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Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-08-2017, 03:41 PM

LOL! I never thought to jump ontop of Farosh XD You'll have to let me know if you can manage to get on it's back! XD Ah that's good! Have you figured out that the more creatures you put in a potion, the longer the potion lasts?

Ah good! Lizalfoes are hard for me to do the fury rush cause they dodge around so much >.< So nice job! Keep it up! I dunno? It's an important rock and without giving anything away, You'd know if you've been out there.

Me too! Mushy fires have their place but crispy ones are the best

That's crazy fast for the fuelband to die I still haven't looked at the fitbit. I've had a really busy week so far. pretty much been gone most of the day Monday - Wednesday. Last friday I got my eyes checked. Monday was an appointment for something or shopping, I can't remember lol. Tuesday there were 2 appointments, one in the morning in bend and one in the afternoon in redmond, also picked up the kids from school. Yesterday we went to visionworks to pick out new glasses! I took some picks of the glasses I looked at so I'll have to upload them and share them XD I got a pretty niffy black and green pair for everyday and then a nice more wire frame kinda pair for computer.

I have not finished the main quest
I am working on getting all the shrines
I do have the Master Sword
I have 20 hearts and 18 unspent spirt orbs
I have 3 full stamina wheels (Max Stamina)

You have to attack the Lizalfoes or you wont get the arrows! The shock arrows that some of them shoot make it really hard though so I can understand going around them XD Oh the electric Wizrobe isn't fun >.< If you head shot them though, they will fall down to the ground and give you a chance to attack them with a melee weapon Hilarious that you climbed around it XD How many hearts did you have going up there? I can't remember but I think I had 8 at the time I went. It was a mission I stumbled upon so I wasn't "ready" Per say but I did alright

Ah yes the helm! Did you get the clue for where it is? I can tell you right where to get it if you can't figure it out. It is indeed a real thing and you can find it given the clue
Th- Zora helm w-n in th-s fight i- no- north of --- in the r--ns near ---- L-ke
So it is in the north "in the r--ns" near a particular "L-ke" also, there are a pair of greaves that you can get for the Zora armor set as well. If you need help getting those let me know and I can give you some hints

I love the Zora tunic! It's so helpful to gain elevation when there are waterfalls around! You don't have to worry about climbing and running out of stamina! Two mini bosses? I know of the one Lyonel... What's the other mini boss? Ah I know the Tower you speak of! That was an interesting adventure getting to that top right tower! Ah yes and the Goron area... there is a place you can buy the potions at the beginning of the road up to Goron. You can also make your own by catching Fireproof Lizards around the Eldin Canyon region

Ah that's great! I'm glad your neck is doing better! That sucks that you still aren't sleeping though >.< Are the things you got to try out a while ago just not working?
Yep! Lots of fun! I am finishing up some planting today and then that should hopefully do it for the planting this year XD
right?? I felt like the way Zeened looked was an Echo of how I was always feeling like an old man over the last couple of years and so I was like, You know what?? I'm gonna young this up a bit! So bought that new hair style and gave him a more awesome looking outfit XD HAH! Head and Shoulders commercial model XD Well I think that's a good compliment!

Oh that's a cool watch! It's so you! I like that it has that clear bit around the edge and then the extra spokes around the watch face Very nice! I like that it's super thin too I don't like watches that stick up to far.

Ho! Look at that! I wonder what movie it's for? I googled Strangelove but I only got an older movie called Dr. Strangelove with Peter Sellers that is a satire about the Cold War. Not very helpful lol

So I never heard what happened with your desk? Did you get moved in with Oriela? Are you happy with your new desk? Did your coworkers muck around with your stuff too much? Anything exciting going on in your life? #myturnforallthequestions XD

I haven't had much going on besides cleaning up the outside and cleaning the inside XD lol. I've been doing some work on the tractor, getting debris cleaned up etc. Not super exciting. We might be having our cousins come visit later this year too so that's exciting! There are some things I want to try and do before they get here to clean things up. I also wanna try and get a little tree house started that the kids can play in by then too


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-12-2017, 06:36 PM

I’m going to let some of this drop since this is getting pretty long, lol!

Well I was on Farosh’s back until the lighting jolted me off, lol. But I take it apparently you don’t actually need to get on it to do whatever needs to be done if you haven’t been on his back. XD

So when do I get to see a picture of your new glasses?!

So…does the Master Sword have durability? Please dear Lord tell me no…

I think I had 7 or 8 hearts going up to Zora’s Domain.

I saw the clue for the helm, I just haven’t found said ruins near whichever 4 letter word lake. I’ve looked around a bit but nothing yet. Does it do anything special or just provide better armor? Does it look cool? Is there a hint for the greaves somewhere? Do THEY have anything special and/or look cool? #MOARquestionslol

I didn’t try taking on the Lyonel. Pretty sure I’d get my ass beat. The other one is some giant ogre thing that apparently rips trees out of the ground and uses them as a weapon. I didn’t try fighting that one either. XD

You’ll have to pop on as Zeened sometime we’re on SWTOR at the same time so I can check out his new look in person!

Apparently my sister said it was a Time Warner Cable TV movie or something? IDK. Guess I’ll have to see what’s out there tomorrow. I’m really hoping I’ll be able to walk by on the way to work and they won’t make me go around the block. @_@

My new desk is in the old assistant’s office so I have an office by myself for the moment. I was working on organizing the old files and getting it cleaned up but then I heard I might be moving desks again soon so I gave up on that. No sense getting all set up just to have to move again. >.< I’m liking it so far, it’s very quiet here, I’m just trying not to get too used to it because I’ll probably be moving again soon. T_T Other than that there hasn’t been much excitement in my life lately. Just trying to plod along and take it one day at a time. ^^;

Is it the same cousins who came last time? Or different ones? Either way it will be nice to see them I’m sure. A treehouse sounds like fun but a lot of work. @_@ Where are you going to put it?

