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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2012, 06:08 PM

Blearily she looked up at what made water spray all over her already soaked body. Blinking blue eyes, Verity was perplexed for a few moments but shook it off quickly enough. Reaching out she grabbed hold of the net with a determined expression. If they didn't pull her up she would do so herself! Ghostly, dark, ship or not it was still much better then driftwood. Besides she'd seen, or at least heard of, things that others would have thought completely incredible. Magical places where dragons flew. This was nothing compared to that.

"Well are you pulling me up or not?" yelled out Verity impatiently. It was getting hard to hold on to the rope net with cold fingers. Letting out a huff of breath the young woman began working her muscles to hoist herself up from the cold waters. It was hard work, more then she could handle with armor and water filled clothing weighing her down.

((It seems so short ... ))

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-18-2012, 07:28 PM

At the sound of Talon's voice, Azaela smiled happily and sat up. "I thought you might have died," she said, "I am glad you did not." She would have been terribly upset at the thought that she might have killed her only human friend. "I'm okay too. I have never transferred all of my powers before, it was just tiring." In reality, it was dangerous. Had her powers not returned for some reason, she would have remained in a sleep state until they did, if, they did. Not to mention, with each time she transferred her powers away, the harder it would become on her body. If she did it too many times, she would surely die.

She sat in the floor blinking owlishly after him as he threw the hutch aside and exited the room. Was the danger gone now? She worked to pull herself to a standing position once more. She headed slowly and steadily towards the door trying to master human legs when she heard her friend call for her. She picked up the pace, keeping one hand out to grab onto something should she need assistance.

Within moments she stood beside Talon, proud of herself and looking overboard at the human climbing up the rope. What was she doing in the sea? Azaela wondered. Her eyes looked out to the ship approaching. It too was dark in color. She had never seen such dark ships in her lifetime, and now she'd seen two in one night. She smiled, more human friends! She looked eagerly to Talon. "Friends?" she questioned, not having heard his jumping ship comment. She grabbed the wooden railing and leaned forward waving to the new ship. What an exciting night this had been.

When the ship pulled next to Talon's and planks were placed between the two ships, Azaela wondered what they were for. Of course! As Ryek moved across one she smiled happily. Humans were so much more friendly than her father had said they were.


Gemma raised an eyebrow at the elf when she placed a hand on her pistol. "What a time to try and shine a stupid compass," she said with a slight eye roll."So because you don't see it on his desk in all the places it could be on this ship, you assume I stole it?" She took a step forward towards the elf, "And you're going to threaten me?" That was certainly a mistake. Just because she'd never killed someone before, didn't mean she wouldn't start. Not with a map like that at stake. She would do whatever it took to get it back and have that treasure to herself. Not to mention, she didn't care what this elf was worth alive, that treasure map was easily worth twice as much, just for the paper and writing alone.

Her hand lay on her knife. She could easily have it out of it's holster and thrown into the elf's forearm just above the pistol before she ever knew what had happened. But she felt the ship come to a stop. She frowned at Belle, "We can finish this later, if you don't value your life," and she disappeared out the door to see what was going on. As she emerged on deck her eyes found Ryek crossing a plank onto the ominous black ship. She moved to stand where the planks connected. Damn Ryek boarding a ship like that. She waited and watched. At the first sign of danger she would board as well and defend that damn pirate. Without him, she wouldn't know where her map was. She crossed her arms and studied the other ship. It didn't actually appear to have a crew, how strange. She sat on the wooden railing and eyed the shirtless man and overly happy female across the planks.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 03-18-2012 at 08:03 PM..

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 01:46 AM

"Leave my brother alone. At least he is doing something productive, not stealing to make a living. Besides, you were the only one down here so you had enough to time to pocket the compass." Belle said as the woman went for her knife. Her eyes stayed on the woman as the ship came to a stop. She followed the woman up to the deck and looked at the black ship the captain had just boarded. Her eyes filled with a bit of fear for her captain as she looked at the other woman. "I will not permit you to steal from the captain." The elf woman pointed her gun at the other brunette.

Her focus was on the thief but she was worried for her captain's safety. Belle glanced over at the captain but held most of her attention on the woman before her.

Smores is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 03:07 AM

Talon watched as this wretched knight struggled to pull herself, leave it to a woman to complain that she can not save herself. Once again he had to do it himself. So grabbing the net he quickly hauled her aboard, and once again tossed the ever useful net into a corner of his ship. "This is my ship, and I am Captain." Talon spoke down to the second woman he had saved this day. "You will follow orders, and in turn be permitted to remain on this ship." He spoke quickly and turned his attention to Azaela whom had shown true compassion to him.

Then his attention turned back to that ship that dared to come up to his, though he noticed much more then just that. The crew seemed very frightened... a useful thing to have observed. The ship came in fast and pulled up alongside his. Talon showed no emotion, he had a plan - and a back up plan he hoped he would not have to use.

Though when those planks came down on his ship, his blood boiled. To be boarded at his weakest. Despicable. On top of it, there was this damned child whom brashly announced his intentions. Change of plans, negotiations where not going to be so merciful after all. He quickly grabbed Azaela and pulled her behind himself, "They are going to kill us. Stay behind me. These are terrible men." He assumed the worst, and no harm would come to her as long as he lived. Not to mention, this ship had just become his... and he had yet to really enjoy that.

