a table with her back towards all of them!

Well...uhh...that was rude, Amanda thought to herself. I wonder if she is having a bad day or if she is always like this? She glanced at Ryuu and Levent to see if their facial expressions would show the same response to Paige's ignoring them.

Then, to her surprise, she heard Paige ask "Just what exactly is in this bento though?"

Oh yay! Amanda thought to herself. Maybe she was just hungry! I know I get a little moody sometimes when I'm hungry too. I get hangry! Amanda's stomach suddenly growled, reminding her that she had to eat something soon too before her next class. She wondered if her initial thoughts about Paige were misguided by her own tummy rumblings.

But as she turned to respond to to Paige's inquiry, she stopped herself, noticing that Paige was actually talking to Kokuro and not addressing the trio at the kitchen counter.

Oh well, Amanda thought.

"So, want to take a few photos of the bento boxes, then of Ryuu and me?" she asked Levent.

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Old 03-01-2016, 05:29 PM

"Not appropriate?" Ryuu's brow rose. "I'm very familiar with them and grew up eating them throughout my youth." Shaking his head, he smirked. "Ryuu is Japanese, after all." Although he didn't look like your stereotypical Japanese male (his father was from Britain and his mother from the States who studied Japanese culture), the male was born and raised in the Asian culture. He could speak it fluently, if needed, though he often opted for English as he found very few could speak Japanese without butchering the words and sounds (he blamed anime for that).

Lev let out a light laugh. "Would make more sense culturally." At the invitation to take pictures, he did just that. He took a few shots of the food before taking some candid pictures of Ryuu stepping up beside Kokuro to help finish preparing the lunch. As expected, the raven knew exactly what he was doing, which would help Amanda actually stay on schedule.

The blonde also requested that everyone pose with Ryuu while holding up their lunches just for the fun of it. Namely he wanted to print the picture out and give it to Amanda so she could keep a picture of her crush (he obviously wouldn't tell Ryuu this secret).

Turning the camera around, Lev backed up into the group of girls (yes, he semi-forced Paige into the pictures; even if she was just a background body). "Sorry, Ryuu, I'm getting jealous of your harem of ladies and just have to join you for the oh-so-popular-yet-hated... selfie."

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salvete is offline
Old 03-02-2016, 12:44 AM

Amanda smiled and listened in awe as Ryuu described his familiarity with bento boxes due to his family background.

Amanda was thankful for Levent's time efficiency and prolific photography skills. He just told them to prepare some bento boxes so that he could have a few candid shots of Ryuu's everyday life. Amanda was thrilled to learn how to make bento boxes from Kokuro and even brought out some of her own ingredients from the fridge to help make pretty kitty bento boxes too. Amanda didn't like to take things without giving back, so she felt better by contributing some of her own ingredients to the dishes.

And then, two last photographs -- first, Levent asked them to pose with Ryuu while holding up their new bento box creations. Amanda smiled her dimpled grin as the camera flashed. And then, she giggled when Lev turned the camera around and backed up into them, taking a group selfie together.

"Yay, that was so fun!" Amanda cheered when the photoshoot was over.

Amanda, Levent, and Ryuu all sat down to eat around the nearest table, where they had left their bags earlier. "This is so delicious!" Amanda said, enjoying lunch at last.

Then, it was time to leave for her 2PM class, Biochemistry. "Thank you so much for teaching us how to make the bento boxes, Kokuro!" Amanda said, gathering her belongings. "And thank you Levent for the photoshoot! I'll definitely pick up a paper when the article comes out! And it was nice meeting you, Ryuu!" She considered but did not end up saying bye to Paige, who was still eating at a table faraway with her back turned towards them.

And so, she left the dorms, headed for her afternoon Biochemistry class.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 03-02-2016, 11:42 PM

Flora think for a bit before adding a squirrel in the empty spot. "Paint something that you like. but the assignment says to paint something you have seen before. the garden I'm painting is one I visited with my mother and older brother." she then sighs out softly recalling what. had happen when the last time they had been there. that was at least twenty five years a ago now. it had been so long since she seen. her family Flora hope they where doing well.

If her father was able to live a long life. he would be able to see his first grand child but sadly he can not. being dead he was only a human how had lived. a full life got to see his kids grow up. up to a point since they look young as he got older. at least her brothers child would have both parents. both of them being of the same race. which is really rare to find a other half god/goddess human. others disproved of the new ways how where. way to far set in the old ways of the good old days.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 03-03-2016, 12:24 AM

Amanda power-walked all the way through the Great Hall to her Biochemistry class, the image of Ryuu and Levent and the bento boxes still in her memory. She slid into a seat just as the clock tower struck two times, signaling that it was now two o'clock in the afternoon. Amanda quickly took out her notebook and a pen to get ready to jot down notes about the days' material.