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-12-2017, 10:50 PM

Trade some Pokemans?

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-14-2017, 10:58 PM

LOL I tried to get on Farosh's back and as soon as I touched her, I got zapped off even with my special armor >.< I think it's just the scales, claw, horn and fang shards you need

I'm uploading the albums with my glasses! I had a lot of different possibilities so you can see them all XD

The Master Sword has... Energy Durability... So when you use it too much it runs out of energy or "breaks" and then you have to wait like 5 or 10 minutes for it to recharge. Maybe it's 15? I can't remember lol

The lake is pretty high up in the North of Zora It does give you something special! And don't forget if you get all 3 pieces of armor for the Zora set, you'll get a set bonus if you upgrade everything 2 times! It does look cool! Look around for some quests in the Zora City for the greaves #MOARanswerslol XD

I tried fightning the Lyonel and lost. I said fuck it and went around it lol XD OHHH! The Hinox! I was wondering when you were gonna get to those! They aren't actually too bad to beat the Hinoxes Those and the Lyonels are all over The Lyonels give great end game weapons!! They are hard to beat though and you have to have a good grip on the Fury Rush maneuver

I will! Maybe next time I catch you on SWTOR I can play with him XD I'm almost done with chapter 3 on him! So exciting!!

Oh gotcha! I don't think I'd know what it is either then lol XD Did you see anything new on the set? Or is it pretty quite by the time you walk by? Did they make you walk around?

Oh that's right! I forgot they assistant had their own office! Ridiculous >.< That blows. >.< Any word on the possible move to a new desk? Oh I bet! Compared to being out front like you used to be, I bet it's heaven in there! I hope you get to stay in there if you like it so much!
Ah gotcha! Well ploding isn't so bad I suppose I've been trying to get inside stuff done this last week or so. The weather has been like spring time weather and really windy and I hate working in the wind. Other than that, I am rebuilding the Nephews computers with slightly oomphier components and trying to set up a Freelancer server for them and me to play (a space game) from time to time. They might be moving later this year so I want to make sure they have something they can play with me from afar XD

Yep the same cousins! It will! And I finally got the guest room cleaned up so that's super nice XD Indeed. I probably won't get to do much but I'd love to put a platform up or something at the very least. It would go over by where the play set is but on the pasture side of the tree that is next to there.

OK. So glasses....
The green pair is the one I got transitions in and then the more wire frame looking ones are the computer glasses
Glasses I Got

And then all the rest of these are the ones that were possibilities. The ones with the blue streak on the temple were a close second to the green pair I ended up getting XD
Possible Glasses


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-19-2017, 02:31 PM

I’m going to consolidate these a bit since we’re kind of all over the place. ^^;


I see, hm… I’m not sure what to do with Farosh then. I also saw a fire dragon so I have that added to my list of to dos lol. Will the game give me any direction with them? Like is it part of a main quest that I will be given? Or do I have to figure it out myself?

Ah… I’m a bit disappointed that the master sword still has durability but at least it doesn’t actually break. Does it take quite a beating before it breaks at least? I also found another magic weapon. Like a comment sword or something that said it used magic. I didn’t have room for it in my inventory so I didn’t take it (and marked my map to go back later) but do you know if that is a similar thing? Like will it also “break” then have a cool down and you can use it again because it’s “magic” or no because it isn’t the master sword when it breaks it just breaks?

I finally found the zora helm, yay! I’ll have to start looking around for the greaves. I didn’t see any quests during my first time around but it seems like things change every time you go back to different places.

I found another Lyonel but didn’t fight it. I almost want to save the game, run in, get my ass whooped and then reload where I saved just to see what it’s like, lol! I haven’t found any other mini bosses. Every time I see a cluster of rocks I think it’s a stone talus though, lolol!!!

OMG I got Zelda’s horse!!! It’s so much better than my first one Tamarin. I feel kind of bad but he’s totally been replaced, lol!

Wow, you’re so far with Zeenid! I’m still pretty much where I was with all of my characters where I left them since I haven’t done any story stuff. ^^;

Did you check out the Nar Shadaa night life event? It seems pretty lame. Unless you have crap tons of credits to spare or are some sort of luck god there’s no way you’re going to get anything out of that, lol.

Have you seen Shae’s new customizations? They’re kind of lame to be honest. Just very basic costume changes from what I’ve seen.

Everything Else

I wasn’t really able to see anything for the movie set. They weren’t out there when I went to work and by the time I got back they were mostly cleaning up. I was pretty disappointed that I missed all the action. V_V

I haven’t heard anything else about moving desks again yet. I really don’t know what’s going to happen with that. It’s kind of frustrating being in limbo but I’m trying to just go with it. I’m going to start learning more online stuff with the websites and emails and social media soon and hopefully not have to work on event stuff anymore which will be nice since I always hated doing that. Other than that there isn’t much of anything new work wise.

I bet you’re having fun with the computer stuff! Everything seems pretty up in the air over there for you and your family with you maybe moving and your sister. I bet that’s tough. Did you hurt your finger working on the treehouse or something else? Also is it worth it to be working on a tree house if ya’ll might possibly be moving? @_@

Glasses!!! I love the green glasses, they’re funky/cool! And of course those sunglasses too, so awesome! How are the metal ones? Are they really light? Which ones are you going to wear the most? Did you get them yet? Have you been wearing them? #MOARquestions I do like those glasses with the blue stripe on the side, and I like the third pair pretty well. It must have been a hard choice! I know it usually takes me like a half hour at least to decide on my glasses. ^^;

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-21-2017, 04:02 AM

I love how we keep branching Zelda out intp PMs XD I bet that drives you nuts! Sorry if it does! Feel free to combine!