"Oh captain. You see, my crew is dead. They died very suddenly." Talon spoke calmly, but his voice was less then pleasant. It gave him this evil sense. He also focused his dark gaze upon the crew - if he could keep them from boarding this captain would have to leave them alone. "And my replacement crew? Well, they wont stay dead" Talon let out a grimacing smile, and then his ship followed suit. It let out a harrowing creak from that lovely hull. That would be a bonus.

Talon had hoped the crew would notice that unholy and God forsaken seal he had drawn with blood on his chest, maybe add some fear into their hearts. "You see captain, those who come on this ship have their souls eternally damned." He stretched out his arms to showcase the darkness of his ship. "Though I would be willing to come aboard your vessel, and maybe we can work something out." Talon nodded, a friendly gesture to be sure. Still, he wanted no one to come aboard his ship.

"I have no crew, so I really do not have much of anything. That is your upper hand in the negotiations I would say." Talon grabbed Azaelas hand and climbed up onto the plank that Ryek stood on. Pulling her up behind him, still keeping her in a protected stance. Behind his own body. He turned to the knight and nodded for her to get onto the other plank, he would kill her if she chose to remain on his ship with out him.

"You know how it is - being boarded when you have no real chance to prove yourself. Not something any captain would appreciate." Talon smiled, showed no teeth, so the smile was lax. Still, it was a smile of sorts. Though every movement he made, and everything he said was dark. That crew needed to be scared of him - keep them away from his ship. He just did not want anyone to touch his one love.

"What do you say captain? A meeting on your ship?" Talon crossed his arms, and focused what energy he had for one final show. This would hopefully provide the push he needed to keep his ship vacant. His heart ached and his head pounded as his energy was so low, but he managed regardless. The black mist seemed from the masts and once again draped over his ship. The mist went as far to cling to the base of the planks that had made contact with his ship - and ran just about halfway to that of Ryek's.

That was all that Talon could muster, no black blood though it would have helped. It would have to do.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 04:38 AM

Her eyes looked over the crew for a moment before finding Talon and Azaela once more. As the man pulled a knight aboard his ship, Gemma wondered if the woman had fallen overboard. It wasn't really her problem either way. When the elf woman spoke and pointed her gun at Gemma, she rolled her eyes again. There was something so much more important going on here than a stupid compass, that the woman didn't even know for sure she had. She shook her head. This woman clearly had the hots for Ryek.

"Why don't you point that thing at the people who actually have the potential of harming your precious captain, hmm?" Gemma turned her attention back to the others who were all now crossing the planks. She closed her eyes and gave another head shake. For all Belle knew the compass was stolen by someone else, or simply hidden, or misplaced. To be so worked up that she's waving a gun around without a real purpose... she had to fancy the captain.

When Talon began to speak she gave him her full attention. His words sent a shiver down her spine. She didn't like him one bit. What did he mean that his crew all died so suddenly, at that he had a replacement crew that wouldn't die? The hairs stood up on the back of her neck. There was something really off about this man and his ship. When the mist set in, Gemma stood. She looked to Ryek wondering of his safety. Again, she didn't care what happened to him in the long run, but right now she needed him to live if she wanted that map. Was he really going to let them board?

She watched in anticipation. Ryek was basically a legend, so she knew she probably didn't need to worry. But this other man seemed genuinely dangerous, like something straight out of hell. She looked to the girl he pulled behind him. Who on Earth would want to be near that creepy and dangerous man? In any case, she took note. The woman was clearly important to that captain and that might be useful if things started going sour quickly.


((Actually, I'll wait to post with Zae until Pap posts so she can talk to her. It will give her a more meaningful post!))

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 03-19-2012 at 04:40 AM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 07:43 AM

Ryek's full attention had been on the lack of a crew present on the ship. Of course he had simply assumed they were still ashore looting Tortuga. When he heard Gemma and then Belle up on deck, anger flashed in his eyes. The deck was no place for women when a potential fight between ships could break out. There was never really any telling who would win the fight of boarders. Of course, Ryek could flog his whole crew, all cowering amongst each other and backing away from the planks. Useless sods. The captain of the other ship was speaking about a crew being dead, and a crew not staying dead, but Ryek could not focus on that at the moment.

He twirled around quickly, a rather dangerous thing to do on a narrow plank but he kept his balance easily. "Oy!" He shouted very loudly and he sounded very angry. "You two wenches get your squeezable asses back off this deck before I kill you both myself. Belle you know better! Keep that pirate wannabe wench out of trouble, and keep your brother out of sight." Belle knew better, she knew because of what she was it was important for her to stay hidden when Ryek was approached or approaching another ship. Women on a pirate ship, what the hell had he been thinking? He trusted Belle to get Gemma off the deck.

He did that twirl again, turning to face the other captain. Who was now on his plank. "Leave your women behind. I'm not putting anymore daft, order disobeying wenches on my ship. Unless you want to let my crew play with them a bit?" Ryek was in a very sour mood now because of Gemma and Belle. Still this man wanted to negotiate things, and even a dread pirate like Ryek couldn't ignore another pirate's need for a crew. It was a sad thing to have a ship and no one to help you drive it. "You've lost your crew, how did you lose your shirt?" An easy smile played across his lips but Ryek had noticed the seal on Talon's chest, and said nothing of it. He was doing a good job of ignoring that, the mist, and the sounds the other ship made.