But the professor was still setting up for the lecture, so Amanda's mind wandered for a little. She wondered what classes Paige was taking, and whether she also had a class that started at 2PM. She vaguely recalled that Paige was a chemistry major and wondered if she had taken Biochemistry before. Oh! and Ryuu is a chemistry major too!! Amanda suddenly remembered. Maybe I can ask him to tutor me in the subject... Amanda also wondered where Ryuu and Levent were going to go after the photoshoot. Amanda smiled, thrilled to remember how she had finally met her crush earlier that day. I'll definitely pick up more than a few copies of that newspaper when it comes out! she thought to herself, excited to see the photos in print. And how nice Kokuro was to teach them how to make the cute bento boxes!

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-03-2016, 05:10 PM

Aza'zel tilted his head as he watched Flora's face. She clearly felt something as she looked at her painting, but he didn't quite get it. He just felt a spark of curiosity. His adoptive father also got looks like that when he looked at paintings in their home or the church. It was always the same kind of image with light and a gentle looking man. His father would kneel and give that same sort of sad, but fond look that Flora gave. He eyed her painting for another second. It didn't seem the least bit similar to the paintings in the church.

"Aye, aye...I'll paint something like that then," he hummed as he pulled away to focus on his own canvas finally. Without really thinking, he just put color down, starting with a light brown, then a darker ruddy color. Something he'd seen? By that logic, he should paint the church or at least he graveyard behind it. He could paint home, or his adoptive father. That's not what the paint formed though. Instead, a cave formed under his brush strokes even before he knew it was a cave. By the time he realized it, he was already too engrossed in the image. The walls were stark and cold looking as he started to form the recesses in it. It looked like large claws ripped through the rock actually. A trick of nature? Aza'zel didn't know. Since when did he go to a place like this, but he knew immediately that he had.

Class continued like that, passing with the relative silence that art classes often did. Everyone kept to their own little corner with the teacher walking through them, talking and answering questions when needed. 2:30 ticked nearer, but lost as he was in his own world, Aza'zel never noticed.

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 03-03-2016 at 05:17 PM..

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salvete is offline
Old 03-03-2016, 11:24 PM

The clock approached 2:30PM. The biochemistry professor had finally finished setting up the lecture and was teaching the students about glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and the electron transport chain. The lecture was almost halfway done, and Amanda was surprised to catch herself daydreaming. She was usually very focused on the professor's lecture but her mind was wandering. And what about? Why, the day's events of course. Alas! Amanda willed herself to concentrate on the class so that she would not be behind on studying later on. But fortunately, she had learned this material before and was able to follow along easily.

Just another half hour to go, Amanda thought to herself, gazing at the clock.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-04-2016, 02:16 AM

Out of the corner of her eye, Paige watched the others interact. They looked like they were having fun together. For a second, she felt a pang of longing for it, but then her mind reminded her of the pointlessness of such 'fun'. As the lunch continued, she caught happiness and romantic feelings rolling off the younger girl--Amanda, she heard the others call her. Paige hid a smirk behind her hand. Didn't she know how all these young romances ended? Pointless, so utterly pointless. That girl would cry a lot. Fairytale romance did not exist.

After saying good bye to Kokuro, she let the other girl know she wouldn't be back until dinner time. It was a cursory bit of information really. Living together, they knew each others schedules to some degree, but it felt right to inform her roommate that she planned to stay out later than usual today in case she wanted some alone time. The others were already dispersing at this point and Paige glanced at them, dipping her head in farewell rather than words.

She would have to hurry and grabbed her bag to take off across campus, her dark tight jeans and top making her hot by the time she reached the building in the center of the school where most classroom types were held like math and history, anything that didn't take a lab, studio, or big lecture hall. The taller science building stood next door, its backside shaded with tall trees. Paige's Calculus II class started at two o'clock and she took her seat in the front left corner where she could take notes without being directly in the teacher's line of sight.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 03-04-2016, 06:29 AM

Ok so maybe Kokuro did have another motive than to just be nice to her roommate. She didn’t want to be dragged into the photoshoot alone. “You’re welcome.” Kokuro didn’t say much to Paige, knowing that she wasn’t one to social much. “Today’s bento menu is Tamagoyaki, Onigiri, octopi hotdogs, snowpeas, carrot roses, cherry tomatoes, cheddar cubes, apple bunnies and mandarin oranges."