Well I could tell you their purpose but maybe you'll figure that out soon yourself? Like the game should give you some direction eventually but I ended up reading about them in the guide. I think It's mostly figure it out yourself or look it up XD

Yeah for sure. It has good durability though! If you are hitting enemies it will last for a bit before breaking. Really?? Can you tell me what the name of the sword is? I haven't heard of one like that yet I don't think. Or let me know where you found it

Ah you did! Now you can attack in the water! Gotcha. There should be a side quest in the Zora domain that will get you the greaves Set bonuses are really handy.

There are lots of Lyonels around XD Honesly... I would suggest this XD It takes a lot to get over the fear of attacking them and then getting used to their attacks XD I did that and died a lot but learned a lot too lol. SCAREDY CAT! XD Sometimes I run across a talus on accident and then it's like CRAP :/ But I'm fancy now so I can take them out in 3 shots with my bow XD

You did?? Nice!! I haven't done that side quest yet! I don't think I could give up my horsies though XD Poor Tamarin... :/

I am! I'm quite excited for getting to the end of the trooper storyline XD Ah I see! Well that's something you can do now that you aren't subed is work on your other characters! maybe give Naori a make over so you end up liking her XD

So the night live event! I actually got some stuff on there last night when I got back on before bed! They have an HK customization even!

I haven't seen her new customizations. where did you find them?

Everything Else
Aw man! That sucks :/ So they are packing up and moving off now?

Oh well that's good! I hope you don't have to move! I really don't see why they would need to move you again >.< Ah gotcha! That sounds exciting! So you'll do stuff kinda like Oriela? I would hate that event stuff too. Who are they giving the Event prep to?

I am! I haven't finished it yet or gotten much done with my finger and crap but I'll get back to it soon XD Yeah it's a bit up in the air. Kinda frustraing but It's effecting some change at the same time so that's good. I hurt it working on a window insert for an AC unit. I'll show you a pic on instagram. I just finished it tonight (and managed to keep my other fingers XD) Yeah I dunno. It may not happen but it might be fun just to throw a tree platform up as a hobby activity.

Glasses!! Lol funky?? I haven't heard that one yet ^^! Mostly my sisters have been calling me a hipster SO! I got my green ones and sunglasses. The computers are ready but I haven't gone to get them yet. I've been wearing the green a lot but I need an adjust to keep them on better. They are really quite nice though!
I did like those other ones but I just liked these the best! HAH! IT's funny cause it took me so long the first time around and this time I had the glasses I wanted in like 15 minutes. done and done XD very unusual!

Other Stuff
Other than that, not a lot going on. Just getting my finger to heal. I can't wait till it's better. It's such a pain so to speak XD I have to get some more gauze tomorrow cause I'm just about out! :o My weekend was pretty quiet. Friday I played some SWTOR. There was an Imp side meeting Saturday but it was pretty boring. They did a huge Datacron hunt but I didn't have my personal ship yet lol so I didn't go. Sunday I gathered some peeps for Alderan Heroics for conquest. Me and two other dudes got to help a girl level up a few times along the way which was good cause she was the healer. We died really quick the first fight and then we went a little slower lolol!. The two other guys were level 70 though luckily so it went pretty smootly. We ended up winning conquest week too!

Yesterday and Today I finally got back to some normal chores and finishing some planting which felt really good! I also finished the thing I built when I chunked my finger so that felt really good XD

Anywho! I hope you had a good weekend too! Sans finger altering injuries! XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-21-2017, 01:51 PM


Nah, I don’t really get annoyed, usually I’m the one who ends up initiating it. XD

Without any clues I’m not sure how I could figure the dragons out. The only thing I can think of is to try to shoot the horn and talons with an arrow if I can’t climb on their back but I doubt that would work… Hrm…

I just did some digging to find the name of the weapon and found out that the Master Sword is the only weapon that won’t truly break. The one I found is apparently called the Meteor Rod.

You already told me about the Zora greaves, lol.


Hm, that’s an idea. It would cost a lot of cartel coins to make Naeori over though because I would want to change pretty much everything, lol. If I end up getting back into that game enough where I feel like I need different characters to play I’ll consider it though.

What did you get?! What is the HK Customization? I haven’t found Shae’s I just looked them up online.

Everything Else

The movie people were only there for that one day… That’s what it said on the picture I showed you, lol.

Hopefully I won’t have to change desks. But Oriela told me yesterday that she expects me from me now that I have my own space and I can “concentrate better”. :/ But yeah, I’ll start doing some of the stuff that she does and we’ll hire someone else to do the event stuff.

Whoa, you actually got an air conditioner?!

You totally are a hipster with a moustache and glasses like that. XD What is the difference with the computer glasses and your actual glasses? I can’t tell if they’re supposed to be set up specifically for using computers (they can do that) or if you’re just calling them your computer glasses because they are “nice” glasses you don’t wear while working outside…

Wow, so fast… I guess you aren’t as indecisive as me, lol.

Other Stuff

The datacron hunt sounds fun! My weekend was mostly boring, lol. Friday I came home and tried to get some stuff done. I cleaned the apartment and synced my phone pics since I haven’t done that since February and played a bit of pokemon. @_@ Saturday I was going to go roller skating but it poured pretty much all day so I stayed inside and checked out the Nar Shadaa event then played Zelda pretty much all day. XD Sunday wasn’t as good. I ended up passing out in the shower. @_@ Thankfully I didn’t really get hurt but I bumped my head and I have some sores and bruises from falling. >.< I rested pretty much the rest of the day after that.