His crew was not doing such a good job of ignoring those things. Every step Talon took towards his ship was matched by his crew taking backwards steps until they could go no farther away. They really were a bunch of cowards. Ryek held his hand out to the approaching shirtless captain, as if to help him across the plank. "Hurry along, crew-less captain. If you insist on bringing your women, then fine. Don't let them touch anything. We can negotiate in my navigation room." His anger had softened a bit, but his tone was still stern and hard. He was a pirate after all, with a reputation and an appearance to uphold.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 10:19 AM

Her eyes went to her captain as he yelled at her before putting her pistol away and sending Aurelio downstairs to his room. Belle looked at the other woman and directed her anger towards her. "You heard the captain, wench. Downstairs!" She grabbed her arm and shoved her towards the steps downstairs before the woman could get her in anymore trouble. The elf was shaking with anger and fear, her body trembling noticeably. If she wasn't going to be punished before, Belle knew she would now. But at least he had called her by name...well, he knew her name that was probably why.

"I hope you're happy. We're probably going to get whipped or worse." Belle said pulling the door shut to the captain's quarters and sitting in front of it. Aurelio grabbed his sword and practiced his steps in his room.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 11:35 AM

Grateful for whatever aid she could get at the moment, Verity soon realized just how much trouble she was in. A pirate ship, of course! If they ever found out about the gem she was delivering her life was forfeit, of that the knight was certain.

Shifting uncomfortably upon her feet with squelching sounds the blonde sighed. There was no help for it but to do as the white haired captain said. Moving across the dark misty decks she stepped up onto the planks with a hand upon her sword at the back of the one who'd rescued her. He might keep his word and treat her well by the way he was trying to protect that other woman, but she held no such notions for the other pirate captain.

Just hearing the way he spoke to the 'wenches' had her gritting her teeth and trying to stop herself from rushing forward to deal with the other man herself. This was why she'd fought so hard to keep her armor. No one else had the stuff, and it was so useful in battle. Showing white teeth in a fierce smile, Verity began mentally preparing herself for the clash of swords she was half hoping would come about.

((I forgot to count on the fact that she would instantly have some loyalty to someone whose rescued her.))

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 03:55 PM

Her smile faded at Talon's words. They were going to kill them? For the first time in her life while around humans, Azaela began to feel very afraid. If she proved her father right today, she'd never hear the end of it. If she survived. Her heartbeat picked up and she looked towards Ryek's crew. They seemed to look the way she felt right now too. That was certainly strange. Then when Talon spoke of people on his ship being eternally damned, she wondered what that meant. Was she damned now? What was damned? An honor perhaps?

As Talon grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the plank in front of the terrible man, she instinctively hid herself behind him. Frightened sapphire eyes peeking over his shoulder would be all that was visible of the mermaid behind Talon. She jumped when Ryek yelled out to the women on his ship. What was a wench? Azaela was beginning to feel exhausted. Having been on human legs for so long, transferring her powers, and so much new information, it wouldn't be long before her brain and body were mush and she would need to rest.

When Ryek told Talon to leave them behind unless they wanted to play, she couldn't think of anything better. She was a mermaid, she loved to play! She wondered what kinds of games humans played on a ship. But still, she was becoming increasingly tired. At Ryek's questioning of Talon's shirt, Azaela realized that the other captain was wearing something to cover himself. She hadn't even wondered about Talon needing cover, none of the mermen wore shirts, she thought it was only natural. She wondered why humans wore so much cover anyway, it seemed so un-natural.

Azaela turned her attention to Verity, blinking owlishly at her armor. She'd seen things like that on some of the sunken ships. The woman didn't seem injured and Azaela was very intrigued by her outfit. All she found herself wanting to do was rub it in all of it's glorious shininess, forgetting completely about the situation at hand as she stared at the knight.


Gemma was standing at the edge of the ship with her arms crossed, silently watching when Ryek turned around and yelled at them. Was he serious? All of his crew were cowering on the other side of the ship and Belle wasn't even concerned about the situation, Gemma was his only back up so it seemed and he was going to yell at her? Stupid proud man, calling her a wench again. She frowned deeply. She wasn't a wannabe pirate either. She just wanted treasures, would do whatever it took to get them, and wanted a ship of her own because she belonged on the ocean. Okay, so she was a wannabe pirate, she'd give him that one.

When Belle grabbed her arm, it took everything in her to keep from grabbing her dagger and stabbing the tiny woman in the throat. She planted her feet firmly. "You do not get to tell me what to do. I am not crew on this ship and I am not prisoner, nor will I be whipped," she said angrily. Truly she was more or less of a prisoner on this ship, luckily though she hadn't been treated as one. Should someone try and come at her with a whip, she would end them quickly. She glared at Belle. She seemed like a weak woman when she wasn't waving that pistol around.

She turned her back on the woman and leaned against the side of the ship again. With Ryek's cowardly crew on the other side of the ship and his pistol wielding lover below deck, Gemma wasn't about to turn her back on the situation and let her map out of sight. She had searched his quarters more than thoroughly, if it wasn't on his person, where could it be? She didn't know the ship well enough to know of his hiding places. Damn it! she cursed in her head, what a lousy situation. At this rate she would be teaming up with Ryek just to get to the treasures, the only problem, she didn't trust the pirate, not one bit.