Ryuu’s response to her protesting caused her to raise an eyebrow. So they had something in common. A hint of grin played on her lips. She thought that maybe his parents had named him Ryuu because they thought it sounded cool or something. It seemed to be common for people especially Americans. “Who would have guessed? Since you put it that way I guess there is no other option than to go with the bentos.” Things went smoothly as Levent stated taking photos. It did help that Ryuu was familiar with what they were doing.

Amanda had proved very enthusiastic about learning how to make the foods. Her high energy was a little annoying, but she could appreciate the girl’s spunk and spirit. It also helped that the girl seemed to catch on quick to how to make some of the simpler items.

Kokuro had to admit this was kind of fun. Maybe she would invite some of her friend to help her the next time she decided to share bentos. It was also nice to have that they had a photograph who knew what he was doing. Levent really impressed her.

Kokuro laughed at the blonde’s joke. Once it was all over with she joined the others in sitting down and eating lunch. “You’re welcome Amanda and I’m glad that you like it.” There was a faint hint of a blush on the woman’s cheeks. It still felt strange to have people compliment her food. She never really thought of herself as that great of a cook.

With Amanda gone the atmosphere seemed to calm down further. With her gone her attention turned to the two males who sat across from her. She didn't know them well. Besides she still had a little time to kill if they weren't in a hurry. “Levent you really know how to work the camera. I wonder have we possibly met before. Maybe at one of the theater productions or something?”

Once again a grin played on her lips. With an icy finger (no she wasn’t using her powers, it’s just that her touch always felt rather cold) she poked Ryuu. “Dragon. Such an appropriate name for someone so furious on the field. You’re parents named you well.” The woman knew a little about the man. Mostly that they were the same age and in the same year of college other than that he was a soccer player. At some point in her poking at the MVP Paige had said good bye and she in turn told her good bye. It was nice to know her roommate would be out later, not that it had been necessary for her to tell her. “So Mr. Dragon what did you think of the bento? I’m curious since you are also from my homeland of Nippon.”

Last edited by blueblackrose; 03-05-2016 at 02:21 AM..

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Old 03-07-2016, 04:39 PM

The meal was absolutely delicious and Lev was glad to be a part of it. Once Amanda left (and then Paige), the two boys were left with just Kokuro. "Probably," he said with a shrug. "I'm constantly running all over the place. I've shot for games, plays, events, graduation--you name it, I've probably done it once. I tend to like doing the photography for the school paper or volunteer organizations. I did Habitat for Humanity last year; it was awesome."

With the conversation turning to Ryuu, Lev cocked a brow. "Wait, Ryuu means dragon?" Blinking, it looked between the two individuals who were well-versed in Japanese culture.

"Yeah," he said with a rather flat tone. "I'm an only child. My mother was told she could never have kids. When I was born, I was beyond healthy. The doctors were all worried that I would be sickly or have issues; such wasn't the case. My father decided it would be wise to name me after something powerful. At first they thought of a lion or tiger, but they eventually opted for dragon as it went along with the fact that 'I'm not supposed to exist.'" Lazily, he plopped his chin on his upturned palm. "I couldn't really live the name down so I had to excel. Track and soccer just came naturally to me so I kept up with them. I would have joined the lax team but I prefer soccer. Would rather work with my legs that a net on the end of a stick." He smirked. "Not to downplay the game; it's still fun. I just like the mastery needed behind soccer."

Lev piped up at the question about the bento. "I think it's delicious," he quipped. "But what do I know. Anything is better than sandwiches." A dry laugh followed.

Ryuu smirked at the comment before nodding his head. "I do agree, the meal was most excellent. Thank you for letting us join you."

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 03-07-2016, 04:48 PM

Amanda continued to pay attention and take notes in class. She glanced at the clock. It was only 2:30PM?! Wow, time sure passes slowly when you're not having the most fun, haha, she thought to herself. Not that she disliked biochemistry. On the contrary, she liked it a lot. It explained what was going on in her body and all, although she was sure that the biochemistry class, which she was taking with both magical beings and humans, would not explain people like her.