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-22-2017, 02:38 PM

LOL! Yeah it's all your fault! XD

Well... You pretty much nailed it XD Try shooting it and see what happens FYI. I've tried to get on the backs of the dragons and I always get knocked off before I can actually get on them. Like they always have a mechanism that keeps you from getting on,

OHH A Meteor Rod! Yeah that one eventually breaks. Especially if you actually hit things physically with it lol. Fun Fact: Fire weapons will keep you warm in the cold. so if you have one equipped on your back and the warm doublet on, you ought to be able to go in super cold places.

I know XD I was just reminding you! lol

LOL! Well unless you buy unlocks and stuff it should be pretty reasonable! How did you end up with a character who's looks you dislike so much? XD Speaking of, I ran out of time this week to bring it up but I've been thinking of SWTOR and that we should try and play one of these weekends. I was gonna suggest the weekend after the 4th of July Weekend but that was before I heard of your vacay. So it will probably have to be after that. Anyways, let me know if you want to schedule something!

I have so far 3 golden tickets and a gramorian companion contract! I spent 200K on the smuggler chips and so far I've gotten around 15 Kingpin coins. I also bought some kingpin coins too. There's a little process you go through but if you have the patience you can get some stuff

The HK customization is 1 golden ticket. It's the HK Hutt Military – Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event

Everything Else
I love how you think I remember little details about the poster that I looked at like twice from a couple of weeks ago XD Anyways, that sucks that you didn't get to see anything :/

I hope not! I like your new desk! That wasn't exactly clear the way you wrote it but I think you mean that Oriela expects you to have your own space from now on? Awesome! That's great! So are you gonna stick around with that company for a while now or are you thinking of getting a new job still?

My mom did and I took her giant swamp cooler up to my room XD

Don't you start too! I'ts funny, some days I love my mustache and others I just want to shave it off XD The computer glasses have a different focal point specifically at around 18 to 24 inches. So my eyes will focus more easily. Oh, yeah XD lol I should have kept reading XD Yeah they are specifically set up for computers I also picked really thin arms on the glasses so that they will be comfy with headphones.

Lol not this time!! XD

Other Stuff
Well It probably was fun if I had gotten to go XD My character hasn't finished Dromund Kass yet though so I don't have my starship.
Ah nice! That sounds like a good weekend except for the rain >.< I haven't been roller skating in forever And Sunday.. Yeah.. Still scary Let's not do that anymore ok?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-23-2017, 01:18 AM


Ah, sounds kind of challenging considering how far away he is, lol. I’ll have to give it a try this weekend if I have time to play.

Oh! That’s good to know! I should go back and get the meteor rod then. Or go back and fight that fire wizrobe I’ve been meaning to and see if I can get his wand. That should have the same effect yeah?


Well for Naeori I would want to change her race and hair and body type and features…basically a whole makeover so that would cost a lot of cartel coins. ^^;

Ah yeah, that’s unfortunate timing. Can I let you know after I get back from vacay?

What do the golden tickets do? Sounds like you got some cool stuff! That HK customization looks pretty badass. Is there anything more specific I should do than what we were already doing if I want to keep trying? I’m not sure I want to waste all my credits on that but I want to know how to do it right if I do. XD

Sounds nice! Hopefully you won’t have to sweat it out so much this summer now!

Gotcha, I was going to get a pair of computer glasses for work at one point but then I realized I would have to change my glasses literally every time I stood up to get water or go to the bathroom, etc. and realized that it would be way too much of a hassle. @_@

Other Stuff

Which character is this? I haven’t been skating since last summer, I wonder if the weather will cooperate to go this weekend. Supposedly it’s going to thunderstorm tomorrow. This week has been really weird for rain. I’ll check in the morning and it’ll say no rain, then it’ll randomly start pouring in the afternoon. >.< But yeah, no more passing out I hope!

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-23-2017, 04:37 AM

There are ways to make it easier to get the shots on the dragons. You seem to be quite resourcful in regards to game challenges though so I won't bother with any walkthroughs unless you really need help. I spend quite a bit of time on writing them and I don't know as they are really helping you at all

You totally should go get a fire weapon! It depends. the wizrobes come in 3 different varieties. as long as it's a fire type wizrobe then the weapon it drops will have the same effect.

Wow.. That might cost a lot indeed to change up Naeori! Might be worth it to transfer her stuff over and make a new character!


Golden tickets are the currency for the Event Vendors. Yeah I did get some cool stuff! It's all bind to legacy too. I'm definitely getting an HK customization.
The process is basically:
  • you buy as many sumggler coins as you can,
  • Stand so you are split bwtween two smugglers luck slot machines so you can do two at a time.
  • Keep doing that till you get a stack of 10 or so of the king pin coins.
  • You can also get golden tickets from the smuggler machines.
  • Then when you have a stack of 10 or so, wait for the feeling lucky buff to come on and then run and hit the kingpin slot machines till you run out of your buff or you run out of coins.
  • (NOTE:) If you win big, sotop and check to see if your buff is still there. Winning big removes the buff normally so check periodically.
  • Rinse and repeat.
Everything Else and Other Stuff

((Could you be a little more careful with dropping stuff? It makes it hard to keep track of the conversation when I have to keep going back and forth to figure out what's missing ))

Indeed! It will be a lot cooler up here this summer! Much nicer on the weekends at the guild meetings XD

Ah yeah. That would be troublesome to have to change glasses all the time. Still it might be worth it for the PC glasses if you ever get eye strain.