Gemma would wait here on deck and watch over the two ships for any funny business. Part of her thought about boarding the other ship and stealing it away. But firstly, there was no crew to steer it away, and secondly, even if there was, the thing was hellishly creepy and she didn't want to set one foot on that thing. She sighed and shook her head. In any case, if Ryek was upset with her, he could take it up with her himself. She glanced up to the stars, the sun would be rising soon.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 03-19-2012 at 04:00 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 06:08 PM

Ryek assumed Belle would do as she was told and get Gemma off of his deck, so he was rather surprised when he glanced over his shoulder and Gemma was still there. He was trying to do something, and that woman seemed to determined to not let him. His finger's twitched as if he were itching for the trigger of his pistol, and he was. There really wasn't much stopping him from shooting Gemma, except his own strong will. She might be useful later, though he highly doubted it. Fine, he would just have his crew lock her in one of the cells in the hold. Ryek shouted at his crew, harsh French and they jumped into action immediately. Cowards they may be, but they were even more loyal than one might expect from a pirate crew. The crew surged towards Gemma almost as if one being. "Get off of my deck, idiot, or my crew will have their way with you." God. Why were women so damn stupid? Ryek stomped his foot on the narrow plank and glanced at Talon. "Want to help me flog the unruly wenches?" He grinned lightly, and glanced back over his shoulder to see what Gemma would do. She could fight, but his entire crew was coming for her and there was no way she could fight them all off at all. Ryek couldn't figure out why she was up there in the first place, she had no business being on deck during a boarding. None at all.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 07:57 PM

Gemma glanced down at the sound of someone speaking angrily in french. She immediately caught sight of the crew coming in her direction. Her eyes widened and she looked to her left, then her right. Were they coming after her!? Her initial instinct would be to grab her dagger and fight. What happened to the cowardly crew that was just trembling on the other side of the ship!? She counted them, multiplied that by her guess of two weapons each, be it their hands, knives, or guns and she took a step back. She didn't have a chance.

At the sound of Ryek's voice Gemma looked in his direction. For the first time she looked slightly frightened. He'd finally followed through with a threat. Now she accepted the orders willingly. She put her hands up in front of her, "Boys boys," she started, "no need to get hasty," she said, not realizing they only spoke french. She took a couple of steps to the side and quickly disappeared from deck. That was a close one, she thought. She certainly didn't expect Ryek to follow through after all of the other empty threats he'd given her.

She wandered around the ship for a moment to get a feel for the vessel. It truly was a fine ship. Through her exploration she found the room they used for storage. She found and apple and what looked like a few sacks of rice and relaxed into them, pulling out her knife to carve away at the piece of fruit. A short time later thanks to the darkness of the room and the rocking of the boat, Gemma was asleep. But she was a light sleeper. Should anyone try and touch her, she would instinctively stab them for her own protection.

Smores is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 10:59 PM

Talon smirked once more, this captain was no idiot and for that Talon was thankful. He was indeed open to negotiations, this was great news. "I will come alone if that is what you wish, but no one is to step a foot on my ship." Talon nodded agreeably and took a hold of Ryeks hand. Still he glanced back to Azaela and the woman he had just fished out of the sea. "May they wait here? I wish not to leave them alone on my ship. I'm sure you can understand." Talon turned and gave a look of reassurance to both of the women. Azaela had saved his ship and this other woman had prepared to defend it. The both of them were no ordinary women.

Talon did let go of Ryeks hand when he turned to deal with that other woman, Gemma he believed it was. "Ah, you do not have a good running with woman on this ship I see." Talon smirked, he had felt the same way until this mermaid showed she was as useful if not more so then any man to assist him before. Then Ryek had come to to give him an offer, help him to rid the ship of this apparent wench.

"Well if you are willing to help me. I can kill her if you like." Talon did not yet reach for his sword, confident that Ryek just wanted to inspire fear. Something Talon could respect to be sure. After all, what better way to rule a ship? It served him well... until those spirits got involved. Still, not the worst way he believed.

Talon still glanced back at those two women, he could not abandon them now. The knight had followed his order - that alone made her a prospect for a future crew. Azaela cared for his life and his ship... that made her very valuable. He turned back to Ryek with a stern voice, "Again I will state that no person shall touch my ship." His eyes were cold and the ship let out a roar of creaking wood in compliance to that rule. "These women too, they will not be harmed let alone touched." Talon crossed his arms. No he was not in a position to make a term of compliance...still he felt he had too. Had to at least try.

The worst case scenario was not all bad either. The knight and him could take on Ryek, the other crew would scatter once he came onto their ship. They had already taken steps back to hide when he stepped on that plank. That other woman, Gemma - she would probably turn on this captain once Talon made it clear he wanted nothing of anything here. That was the back up plan, but this negotiation was still much more favourable.

His mind kept going back to the mermaid, and he could feel her getting weaker. She clung to him, but everything about her grew weak. She was no doubt exhausted from that transfer of her pwoer. Not to mention she is not too acquainted with walking.

