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Yumehayla is offline
Old 09-07-2007, 05:41 PM

throw some samples at me :3?

Aliena is offline
Old 09-07-2007, 06:59 PM

Yume, I don't think there's any physical possible way for me to get something done by then. :-/ If I didn't have prior commitments...dang it!

chipyun is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 02:13 AM

Here's Berenika~~

@_@!! Er.. so the deadline is a week, more or less?
I don't think I'll be able to finish the two in time, but I'll try. XD;

musado is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 03:25 PM

yme~~~ <3 haven't talked to you in a while * 3*

would you be interested in chibis like these? :3


or headshots like this : x - experimental stykle
x - sketch w/ color
x - colored

I'm going to tentatively offer Flash art x x i think i'll get the school laptop w/ all the programs on Monday, but I can't be sure.

chibis would be fullbody, opencanvas stuff would be busts, and i can offer up to waist-up in flash O:

I can tentatively offer to do all the characters within deadline, provided that it's with different mediums and styles. with one style, i can probably do 3 or 4, five being maximum

Eh, uselessly long post * o*;;;

\ (•◡•) /
mangacatgirl is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 05:47 PM

Hm... Well I was considering offering to draw one of the characters... But I noticed there's not a lot of time left before the deadline (I doubt I'd be able to finish a CG in that time, with how my life has been right now. Busy, busy)... Plus my art style probably isn't what they'd want. So I guess I wont be making an offer then ^.^; I'll instead just say good luck and I hope the person has a really nice birthday and enjoys all the artworks.

Yumehayla is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 06:08 PM

@Aliena-> aww....I'd still want that picture from you? I'll just give it to her later^^
@chipyun-> Thank you soooooooooooo much *0*!!!!!!! you did a great job!
@musamusa-> IWANTALL!!!!!!! srsly, girl, get yourself to drawing xDDDD
@mangacatgirl-> I'd love a picture from you! It can be finished whenever you wish, and I'll pass it to her later. True, I want a big stack for her bday, but that doesn't mean it'll be the only time I'm getting her art xD

Aliena is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 06:31 PM

You got it then! I'll definitely get one done. I just feel bad it won't make it for her birthday!

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 07:56 PM

well, here's my deviant art account:
i'm just not sure if i could make a 1.5 week (or not maybe 1 week) deadline since i have work on weekdays... ^^;

Yumehayla is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 08:18 PM

any chance you could make it in time? or not at all?

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 08:31 PM

i could try... kinda depends on what you're looking for from me... ^^;
chibi / normal / with or w/out background.... stuff like that... ^^;

Yumehayla is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 09:06 PM

a chibi, but the backgroung isn't needed unless you're motivated to do one xD

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 09:32 PM

that should be ok... i could draw those faster i think... ^^;
well, when there's no bg anyways... ^^;
is there a particular chara you want or should i choose?

Yumehayla is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 09:57 PM

just choose^^. But if you happen to choose Berenika, please braid her hair xD
and what would be your price?

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 09-08-2007, 10:01 PM

well, of the v-day stuff, i like the pendant OR belt... i'm sure my art isn't worth both... since i'm not even sure if my skills are good enough for one of them yet... ^^;
i have all the CIs, so i'm not really looking for that... ^^;
i don't mind pure, but i don't know what's a good value for it... ^^;

chipyun is offline
Old 09-09-2007, 02:11 AM

Margaret [x (sora edit)]
I'll start on Virginio soon. IthinkI'llmakeityay~ c;

musado is offline
Old 09-09-2007, 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by Yumehayla
@Aliena-> aww....I'd still want that picture from you? I'll just give it to her later^^
@chipyun-> Thank you soooooooooooo much *0*!!!!!!! you did a great job!
@musamusa-> IWANTALL!!!!!!! srsly, girl, get yourself to drawing xDDDD
@mangacatgirl-> I'd love a picture from you! It can be finished whenever you wish, and I'll pass it to her later. True, I want a big stack for her bday, but that doesn't mean it'll be the only time I'm getting her art xD
rabuuu <3333

When's her bdaay? O: (though thanks to AP tests/hw it might take a bit longer than initially anticipated -_-#) And is there any that you'd like to see in particular medium ? <3333

Yumehayla is offline
Old 09-09-2007, 09:21 PM

Her bday i tomorrow, but the party is on twenty-something of september xD. Still no set date xD

\ (•◡•) /
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elanorepenn is offline
Old 09-09-2007, 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by Yumehayla
Her bday i tomorrow, but the party is on twenty-something of september xD. Still no set date xD

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Kadrias is offline
Old 09-10-2007, 07:12 PM

  • Aww, happy b-day to your friend ^,^

    Umm, might you be interested in any of my art? I've mostly been doing quickies lately, but I can def. do a big detailed piece if you wish.

    Sketchy examples: x x x x

    Some coloured things: x x x x

    I have some pics I did of OCs, I'm just too lazy to switch photobucket accounts right now xD;;; Let me know if you'd like to see any.

    If you want to see more, you can go to my dA page (my www button, I'm also Kadrias on there xD ) and if you want any other examples, let me know. ^,^;

Yumehayla is offline
Old 09-10-2007, 08:29 PM

nice! what are your prices :3?

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Kadrias is offline
Old 09-10-2007, 09:16 PM

  • Hnnn, I don't really have a set price since I've mostly been doing random requests for varied prices, lately ^,^;;; What kind of piece were you interested in?

    Could I possibly work for a v-sash? Dx Been questing it forever, but with only 2 left in the auction, and my friends rawr and baja are bidding as well.. I don't want to overtake their bids, but still.. ><;;; -dilemma-

    edit;; Here's something I just finished of someone's OC if you're interested owo;; not bad for doing it with an injured arm? <<;;;

Yumehayla is offline
Old 09-10-2007, 11:57 PM

hmmm....I'm not sure about the sash...You'd need to do quite a few pictures for it, especially since you're doing headshots...But I'd still want a picture from you, so is there any other item that you're interested in :3?

nocturnal miyu
nocturnal miyu is offline
Old 09-11-2007, 12:01 AM

@yume: did you see what i asked for? is it ok? not ok?
i don't think you responded. ^^;

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Kadrias is offline
Old 09-11-2007, 01:45 AM

  • Ara! I can do a big picture if you wish XD I just don't have many examples on me since the ones I'm doing are still in progress atm >3< The ones on my dA can serve as examples, they're just a lil' oldish now. I think I have one of my WIPs in scraps.. o3o

    I've just been doing headshots for mene :3 -nod nod-

Aliena is offline
Old 09-11-2007, 03:03 AM

So Yume, if we aim for the 20-something'th of September, it can still work for her birthday? *gets to working right away*


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