This is the character Okrisit. He's a Chiss Bounty Hunter, Lvl 24. Wow that's a long time! I got you beat though. I haven't been skating since I was a teenager. XD That is weird rain weather! It's been super sunny and hot here all week so far. Quite a nice change from the crappy spring weather.

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-24-2017, 12:39 AM

Extra SWTOR Info for the Nightlife Event
So confirmed. as soon as you win anything besides a kingpin chip back from the kingpin machine your feeling lucky buff will go away.
I bought a bunch of smuggler chips again and by the time I was down 25 chips, I had 1 Golden Certificate and 3 Kingpin Chips


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-26-2017, 02:32 PM


I have some ideas for Farosh. I tried to find him the other day but he wasn’t around the lake when I checked so I ended up giving up and doing other stuff. I got to the rito area though and got the full set of cold weather gear so now I’m unfreezable and can finally go to the really cold places! I ended up fighting a wizrobe to get the fire wand but now I don’t need it, oh well. At least it was pretty easy to 1 hit KO it using an ice arrow.


Making another character is an option but again I barely play with the ones I have now so there’s no sense starting on someone else right now.

Thank you so much for listing this process, it really helped me a lot yesterday doing the event stuff. I was a bit confused about when the feeling lucky buff ran out because I didn’t realize that it actually showed down in the buff bar but I managed to get some cool stuff anyway, lol.

Everything Else

I have to go back and forth to see what you are talking about too…

I finally broke out my AC this weekend. I so am not ready to see the next electric bill, lol.

It might be nice to have a pair of computer glasses but I’m still leery about it.

I’m going to drop this last part. Probably most of this can just be dropped, lol.

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-27-2017, 07:53 PM

Yet again I should be working but I can't help soak up as much conversation as I can before you disappear for your vacay XD


I haven't gotten around to playing as much of this recently. It's been slow going finding karoke seeds. There is this cool interactive map that you can use here but I have to take my fancy laptop down to use it XD
Interactive Map
Spoiler allert. It shows you where EVERYTHING is!
Ah well that's good you've got ideas for Farosh! If you'd like to know the best locations to encounter the dragons, let me know. It took me a while to happen upon the best locations and I ended up having to look one up even.
Ah you got the cold weather gear! That's great! Hah well the metor rod can still help if you need to switch to more powerful armor while you are in a cold region But yeah, I love that trick with the ice arows! Very helpful! Also, a little teaser... If you get all the shrines, there is a sweet reward at the end :P


Ah yeah that's true. Kinda pointless to start a new character till you know what you are doing.

You are welcome! It took me a bit of research to figure out how to do it XD Ah yeah I didn't realize the buff showed up on my hud for a while XD I should have said lol. I'm glad you were able to get so much cool stuff though! AND... Guess what? It runs through August. I'm gonna be working on getting the rancor and some other stuff after the outfit. So I'll be crafting a lot of stuff. If there is something else you want to get, you can send me some materials and I can craft stuff for you too and sell them and then send you chunks of money in the mail. Let me know.

Other events coming up:
  • Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event: June 13 - August
  • Rakghoul Plague Outbreak on Alderaan: June 13 - 20
  • Bounty Contract Week: June 27 - July 11
  • Double XP and Double Valor Event: July 1 - 5

Everything Else

I guess it does happen that we have to go back and forth between the messages. I do try to be explicit in what I am saying so it's not ambiguous but sometimes it's hard. there was just a big chunk out of your last message so I got really confused XD

Ah nice! Did you ever get the pins fixed on the A/C and put back in place? Oh geez. I can imagine that will really up your bill to have the A/C on >.<



Now back to work. I'm trying to get the patio cleared off and ready to be power washed. I had to get a whole new hose and gun for the power washer cause the o rings went out on the last one and I can't for the life of me find o-rings that fit >.<


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-27-2017, 08:37 PM

I should be working too, lol.


You should have put the spoiler alert before the link, lol! That does look like a super helpful map though. I figured you had been using the guidebook.

I feel like the best area to encounter Farosh is around the lake but I could be wrong. I’ll find him eventually, lol.

I said I got a fire wand not the meteor rod, lol. And I wouldn’t want to equip better armor and then have to use the wand. I’m paranoid of having that thing break on me, lol.

Hm, I wonder what you would get from doing all the shrines… It’s going to be a long time before I find out, lol.


I was so excited to get the last of the armor last night! I was so lucky! You already mentioned that it’s going until August so I was thinking I might try to go for a few more things. I’ve been eyeing that luxury speeder so I might try to go for that. And the Tharan customization just for the lols. XD Thanks! I’ll let you know if I need help crafting.

Everything Else

I’m not sure what you’re talking about with the AC pins to be honest but it’s running okay. I ran the fan for a while and the leaf that was inside making a bunch of noise finally got mulched up. XD

Have fun cleaning!

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 06-28-2017, 04:06 PM

I hope you are getting some more work done today!

Well I thought since spoiler was bright red you'd see it first XD lol! Mostly I do use the guidebook but there isn't a map of the karoke seeds in there. It's a very short section that covers them.

Let me know if you can't find Farosh! P.S. Farosh is a girl XD

fire wand, meteor wand... Same difference! XD but yeah. Just don't hit anyone physically with them XD They are quite plentiful in certain areas though so don't worry about losing it.

LOL! Get on those shrines! You'll get them all before you know it!

You really were lucky! I had shit luck that night! 40 smugglers chips and 10 kingpin chips in the hole with no prize >.< Awesome! I like the luxury speeder too XD I want to get that and some of the customizations as well

Everything Else
When you broke into your apartment that one night, you had broken the pins that hold in the unit or something. I was wondering if you got that fixed so it can't be pulled out again. That's great that the leaf got mulched up though! XD lol!