He turned quickly to Azaela and whispered to her, as to not signify a weakness of his missing crew - and now exhausted mermaid. "Are you okay? Must you rest?" Talon scanned over her body quickly and turned back to Ryek, not leaving his eyes off him for more then absolutely necessary. Quickly he glanced to the knight and nodded his thanks to her for assisting him. "Shall we Ryek? Or must I stand upon this plank all day?"

Last edited by Smores; 03-19-2012 at 11:15 PM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 11:28 PM

Ryek barked more orders in French over his shoulder, only glancing at the crew. Talon hadn't need to worry about the crew messing with his ship though, they were too afraid to do anything of that sort, at least not without an order from their captain. Every single member of his crew owed Ryek their life in one way or another, they were indebted deeply to him, and it was what kept them so loyal, they were frightened of this man and his black ship, but Ryek was confident they would push that fear aside if this man, and the knightly looking woman tried to attack him. Ryek knew his crew would fight for him to their deaths.

"Women have no proper place on a ship. It just brings bad luck and makes the crew hungry for things they can't have." He grasped Talon's hand, after the man had turned back to him from speaking with the barely dressed woman, and tugged the man across the plank, almost eagerly. Ryek taking backwards steps as he pulled the other captain onto his own ship. Ryek's crew backed away, whispered in French to one another and went back to cowering as far away as they possibly could get. They fingered their weapons though, they didn't trust this shirtless man with his demonic symbols and black ship. "Forgive my crew, they be a bit superstitious and the marking on your chest isn't helping them relax. No one will touch your ship or your women though. My men can be trusted. No harm will come to you and yours as long as you don't try to harm me." Ryek let go of the man's hand once they were both standing on Devil's Dream.

"I am willing to help...but I don't want to kill the woman, yet. She may be useful to me for a while. Come." Ryek motioned towards his quarters, the room that also doubled as his navigation room. He strode across the deck and pulled the door open, to find Belle there, he nudged her with a boot. "Woman. Why are you in my office? Never mind. I don't want to know, just find Gemma and keep her out of trouble. Lock her in the hold if you must." Ryek would step around Belle and motion for Talon to follow him. He moved to his desk and stopped. Before Belle even had a chance to leave the room he was speaking to her again. "Where is my compass, the broken one?" His eyes narrowed slightly, Belle and Aurelio wouldn't have moved it. They knew where he kept his things and his compasses were always on the table. He shook his head. "Deal with Gemma then go look for it."

Ryek plopped down in his seat and propped his feet up on the table. He motioned for the other man to sit down in the small chair opposite him. "I had hoped to loot your ship while you were raiding Tortuga. What did you plan on negotiating?"

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 11:52 PM

Belle jumped as the captain opened the door behind her and stepped out of his way. "I'm sorry, captain. I will find them, sir." The elf's voice was full of fear and a bit of worry. She bowed and left Aurelio in his room, knowing he would stay out of sight. Her eyes closed as she left the room and headed down the hallway towards the storeroom and the hold. The elf started to look for the other woman by searching in the rooms down the hall.

She found the woman sleeping in the storage room and sighed. Belle tossed an apple at the woman to wake her as she scowled. "Wake up, you can't sleep here. Come on, I'll lead you to somewhere you can sleep." Her eyes never left the woman as she didn't let her guard down. "And if you have the compass, I suggest you give it to me. Because if the captain has to come get it. You may need new clothes."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 12:07 AM

It was admirable really how the captain of the haunted ship wanted to keep her and the other woman safe. Despite the fact that Talon spoke of killing so easily, Verity was fairly certain that between the two pirate ships she preferred the haunted one and it's captain. It had a certain kind of intimidation factor that might just help her reach her destination faster if she was able to convince the shirtless captain that it was worth his while.

Making the planks creak beneath her weight the blonde moved to ease the mermaid from the captain's care as he moved forward to negotiate. It wouldn't do for the tired looking woman to fall into the sea and drown now would it? Giving the captain of the creaking ship a smile in acknowledgment. It was kind of annoying not knowing his name, but that could wait. Instead the young woman helped the mermaid walk onto the deck of the other ship while glaring at the crew menacingly.

Her sword hand lay upon the pommel of her weapon. It wouldn't take very much provocation for her to draw the sharp blade. Verity owed her life to the captain of a cursed ship and would do everything she could to pay that debt.

Smores is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 01:41 AM

Talon suddenly felt the grasp of Ryek's hand on his as he brought him upon his ship. Talon then felt the same hand pull away, but his eyes searched the crew for any signs of a fight. He would not be taken down by peons that was for sure. They would stand no chance - and he was confident in his ability to hold his own against this Ryek fellow. Though once again he seemed to smart to just fight him, when he can talk things out. Talon could not help but be glad about that.

Still he turned his head quickly to glance over at the women he had to watch over. He had caught the knights smile and nodded once again. "I trust you will protect her and the ship knight. Then we may discuss where you would like to be headed." He turned back to the captain by the name of Ryek who spoke of his superstitious crew. If his undead crew was under his control - they would have surely stood no chance. No man can fight with fear in his heart. Sadly those things would sooner rip everyone on each ship to pieces before helping anyone besides the damned spirits that were out for vengeance.