I'm a witch, she reminded herself, and a vampire. And a human, too. Thanks to her witch and human lineage, Amanda didn't have to drink blood to survive as the pure vampires did. But thanks to her witch and vampire ancestry, she could count on living a much longer lifespan than the average human being. As she learned about the ways the human body made energy out of food -- glucose becoming two pyruvates and going through the tricarboxylic acid cycle and then the electron transport chain and the proton gradient and ATP synthase and whatnot -- she was glad that her cells also had other machinery to make energy, unique to vampires and witches, and wondered if those would be taught in future classes specific for magical beings.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 03-09-2016, 06:29 AM

The petite woman’s gaze shifted from the taller man in front of her to the ground a small smile playing her on her lips when he kissed the back of her hand. Such a gentleman. Her gaze soon returned to him. “Thank you for the kind offer Cas. Not eating alone for a change sounds nice.” Nanami gave a light laugh.

“I will agree with you there. That’s why I usually try not to go there often. Plus I like to cook.” She continued to walk backwards for a bit after he released her hand. “It could be.” Finally she stepped to the side and pivoted on her on her heel so that she was beside Cassius once more. The woman grew silent while they walked. Her gaze having returned to the ground. Cas, does seem really nice. I like him, but maybe I’m being a bit too childish and naïve. We have only just met and because of my own foolishness. Maybe I should have declined the offer. I really don’t want to be a bother, I’ve already bothered him enough. Many different things were swirling through her mind along with several different emotions.

Nanami hid what she was thinking and feeling while they chatted casually. Not sure which dorm the man was in she let him lead the way. “You said you were a pre-med student. Do you play to become a general practice doctor or are you planning to specialize in a certain field?” She was truly curious. When she was first debating what her major would be she had considered the medical field as an option. In the end though her desire to learn more about where her family comes from and what she truly is won out.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 03-10-2016, 01:56 AM

The clock finally chimed three times, indicating that it was three o'clock in the afternoon. Luckily, biochemistry lecture only lasted an hour, so now Amanda was free! "What to do, what to do?" Amanda wondered out loud. She considered either sitting in on another class as she loved to do, or she could go back to her room, go exploring, or study.

Amanda decided that, since she had only had an hour of lecture this afternoon, she would go and sit in on another class. I wonder what other classes are happening right now! she thought as she packed up her things and left the lecture hall. She started wandering again in the Great Hall and peeking into doorways.

She was about to walk past an open door when suddenly she thought she recognized a familiar face! It was Flora! She was painting something. "Ooohh!" Amanda said to herself. "This must be an art class!" She wanted to join in, but wasn't sure if the professor would notice a random student coming in. Plus there didn't seem to be any empty easels at which she could paint. But maybe she could just sneak in and say hi to Flora?

Amanda waited until the professor had turned their back, then crept in and walked towards Flora's easel.

"Hi Flora!" Amanda whispered and waved.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-10-2016, 04:25 PM

He watched the female before him for a moment, as she spoke. She said she tried not to eat at the cafe to often, and that she herself enjoyed cooking. Something he enjoyed very much himself. A smile tugged at his lips at hearing that, before she turned and was walking next to him once more. He could still feel the vibes coming off of her, a mix of things. He should have said something, but he really did not want to weird her out with his oddness. Things had been going well so far...hadn't they?

She was then asking about his major. He thought for a moment, "I was thinking of a pediatrician for awhile there.." He had a soft spot for kids, which was not to uncommon he thought. There were those out there who did not like kids at all, but he was the opposite. He hated seeing others hurt and suffering, especially kids. They did not deserve things like that happening to them, being put through all those tests and pain. He wanted to try and help, to make it easier on them. How well he would succeed, that was something different entirely.

He lifted a hand, rubbing the back of his neck a bit. "Probably sounds a bit cliche huh?" he glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. "I should be shooting for something like a neurosurgeon or a cardiologist" he laughed lightly. It was those higher up fields most sought after. The ones that paid the most, came with the most perks. He however, thought the latter was just as good and rewarding as any of those bigger jobs. Children were the future. They deserved just as much special care as the grown ups, at times they needed more.