Eh... Cleaning >.<


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-28-2017, 06:10 PM

I have been getting some work done! I’ve been better about working this week. It feels good to be getting stuff done.

I think we’re pretty much talked Zelda out at this point, lol. I haven’t been able to play in more than a week so no new infor there, lol.

I did play a little SWTOR last night. Some of my war supplies sold so I did a bit more gambling. My luck was kinda bleh but I managed to make a couple tickets.

I think you are talking about the clip that keeps the front plastic plate on the AC unit. I think I just taped it? In any case it’s working okay, lol.

Ugh, laundry...

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-01-2017, 10:48 PM

Ah that's good! I have been too! Lots of things that I keep putting off that are just little things (though they usually end up taking a while lol!) But yeah, Very nice feeling accomplished!

Alright! I'm working still on Karoke seeds. It's really helpful to have that map lol. Anyways, I'll let you know when I go after Ganon!

Ah sweet! I'm glad you are still able to make money even though you aren't subbed! I can't believe your luck. Just like... WHAAAA????? What? HOW? Where is my luck?!?! lol! All told I have like 10 golden tickets I really need to do some more slots tonight after the meeting!

Yeah that one! Gotcha. I'm glad you got it repaired

The nephews left a bit ago. Oh my god they are getting to be a handful when they are all together O.O They are so competitive! And antagonistic XD lol! I wonder if I was that bad when I was little It was a pretty fun visit but it had it's hiccups. We ended up playing a lot of Smash bros. I finally realized that if I do an 8 player battle then I can use the team feature and go us four against the CPUs. It keeps everyone happy!! Time to chill and relax a bit now. Though I gotta get cracking on finishing Ash's computer by tomorrow cause we are going over for their party in the afternoon. So many birthday parties in one weekend


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-10-2017, 01:39 PM

Are you ready to take on Ganon yet?! I haven’t played any Zelda in forever, lol.

I’m just selling stuff on SWTOR now and leaving the emails with the credits unopened so I don’t go over my credit cap. This business of not being subscribed is really annoying, lol. I managed to get my last golden ticket yesterday to get the Tharan customization. I think that’s all I wanted really. Just the outfit, the speeder, and fu manchu Tharan. XD Now I’m wondering if maybe I should get anything else for my other toons or just leave it at that.

I bet now that your nephews are getting older they’re more independent but also more argumentative. With so many of them I bet it’s tough to keep everything running smoothly. ^^; I haven’t played Smash Bros in forever. I keep meaning to play Mario Cart but whenever I turn on the Wii it’s to play Zelda. XD

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-13-2017, 07:26 PM

Nope not yet XD But I have gone around and explored the castle and gotten some stuff from in side there It's pretty creepy! I haven't played in a while either but hopefully this weekend I can get back to it

"other toons" XD you sound like a fancy vetran of the game XD Pretty soon you're gonna be all "Hey who wants to go on SOR HM FP?? Need tank and dps!" XD Anyways though, I imagine the credit cap is annoying. >.< It's cool though, with conquest every week, if you get 20K conquest points then you get a 25K and 50K credit voucher that you can save up and they stack too :P You also get 3 different kinds of utlities for your stronghold! I've racked up quite the collection of crystals and lockboxes and plants and stuff! (they are the scannable ones you can put in your stronghold )

Yeah it's harder to make things go smoothly as they get older XD especially when they all want to play or do something differnt than the others I love smash bros! But I only play with them really XD Since I got Zelda that's basically what it's been for me too is turn on the console and oop! There's Zelda! XD


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-14-2017, 02:30 PM

Ooh, I wonder what it’s like in Ganon’s Castle…if there are monsters I haven’t encountered yet, and like chaos vines everywhere… Don’t answer that though, I want it to be a surprise! I wonder if I’ll get back to playing this weekend. I haven’t really been in the mood to be honest. I’ve been feeling pretty crappy most of the week. >.<

ROFL! I don’t think I’ll ever get those acronyms straight. Especially since I can’t participate in most of them at the moment. XD I honestly have no idea how conquest works. I can’t participate in that either, lol.

Yeah, I bet. I used to really like Smash Bros back in the day but it’s not really my thing anymore. I’m not a huge fan of fighting games or competitive games really though some of them can be okay.

In other gaming news I’m almost completely done with Pokemon Sun! I got all the pokemon I need from the GTS so now I’m just working on collecting all the zygard cells so that I can make the ultimate form! After that I might restart the game so I can get another cosmog and Type Null so I can get their evolutions as well as a Solgaleo for you. Or maybe I’ll go back to playing some other games for a while. I dunno, either way I’ll probably just do a super speed run of the game the second time around instead of worrying about any side quests, catching pokemon, etc.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-24-2017, 03:45 PM

Sorry for taking so long to get back to this! I meant to do it a bunch of times but I kept getting sidetracked!

Well Ganon's Castle inside is like:


WHY DID YOU LOOK?!? Are you trying to ruin the surprise??

And the types of monsters you encounter are:


WTF?!? Why do you keep looking?!?!?

Did you ever get back to playing? I haven't played in over a week cause I'm slightly tired of grinding all the Karok seeds lol XD Ah that sucks:/ How come you were feeling crappy :/ I hope you are feeling better now!

LOL! I still don't get all the acronyms XD. I need to write down a list cause like whoa. There are so many!

Smash bros isn't as fun by yourself :/ I mean it is for a little bit but then it's like... ok I need a break XD It's much more tolerable with someone else to play with!