The seal huh? Talon had almost forgotten about that seal - which was honestly draining him of his life faster then he would admit. Even though he had only performed the ritual earlier today, it would have to be much sooner then later if he did not find a fix for those undead and undid that seal. Still that was a problem for later he supposed.

"Well then, what a lucky break." Talon smirked as he thought of this predicament, that frankly worked in his favour. "We have no numbers to start anything with you and your crew. So I assure you that nothing will happen on our end." Talon cracked his neck, sore from all this talking politely he had too do. If those spirits had not screwed things up the lot of them would be dead and he would move on with his life already.

Talon followed the captain to the room he was walking too and noticed that woman on the ship. "For someone who does not like women on his ship, you have as many as I." Talon chuckled, this woman was an elf to be sure. She smelt of elf, it disgusted him. "This elf woman, if you have no need of her can she die? I do not like elves at all. They disgust me really." Talon shot the woman a look of complete disgust. Those dam elves always rambled about his magic of the damned and their ridiculous earth magics. Too bad in a fight they were so dam frail, and died easily enough.

Ryek ushered him into the room and watched as the elf woman left. "Never mind then, she is gone." As he entered the room he smelled it once more, that dam smell of elf. "Dam, it wreaks of elf in here. How many elves do you have aboard this ship of yours?" Talons voice was less then pleasant, his hate for elves running deep to his native villages hate of them. "Is this a pirate ship or a refugee ship?" Talons voice was sarcastic, he could not even pretend to cooperate with that horrendous smell of elf in the air. Though it was not them to be honest, their energy just upset him. He wished the entire species dead to be frank.

"I figured you wanted something. We did not even get a chance to raid that place when my crew died on me." Talon crossed his arms, displeased that another elf was in the room. "You can raid it for all its worth as it has yet to be touched." Talon looked around the room for anything of magical quality. There was not much of it that called to him. So he turned his attention back to the captain. "I just need a crew. That is all." Talon did not want to do this forever, so he cut to the point of the matter.

"We both know a captain needs a crew for his ship. No way around it." Talon backed out the door and glanced over at the two women who were, in his eyes, his only crew. Making sure that they were indeed safe. He stayed in the threshold of the door, he felt no need to enter this room. Not to mention... that foul elf.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 03:08 AM

Azaela smiled reassuringly to Talon, "I'll be fine," she said before feeling the assistance of the knight. She glanced to the woman for a moment and when she returned her attention to her friend, he was already following the terrible man. As her and Verity made their way onto the deck Azaela was caught by the shiny armor once more. Although Verity was scowling towards the pirates with her hand on her sword, Azaela didn't notice. Finally, she reached out and rubbed her hand over the smooth surface of the chest armor. If she stood just right, she could almost see her own reflection!


Gemma woke when the apple hit her. She sat up and immediately saw the elf.The woman didn't have her pistol drawn, that was a good sign. Especially since Gemma was in no mood for a fight. She was tired and starting to feel awfully hopeless about the situation. She blinked owlishly up at the woman when she offered to take her somewhere she could sleep. Elves sure were funny creatures.

She stood to follow Belle. "I do have the compass," she started in a tired tone. "But I won't give it to you." She watched for the woman's reaction. "You don't have to worry about it, I'm not going to throw it overboard. But you see, your captain stole something from me, and I want it back. I'm simply using this thing for leverage. I'm counting on him coming to get it from me, he doesn't scare me. You can tell him that if he's sent you for it." Gemma yawned.

"Tell me elf, why is it you're on a ship such as this with a man who seems to hate women so much anyway?" At some point Gemma would be leaving this ship, if she found that the elves were being held captive, she may decide to help them escape too. Not because she liked or cared about them, no. But because the other woman had spunk. She liked that. Plus, it would piss Ryek off in ways she hoped for with every passing moment.

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 04:18 AM

Her eyes stayed on the woman as she lead her down to the hold. "I see. I will let him know. " Belle said as she escorted Gemma into a dry holding cell and looked at the woman as she asked her why she was here. "I was on a ship with my father. He was a human merchant when Captain Le Raux boarded our ship. His crew took all my father's goods and then they found my brother and me hiding under his bed. They were going to kill us when our ears were noticed. Half elves are rare because elves find it degrading to mate with humans. But our mother...she loved our father very much."

She closed her watering blue eyes and looked up at the woman. "Le Raux took us children and keeps us as prizes. But any other man would have abused us or sold us. However, he has done neither of those things. We are fed, clothed, and protected by him. So we do our best to return that gratitude." Belle said as she closed the hold door.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 04:41 AM

Gemma didn't respond to Belle. She'd gotten her answer and there was nothing left to say. She certainly didn't feel like making small talk at the moment. As the door to the cell closed Gemma laid down on a small ratty looking cot against the ship wall. She'd much rather be here than anywhere near Ryek's crew. She rolled onto her side facing away from Belle. "If the ship starts to sink," she yawned, "come back for me."

Her last words trailed off as she fell almost immediately asleep. She knew that if the ship they had boarded tried anything funny and this ship was in danger that Ryek would come for his compass if nothing else. The elf had made it plenty clear that the thing was important enough to kill over.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 06:10 AM

"She's only a half elf, I have her and her brother. You won't be harming either of them, understand? They are valuable to me in a way you might not understand." Ryek wrinkled his nose a bit. He didn't smell anything other than his dirty boots. "The half elves have been with me for a number of years, the other woman, I only just acquired today. She came attached to a map, bringing her along was unavoidable, but I'll be rid of her as soon as I'm done with her." He watched Talon closely for a moment, noting how the man stood in the doorway and looked out.