They soon made it to the dorms, to his in fact. Leading her up to his own front door, he slipped out a key. He really did not want to make her uncomfortable, he should tell her she did not have to stay if she did not like. He gave her a bit of a reassuring smile, before he unlocked the door and stepped inside. It was a nice place, similar in layout to many of the others. He kept the place clean and tidy, save for the slight spread of books on the desk. He had been hard at work late last night, which was not really unusual for him at all. "So...this is home" he chuckled, allowing her inside of the place.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-10-2016, 09:19 PM

Shayla spent her lunch alone under some tree near the cafeteria. The school food may not amount to much according to some people, but she found it fascinating to the pallet. Even if she'd taken a human form for years now, the details of this world still felt very fresh to her. The dizzying array of foods was one of her favorites to explore. "Take it to your sisters okay?" she whispered before pushing a large crumb toward a squirrel. The creature perched on a rock about a foot away and they'd been enjoying lunch together with the sort of quiet peace normally reserved for lifelong friends. The squirrel took the bit of bread and dashed off, leaving Shayla smiling. It may look bizarre, but this was one of the perks of eating alone.

Once done, she carefully collected her trash to throw away and headed for the library, not noticing the slightly extra green patch left behind where sat. Having only an afternoon class that day allowed her plenty of times to get lost in the shelves of books. That's exactly where she was come 3:00, nestled between some shelves with books on Celtic lore, history, and other various folk related books.


Browns, rust, gold, blue--layered bit by bit until shadows formed all across his canvas. Aza'zel leaned on the edge of his stood, painting with the sort of furious energy that paid no attention to the time. The teacher's voice finally broke his trance. In the short time he actually was in class, he made considerable progress on laying out the foundation of his painting. Most of the students already started packing up though as the teacher dismissed them. A few already left. He blinked in confusion before following suit though he wanted to continue his painting. Even if he took the class on a whim, it suited him more than his others, math especially.

Another girl had slipped in just before the teacher announced the class's end, so bid Flora a quick farewell with a bright, but somewhat dazed grin and finger wave. "Byeaah! See you whenever this class is." Once he'd stored his painting on the racks, he slipped out the door himself. Outside, the sun shone strong so he pulled down his jacket sleeves and put up the hood despite it being early fall. Heading back to his dorm, he moved erratically from shadow to shadow rather than down the footpath. Under trees and along buildings, he avoided as much sun as possible. It was like some sort of game, but it was anything but to his sensitive pale skin.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 03-11-2016, 05:36 PM

Flora didn't seem to hear Amanda's whisper, although the male student whose easel was near Flora's seemed to notice her. Amanda didn't really know him, although she had seen him around. What was his name again? Azel or something? she thought to herself. They made eye contact as Amanda snuck past the other students towards Flora. But Amanda didn't realize that the class was already ending, and once the teacher had announced that the class had ended, Amanda saw the male student bid a quick farewell to Flora with a grin and finger wave.

Just as the male student left, Amanda arrived near where Flora was working on her canvas. "Hi Flora!" she said again, out loud instead of whispering, hoping that Flora would hear her this time.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 03-15-2016, 02:51 AM

She listened while he answered her question. Nanami didn’t think it was cliché that he was thinking of becoming a pediatrician. In her opinion it was admirable. Children needed more care than adults at times. “That isn’t cliché at all. It’s quite admirable really. Children deserve special care. They are precious.” She gave a light laugh before smiling. “The others are good choice as well and both very important.”

Their trip was short, which was nice since they both were probably on time schedules. Cassius seemed nice and the feeling he gave off was calm. She was thankful for that. By now her nerves had calmed. “It’s nice,” Nanami commented while entering the room. Looking around she noted there were some books spread out on the desk other than that things were tidy. Which she expected since he told her he was a pre-med student.

Taking in her surrounding she took a seat in a chair placing her bag on the floor beside her and the book she was carrying in her lap. “Compared to your major mine seems rather useless or silly.” Another musical laugh came from her. Her gaze fell momentarily. “I’m actually a double major, majoring in Ancient Studies along with Folklore and Mythology.” After sharing her fields of study she moved her arm that covered the title of the book which was Celtic Mythology by John Arnott MacCulloch.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 03-16-2016, 10:51 PM

After Aza'zel had left she started to pack her things up. yet had made good progress on her painting today. yet listen hearing the teacher said class was over. a bit later she heard Amanda speaking to her in a loud voice. "Hello Amanda how are you today? I am about to go grab a snack at the school's craftier. would you like to come with?" she ask her in a polite yet clam sounding voice. Flora was planing to get a snack eat it while studying before. going to a other class in about two hours. the class was animal healing/animal training.

She sometimes knew it was good ideas. since her powers would not all ways work with the animals. so it was best to use her hands when healing. the human way then with her own inhered gift,of healing powers. at least the double class was four hours long. it did help them learn a lot of different things. about a sorts of animals no matter what type she would help. as long the animal would promise not to bite her. Flora has a small fear of snakes form one biting her before.