Holy crap for reals!?? That's crazy! I haven't played SUN since we traded XD Did you get the legendary ones at the end of the game that you were gonna get from me? If so I should give you the rest of my Zygard cells and restart the game for myself. I sped though that game so fast I barely remember the story line lol. Oh but maybe I should grab the Type Null first! Having a Solgaleo would be cool! I've toyed with maybe buying sun myself and playing it on my other 3DS from time to time but Pokemon tends to be a fall/winter type game for me lol. So I dunno. Seems kinda silly to spend money on the same game with slightly different features. Well you'll have to let me know when you finish your game 100%

In other gaming news, I'm glad you seem to be having so much fun having resubed to SWTOR! I sent you another MK1 kit! Later tonight, I was planing on doing some underworld trading rotations to get more of the supplies needed to make the kits. I'll shoot you a message to bug you about what kits you need XD

In OTHER other news... My ATV is pretty much dead... I messed with the valve clearance and cleaned out the carb and now it won't idle. I was gonna try and fix it more and then I discovered that the frame on the bottom is completely cracked though in two spots and I have no idea how it is stay together. It's a mystery. So now I am trying to do an actual business plan for the hay so that I can budget in a new ATV and stuff XD Hopefully I can find a newish used one for cheap

I hope you're having a good day!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-24-2017, 06:13 PM

I hope you're having a good day!

So easily distracted!!!

You sure got me there with those spoiler bars. Give it up and just go fight him already!

You also got me on the “oh yeah you can totally get the Zora greaves in Zora’s domain”. You failed to mention that part about having to fight the Lynel. Fahucccck that! I played for a little while this weekend but then got stuck trying to do some stupid golf thing in one of the shrines and gave up. >.<

Also it’s been 2 weeks since I wrote that so I have no idea why I’m feeling crappy but it probably has to do with the bugs in my apartment and not sleeping well or something to that effect. Anyway, I’m feeling a bit better but still crazy tired from staying up too late playing SWTOR. @_@

There are way too many acronyms for sure.

I used to like playing smash bros alone when I first got my GameCube but yeah, I wouldn’t really want to play it like that anymore. I would also not chose to play that game in general, lol.

I got the other legendaries I needed from the GTN because I figured you wouldn’t end up playing it through. ^^; It would have been better to get them from you because they would be named that way but I was too impatient, lol. But yeah, I haven’t played it since then. I’m really close to being done though! I just need to restart the game to get another Type: Null to make the Silvally and another Cosmog to get Cosmem or however you spell those, lol. That’s a fun idea, getting both games! I’m too cheap to do that myself but it’s definitely the easiest option to get everything.

I am having a lot of fun! Too much fun probably since I’ve been spending way too much time on that game and staying up way too late. >.< Anywho, thanks for helping me craft everything!!! I responded to your PM about the MK kits. Also, I just saw that there will be a ragkhoul event from July 25-August 1st. I really want to participate in this because I need to get reputation through that event to get some decorations I want. I’m free this Friday, would you be interested in making plans to play together for the event? I’ll also probably be around on Wednesday FYI but I’ll be busy Tuesday and Thursday.

I’m honestly surprised that little ATV lived that long. It’s a shame it decided to kick the bucket now though. Hopefully you can get a replacement soon!

Today got off to a rather crappy start. I had a hard time falling asleep (my head was spinning after so much SWTOR). Then I woke up at 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Finally I fell asleep for a bit and then the cat decided to start running around like crazy and jumping on the bed and crying. So annoying. Finally I grabbed her and like hugged her to my chest to get her to stop but she wasn’t happy about it. Then while I was in the shower she puked on the carpet and my curtain rod fell down, which wouldn’t have been a big deal, except it knocked over my bamboo plant which spilled water everywhere, and got all over my video game consoles so then I was running around trying to clean everything up. I moved everything around and mopped up the water but then had to just leave it at that and run. My apartment is going to be such a mess when I get home tonight. V_V I ended up being 15 minute late which was really bad because I was supposed to be there to greet our new intern and show her around so ugh…not a good start to the day. Then at work my computer refuses to connect to the internet and I’m having to use one of those cellular wifi boxes to work but the internet is so slow and it’s such a pain. Yeah, just not a great day so far today. Hopefully yours is going better.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-25-2017, 03:49 PM

I did have a good day thanks!

Lol! I am XD

OH MY GOD! I can't believe you looked in those spoiler bars!! XD hahahaha! That's hilarious! XD I have like 60 Karoke seeds right now so I should probably just go cash them in and go fight him. Oh but I need to take out some Lyonels cause I'm out of good bows! :o

Oh comon! Lyonels are so easy to kill! Also, you will need their parts to upgrade certain things... You can do it! But wait, I thought you only had to take a picture of the Lyonel or something? ROFL! Yeah some of those shrines were a bitch >.< I don't like the stasis golf or whatever. I can never get it to go the way I want it to.

LOL! I kinda want to get smash bros for my 3ds just so I can play on the go from time to time but I still haven't gotten it after wanting it for more than a year XD

Ah I see! Well I should really finish that part. Just cause I'm so close, it would be worth it to get them. If I do get them soonish, I will bug you about it and maybe you can trade the ones you got on the GTN for the ones I have so you can name them what you want since names don't matter to me as much. Also, I don't think I've seen the evo for Type: Null. LOL! That's what's been stopping me cause 40 bucks for a game that I basically already have would be better spent on SWTOR XD

LOLOL! Well, I'm sure the draw to stay up all night won't last forever so it's fun to have some bad habits for just a little bit XD You're welcome! I managed to critical a few times on Promethium last night so I'll have some to trade with you tomorrow! Yep I saw! I'll try and get on those kits too. Oh sweet! This is what you were talking about yesterday no? No worries, if I can catch you on Wednesday I will and I've got Friday in my planer

I know right? The ATV couldn't have lasted just a little longer! I wouldn't have messed with it except that it wasn't pulling very good. So yeah :/

Man your kitty can be so annoying! XD lolol! what a pest! haha! Oh crap! That's a lot of bad luck! You have to clean up cat messes and bug messes way too often >.< How's the new intern going? Did you end up getting to show them around? Oh that sucks balls. I mean, my phone hotspot is passible when I need it but if you are uploading and downloading stuff and connecting to the work server... That would take forever I hope today goes better for you!!
My day was pretty good. Basically a lot of little details before heading into town after supper. Did a bunch of errands and there were lots and lots of crazy drivers. the traffic is getting unbearable! I got an overdose of them and ended up marking a stop off the list cause I just wanted to go home lol. But it was good besides that!