"Your ship and women will be fine. My crew won't do anything unless I tell them to." A mock look of sadness passed over Ryek's features. "It is a very sad thing for a captain and his ship to be without a crew." He leaned back in his chair a bit, then slid his feet off the table and stood. "I could help, of course, but you and I are both pirates. If I helped you, you might very well turn that help against me, run me down and sink me." He paced a bit behind his chair and stroked his chin lightly. "Half my men would be enough to sail your ship, half would be enough to sail my ship."

Ryek eyed Talon warily for a moment, and moved across the room towards him. An arm snaked around the shirtless captain and Ryek pulled him into the room. "Also, I said we would negotiate in my navigation room. You are not in my navigation room." A smile played across his lips as he pulled the other man further into the room. "You haven't spoken your name to me yet, either." Ryek leaned close, his lips only centimeters from Talon's. "I could be persuaded to give you half my crew. For a reasonable price."

I'm alive. Message me if you rem...
Death_to_the_reaper is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 06:28 AM

She nodded to Gemma and locked the door before leaving with the key on her belt. Belle walked back to the kitchen to prepare a snack for her captain and his guest. A block of fresh cheese, some fruit, and crackers were put on a platter. As well as a note to her captain about the location of his compass. Her eyes stayed down as she went to her brother's door and knocked with her boot.

The elf boy opened the door and took the tray from his sister, he had noticed it was time for his master's snack. Aurelio smiled at her sister before the door was shut and he entered his master's quarters. The boy said nothing as he set the tray with the note facing his captain on a table for him and his guest. Aurelio bowed to his captain and left till he was called for.

Smores is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 07:13 AM

Talon listened as Ryek talked about those abominations that scurried on his decks like the vermin they were. Not even a full elf, so they had no real power like their full elf counter parts. "Yes that's understood. I just simply find elf blood in any species to be very distasteful." Talon watched as some little elf boy came into the room and served them. The smell off of that thing was atrocious, and Talon wished it did not mean a thing to this man so he could kill it where it stood. Thankfully it left, and Talon found it easier to endure that smell when they were not in the room.

"I see. Gemma was it?" Talon cracked his neck again, getting stiff from the different feeling of this ship compared to that of his. "I care not for her gender, long as she works really." Talon crossed his arms and pondered her use on his ship. "Though I find her too disobedient, and she would end up dead in matters of seconds." Talon smirked, a woman like that would hav to be put down like a dog sooner or later. Too loud for his liking.

"I am not so sure of her condition is all." Talon refrained from looking out the doors threshold to the two women and turned his attention back to Ryek. Not that he really had a choice in the matter. He was suppose to be talking to this man after all. "Yes, I do not like the predicament myself." Talon nodded in a form of agreeance to this rough spot he found himself in. Crew-less that was.

Talon almost found himself, beside himself. This man seriously contemplated the bargaining of half of his entire crew? "Half of your crew, just like that? Even as a thought many would say you mad." Talon smirked at such a proposition. While it would get him out of this mess, surely Ryek had a hefty price for such a deal. "How could I demonstrate my lack of interest in your ships demise then?" Talon uncrossed his arms and ran one of his fingers on the wood of his ship. It did not feel as heavy magic wise... it was very light. Though those elves made it feel dirty.

Suddenly Talon felt Ryke make a move upon him, and he restrained himself from drawing blade and making a hell of a mess out of the man. He simply looked at his face for an explanation. Not in the room? Huh, technicalities. Still, that was easily resolved as Ryek had brought him into the room. Ryek's lips came much closer to that of Talons, still he was unfazed. He did not care for this pirate and whatever game he was playing, the deal is what interested him.

"Why does my name matter if I just wish to do business?" Talons breathe was gentle in the face of the captain, though it always was as such unless he was yelling an order. Not that he had anyone to yell orders at right now. "Oh yeah, and what would that price be?" Talon was prepared for almost anything, it was time to see how brash this man truly was.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 07:39 AM

Ryek hadn't even looked at Aurelio when he came in with the snack. If the boy hadn't left quickly enough, Ryek would have sent him scurrying with a stern word or two, but he was a smart boy and he knew better. Ryek licked his lips and turned from the crewless captain to the food that had been brought to him. His eyes strayed to the piece of paper and he picked it up. It wouldn't have been there if it weren't important. He glanced over the note and growled lightly, then turned back to the other man. Without a hint of the annoyance and anger he was feeling. "Really I'm just curious as to what your name is. It is polite and customary for pirate captains to introduce themselves to one another. At least. I think it is." Ryek shrugged, and waved his hand slightly, as if to dismiss the matter of names altogether.