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salvete is offline
Old 03-17-2016, 05:55 PM

"Hi Flora! I'm okay, thank you for asking!" Amanda replied cheerfully to her friend's question. "How are you doing today?" and at Flora's invitation, Amanda thought for a second, then said "That sounds good! I'll go with you to the cafeteria! I already ate lunch, but maybe I will grab something. And if not, then it's okay because at least we get to hang out for a bit before your next class!"

Amanda walked with Flora towards the cafeteria. "Your animal healing/animal training class is later today, right? It sounds really interesting! Do you know if the professor would be okay with me joining? I would love to see what it's like, if that is okay."

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 03-17-2016, 11:32 PM

"I'm doing well thank you for asking." Flora says in a happy voice yet. was happy to hear Amanda say yes. to the idea she had about getting a snack at the cafeteria. she listen's to her friends question about her next class. but giggles softly liking the idea of her friend. wishing to come to her next class.

"It is in two hours form now. Professor Avalon all ways welcomes other students. how wish's to take a look at the class's. he will let you anyone come if they wish to help out. with the animals in between classes,I volunteer each spring break." she says while recalling the last time she had done so.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 03-18-2016, 07:47 PM

"Oh wow, that's great!" Amanda replied as she walked beside Flora. She glad to have the opportunity to attend such an interesting class. She also loved animals, having volunteered before with animal shelters and animal clinics. And she would also get to hang out more with Flora! How exciting!

Finally, Amanda and Flora arrived at the cafeteria. It was fairly empty, only a few students here and there eating or using a table to group study. It was usually like this at three in the afternoon because most students had already eaten lunch, while others were still in their afternoon classes. They then proceeded to walk towards the various counters advertising the different cuisines they were serving that day. Amanda looked around in awe. The cafeteria was serving everything from sushi to cheeseburgers and fries to salads to salmon, beef, and other dishes. Amanda then turned to her friend. "Wow, there are so many choices! What are you going to eat, Flora?"

Last edited by salvete; 03-20-2016 at 01:21 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 03-18-2016, 08:02 PM

Alecross was finishing up within the library. He had spent time there within there since the incident that morning. He took a breath, sighing slightly. He really did feel a bit foolish for what had happened. It was not unusual for him to run into confrontation with others. Though he did not actively seek it out. There were those who didn't have anything against him, which he was thankful for. The last thing he needed was to live within a school where everyone hated his guts.

Then again, there was that moment this morning where the other had threatened to make his life here hell. He was not the type to take threats to kindly. If someone was going to do it, either just do it or shut up about it. He stood, pushing the thoughts from his mind. Moving out of the library, he stepped out into the day once more. Movement off to the side caught his eye. He arched a brow slightly at the other male hopping from shadow to shadow. He knew the other, not to intametly, but he was another art student.

Aza'zel was his name, at least that was what he thought. He seemed to be wanting to avoid the sun, which was not surprising since he was a bit on the pale side. He did not want to force him to stay, if he was going to be harmed in the sun, opting to wait until the other was near the dorms. He was heading that way anyway, so why not. He met up with the other, easily falling into step with him. "How was class?" he asked, having skipped out on painting today, since it was one of the areas of art he was not to interested in.


He looked at her, as she seemed to try reassuring him that his choice was a good one. He gave a light smile to her, before hearing her opinion on his room. Nice, that wasn't bad. He could deal with that. She proceeded to sit, before talking about her own major. He closed the door behind them, looking over at her. "I do not think it is silly at all, I have had a secret love of mythology and such to be honest" he chuckled lightly. "I tend to dable in a few areas outside of medicine" he moved into the area of the room that was reserved for the kitchen.

"Can I offer you a drink?" he said, "water, tea, I could make a fresh smoothie if you like." He had gotten some groceries not long ago. Meaning, he had plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables within the fridge. Of course, it was up to her what she wanted in the end. He was already thinking of what to make for lunch. Perhaps fresh pasta in a Fettuccine sauce. He smiled, it sounded good to him. He hoped that she would enjoy it as well. While she decided on a drink, he began to get things prepared to cook.

He enjoyed making his own pasts, it was fun to him. Most others cared to tell him it was to much hassle, but the end result if done right, was worth it in the end. He could also make the sauce what he wanted. Add a bit of a twist, it would be a lunch to remember indeed.


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