What did you think of my hosting of the meeting? Did I do a good job? I was totally unprepared for the handing out of the dye though >.< You should make an outfit with it so you can look all official when you come to the meeting! :P

Anywho, Off to work!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 07-25-2017, 04:20 PM

You seriously should just go fight Ganon already! Stop procrastinating!

You’re the one who was all like “the Lyonnels are hard I died so many times trying to beat one”! But no, you have to go fight it. From what I saw when I looked up how to get the greaves is that you had to have completed the divine beast of the area and only then can you get the greaves quest. And in order to defeat the divine beast, you have to go fight the Lyonnel to get shock arrows from it from what the annoying old manta face guy in Zora’s Domain told me…

You are really close to the ultra beast quest in pokemon. It’s funny that you gave up so close to the end, lol! But yeah, that would be cool to trade the pokemon so I can have named ones but only if you want to though. Silvaly is the evolution of type null with love. It says so here: But yeah, paying for the game twice is a pretty expensive venture. You should probably just save the money for when Ultra Sun and Moon come out in November I believe.

I hope I don’t keep staying up so late because I’m really starting to feel awful during the day, lol. I didn’t fall asleep until around midnight again despite my efforts to do otherwise. >.< Whoo! Yay! Thanks for all your help with the crafting, I really appreciate it! I tried to turn the game on this morning thinking I would let it run the update but they had only just started it, oops! I’ll have to download it tonight or tomorrow so I can be ready to tackle the rakgouls!

Yeaaaah, that sucks when you try to fix something and just end up making it worse (the ATV). I’ve done that a few times and it’s always disheartening.

The new intern is okay, she seems pretty nice and willing to work so that’s good. She keeps asking for more work though and I don’t really have anything to give her, lol! It sounds like you had the kind of trip home that I did. I was dead off my feet and really really just wanted to sit down but literally no on in my train got up and I was just like staring daggers at them all. Then at the grocery store I got stuck in some line where a lady was bitching about a price and I was like oh my gosh just shut up already I’ve been standing in this line for 10 minutes! Needless to say I was in a pretty crappy mood when I got home and had to clean everything up from the morning’s fiasco and my cat was biting me and yeah, I got fed up and locked her in the bathroom so I could finish in peace. >.>

There were a few blips in the meeting. You ended up messing up some of your copy/pastes. Like you copy/pasted the same thing twice and repeated yourself once but otherwise it was good! You did a great job of getting everything set up for the event and running everything fast and smooth! Except for that Sophie Lou or whatever messing things up. >.< I was thinking I should look at dying and outfit for Concord. I have a bunch of other new dyes as well from Tarakaki that might be fun to play with as well.

Haha! I’m back to work myself. So tired, I can’t wait for the work day to be done. I’m heading to a Hans Zimmer concert tonight. He’s like my favorite composer everrrrrr so I can’t wait!!! It’s going to be awesome.

Berries & Cream!

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Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 07-31-2017, 04:18 PM

I know I know XD I haven't played Zelda in such a long time. I need to get back to it but I haven't felt the pull lol

Ok so... You totally don't have to kill the Lyonnel to get the shock arrows. I snuck around and grabbed them off of the trees. They are peppered around the area so you just stay as far away form the lyonell as you can and sneak around to to the tress and grab the arrows XD They Lyonells are easy to kill but only after you have enough hearts and really upgrated armor

I know right? I have been wanting to get back into playing it. I think I might do that one of the nights this week. It's supposed to be super hot all week so i might slack off one day and sit in the hammock for a bit while I play XD Ah gotcha! Thanks for the Silvaly link! That looks pretty cool! Give me a list of the Ultra beasts you want with the names you want and I'll seee what I can cook up

Yep! You're welcome for the crafting! I scored some more criticals last night before I went to bed but then my computer froze so I quite Also, I decorated the hall a bunch and I even have access to the basement and the rooftop without haveing to unlock the door still XD hahahaha! So ridiculous that glitch!

Fixing but not fixing things is totally disheartening >.< I ended up going to the polaris dealer in redmond and I'm just gonna get a brand spankin new ATV cause I just don't trust resold ones. it's a really good deal and it's got a lot of cool and fancy features so it just makes sense lol. Hopefully it should be here by the end of the week!

Ah that's good that the intern has a good work ethic! Hopefully you guys are still getting along! That trip home you had last week was crazy :o so much wiating and ridiculous situations >.< LOLOL! You never lock your cat in the bathroom! XD

Yeah, I figured out the trick to copy and pasting things during meetings and such on SWTOR. If there is a space after what you copied, it doesn't show up when you paste it but it is actually there. lol But thanks! I'm glad you liked the events and everything! I did'nt end up getting my weekly WB done cause I had to use so many different characters XD OH my god... That Sophie person was driving me crazy >.< Oh yeah? I might have you make some Concord dyes for me then cause I always forget to bring some with me XD lol!

Sorry for spelling errors. I am in a bit of a rush cause I have to run into town XD


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