"My price isn't a very hefty one. I've heard stories of a black ship and a black mist, I am not an idiot. I'm far smarter than most pirates ought to be. You do terrible things, your ship makes noises as if she were alive, and for all I know she very well may be.." Ryek paused long enough to pick up a piece of fruit and pop it into his mouth. "I'll give you half my crew, in return I ask only that you never steal from me, never try to sink me, never try to harm anyone I take under my protection, and if we are ever near each other and my ship is in danger, I expect you to save her, even if I myself cannot be saved. Of course, I would not ask you of these things, if I didn't intend on acting the same way. Sometimes, a pirate needs another friend in the water. We often don't live as long as I if we surround ourselves with enemies, and I think you would prove to be a very dangerous enemy."

Of course Ryek knew he probably couldn't truly trust this man. He expected the fellow would say anything to get a crew on his ship. He curled his fingers around the note Belle had left him, his other hand he extended toward Talon. "Do we have ourselves an agreement?" Still, it was probably foolish, but Ryek would trust this man until given a reason not to.

Smores is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 08:39 AM

Talon felt as if maybe, just maybe he owed him his own name. After all he had brought him alone to a room where Talon felt like he once again had the upper hand on him. Still, maybe he would hold off a while longer. He watched the note be pulled open, and still the man seemed unmoved by it. Though it was brought by those elves, Talon knew not to trust an elf. He had made that mistake once and it did not end up well.

Though that is not what currently mattered to him. Ryek began to talk to him, about himself - that and his beloved ship that waited for him, crew-less. "So you heard stories. I am glad they still get around." Talon smirked and crossed his arms, yes, this man was smarter then the average pirate. He liked that about him. His intellect was much more fun then that of Talons usual rivals, he even acknowledged his ships life... or energy that made it life like. That was truly touching if nothing else.

There it was, the offer for half the crew, and the price was not a bad one. In fact, it once again benefited Talon to agree to such a term. This man offered more then protection from Talon and everything he does, but he offered an ally. Yes, those words almost made the worlds gravity reverse - a man of of his own accord and free will, chose to align himself with a man such as Talon. He chose to be affiliated with a ship that did things no ship should, nor were thought possible. Ryek was impressive, this deal was one no pirate with half a brain would turn down.

A dangerous enemy, there it was. Talon appreciated that acknowledgement. That alone had ensure the deal be sealed, he loved to hear of the fear and power he knew that he wielded. Especially from another pirate, that was just flattering. "How would you convince your crew, whom is not fond of me or my ship, to board - and stay there?" Talon chuckled, this was the last piece of the puzzle and then he may go free - with an ally no less.

Talon walked out of the room and nodded towards Ryek, he just wanted to get some fresh air. He could not cope with that elf smell any longer, still he kept his eyes on the captain. "They do call me Talon." A flash of a smile formed on his face before it left just as quickly, Ryek had earned that to be sure. "I will go as far to say that I even owe you one sir. If you have an enemy you would like dealt with, that will be something I shall do for you." Talon nodded at the women whom he had managed to keep alive, and hopefully keep to his ship. "Just give me the ships name, and I will sink it in your name." Talon waled off to Azaela and the knight. He looked at Azaela and then to the knight, "You may call me Talon - or Captain. Eithier way, rules are rules." He pointed towards his ship, hoping they would understand what he meant.

"Our new friend Ryek here will supply us with the means to move of our own free will, so we will be leaving soon. Be ready." Talon felt himself being, nice. That would not last long... though at times like this he felt it hard to be the cold bastard he ought to be. "Ryek, how shall we do this divide of yours?" He yelled back to the captains quarters, all to eager to step foot on his ship again.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 03-20-2012, 09:15 AM

So they were agreed then, Ryek nodded when Talon spoke, when the man gave his name, Ryek smiled. "I have many enemies, though most are members of the navy, they tend to make enemies of all pirates." Ryek had waited a few moments, looking over that note once again when Talon stepped out of the room, now he crumpled it in his hand and dropped it on the desk before following the other man out of the room. "My crew will obey me, and I'll tell them to obey you. You might have a hard time getting them to understand you though, they only know French." Ryek stepped up beside Talon and surveyed his crew. They had started to relax a bit, none of them had made a move towards Talon's women. Such a well behaved crew, Ryek was almost as to part with half of them.

He put a friendly arm around Talon's shoulders before shouting to his crew in French. For a brief moment they only stared at him, then his first mate began moving through the crowd of them counting. A few men shouted back at Ryek, a challenge, or an insult. It didn't matter, Ryek answered him with angry words and the whole group fell deathly quiet as the first mate divided them up evenly and sent them towards Talon's ship. Ryek leaned towards Talon, his lips centimeters from the man's ear. "They'll understand well enough if you point in a direction and say 'Go'. They know what 'weigh anchor' is. Other than that, you'd probably have to teach them to understand you better. Still, they're a good crew and they'll stay with you. I told them you're my brother." Ryek laughed softly. "It isn't really a lie. We are brothers. Brothers of the sea, all pirates are, really."

It would take a while, but Ryek's crew seemed unbelievably loyal to him, and they obeyed him. They trusted him wholly. The half that would go to Talon were already moving across the narrow planks to board the ship. Ryek didn't know of any pirate who commanded a crew that was half as loyal as his was. "Captain Talon, I do believe you are no longer a crew-less captain. Honestly nothing is more depressing than a captain with a ship and no crew. Be careful that such a thing doesn't happen again, I don't think my poor piratey heart could take such news again." Ryek gave Talon's ear a playful nip before he pulled away and began shouting further instructions to his men.


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